Grammar American & British

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Vocabulary Tests , Test Twenty Eight

28 - ] Vocabulary Tests


Test Twenty Eight

1- ] Read the sentence or short passages . Write the letter for the best answer to each question on the line provided

During World War II , an exceptional group of Americans honed speech into a precise weapon and went to war for the United States .

1 . Which word could best replace honed ?

( A ) discarded ( B ) neutralized

( C ) sharpened ( D ) domesticated                                                      1 . ---------------

Despite the fact that they participated in battles from Guadalcanal to Okinawa , their story is at best a footnote in war archives .

2 . Archives can best be explained as ----------------

( A ) historical records ( B ) branches of knowledge ( C ) descriptions of battle techniques

D ) treaties between enemies                                                               2 . ------------------

Unknown to the enemy and most Americans , Native Americans had served covertly as communication specialists in World War I by sending messages in their tribal languages .

3 . Which word could best replace covertly  ?

( A ) occasionally ( B ) reluctantly

( C ) ineffectively ( D ) secretly                                                                3 . ----------------

Their use was circumscribed  , however ,by their lack of words for such crucial terms as machine gun and grenade .

4 . Which word could best replace circumscribed ?

( A ) avoided ( B ) limited

( C ) extended ( D ) respected                                                                   4 . ----------------

When World War II broke out , a young man proposed a guaranteed-unbreakable code to the Marines . The officers at Camp Elliott were incredulous at first .

5 . Incredulous can best be described as -------------------

( A ) showing doubt or disbelief ( B ) pulled in opposite direction

( C ) agitated with anxiety ( D ) showing good judgment                        5 . -----------------

 When Philip Johnston and fifteen Navajo friends demonstrated their facility with the system , the Marines made a decision that would influence the outcome of the war .

6 . Which word could best replace facility ?

( A ) lack of logical sequence ( B ) inconsistency

( C ) aptitude or skill ( D ) lack of familiarity                                             6 . -----------------

The Marines were confident that the arcane language would give them the needed edge .

7 . Something that is arcane can best be explained as ---------------------

( A ) old before its time ( B ) passing quickly

( C ) understood by only a few ( D ) unrealistic                                             7 . -----------------

Within days , the Navajo polyglots were encoding and decoding sensitive military dispatches quickly and almost effortlessly .

8 . Which word could best replace polyglots  ?

( A ) fortune tellers ( B ) people with knowledge of several languages ( C ) people with little education ( D ) people who move from place to place                               8 . ------------------

9 . Dispatches can best be explained as -----------------

( A ) official communications ( B ) sources of irritation

( C ) newspapers ( D ) equipment                                                                 9 . -----------------

Members of all six Marine Corps divisions in the Asian-Pacific theater surmounted the difficulties .

Which word could best replace surmounted  ?

( A ) proclaimed ( B ) withheld

( C ) removed ( D ) overcame                                                                        10 . -----------------

Answer Key

 1. C 2 . A 3 . D 4 . B 5 . A 6 . C 7 . C 8 . B 9 . A 10 . D

2 . ] Write each sentence below . In the space write a form of the word in parentheses . The form of the word in parentheses may be correct .

1. Captain Ahab’s ---------------- was so great that he swore he would strike the sun if it insulted him . (  arrogant )

2 . With her nose in the air , the wealthy lawyer obviously could not see the puddle ; drenched feet were the reward for her -------------------- . ( haughty )

3 . “ I’ll get there when I can .” Joanna snarled -------------- . ( waspish )

4 . Once viewed with ----------------- by art critics , the paintings of the French impressionists are among the most valuable works of art in the world today . ( contemptuous )

5 . Gilda blinked ------------ behind her diving mask as she gazed at the wreckage of a fifteenth-century Spanish galleon . ( incredulous )

6 . I wonder if Ann Landers has an ---------------- who organizes letters by subject matter . Any time a reader asks for a reprint of a letter , the advice columnist seems to be able to provide it . ( archives )

7 . --------------- the stick by patiently rubbing it against a boulder , the hungry camper tried to make a spear so he could catch a mountain trout for lunch . ( hone )

8 . After she injured her hand ,physical therapy improved Ingrid’s ----------------- in manipulating small objects ( facility )

Answer Key

1 . arrogance 2 . haughtiness 3 . waspishly 4 . contemptuousness or contempt  5 . incredulously  6 . archivist  7 . honing  8 . facility        

3 . ] Decide which word in parentheses best completes the sentence . Then write the sentence , adding the missing word

1 . Vietnamese food is a subtle -------------- of French and Asian influences that combines meat or fish with vegetables .

( aggregate , congregation )

2 . A court --------------- prohibited the Olympic Committee from holding its disciplinary hearing until after the games .

( injunction , juncture )

3 . To prevent others from catching the highly contagious virus , those afflicted were --------

in separate hospital wards .

( congregated , segregated )

4 . The ----------------of students in the courtyard was disturbing his classes that were still in session .

( aggregation , congregation )

5 . The problem with the rocket occurred at a very important ---------------during liftoff .

( junta , juncture )

6 . When the school bully threatened to take Josh’s lunch money , Jossh tried to ----------- him by offering to  share the lunch with him .

( appease , arbitrate )

7 . According to the --------------- of the Olympic Games , athletes lower their country’s flag as they parade before the reviewing stand of the host country .

( protocol , proxy )

8 . Hard as I tried , I could not reach a / an ----------------- with the members of the committee who opposed my suggestion .

( attaché , conciliation )

9 . After finally reaching an ---------------- on the question of economic assistance , their ambassador asked for military equipment to put down an expected rebellion .

( appeasement , entente )

10 . Members who are unable to attend the meeting may send a / an ---------------- to vote on their behalf .

( attaché , proxy )

11 . The annual banquet offered a ---------------- opportunity to remind members to renew their membership and to send in their dues .

( conciliatory , propitious )

Answer Key

1 . aggregate 2 . injunction 3 . segregated 4 . congregation 5 . juncture  6 . appease

7 . protocol  8 . conciliation 9 . entente 10 . proxy 11 . propitious

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