Grammar American & British

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 35 ] Upper Intermediate

35 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate

                                          Test One

1-] Fill in the gaps with ‘a’ ‘an’ ‘the’ or no article

Dear Ahmad ,

Hello from (1) ---------------Aswan ! I’m staying at (2) ------------------beautiful hotel in (3) ----

center of (4)-----------------city . This (5) ----------------morning I had (6) -------------breakfast  in (7) -----------------hotel garden . Tomorrow I’m going to rent (8) --------------car and drive to (9) -----------------------mountains . I hope (10) ------------------- weather will be fine .

See you soon ,


( 10 points )

2 - ] Put the words in these sentences in the correct order

1- ] She bought a silk / new / lovely / blouse .


2 - ] The shop sells old / expensive / handmade objects .


3 - ] seldom / gets to work / 9.00 / she / before .


4 - ] I’ll / see him / probably / when I come to work / in the morning / early .


5 - ] He left the house / after his phone call / suddenly / quite .


(5 points)

3- ] Use the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives and adverbs in brackets

A : Do you like your new job ?

B : Oh , yes , it’s much (1) ----------------(interesting) than my old position . Of course , I have to work (2) ---------------------(hard) , too .

A : Are the working conditions (3) ------------------(good) , too ?

B : My office is (4) ---------------(spacious) , and it’s (5) -------------------(quiet) . But the people in my old office were (6) ----------------(friendly) . My new boss seems (7----------------

(difficult) to please , too .

A : Well , you’re (8) ---------------(new) person , so I guess you’ll have to prove yourself .

B : I’m certainly working much (9) ----------------(hard) than anyone else in the office ! It’s a real challenge , but every day it gets (10) ------------------(easy) .

(10 points)

4 - ] Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present or past form ( present ; past ; present perfect ; past perfect ) . You may use both simple and continuous aspects .  

A : How long (1) -------------------------(you / work) there ?

B : For three years . I (2) ----------------------- (leave) last year .

A : (3) ------------------------(you / meet) Sarah ?

B : Oh , yes , I (4) ------------------(know) her for several months . She (5) ----------------(be)

in my dance class . We (6) -----------------------(go) to the same class every Tuesday since January .

A : (7)--------------------------(the phone / rings ?)

B : Yes , but I (8) ------------------(cook) dinner , so I (9) --------------------(not / answer) it .

A : Why didn’t you give him the news ?

B : By the time I found out , he (10) --------------------(already / leave) .

(10 points)

5 - ] Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense (going to ; will  ; present form) .

A : Do you have any plans for tomorrow ?  

B : We (1) ------------------(take) the children to the park .

A : I heard on the radio that it (2) ------------------------(rain) .

B : Oh . If it rains , then I guess we (3) -------------------(stay) home . If we (4) -----------------

(stay) home , I (5) -----------------(call) you and invite you over to watch a video with us .

(5 point)

6 - ] Combine each phrase in Column A with a suitable phrase from columan B . Not all phrases in column B will be used .

                  A                                                             B

1 . He got the job despite                                        kind and thoughtful .

 2 . She was quite nervous , so                               he had so much experience .

3 . He seems well-educated ; however ,                I don’t like her .

4 . I hired him because                                          she didn’t do very well .

5 . She is not only beautiful and intelligent but   not having much experience .

                                                                                  he’s not very bright .

                                                                                   not very interesting .

(5 points)

7 - ] Choose a preposition from the following to fill the gaps . Not all prepositions will be used .

[ about - after - at - beyond - during - in - onto - out - to until ]

Today was definitely not my lucky day ! First , when I got (1) ------------------- the bust , I bumped my head . When I got (2) -------------work , my boss yelled at me . (3) ------------------

a hone call , I spilled coffee on some important papers ; (4) ----------------that , I accidentally deleted some important files on my computer . My bad luck continued (5) ----------------I went home . I hope tomorrow is a better day .

(5 points) 

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