Grammar American & British

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 72 ] , Test Seventy Two

72 - ] Vocabulary Tests

Test Seventy Two

1 - ]Verbs With and Without Prepositions

Fourteen of the verbs can be matched with a preposition from those in the list. Choose the most suitable preposition to go with each verb in the context of the sentences below . Some verbs require no preposition . The first two sentences have been done for you .

[ answer - approach - approve - argue - begin - borrow - comply - defend - demand - differentiate - discuss - divide - divorce - enjoy - enter - face - match - object - promise

- reach - regard - rely - resemble - stare - succeed - wait ]

[ as - about - against - at - between - by - for - from - in - into - of - on - to - with ]

0 . Children should be taught never to stare at strangers .

0 . Please answer my question .( no preposition needed )

1 . We could ---------------the room --------------two parts with a curtain .

2 . I’m afraid you have to ---------------these new regulations .

3 . I’ve heard that Zahra is going to -----------------her husband .

4 . When do you think this letter will ----------------its destination ?

5 . I don’t know how I’ll find a color that will ----------------these curtains .

6 . You always want to --------------politics , so we end up shouting at each other .

7 . I wonder if I could ----------------this matter in private with you .

8 . Don’t let her -------------------any money ----------------you because she’ll never repay it .

9 . I wonder if I could ----------------asking you a few questions .

10 . I don’t think your mother would ---------------such bad language .

11 . Don’t make eye contact with people who -----------------you in the  street .

12 . I’ve noticed how heads turn when you ------------------ a crowded room .

13 . These days , a lot of people -------------------- smoking in public places .

14 . It isn’t surprising that I should ----------------- my twin sister in so many ways !

15 . I’m afraid the bank is going to --------------------repayment of the money .

16 . They’re so alike , it’s sometimes impossible to --------------------them .

17. Thank goodness I can always --------------------my colleagues !

18. Life will change completely for me if I ---------------- passing my driving test .

19 . Learn judo and you’ll be able to --------------------yourself -------------attack .

20 . You must ---------------- me faithfully you will never do that again .

21 . We’re preparing to ---------------------- the biggest challenge of our lives .

22 . I can hardly ------------------him ----------------- a serious competitor .

23 . I know we’ll -------------------your company if we all go on holiday together .

24 . Don’t worry if you’re a bit late . I’ll ------------------- you .

Answer Key

1 . divide -------into 2 . comply with 3 . divorce ( no preposition) 4 . reach (no preposition)

5 . match (no preposition) 6 . argue about 7 . discuss (no preposition) 8 . borrow -----from

9 . begin by 10 . approve of 11 . approach (no preposition ) 12 . enter (no preposition )

13 . object to 14 . resemble (no preposition) 15 . demand (no preposition) 16 . differentiate between 17 . rely on 18 . succeed in 19 . defend against 20 . promise (no preposition)

21 . face (no preposition) 22m. regard ----as 23 . enjoy (no preposition) 24 . wait for

2 -] Expressing Feelings of Approval

Read this letter of thanks . Refer to the list below and fill in the blanks with the best word or words . The first one has been done for you .

Dear Nader ,

I am (0) writing to thank you for a (1) -----------evening . I really must (2) -------------on your

(3) ---------------as a host ! You made us all very(4) -----------in the warm and (5) ---------------

atmosphere of your home , and (6) --------------us enormously with your funny (7) -------------

They really made us ---------------I liked all your impressions (9) ----------------famous (10)

----------------from (11) ------------though my (12) ----------------was the one (13) -----------------

Winston Churchill . Congratulations (14) ------------------your performance ! Now I know why you have such a great (15) -------------------as a (16) ---------------- . It was a (17) -----------

evening . All your (18) -------------(19) -------------------it and had a lot of (20) -----------------.

I look forward to (21) -------------------you soon .

                                                                   Yours ,


 0 . (A)  writting         1 .  (A) delightful      2 . (A) complement            3 . (A) skill

      (B)  writing                 (B) delighted           (B) compliment                 (B) craft

                                           (C) delighting                                                    (C) technique

                                                                                                                       (D) technology

4 . (A) welcome           5 .  (A) sympathetic  6.   (A) enjoyed                   7 . (A) stories

     (B) wellcome                 (B) friendly               (B) pleased                         (B) histories

      (C) well come               (C) kikeable                (C) amused

8 .  (A) laugh                  9 . (A) of                   10 . (A) types                            11 . (A) history

      (B) to laugh                   (B) for                         (B) characters                          (B) story

                                             (C) about                    (C) chaps

                                                                                  (D)  fellows

12 . (A) favorite             13 . (A) of                  14 . (A) on                               15 . (A) character

       (B) beloved                     (B) for                       (B) for                                     (B) fame

       (C) dearest                     (C) about                   (C) to                                      (C) reputation

       (D) best

16 . (A) mime                   17 . (A) terrific         18 . (A) guests                       19. (A) enjoyed

       (B) mimic                         (B) formidable          (B) customers                      (B) entertained

                                                 (C) terrible                (C) clients                            (C) amused  

                                                                                     (D) hosts

20 . (A) enjoyment           21 .  (A) see

       (B) pleasure                       (B) seeing

       (C) fun

Answer Key

1 .A 2 . B 3 . A 4 . A 5 . B 6 . C 7 .A 8. A 9 .A 10 . B 11 . A 12 . A 13 . A 14. A 15 . C 16 . B

17 . A 18 . A 19 . A 20 . C 21 . B 

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