Grammar American & British

Friday, October 15, 2021

Vocabulary Tests - Test Thirty One

Vocabulary Tests 

Test  Thirty One .

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

1 . Several eager , young aspirants tried out for the leading role in the film . Each wanted desperately to become a Hollywood star .

( A ) immigrants ( B ) people trying to achieve a position or goal

( C ) distant relatives ( D ) converts to a particular religion       1 . -------------------

2 . Because of its location between North American and the Far East , Hawaii has had to assimilate many different cultures .

( A ) reject , discard ( B ) absorb , make similar

( C ) examine ( D ) ignore                                                               2 . -------------------

3 . In addition to her fashionable new dress , her ensemble included a red leather belt , a matching pair of boots , and a wide-brimmed hat with a red band .

( A ) something , made up of harmonious parts ( B ) hostile or proud attitude

( C ) social position ( D ) useless or cheap possessions                3 . -------------------

4 . Unfortunately , the accident occurred after the expiration of the insurance policy . As a result , Beth must pay for the damage to the automobile .

( A ) destruction ( B ) evaluation ( C ) beginning or start of something ( D ) close or end of something                                                                                    4 . --------------------

5 . The athlete’s ability to overcome her physical limitations served as an inspiration  to the children in the physical therapy group .

( A ) humorous entertainment ( B ) sense of hopelessness ( C ) source of strong feelings or desires .

( D ) temporary change of daily activity                 5 . ------------------

6 . The graduating seniors threw their caps wildly into the air and cheered loudly after every announcement . Meanwhile , on the stage , the speaker tried to maintain some semblance of order by reading his speech in a serious tone of voice .

( A ) ability to withstand punishment ( B ) outward appearance ( C ) impossible assignment or mission ( D ) loving and caring attitude                       6 . ------------------

7 . The writer’s work is full of tired , old similes . It does not take a genius to come up with the expressions “ crazy like a fox ” and “ smooth as silk . ” 

( A ) comparisons using the words like or as . ( B ) punctuation marks . ( C ) animal characters that speak and act like humans ( D ) simple rhymes and rhythms 7 . -------------

8 . In order to simulate the feeling of weightlessness they would experience in space , the astronauts practiced performing their activities underwater .

( A ) overcome through repeated efforts ( B ) trick or deceive

( C ) arouse ( D ) imitate                                                    8 . -----------------

9 . Because we had left for the evening , we knew nothing of what had transpired in our living room , but it appeared that our cats had had a fierce disagreement .

( A ) put in rigid order ( B ) occurred ( C ) became transparent ( D ) sought comfort and refreshment                                                                      9 . -----------------

10. Some students find Shakespeare’s plays difficult because the dialogue lacks verisimilitude . Real people do not go around saying “hark” and “ forsooth” .

( A ) appearance of being genuine or real ( B ) attractive appearance

( C ) ruthless tactics ( D ) religious value .                    10 . ---------------- 

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . B 3 . A 4 . D 5 . C 6 . B 7 . A 8 . D 9. B 10 . A

2 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1 . impede                      a . practical , workable                         1. ------------------

2 . viable                        b . honesty and integrity                       2 . -----------------

3 . volatile                      c . polite in behavior and manner        3 . ----------------

4 . desultory                   d . block                                                  4 . ----------------

5 . apogee                        e . genuine                                              5 . ----------------

6 . urbane                        f . farthest or highest point                   6 . ---------------

7 . bona fide                    g . safeguard                                           7 . ---------------

8 . probity                       h . lacking order or organization          8 . ----------------

9 . immutable                  i given to sudden changes                     9 . ----------------

10 . bulwark                    j not subject to change                          10 . --------------

Answer Key

1 . d 2 . a 3 . i 4 . h 5 . f 6 . c 7 . e 8 . b 9 . j 10 . g 

3 . ] Decide which word in parentheses best completes the sentence . Then write the sentence , adding the missing word

1 . The architect is known for his ----------------skyscrapers . His recent work features colorful windows scattered throughout each floor .

( ingenious b, ingenuous )

2 . The noisy party in the next apartment created an -------------------environment for completing my mathematics homework .

( adverse , averse )

3 . Tradition requires that cabinet officers ---------------diplomats when entering the legislative chambers .

( precede , proceed )

4 . Thanks to a system of pumps and waterlight chambers , the designer insisted tat the ship could not possibly -----------------regardless of the damage a collision might cause .

( flounder , founder )

5 . Since the exam was scheduled for early the next morning . I was ------------ to staying up late in order to watch television .

( adverse , averse )

6 . As an outspoken critic of the mayor , Ms. Inez felt she was being --------------- when her car was ticketed , her property taxes were raised , and her street was left unrepaired .

( persecuted , prosecuted )

7 . With sand underfoot and a heavy load on his back , the soldier ------------- across the island in search of his regiment .

( floundered , foundered )

8 . Jeff may have appeared foolish when he asked the head waiter to bring him a hot dog , but there was something about his ------------- nature that made everyone like him .

( ingenious , ingenuous )

9 . At the border the customs agent searched our automobile and luggage . After a few minutes , he told us to ---------------

( precede , proceed )

10 . The newspaper’s editorial urged the attorney general to ------------- anyone involved in the demonstration . The editorial claimed that the entire event was just an excuse for vandalism .

( persecute , prosecute )

Answer Key

1 . ingenious 2 . adverse 3 . precede 4 . founder 5. averse 

6 . persecuted 7 . floundered 8 . ingenuous 9 . proceed 10 . prosecute

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