Grammar American & British

Friday, October 15, 2021

Vocabulary Tests - Test Thirty Three ( 33 )

Vocabulary Tests

Test Thirty Three

1 . Decide which vocabulary word best completes each passage below from the words in the list between brackets . Then write the word .

( au contraire , coup d’état , élan , esprit de corps , faux pas , laissez faire , nouveau riche ,

par excellence , savoir-faire , téte-ă -téte )

1 . What a master of color and technique she is ! No one else can paint like that ! She is the best , truly an artist -------------------!

2 . Our team has not played together very long . But with time and a lot of hard work we will develop the ------------------needed to win games .

3 . “But these are the faces ! There is just one conclusion to be drawn ,” exclaimed Pedro .

Alma just smiled and said , “---------------- , my friend - I see things a bit differently .”

4 . Look at the huge tip that man wearing the expensive leather coat left me ! I have never been
fond of the ---------------- ,but I can certainly use the money .

5 . The couple would never resolve their problems by screaming at each other in public . I suggest instead that they have a / an -----------------at home .  

6 . The  conspirators were so disorganized that they were soon captured by the president’s security guards . Their feeble attempt at a / an ------------------- failed before it ever got started .

7 . Cesar’s parents decided not to interfere with his decision to let his hair grow .They were confident that their ------------------- approach would work when Cesar realized no one cared about his hair .

8 . The president appointed veteran legislator Amanda Rosen to the post of ambassador . He was sure her -------------------would help overcome the prime minister’s hostility .

9 . First Adam tucked the napkin in the top of his shirt . Then he slurped his soup so loudly that everyone stared at him . He made one ------------------ after another .

10 . The figure skaters demonstrated incredible energy and flair . It was certain that such ------------------ would not go unnoticed by the judges .

Answer Key

1 .par excellence 2 . esprit de corps 3 . Au contraire 4 . nouveau riche 5 . téte-ă -téte

6 . coup d´état , 7 . laissez faire 8 . savoir-faire 9 . faux pas 10 . élan

2 . ] Decide which word in parentheses best completes the sentence . Then write the sentence , adding the missing word

1 . Gloria’s dislike for Enrique was ---------------. She constantly criticized him in front of others and refused to be seen with him .

( dense , overt )

2 . The record-breaking snowfall last winter created an -----------------demand for road salt .

( inextricable ,  unprecedented )

3 . The clerk rechecked his calculations but still could not -------------- the receipts with the money in the cash register .

( emulate , reconcile )

4 . Gold seems to have a certain------------------ value . Throughout history it has been a symbol of wealth and power .

( grotesque , intrinsic

5 . The hostages posed an ------------- problem for the president . Attacking the captors might harm the hostages , giving in to the demands would encourage the taking of more hostages .

( inextricable , overt )

6 . After the disastrous attack on the Confederate entrenchments at Fredericksburg . the battlefield was a / an combination of mangled corpses and desperate cries for help .

( grotesque , intrinsic )

7 . To become a good baseball player , you must overcome the normal --------- of ducking when the ball is hit toward you .

( influx , reflex )

8 . The ceremony requires that worshipers ------------- as they enter the shrine .

( fluctuate , genuflect )

9 . Keep your essay brief and do not include any ----------------- information .

( mellifluous , superfluous )

10 . I knew Tony was stubborn , but I didn’t think he would be so -=------------- about changing his plans .

( inflexible , mellifluous )

11. The Granite Rive has turned a murky brown as a result of the industrial ----------------

that flows into it .

( effluent , fluent )

12 . During the summer , there is a great ------------------- ogf tourists to the tiny island .

( influx , reflux )

Answer Key

1 . overt 2. unprecedented 3 . reconcile 4 . intrinsic 5 . inextricable 6 . grotesque

7 . reflex 8. genuflect 9. superfluous 10 . inflexible 11 . effluent .12 . influx

3- ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . AU CONTRAIRE  ( A ) on the contrary  ( B ) I agree

( C ) please leave ( D ) good-bye                                                     1 . ------------------------

2 . INFLUX ( A ) flexibility  ( B ) doubt

( C )  flow ( D ) insult                                                                       2 . ------------------------

3 . RECONCILE ( A ) understand ( B ) make consistent

( C )  exaggerate ( D ) discover                                                        3 . ------------------------

4 . RAIL ( A )  complain bitterly ( B ) guide

( C )  raid ( D ) inform                                                                      4 . -----------------------  

5 . OVERT ( A ) reversible ( B ) completed  

( C ) bottomless ( D ) obvious                                                           5 . ---------------------

6 . ELAN ( A ) courage ( B ) vigor

( C ) inspiration ( D ) awkward behavior                                        6 . ---------------------

7 . GROTESQUE ( A ) admirable  ( B ) enlarged

( C ) strange and ugly ( D ) highly prized                                        7 . --------------------

8 . COUP D’ ETAT ( A ) sudden overthrow of authority  ( B ) diplomatic mission

( C ) container for important papers ( D ) senseless violence       8 . --------------------

9 . GENUFLECT( A ) raise up ( B ) verify as true

( C ) touch one knee to the floor ( D ) deflect                                  9 . --------------------

10 . EFFLUENT ( A ) great wealth  ( B ) ability to speak well

( C ) effective argument  ( D ) something that flows out               10 . ------------------

11 . ASPIRE ( A )  to have ambition ( B ) to dismiss casually

( C ) to promote vigorously  ( D ) to die                                          11 . ------------------

12 . LAISSEZ FAIRE ( A )  laziness ( B ) policy of noninterference

( C ) possessing great beauty  ( D ) ability to settle matters fairly 12 . ------------------

13 . CONFLUENCE ( A ) person with important influence ( B ) convincing argument ( C ) point where two streams flow together ( D ) legal action against a government official

                                                                                                             13 .---------------------

14 . MELLIFLUOUS ( A ) flowing sweetly and smoothly ( B ) superstitious

( C ) easily melted ( D ) able to speak many languages                   14 . -------------------

15 . INTRINSIC ( A ) essential ( B ) visible

( C ) hostile ( D ) oddly shaped                                                           15 .--------------------

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . C 3 . B 4 . A 5 . D 6 . B 7 . C 8 . A 9 . C 10. D 11 . A 12 . B 13 . C 14 . A 15 . A 

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