Grammar American & British

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Vocabulary Tests [ 103 ] Test One Hundred And Three

103 ] Vocabulary Tests 

103 - ] Test One Hundred Three

1 - ]Be , Have and Do In Questions .

1 - ] Complete the questions with the correct form of be , have or do .


A : What’s your new friend’s name ?

B : Tom .

A : (1) --------------that an American name ?

B : Yes , that’s right .

A : Which part of US (2) --------------he come from ?

B : Boston .

A : Uh-huh .. so (3) ------------------you speak English ?

B : Not well .

A : Oh , right . (4) ----------------he doing that English language and literature course with you last month ?

B : No , he is a native speaker .

A : Well , how (5) ---------------you meet him , then ?

B : At the American University - he teaches there .

A : I see . (6) ----------------he got his own flat here ?

B : Well , it’s a furnished rented flat .

A : Oh .(7) -----------------he living here ?

B : Some of the time , yes .

2 - ] How you spend your time .

2 - ] Complete the sentences with the correct preposition . In one sentence , no preposition is necessary .


1 . I’ve never been interested in football .

2 . My flat-mate spends a lot of time --------------the Internet .

3 . My parents don’t have much time ----------------relaxing and doing nothing .

4 . My sister and her friends spend too much time chatting ----------------the phone .

5 . I really love hanging out ----------------my friends at the weekend .

6 . My colleagues spend a lot of time texting --------------their friends at work .

7 . My brother’s quite good -------------cooking .

8. My grandmother doesn’t know anything ---------------computer games .

3 - ] Collect ,  Make , Do or Go .

3 - ] Complete the sentences with the correct form of collect , make , do or go .


1 . My brother goes  fishing every weekend , but he never catches anything !

2 . Don’t disturb your mother - she’s ---------------------a crossword .

3 . She ---------------all her own clothes , and she always looks fantastic .

4 . Do you want to ---------------dancing tonight ? There’s a salsa evening at the community center .

5 . My uncle says he -----------------antiques because it’s a good way of investing money .

6 . My friend Ali’s ----------------a beautiful model of an old sailing boat at the moment .

7 . Ahmad’s really fit and healthy because he --------------------a lot of sport every week .

8 . I’ve decided to ----------------famous chef’s autographs - I’ve got two , so far !

4 - ] Wordspot .

Have and have got .

4 - ] Complete the sentences with a phrase from the following and the correct form of have .

[ a break , a walk , blue eyes , a bad back , a cold drink , a shower , breakfast , a sense of humor ]


1 . It’s so hot ! Let’s stop in this café and have a cold drink .

2 . All the people in my family ----------------------and black hair .

3 . Can we stop and ----------------------------soon ? I’m getting tired .

4 . You need to ------------------in this job - things are always going wrong !

5 . Hassan’s just ---------------------------- - he’ll be down in a few minutes .

6 . Why is it that you always --------------when I need you to help him with the housework ?

7 . I think I’ll -------------------before dinner - I need some fresh air .

8 . I like to -----------------------in a café on Saturday mornings , and read all the papers .


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