Grammar American & British

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 71 ] Test Seventy One

71 - ] Vocabulary Tests

Test  Seventy One

1 -] Shopping

1 - Supply the best word or words

1 . You’d like some spicy sausage .You might try a --------------------- .

(A) delicacy (B) delicatessen

2 . You’re standing in front of a shop window and admiring the ----------------- .

(A) exhibition (B) show (C) display (D) exposition

3 . A large shop that sells all kinds of goods is called a ----------------------- .

(A) warehouse (B) storeroom (C) department (D) department store

4 . What --------------------of toothpaste do you use ?

(A) mark (B) brand (C) marquee

5 . When you’re on holiday you might buy a -------------------to take home with you .

(A) souvenir (B) memento (C) memory (D) remembrance

6 . A shop may sell things cheaply when it is having a ------------------ .

(A) liquidation (B) clearance sale

7 . Personally , I do all my shopping locally and prefer to deal with local ---------------- .

(A) traders (B) tradesmen (C) merchants (D) dealers

8. Something you buy at a good price can be described as ------------------

(A) a bargain (B) an occasion (C) an opportunity (D) second-hand

9 . A business has to a lot for -------------------on TV .

(A) advertising (B) propaganda (C) publicity

10 . Turkey is a fertile country and exports a lot of its ---------------------- .

(A) product (B) products (C) produce (D) production

11 . When you buy something , make sure you don’t throw away your ---------------- .

(A) prescription (B) receipt (C) recipe

12 . You’ll have to -----------------------if you want to buy an oriental carpet .

(A) make a bazaar (B) bazaar (C) bargain (D) do a bazaar

13 . You can have these goods ----------------for up to a month .

(A) on trial (B) on approval

14 . You’ll find the prices of our goods in our published ---------------------- .

(A) tariff (B) charges (C) price-list

15 . We’ve been ------------------------with the same company for years .

(A) treating (B) dealing (C) using (D) handling

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . C 3 . D 4 . B 5 . A 6 . B 8 . A 9 . A 10 . C 11 . B 12 . C 13 . B 14 . C 15 . B

2 - ]Household Equipment , Power , etc.

Supply the best word or words .

1 . The device used on top of buildings to pick up a TV signal is called an -----------------------(A) aerial (B) antenna

2 . The usual modern word for a ‘WC’ is ----------------------

(A) cabinet (B) closet (C) toilet

3 . We would say that a well-equipped house has every -----------------------

(A) convenience (B) facility (C) commodity (D) ease

4 . The term ‘white goods’ refers to things like -------------------------- 

(A) sheets (B) bathrooms (C) refrigerators

5. If you put your fingers into a power point you would get an ------------------shock .

(A) electronic (B) electrical (C) electric

6. Wire that carries electrical power has to be very well -----------------------

(A) insulated (B) isolated

7. Your water supply is provided through ---------------------

(A) pipes (B) tubes (C) inner tubes

8. An electrically-charged wire is described as being -------------------

(A) alive (B) live (C) living

9. W hat kind of system would you fit to guard against burglars ? -- A(n) ----------------system.

(A) safety (B) security(C) insurance

10 . The thing you use to turn electrical power on and off is called --------------------

(A) an interrupter (B) a switch

11. The container that holds water behind a lavatory is called a ------------------

(A) cistern (B) tank (C) washbasin (D) reservoir

12 . Which of these items are you likely to find on the wall ? ------------------

(A) a carpet (B) a tapestry (C) moquette

13 . We describe material used to make clothes , etc. , as -------------------

(A) stuff (B) fabric (C) matter (D) substance

14 . A device used to keep a room at a comfortable temperature is an -----------------------

(A) air-conditioner (B) air-conditioning (C) air-condition

15. An electric toaster is an electrical ----------------------

(A) sort (B) kind (C) appliance (D) goods

answer Key

1 . A [ B Am. E ] 2 . C 3 . A 4 . C 5 . C 6.A 7. A 8 . B 9. B 10 . B 11 . A 12 . B 13 . B

14 . A 15 . C 

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