Grammar American & British

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 73 ] Test Seventy Three

 73 - ] Vocabulary Tests

Test Seventy Three

1 - ]Writing , Literature , Language

Supply the best word or words

1 . A book about imaginary people and events is a ---------------------------

(A) fiction  (B) novel (C) roman (D) romance (E) soap opera

2 . People who can read and write can be described as ---------------------

(A) literati (B) literate

3 . Politicians often write their --------------------at the end of their careers .

(A) memories (B) memoirs (C) remembrances (D) souvenirs (E) mementos

4 . If you enjoy reading poetry and fiction ,you enjoy -------------------

(A) literature (B) philology

5 . A book you are obliged to study in detail for an examination is a -------------------

(A) novel (B) short story (C) set book

6 . A poem is often divided into -------------------

(A) strophes (B) verses

7. The people in a play are usually referred to as the ------------------

 (A) people (B) persons (C) characters (D) types

8. T.S . Eliot , the poet and critic , might be described as a -----------------

(A) scientist (B) man of letters (C) literati

9 . Only three examples of Shakespeare’s -------------------have survived .

(A) firm (B) trademark (C) signature 

10. You should look up a word in a dictionary if you didn’t know what it --------------------

(A) signified (B) meant

11 . A work of fiction which is shorter than a novel is a ------------------- .

(A) short story (B) history (C) romance

12 . An observant writer might carry a --------------- to make notes .

(A) block (B) pad

13 . Observant writers would probably -------------------their observations .

(A) mark (B) note down (C) signify

14. Someone who briefly assesses a play or book in the press writes a --------------

(A) critic (B) criticism (C) critique (D) review

15 . Make sure you end each sentence with a ------------------ .

(A) dot (B) point (C) comma (D) full stop

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . B 3 . B 4 . A 5 . C 6 . B 7 . C 8 . B 9 . C 10 . B 11 . A 12 . B 13 . B 14 . D 15 . D

2 - ]Nouns Ending in ‘s’

To be correct noun forms ,twenty-one of these words should end in ‘s’ . Add ‘s’ only to those items that need it . One example has been done for you [ 8 ] .

1 . acoustic 2 . athletic  3 . barrak 4 . belonging 5 . billiard 6. cattle 7 . clothe

8 . congratulate 9 . criterion 10 . data 11 . deer 12 . earning 13 . economic 14 . ethic

15 . good 16 . gymnastic 17 . linguistic 18 . literati 19 . mathematic 20 . measle

21 . media 22 . medium 23 . mump 24 . phenomenon 25 . scaffolding 26 . physic

27 . politic 28 . serie 29 . specie 30 . sud 31 . tooth 32 . veal 33 . venison

Write sentences using any of the nouns to which you’ve  added ‘s’ in the above list . Take particular care that a noun subject ‘agrees’ with the verb that follows .


8 . Congratulations

I hear you passed your driving test . Congratulations !

Answer Key

1 . acoustics

The acoustics in this hall are excellent .

2 . athletics

Athletics is one of the most popular sports in schools .

3 . barracks

This barracks was ( or These barracks were ) built in 1985 .

4 . belongings

All our belongings were lost when the ship sank .

5 . billiards

Billiards is not played so often as other games .

6 . -----------

7 . clothes

All my clothes need washing and mending .

9 . -----------------

10 . -----------------

11 . ---------------

12 . earnings

Our average earnings are lower than the average in other countries .

13 . economics

Economics is my least favorite subject .

14 . ethics

The ethics of tax avoidance are hard to explain .

15 . goods

Luxury goods are heavily taxed .

16 . gymnastics

I like to practice gymnastics in the club .

17 . linguistics

You must study linguistics to speak well .

18 . ---------------

19 . British , Mathematics , American , Mathematic

He is good at mathematic / mathematics .

20 . measles

Measles is an illness that you can only have once .

21 . ---------------

22 . ---------------

23 . mumps

Mumps is an illness that affects your growing .

24 . -----------------

25 . ------------------

26. physics

Is physics a compulsory subject at your school ?

27 . politics

He is not interested in politics .

28 . series

I read this series of novels .

29 . species

This species of spider is poisonous and dangerous .

30 . suds

Suds from the washing machine were all over the floor .

31 .----------------

32 . ------------------

33 . --------------

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