Grammar American & British

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Vocabulary Tests , Test Twenty Nine [ 29 ]

29 - ] Vocabulary Tests 

Test Twenty Nine

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

1 . The doctors urged the people of the island to abjure their belief in witchcraft and evil curses and take the shots they needed to avoid an epidemic .

( A ) advertise ( B ) explain carefully

( C ) solemnly renounce ( D ) practice                                          1. ---------------------

2 . The dispute between Missouri and Illinois over the ownership of an island in the Mississippi River had to be adjudicated in a federal court .

( A ) settled through judicial procedure ( B ) repeatedly ignored

( C ) put on display ( D ) sold                                                          2 . --------------------

3 . It is interesting how names affect us . Iceland conjures up the image of a frozen wasteland , while Greenland makes one think of lush landscapes . In reality , neither image is accurate .

( A ) humiliates ( B ) brings to mind

( C ) argues persuasively ( D ) turns away                                        3 . ----------------------

4 . After years of poverty and international disapproval , the country was ripe for a demagogue to seek power by blaming all the nation’s problems on some religious or ethnic minority .

( A ) leader who appeals to emotion or prejudice ( B ) outlawed political party

( C ) religious person ( D ) great leader                                              4 . ---------------------

5 . The demographics  indicated that Middletown was a perfect place to test the new product . Its diverse population was a cross-section of the entire country .

( A ) local politicians ( B ) newspaper article

( C ) strange pictures ( D ) characteristics of a population               5 . --------------------

6 . Certain diseases such as hemophilia are endemic to the royal families of Europe , probably the result of generations of intermarriage .

( A ) desirable ( B ) rare , unusual

( C ) sole possession ( D ) peculiar to certain people or places           6 . -------------------

7 . With so many things to do during final exam week , Paul had to make judicious decisions about how he used his time .

( A ) legal ( B ) controversial

( C ) wise ( D ) simple                                                                               7. -------------------

8 . The lawyer argued that the judge had no right to try the case because the alleged crime took place outside the jurisdiction of the local court .

( A ) area of legal authority ( B ) vision or view

( C ) land owned by the government ( D ) knowledge or influence     8 . ------------------

9 . She was always fascinated by jurisprudence . It is little wonder that she finished law school at the top of the class .

( A ) young people ( B ) the science of law

( C ) virtuous behavior ( D ) common sense                                            9 . -----------------

10. Rather than perjure himself by contradicting his earlier statement , the witness refused to answer any questions when the lawyer cross-examined him .

( A ) boast ( B ) tell a lie under oath

( C ) honor ( D ) amuse                                                                              10. ------------------                                                                          

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . A 3 . B 4 . A 5 . D 6 . D 7 .C 8 . A 9 . B 10 . B  

2- ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . POMPOUS ( A) self-important ( B ) ceremonious

( C ) formal ( D ) outstanding                                        1. -----------------

2 . ADJUNCT ( A ) wise ( B ) subordinate

( C ) released ( D ) highly prized                                     2 . ----------------

3 . SEGREGATE ( A ) deny ( B ) insult

( C ) separate ( D ) combine                                             3 . ---------------

4 . KEEN ( A ) clever ( B ) blunt

( C ) simple ( D ) intense                                                    4 . ---------------

5 . WASPISH ( A ) sensitive ( B ) easily irritated

( C ) protective ( D ) dangerous                                        5 . --------------

6 . ADROIT ( A ) awkward ( B ) uninformed

( C ) skillful ( D ) unfamiliar                                             6 . --------------

7 . FOIBLE ( A ) small fault ( B ) clever trick

( C ) official command ( D ) carefree attitude                  7 .----------------

8 . NUANCE ( A ) soft noise ( B ) subtle quality

( C ) something fresh or new ( D ) argument                    8 . --------------

9 . EGOCENTRIC ( A ) self-centered (B ) circular

( C ) attractive ( D ) enclosed                                             9 . ---------------

10. JUNCTURE ( A ) prohibition ( B ) worthless items

( C ) intersection ( D ) military rules                                 10 . ---------------

11 . CONTEMTUOUS ( A ) full of disdain ( B ) modern

( C ) skillful ( D ) short-tempered                                      11 . -------------

12 . STARK ( A ) endangered ( B ) light and filmy

( C ) impulsive ( D ) absolute                                              12 . -------------

13 . AGGREGATE ( A ) aggravate ( B ) gathered together

( C ) explain ( D ) rearrange                                               13 . -------------

14 . INJUNCTION ( A ) command ( B ) crossroads

( C ) foreign interference ( D ) type of injury                     14 . --------------

15 . CONGREGATE ( A ) welcome ( B ) exclude from membership

( C ) assemble ( D ) separate into groups                            15 . ---------------                

Answer Key

1 .A 2.B 3. C 4 . D 5 . B 6 . C 7 . A 8 . B 9 . A 10 . C 11. A 12 . D 13 . B 14 . A 15 . C   

3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1 . stagnate                    a. tendency                                                  1 . -----------------

2 . improvise                 b . greed                                                       2 . ----------------

3 . carnivore                  c . fresh and unspoiled                               3 . ---------------

4 . rapacity                    d . become motionless                                4 . ---------------   

5 . pristine                     e . suitable for farming                               5 .---------------

6 . equivocate                f . perform without preparation                6 . --------------

7 . immortalize              g . give eternal life to                                   7 . --------------

8 . avant-garde              h . avoid taking a clear position                 8 . --------------

9 . proclivity                   i   people trying new ideas                          9 . --------------

10 . arable                      j . meat eater                                                10 . -------------

Answer Key

1 . d 2. f 3 . j 4 . b 5 . c 6 . h 7 . g 8 . i 9 . a 10 . e


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