Grammar American & British

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Comprehension , Upper Intermediate , Advanced ( 6 )


6 - ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced 

Read the following passage , then answer the questions below :

                   On any collecting trip , obtaining the animals is , as a rule , the simplest part of the job . As soon as the local people discover that you are willing to buy live wild creatures , the stuff comes pouring in ; ninety per cent is , of course , the commoner types , but they do bring an occasional rarity . If you want the really rare stuff , you generally have to go out and find it yourself , but while you are devoting your time to this you can be sure that all the common local animals will be brought in to you . So one might also say that getting the animals is easy : the really hard part is keeping them once you have got them .

                        The chief difficulty you have when you have got a newly caught animal is not so much the shock it might be suffering , but the fact that being caught forces it to exist close to a creature it regards as an enemy of the worst possible sort : yourself . On many occasions an animal may take beautifully to being in a cage but getting used to the idea of living with people is another matter . This is the difficulty you can only deal with by patience and kindness . For month after an animal may try to bite you every time you approach its cage , until you despair of ever making a favourable impression on it . Then , one day , sometimes without any preliminary warning , it will trot forward and take food from your hand , or allow you to tickle it behind the ears . At such moments you feel that all the waiting in the world was worthwhile .

                         Feeding , of course , is one of your main problems . Not only must you have a fairly extensive knowledge of what each animal eats in the wild state , but you have to work out something else when the natural food is unavailable , and then teach your animal to eat it . You also have to provide for their individual likes and dislikes , which vary enormously . I have known a rat which , refusing all normal rat food - fruit , bread , vegetables - lived for three days on an exclusive diet of spaghetti . I have had a group of five monkeys ,of the same age and types , who displayed the oddest individual characteristics . Out of the five , two loved hard-boiled eggs , while the other three were frightened of the strange white shape and would not touch them , actually screaming in fear if you put such a terrifying object as a hard-boiled egg into their cage . These five monkeys all adored oranges but , whereas four would carefully peel their fruit and throw away the skin , the fifth would peel his orange equally carefully and then throw away the orange and eat the peel . When you have a collection of several hundred creatures all displaying such curious characteristics , you are sometimes driven mad in your efforts to satisfy their desires , and so keep them healthy and happy .

                     But of all the irritating tasks that you have to undertake during a collecting trip , bringing the baby animals up by hand is undoubtedly the worst . To begin with , they are generally stupid over taking a bottle and there is nothing quite so attractive as struggling with a baby animal in a sea of warm milk . And then they have to be kept warm , especially at night , and this means ( unless you take them to bed with you , which is often the answer ) you have to get up several times during the night to refill hot-water bottles . After a hard day’s work , to drag yourself out of bed at three in the morning to see to hot-water bottles is an occupation that soon loses its charm .

Answer the following questions

1 . What does the writer say about getting hold of animals ?

( A ) The best solution is to collect most of them yourself .

( B ) dealing with local collectors takes a lot of time .

( C ) Collecting large numbers of animals is usually no problem .

( D ) Local people may not understand how rare some animals are .

2 . What is the main problem with an animal that has just been caught ?

( A ) It is frightened to be near humans .

( B ) It has been badly shocked by its experience .

( C ) It does not like being with other animals .

( D ) It will try to break out of its cage .

3 . How does the writer treat new animals in his collection ?

( A ) He keeps away from those that bite .

( B ) He tries to build up a relationship with them .

( C ) He feeds them by hand every day .

( D ) He keeps them separate for several months .

4 . How does the writer make sure the animals have a good diet ?

( A ) He collects food for them from their natural home .

( B ) He gives them a variety of fruit , bread and vegetables .     

( C ) He mixes food they dislike in with their favourites .

( D ) He finds alternatives to their natural food if necessary .

5 . What do we learn about the five monkeys ?

( A ) Some of them did not want eggs in their cage .

(  B ) One of them did not know how to peel an orange .

( C ) Some of them were too frightened to eat anything .

( D ) One of them threw his orange at the others .

6 . The writer says that with a large collection of animals , it is

( A ) impossible to keep them all in cages .

( B ) a problem to control their natural curiosity.

( C ) crazy to expect them all to be healthy .

( D ) hard work to give each one what it wants .

7 . What problem does the writer have at night ?

( A ) He has to work with the baby animals until 3 a.m.  .

( B ) He keeps the baby animals’ cages in his bedroom .

( C ) He has to keep getting up to look after the babies .

( D ) The babies have to be given regular warm drinks .

Answer Key

 1 . C 2 . A 3 . B 4 . D 5 . A 6 . D 7 . C 


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