Grammar American & British

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Comprehension Upper Intermediate & Advanced [ 13 ]


13- ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

                  If you enjoy water sports , Hawaii is that place for you ! You can go swimming all year round in the warm water . You can go sport fishing from the shore or from a boat . If you like boats , you can go sailing , canoeing , or windsurfing . Or , you can also try some other water sports that are especially popular in Hawaii : surfing , snorkeling and scuba diving .

                     Surfing is a sport which started in Hawaii many years ago . The Hawaiians called it “he’enalu” which means to “to slide on a wave” . Long before the arrival of the Europeans , the Hawaiians would ride on the waves on long , narrow wooden boards . When the first Europeans came to the islands , they were amazed by these surfing Hawaiians . Since that time , surfing has become a very popular sport on the California coast and in Australia , among other places .

                       If you want to try surfing , you need , first of all , to be a good swimmer . You also have to have an excellent sense of balance . You must swim out from the beach with your surfboard under your arm . When you get to where the waves begin to break , you wait for a calm moment . Then you try to stand up on the board . The wave will begin to rise under you . You must try to steer the board with your feet so you stay on top of the wave . The important thing is to keep your balance and not fall down . If you can manage this , you will have an exciting ride all the way in to the shore .  

                             Scuba diving and snorkeling are two ways to get a close look at the beauty lying below the surface of the ocean . The waters off the Hawaiian Islands are clean , clear , and warm . They contain hundreds of kinds of colorful fish . The undersea world is made even more colorful by the coral reefs of red , gold , white , and light purple . Among these reefs there may be larger fish or sea turtles .

                            Scuba diving allows you to see the most interesting undersea sights . “SCBA” means ‘ Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus” , that is , equipment for breathing and swimming around far under watyer . In Hawaii , you can take special courses to learn how to scuba dive . After the courses , you can get a certificate that will allow you to dive alone . Since it can be dangerous , proper instruction and great care are always necessary when you are scuba diving .

                             If you are less adventurous , you might try snorkeling instead of scuba diving . Less equipment is needed , just a face mask , a breathing tube ( snorkel ) , and flippers for your feet . It only takes a few minutes to learn how to snorkel . Although you cannot dive deep into the water , you can swim with your face below the surface . Breathing through the tube , you float on the surface and keep yourself moving with your flippers . Even from the surface like this , there will be plenty of color and beauty to see .

Circle the best answer . Do not look back at the passage .

1. This passage is about

( A ) water sports around the world .

( B ) surfing .

( C ) tourist activities in Hawaii .

( D ) water sports in Hawaii .

2. You can infer from this passage that

( A ) water sports are all expensive .

( B ) you need to take a course for all water sports .

( C ) everyone can find a way to enjoy sports on the water .

( D ) swimming in Hawaii can be dangerous .

3 . You can go deep under water when you are

( A ) snorkeling .

( B ) scuba diving .

( C ) swimming .

( D ) surfing .

4 . Surfing

( A ) began as a sport in 1943 .

( B ) was invented by the native Hawaiians .

( C ) requires expensive equipment .

( D ) is very dangerous .

5 . If you want to try surfing , you  

( A ) need to be a good swimmer .

( B ) should not go out into deep water .

( C ) need to wait for a windy day .

( D ) should go to Australia .

6 . The water around the Hawaiian Islands is

( A ) often quite cold .

( B )  full of colorful things to see .

( C ) usually very dark .

( D ) full of dangerous fish .

7 . Scuba diving

( A ) is an ancient Hawaiian water sport .

( B ) requires special equipment and training .

( C ) is the only way to see the fish underwater .

( D ) requires good balance .

8 . Snorkeling  

( A ) requires more expensive equipment than scuba diving .

( B ) can be dangerous .

( C ) is an easy way to see the underwater life .

( D ) was invented in ancient times .

Answer Key

1 . D 2 . C 3 . B 4. B 5 . A 6 . B 7 . B 8 . C 

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