Grammar American & British

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Comprehension , Upper Intermediate & Advanced [ 12 ]

Vocabulary Tests 

12 - ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

 Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

                The Hawaiian Islands are a tropical paradise most of the time . But even there , nature can sometimes show its more violent side . The islands have been hit by numerous natural disasters in the recent past . These disasters have caused deaths and great damage .

                   Through all of Hawaii’s history , volcanoes have played an important part . The islands were formed by the eruption of volcanoes under the ocean . On the big island of Hawaii , the volcanoes continue to erupt . During an eruption , hot lava pours out of the top of a volcano and down the side . The red , hot lava covers everything in its path . The air is filled with smoke and horrible-smelling gas that is sometimes poisonous . Once , in 1790 , poisonous gas below down into a populated valley and killed 80 people . In 1950 , a volcano on Hawaii erupted and lava poured out for 23 days . The lava covered 35 miles and closed off the main coastal road .

                     Native Hawaiians believe that volcanoes are a natural part of life . In their traditional religion , volcanoes are ruled by the goddess , Pele . When Pele is angry , the volcanoes erupt . Before an eruption she takes a human form . If you meet her and are kind to her , you will not be hurt by the lava . Today , Hawaiians  have forgotten most of the ancient gods , but not Pele . They continue to honor her and her volcanoes .

                     Another kind of natural disaster that has hit Hawaii is the tidal wave , or tsunami . Unlike volcanoes , tsunamis come from far away under the ocean . When an earthquake occurs underwater , it creates huge waves . If these waves hit land , they destroy everything along the coast . Two terrible tsunamis have hit the big island of Hawaii in modern times . One enormous wave washed away a whole school with the children and their teacher . Another killed 61 people .

                     These days , all of the Hawaiian Islands have special signals to warn of tsunamis . When the signal sounds , everyone who stays near the coast will be washed away , along with cars , trees , and houses .

                     Hurricanes have also caused much trouble for Hawaiians recently. When a hurricane passes over an island , the wind may be very strong , over 80 miles an hour . It can blow away windows , roofs , and even whole building . The shore line may be changed ,as the large waves wash over beaches and break up cliffs .

                       In the past , people in Hawaii did not worry about these storms . They rarely occurred in that area . Scientists believed that the water around the islands was too warm for hurricanes . However , that has changed , for some reason . Dangerous hurricanes have hit the island of Kauai twice in the past ten years . In 1982 , Hurricane Iwa caused $ 200 million dollars worth of damage . The people of the island rebuilt their homes . New hotels and vacation resorts were built . And then ,in 1992 , they ere hit by Hurricane Iniki , which caused even more damage !


Circle the best answers to the following questions . Do not look back at the passage .

1 . This passage is about

( A ) three types of natural disasters in Hawaii .

( B ) Hawaii’s volcanoes .
( C ) the damage caused by natural disasters .

( D ) Hawaii’s natural history .

2 . Volcanoes were the cause of

( A ) the formation of the Hawaiian Islands .

( B ) the warm climate of the islands .
( C ) many tsunami in the Pacific Ocean .

( D ) Hawaii’s recent hurricanes .

3 .  During a volcanic eruption

( A ) the goddess Pele is angry .

( B ) the air is full of hot smoke and terrible smells .
( C ) houses and cars are safe from the lava .

( D )  only small areas of the island are in danger .

4 . You can infer from this that most Hawaiians today

( A ) follow their traditional religion .

( B ) do not follow their traditional religion .
( C ) do not understand volcanoes .

( D ) do not worry about storms .

5 . Tsunamis are caused by

( A ) volcanic eruptions .

( B ) strong winds far out at sea .
( C ) rain storms in the Pacific Ocean .

( D ) underwater earthquakes .

6 . If you hear a tsunami signal , you should

( A ) close all your windows .

( B ) stay away from trees .
( C ) go down to the beach .

( D ) burry away from the seashore .

7 . You can infer from this passage that hurricanes

( A ) have caused the most damage on Kauai .

( B ) are very common on all of the islands .
( C ) are caused by warm ocean water .

( D ) can be predicted .

8 . Volcanoes , tsunamis , and hurricanes

( A ) can all be prevented by careful planning .

( B ) are caused by the forces of nature .
( C ) are controlled by Hawaiian gods of nature .

( D ) have caused little damage in Hawaii .

Answer Key

1 . A 2. A 3 . B 4 . B 5 . D 6 . D 7 . A 8 . B

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