Grammar American & British

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Vocabulary Tests [ 105 ] Test One Hundred And Five

105 - ] Vocabulary Tests 


105 - ]Test One Hundred Five

1 - ]Describing Life Events

1 - ] Complete the phrases in the article with the correct verbs .


    At the age of sixty , Tessa Daley , director of Newsgroup Publishing , has ir all : she has (1) become so successful that she seems to be on TV or in the papers every week , and she has (2 ) m ------------more money than most of us could dream of . But this is the woman who (3) f ----------------- all her exams and (4) l----------------school with no qualifications .

     ‘I hated school and couldn’t wait to get away and (5) s------------work . I (6) g------------

a job at a local newsagent’s . I loved working there because I could read all the magazines , but unfortunately I was asked to leave two weeks later - for reading magazines and forgetting to serve the customers !’

        One of the customers was Simon , a good-looking journalist , who she (7) ----------------in love with . They (8) g--------------engaged six weeks after the first meeting , then (9) g------

married at the end of that year . Tessa devoted the next sixteen years of her life to being a wife and (10) b-----------up her children . Simon (11) --------------jobs a lot during those years , and the family (12) m -------------house several times . The disruption had a disastrous effect on the marriage and they (13) s---------------up when the oldest child was fifteen .

  ‘After I (14) g-------------divorced there was a big gap in my life and I didn’t know what to do . My daughter persuaded me to go to university to (15) d ---------media studies .’ Tessa worked hard and (16) p------------her exams with the best grades in her year . ‘The day I (17) g--------------my degree was the proudest day of my life .’

          Tessa has just launched a new magazine and is busier than ever : she has no plans to retire yet !

2 - ] Prepositions

2 - ]Choose the correct alternative in each sentence .


1 . Put your boss in a good mood on Monday morning : find [ about / out ] what his/her favorite chocolates are and leave some on his / her desk .

2 . Always look as if you’re concentrating [ on/in ] your work when the boss walks past .

3 . Distract your colleagues [ off / from ] their work by sending them funny e-mails .

4 . Make sure that you always leave the office at lunchtime so that you can switch [ out /off ] from work for a while .

5 . If your boss asks you to work later , till him / her you have important plans [ for / at ] the evening which you can’t possibly cancel .

6 . Find an interesting course and persuade your boss to pay [ for / to ] you to do it as part of your professional development .

7 . If your boss asks you to do some extra photocopying , say that you have to get on [ at / with ] some work for an important client .

8. Don’t waste time looking [ back  / behind ]at your mistakes - just hope that no one notices them .

9 . Always remember that this job may lead [ to / on ] something better in the future .

10 . If you’ve really had enough by Friday lunchtime , tell your boss that something urgent has come [ on / up ] at home and you’ve got to leave early .

3 - ] - ed / -ing Adjectives .

3- ] Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following adjectives .

[ amusing / amused - annoying / annoyed - depressing / depressed - surprising / surprised - frustrating / frustrated - tiring / tired - worrying / worried - embarrassing / embarrassed ]


1 . We’re very surprised to hear that Ali and Huda are getting married . We didn’t think she liked him !

2 . It was so ---------------------- . Ahmad’s brother came up to talk to me at the party and I didn’t recognize him !

3 . Sarah got very --------------with Said for being late for another meeting .

4 . My sister’s cat died last week . She’s really ----------------

5 . I’ve had such a --------------------day - I need to sit down and put my feet up .

6 . Don’t look so -----------------------your flight’s not until 6.30 , you’ve got plenty of time .

7 . I don’t find Akram’s jokes at all ------------------ .

8 . I’ve had a very ---------------------- shopping trip : I couldn’t find anything I liked .

4 - ] Complete these letters to a TV magazine with the following adjectives .

[ boring - confused - convincing - shocked - pleased - disappointing - upsetting - disappointed - interesting ]


1 . Well done Channel 10 for the brilliant series City Mysteries . The characters were really (1) convincing and the stories were certainly never (2) ---------------- . I was so (3) --------------

when it finished . Are there plans for a new series

2 . I’m rather (4) ----------------about ABC’s policy on not showing violence before 9 p.m. I watched The Precinct  at 8.30 p.m. last Thursday and was (50 --------------at the amount of violence shown . My ten-year-old daughter , who was watching with me , found it quite (6)

----------------- .

3 . I was really (7) ---------------when I saw that Celebrity Spot was back on SBS . I always look forward to the program because it has such (8) ---------------guests . However , last Friday’s show was very (9) ------------------ - the interviewer asked such stupid questions and hardly gave Nasser a chance to speak !

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