Grammar American & British

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Vocabulary Tests [ 102 ] Test One Hundred And Two

102 - ] Vocabulary Tests


102 - ] Test One Hundred And Two

1- ] Wordspot


Complete the sentences .


0  . It’s coming . It’s on its way .

1 . If something is blocking you , it’s --------------the way

2. This is the wrong way --------------

3 . Move ! Will you please get ----------------of the way !

4 . I want a much bigger one . This is way -------------small !

5 . If you take extra trouble , you go -----------------of your way to do something .

6 . She’s determined to have her -----------------way .

7 . -------------- but some people prefer to try and (8)-------------the way themselves !

9. If you go first , you ------------------the way .

10 . You shouldn’t get lost if you -------------the way .

11 . This is the wrong way ---------------!

Answer Key  

1 . in 2 . up 3 . out 4 . too 5 . out 6 . own 7 . Ask 8 . find 9 . lead 10 . know 11 . round

2 - ] Patterns to Notice

2.  A - ] Match the phrases 1-8 to their opposites  in a - h .

1 . get better 2 . deteriorate 3 . increase 4 . rapidly 5 . blurred 6 . longer and longer

7 . more and more ( + plural noun ) 8 . more and more ( + adjective / uncountable noun )

a . clear b. decrease c . get worse d . fewer and fewer e . improve f . shorter and shorter

g . less and less h. slowly

1 . c 2. --------3 .-------- 4 .--------- 5.-------- 6. --------7.-------8 . --------

B - ] Rewrite the following sentences with the opposite of the underlined phrase .


1 . This type of car is becoming more and more popular .

 This type of car is becoming less and less popular .

2 . The standard of teaching seems to be getting better .


3 . The town’s importance is slowly increasing .


4 . More and more people are taking holidays abroad .


5 .We have less and less time to ourselves these days .


6 . Ahmad’s English seems to be slowly improving .


7 .The difference between the two groups is becoming clearer and clearer .


8 . The days are getting longer and longer .


3 . A - ]Answer the questions using a word beginning with the letter shown .


1 . What B means false , or intended to deceive people (adjective) ? 1 . bogus

2 . What B is how you speak if you tell the truth even if it upsets others (adverb) ?

2 .---------------------------

3 . What C means to get money by telling people something which is false (verb) ?

3 . --------------------

4 . What C means to be unfaithful to your partner (phrasal verb) ?

4 . ---------------------

5 .What E means you make something much bigger or more important than it really is (verb) ? 5 .-------------------

6 . What E is the reason people give for having done something wrong (noun) ?

6 .--------------------

7 . What F is a small , unimportant lie (noun) ? 7.-------------------

8 . What F is a document , painting or bank note which is not real , but intended to deceive people (noun) ? 8.-------------------------

9 . What G means to escape without punishment (phrasal verb) ? 9. -------------------

10 . What G is malicious talk about other people (noun) ? 10 . --------------------

11 . What H is an elaborate attempt to make people believe something that isn’t true (noun) ? 11 . -------------------

12 . What Hs do you tell when someone needs to realize some unpleasant facts about themselves (noun , plural) ? 12 .---------------------

13 . What O is a formal and serious promise you take , e.g. in a court of law (noun) ?13 .-------------

14 . What P is lying under O (noun) ? 14 . ---------------------

15 . What Rs are pieces of information being passed around which may or may not be true (noun , plural) ? 15.-------------------

16 . What S means to make something more widely known and is often used with Rs

(verb) ? 16 . ------------------------

17. What T means that you have been lied to and deceived by someone else (phrasal verb) ?

17 . ------------------

18 . What Ts are stories which you tell the teacher to get others into trouble (noun) ?

18 .---------------------

19 . What T means to make a formal statement in a court of law (verb) ? 19 .----------------

20 . What W is the color of lies which are told to protect people or avoid harm (adjective)

20. ----------------------

Answer Key

2 . bluntly 3 . con 4 . cheat on 5 . exaggerate 6. excuse 7 . a fib 8 . forgery 9. get away with

10 . gossip 11 . hoax 12 . home truths 13 .  oath 14 .  perjury 15 . rumors 16 . spread

17. taken in 18 . tales 19 . testify 20 . white

B- ] Use the correct form of one of the words in part A to complete the sentences .


1 . Dutchman Hans van Meegeren make a fortune from selling paintings , supposedly by Dutch masters like Vermeer . In fact , the paintings were all forgeries which he did himself. 2 . When he said he’d been to the United States hundreds of times , I’m sure he was ---------

It can’t be more than five or six .

3 . The accused swore under ---------------that he spent the evening at home watching videos : this was later found to be a lie , and he was charged with -----------------

4 . He has been trying to -----------------------people out of money by persuading them to invest in a -----------------insurance scheme .

5 . She says that he made her cry by pulling her hair , but I suspect she’s telling ----------

6 . The robbers might have --------------------if they hadn’t left one vital clue at the scene of the crime .

7 . Rather than tell little Sarah the truth about what happened to her cousin , we decided to tell her a ---------------------

8 . I’m so annoyed that they have been ----------------about my private life . It’s non of their business .

9 . He spoke very ---------------and told us a lot of ---------------which upset many people but was probably necessary .

10 . There have been a lot of ---------------going round about redundancies . Can you confirm or deny them ?

11 . He made a number of phone calls claiming to have planted bombs : they were all

-------------------and nothing was ever found .

12 . Everyone knew that he had been -------------on his wife for years : unfortunately she was the last to know .

13 . I hope you’ve got a good ---------------for being three hours late for dinner .

14 . I had to tell a few -------------------to get the day off - but I’m sure no one will mind .

15 . He was a very convincing liar , and many people were ---------------by him .

Answer Key

2 . exaggerating 2 .path/ perjury 4 . con / bogus 5 . tales 6. got away with it 7 . white lie

8. gossiping 9 . bluntly / home truths 10. rumors 11 . hoaxes 12 . cheating 13 . excuse

14 . fibs 15 . taken in 

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