Grammar American & British

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Vocabulary Tests [ 104 ] Test One Hundred And Four

104 - ] Vocabulary Tests


104 - ] Test One Hundred Four

1- ] School / University Subjects .

1 - ] Which subjects are the people below talking about ? Write the name of the subject next to the appropriate comment .

[ art - chemistry - economics - history - languages - mathematics [math] - music - psychology - biology - drama - geography - information technology (IT) - literature - media studies - physical education [ PE]- religious studies ]


1 . ‘I could never remember the names of all the authors .’ 1 . literature

2 . ‘I enjoyed this because I was interested in animals and plants .’ 2 . ----------------

3 . ‘My worst subject - I always got all my sums wrong .’ 3 . --------------------

4 . ‘I loved doing experiments in the lab .’ 4 . ---------------------

5 . ‘I found them difficult - I couldn’t understand the grammar .’ 5 .---------------------

6 . ‘There were a lot of dates to learn , but the teacher really brought it to life for us .’

6 .--------------------------

7 . ‘I found it interesting to see how biased the different newspapers are .’ 7.------------

8 . ‘I liked finding places in the atlas , but I was no good at remembering the names of the capital cities . 8.---------------------

9 . ‘One of my favorite subjects - I loved dressing up and learning lines .’ 9.----------------

10. ‘I hated it - I’ve never been good at team games !’ 10 . -----------------

11 . ‘I wasn’t very good at it but I found painting really relaxing and liked experimenting with different colors .’ 11.-------------------

12 . ‘It was a difficult subject , but very interesting to find out how the mind works .’

12 .--------------------------

13 . ‘This was my best subject . I played the piano and sang in the school choir .’

13 .----------------------

14 . ‘I found it boring and I still do : just ask my bank manager !’ 14 . ----------------

15 . ‘I think it’s important to learn about different people’s beliefs .’ 15 .---------------

16 . ‘A very useful subject to study at school , especially when most people will use computers at some point in their lives .’ 16 .-----------------------

2 - ] Verb + Noun Combinations .

2 - ] Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verbs .

[ ask - do - improve - invent- lose - make - organize - reduce - take ]  


1 . I didn’t make many notes during the lesson .

2 . Doing exercise is a good way to ---------------stress .

3 . I hope I don’t -------------------my memory as quickly as you did , granddad !

4 . I’ve tried to get Hassan to ------------------an interest in sport , but he says it’s boring .

5 . Why don’t you try to --------------------your ideas before you start writing the essay - then it’ll be easier .

6 . Come on Ali ,you’re not -------------- an effort - I’m sure you know the answer .

7 . He decided to -------------------his memory by repeating things lots of times and by -------

himself lots of questions .

8 . After the lesson , he ---------------a funny story to help him remember the new English words .

9. I’m surprised my father hasn’t got a better memory : he loves --------------puzzles .

10 . He is ----------------------more responsibility for his learning now , and his progress is excellent .

Answer Key

2 . reduce 2 . lose 3 . take 4 . organize 5 . making 6. improve , asking 7.invented

8 . doing 9. taking

3 - ] Remembering and Forgetting

3  - ] Complete the questions with the following words .

[ remember - remind - forget - recognize - learn - lose ]


1 . When you argue with a friend , do you forget about it quickly and stay friends ?

2 . Do you find it easy to ------------------people’s names ?

3 . How long did it take you to -----------------how to use a computer ?

4 . When did you last -----------------------someone’s birthday ?

5 . Is it easy to ---------------------your handwriting ?

6 . Do you ----------------people of anyone in your family ?

7 . Can you ---------------your first day at school ?

8 . Have you ever had to -------------------- a poem by heart ?

9 . How often do you --------------------your keys ?

10 . What sort of things do people have to -------------------you to do ?

4 - ]Word Building

4-] Complete the sentences by changing the word in capitals to the correct form .


1 . How many political parties are there in your country ? POLITICS

2 . My sister has a very strong -----------------------she always says what she thinks . PERSON

3 . You must be ---------------------! How did you know I was going to say that ? TELEPATHY

4 . Can we pay --------------------, please ? SEPARATE

5 . Did you know that you have exactly the same ----------------expressions as your mother ? FACE

6 . You’re going to Paris this weekend , too ? What a -------------! COINCIDE

7 . Some people say --------------------prices for designer clothes . BELIEVE

8 . There are some --------------------between the two paintings , but I don’t think it’s the same artist . SIMILAR

9 . After all the discussion , the council still hasn’t come to a --------------about the building work . CONCLUDE

10 . My grandmother was a --------------------woman: she brought up six children by herself . REMARK

11 . I had quite a strict ----------------: my parents had quite old-fashioned ideas about how children should behave . BRING

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