Grammar American & British

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 76 ] , Test Seventy Six

76 - ] Vocabulary Tests

Test Seventy Six

1 - ] Geography , Natural Phenomena

Read these sentences . If you find a mistake in a line , cross it out and suggest an alternative . If there is no mistake , put a tick (√) .

1 . The whole mountainside is full of caves .                               1 . ------------------

2 . An earthquake is a physical event .                                        2 .-------------------

3 . Melted lava flows down the slopes .                                        3.------------------

4 . What’s the next frontier in exterior space ?                          4 .------------------

5 . Which explorer discovered the source of the Nile ?              5 .------------------

6 . Can you imagine a journey to the center of the earth ?        6 . -----------------

7 . Anything will grow in this dark rich soil .                             7 . -----------------

8. The Kalahari covers a very large district .                              8.------------------

9 . There’s a lot of shipping in the English Canal .                     9 .----------------

10 . They’re showing the film on a different canal .                   10 . ----------------

11 . Britain has an enormous cost line .                                        11 . -----------------

12 . In Kuwait , sweet water is more precious than oil .             12 . -----------------

13 . Titanium is a rare substance .                                                13 . ----------------

14 . How many states are there in America ?                              14 . ----------------

15 . Urbane development needs to be controlled .                       15 . ---------------

16 . You can’t calculate the amount of matter in the universe .16 . ----------------

17 . An eclipse is a wonderful phenomena .                                 17 . -----------------

18 . They had to blast through solid rock to build this road .    18 .-----------------

19 . The Amazon is fed by interior rivers .                                   19 . ---------------

20 . The Sahara has a very harsh weather .                                  20 . ---------------

Answer Key

1 . √ 2 . physical / natural 3 . Melted / Molten 4 . exterior / outer 5 . √ 6 . √ 7 . √

8 . district / area 9 . Canal / Channel 10. canal / channel 11 . cost / coast 12 . sweet / fresh

13 . √ 14 . √ 15 . Urbane / Urban 16 . √ 17 . phenomena / phenomenon 18 . √

19 . interior / inland 20 . weather / climate

2 - ] Communicating

Supply the best word or words .

1 . Business people might arrange a meeting in order to have ------------------ .

(A) a discussion (B) a conversation (C) an argument (D) a dialogue

2 . If you’ve disagreed very strongly with someone , you’ve probably been --------------- .

(A) conversing (B) disputing (C) quarrelling (D) discussing

3 . If you make a remark , you are probably --------------------something .

(A) noticing (B) regarding (C) observing (D) saying

4 . You might pin this on a notice board -------------------- .

(A) a notice (B) a placard (C) a sign (D) a cartel

5 . If you nodded , you would probably be ------------------ .

(A) agreeing (B) disagreeing (C) accepting

6. You see someone you know across the street , so you -------------------them .

(A) salute (B) wave to (C) welcome

7 . You probably think carefully before deciding how to ----------------- a business letter .

(A) respond to (B) respond (C) reply (D) answer to

8 . You are driving and want to turn left , so you -------------------- .

(A) do a sign (B) sign (C) signal (D) signify

9. You and your friend spent the afternoon talking . You had a nice --------------- .

(A) speech (B) chat (C) speak

10 . Someone asks you for a favor and you -----------------to do it .

(A) accept (B) agree

11 . I’m not opposed to what you’re saying -------------------, I completely agree with you .

(A) Contrary (B) The contrary (C) In contrast (D) On the contrary

12 . You never feel comfortable until you have ----------------------an argument .

(A) sorted (B) settled (C) arranged

13 . In normal circumstances when you are asked if it’s hot outside , you say , ‘------------!’

(A) Of course (B) Naturally (C) Yes , it is (D) Indeed

14 . If a discussion or argument becomes intense , we may describe it as ----------------- .

(A) hot (B) warm (C) heat (D) heated (D) hotted

15. If we have the same point of view , we are -------------------- .

(A) agreeable (B) in agreement

Answer Key

 1. A 2 . C 3 . D 4 . A 5 . A 6 . B 7 . A 8 . C 9 . B 1011 . D 12 . B 13 . C 14 . D 15  B 

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