Grammar American & British

Friday, December 10, 2021

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 18 ] Upper Intermediate

18 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate

12 - ] Modal Auxiliaries [ Verbs ] , Modals

1 - ] Rewrite the following sentences using a modal . The underlined words can be written as subject + modal + verb [ or modal +subject + verb in questions ]. In some sentences ,more than one modal is possible .

[  can , could - may , might - will , would - shall , should - must , had to - ought to - need ]


1 . I promise to phone you next week .

I will / I’ll phone you next week .

2 . At the age of nine , he still didn’t know how to read .

At the age of nine ,he still couldn’t read .

3 . It’s essential that w leave on time tomorrow morning .


4 . Are you able to come with me tonight ?


5 . It’s not a good idea for you to work so hard .


6 . It’s possible that they’ll be here soon .


7 . Why don’t we go and see a film tonight ?


8 . He said that he intended to write to me soon .


9 . Is it possible for me to sit here ?


10. He refuses to give me an answer .


11 . It’s not necessary for you to apologize .


12 . Am I allowed to smoke in here ?


13 . He knew how to speak your languages by the time he was twelve .


14 . I want to help you but I’m not able to .


15 . I think it’s a good idea for me to stay in tonight : I’ve got a lot of work to do .


16 . I don’t know who she is but it’s possible that she’s Ahmad’s sister .


17 . Do not tell him any of this : it’s vital that it remains a secret .


18 . I intend to finish this essay before I go to bed .


19 . It’s 7 o’clock . I assume that Adel will be here soon .


20. He’s in but he’s not answering the phone . I’m sure that he’s asleep .


Ability : can, could , be able .

Complete the sentences with the correct form of can , could or be able to .If it is possible to use can / could or be able , use can / could .


1 . He is very fit for his age . He can run ( run ) really fast .

2 . I’d like to be able to work ( work ) with you one day .

3 . He ----------------------( not climb ) up to the top : he was too scared .

4 . If they hadn’t phoned for an ambulance , he ---------------------( die ) .   

5. I love --------------------( spend ) all morning in bed at the weekends.

6 . We -------------------------( go) to that concert tomorrow if the tickets haven’t sold out .

7 . I think you should go in spring : it -----------------( be ) very crowded there in the summer.

8 . I ----------------------( not understand ) what he says : he speaks too quickly .

9 . Do you know where Ali’s glasses are ? He -------------( not see ) very much without them .

10. ---------------------------( speak ) another language fluently is a great advantage when you’re looking for a job .

11 . Khalid -----------------------( not say ) anything until he was about three years old .

12 . We ----------------------( not phone her up ) because her phone had broken , but fortunately we ----------------------( get ) a message toher .

13 . Noura’s exam results weren’t very good . She -----------------( do) better .

14 . I -----------------------( not sleep ) very well for the last four nights . It’s been too hot .

15. She tried to think of other things but she ------------------------( not put ) that awful memory out of her mind .

16 . You should -------------------( gout ) when you want to .

17.-------------------------( you come ) to the party on Saturday ?

18 . I --------------------( ride ) this bike soon : I just need more time to practice .

19. He doesn’t do very much when he’s here . He --------------------( be ) more helpful .

20 . I --------------------------( play ) tennis really well a few years ago , but not anymore .


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