Grammar American & British

Friday, October 15, 2021

Vocabulary Tests - Test Thirty Two

Vocabulary Tests 


Test Thirty Two

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages . Write the letter for the best answer to each question on the line provided

In designing a building , he architect must reconcile his or her personal sense of art not with the client’s artistic sense , but with the client’s practical needs .

1 . Reconcile means -----------------

( A ) argue vigorously ( B ) compare

( C ) make consistent ( D ) eliminate                      1 . ----------------------

Perhaps because of this client-artist bond , architecture seems inextricably linked to the values and ideas of the culture that produced it .

2 . Which word could best replace inextricably ?

( A ) inescapably ( B ) invisibly

( C ) slightly ( D ) foolishly                                        2. -----------------------

The ancient Greek emphasis on discipline and harmony is clearly visible in the balance and symmetry of the stately columns that have been emulated in so many of our courthouses and government buildings .

3 . Which word could best replace emulated  ?

( A ) ridiculed ( B ) imitated

( C ) ignored ( D ) reversed                                     3 . -----------------------

Great architectural achievements have been historically associated with the huge and impressive structures in the midst of large , densely populated cities .

4 . Which word could best replace densely  ?

( A ) thickly ( B ) sparsely

( C ) happily ( D ) beautifully                                   4 .----------------------

Frank Lloyd Wright made his mark on the architectural world in the prairies of the Midwest . In fact , Wright railed against the urban architectural environment .

5 . Which word could best replace railed ?

( A ) leaned ( B ) contrasted

( C ) borrowed ( D ) complained bitterly ?              5 .----------------------

In the late 800s there could have been no better place for an aspiring architect than Chicago .

6 .Which word could best replace aspiring ?

( A ) ambitious ( B ) untalented

( C ) aging ( D ) unimaginative                                   6. -----------------------

The great Chicago Fire of 1871 afforded architects the opportunity to rebuild a city and they were doing it with unprecedented creativity and ingenuity .

7 . If something is unprecedented , it is ------------------

( A ) unable to be understood ( B ) unacceptable

( C ) without previous examples ( D ) commonplace        7 . ---------------------

This strong sense of the intrinsic relationship among form , function , and environment can be seem in all the houses Wright designed .

8 . An intrinsic relationship is one that is --------------------------

( A ) confusing ( B ) essential

( C ) embarrassing ( D ) amusing                                     8 . -----------------------

The sense of natural harmony found overt expression in Wright’s use of earth colors and wood .

9 . Which word could best replace overt  ?

( A ) open ( B ) hidden

( C ) peculiar ( D ) unappreciated                                     9 . --------------------

The Guggenheim Museum in New York City has been both criticized as a grotesque insult to the city and praised as one of the most remarkable feats of modern architecture .

10 . Which word could best replace grotesque ?

( A ) strange and ugly ( B ) modern and stylish

( C ) historic ( D ) sensational                                                10 . ---------------------

Answer Key

1 .C 2. A 3 . B 4. A 5 . D 6 . A 7 . C 8 . B 9 . A 10 . A

2- ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . SEMBLANCE (A ) musical group ( B ) appearance

( C )  familiar surroundings ( D ) argument                                          1 .-------------------

2 .  ASPIRANT (A ) someone seeking a goal ( B ) type of medicine

( C )  foolish person ( D ) evil plot                                                           2 . -----------------

3.  PROSECUTE (A ) pursue  ( B ) hurt repeatedly

( C )  take legal action ( D ) delay                                                            3 . -----------------

4. AUGUR (A ) drill ( B ) forecast

( C ) argue ( D ) mythical beast                                                                4 . ----------------

5. FOUNDER  (A ) stagger ( B ) type of fish

( C ) sink  ( D ) pioneer                                                                              5 . -----------------

6.  SIMULATE (A )  excite ( B ) rearrange

( C ) exaggerate ( D ) imitate                                                                      6 .-----------------

7. PRECEDE (A ) go before  ( B ) continue

( C ) overcome ( D ) anticipate                                                                    7 . ----------------

8 . INGENUOUS (A )  brilliant ( B ) unsophisticated

( C )  counterfeit ( D ) easily injured                                                           8 .-----------------

9 .  BEVY (A ) shelter ( B ) vigorous denial

( C ) group ( D ) bewitched                                                                          9 . ----------------

10 .  PALATABLE (A ) portable  ( B ) agreeable to the taste

( C ) suitable for a palace ( D ) permissible                                                10 . --------------

11.  SIMILE (A ) comparison ( B ) friendly gesture

( C ) duplicate ( D ) simple                                                                           11 .----------------

12 . CUISINE (A )  foreign diplomat ( B ) curiosity

( C )  type of food ( D ) pleasing aroma                                                 12 . ------------------

13 .  VERISIMILITUDE (A ) high altitude ( B ) appearance of being real

( C ) very similar in appearance ( D ) peculiar                                     13 .-------------------

14. GOSSAMER (A ) device used in manufacturing ( B ) type of bird

( C ) loud noises ( D ) light , filmy                                                           14 .-------------------

15 .  AVERSE (A ) having a strong dislike ( B ) change direction

( C ) greedy ( D ) absent                                                                            15 .-----------------

Answer Key

1 . B 2. A 3. C 4 . B 5 . C 6 . D 7 . A 8 . B 9 . C 10 . B 11 . A 12 . C 13 . B 14 . D 15 . A

3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1 .  noxious                     a . absorb , take in                                      1 . ------------------                                

2.  flounder                    b . good idea or impulse                             2 .------------------

3 . persecute                   c . come to pass , occur                              3 . -----------------

4. iridescent                    d . mistreat                                                 4 . -----------------

5 . careen                         e . foul or harmful                                     5 . ----------------

6 . assimilate                    f . clever                                                     6 .---------------

7 . transpire                     g . lurch out of control                              7 . ---------------

8. proceed                        h . move clumsily                                       8 . ----------------

9. inspiration                   i . continue , carry on                                9 .-----------------

10 . ingenious                  j . lustrous , rainbow-colored                   10 . ---------------

Answer Key

1 . e 2 . h 3 . d 4 . j 5 . g 6 . a 7 . c 8 . i 9 . b 10 . f

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