Grammar American & British

Friday, June 10, 2022

23 - ] Model SAT Tests - Test Twenty Three

23 - ] Model SAT Tests

Test Twenty Three

Some or all the parts of the following sentences are underlined . The first answer choice , (A) , simply repeats the underlined part of the sentence . The other four choices present four alternative ways to phrase the underlined part . Select the answer that produces the most effective sentence , one that is clear and exact , and blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet . In selecting your choice , be sure that it is standard written English , and that it expresses the meaning of the original sentence .


The first biography of author Eudora Welty came out in 1998 and she was 89 years old at the time .

 (A) and she was 89 years old at the time

(B) at the time when she was 89

(C) upon becoming an 89 year old

(D) when she was 89

(E) at the age of 89 years old

(A)  (B) (C) (D) (E)

1 . By the time we arrive in Italy , we have traveled through four countries .

(A) we have traveled through four countries

(B) we had traveled through four countries

(C) we will have traveled through four countries

(D) four countries will have been  traveled through

(E) we through four countries shall have traveled

2 . To say “My lunch was satisfactory” is complimentary , to say “My lunch was adequate” is not .  

(A) complimentary , to say

(B) complementary , to say

(C) complementary , however , to say

(D) complimentary , but to say

(E) complementary to saying

3.When one debates the merits of the proposed reduction in our tax base , you should take into consideration the effect  it will have on the schools and the other public services.

(A) you should consideration the effect

(B) you should consider the effect

(C) one should take the affect

(D) one takes into consideration the affect

(E) one should take into consideration the effect

4 . We were afraid of the teacher’s wrath , due to his statement that he would penalize anyone who failed to hand in his term paper on time .

(A) wrath , due to his statement that

(B) wrath  due to his statement that

(C) wrath inasmuch as his statement that

(D) wrath because of  his statement that

(E) wrath and his statement that

5 . Although the doctors had put the patient through a series of tests , including X-rays and cytoscopy , they have found no explanation of her mysterious ailment .

(A) they have found no explanation of her mysterious ailment

(B) no explanation of her mysterious ailment has been found

(C) no explanation was found of her mysterious ailment

(D) they did not explain her mysterious ailment

(E) they found no explanation of her mysterious ailment

6.  Originally referring to an excess of patriotic fervor , the term “chauvinism” has come to signify devotion to the theory of masculine superiority .

(A) Originally referring to an excess of patriotic fervor .

(B) In its original reference  to an excess of patriotic fervor .

(C) Originally it referred to an excess of patriotic fervor .

(D) Originally it was referring to an excessive patriotic fervor.

(E) An excess of patriotic fervor being originally referred to .

7 . Exercise offers both physical and emotional benefits : a sense of control over one’s body , a feeling of accomplishment and it is a release of pent-up frustrations .

(A) and it is a release of pent-up frustrations

(B) and it releases pent-up frustrations

(C) by releasing pent-up frustrations

(D) and a release of pent-up frustrations

(E) and a release from pent-up frustrations

8. Because the sports industry has become so popular is the reason that some universities have created new courses in sports marketing and event planning .

(A) popular is the reason that some universities have created new courses in sports marketing and event planning .

(B) popular , some universities have created new courses in sports marketing and event planning .

(C) popular , there have been new courses in sports marketing and event planning created by some universities.

(D) popular is the reason that new courses in sports marketing and event planning have been created by some universities

(E) popular they have created new courses in sports marketing and event planning at some universities

9 . I have discovered that the subways in New York are as clean as any other city I have visited .

(A) as clean as any other city I have visited

(B) as clean as those in any other city I have visited

(C) as clean as those in any other city I visited

(D) cleaner than any city I visited

(E) cleaner than any other city I have visited

10 . Inflation in the United States has not and , we hope , never will reach a rate of 20 percent a year .

(A) has not and , we hope , never will reach

(B) has not reached and , we hope , never will

(C) has not and hopefully never will reach

(D) has not reached and , we hope , never will

(E) has not reached  and hopefully never will

11 . Godard is part biography , part cultural analysis , and it partly pays tribute to an artist who , the author believes , is one of the most influential of his time .

(A) analysis , and it partly pays tribute to an artist

(B) analysis , and part tribute to an artist

(C) analysis , and partly a payment of tribute to an artist

(D) analysis , also it partly pays tribute to an artist

(E) analysis , but there is a part that is a tribute to an artist

12 . Embarrassment over the discovery of element 118 . announced with great fanfare and then retracted amid accusations of scientific fraud , has left the nuclear physics community feeling bruised .

(A) element 118 , announced with great fanfare and then retracted amid accusations of scientific fraud , has left

(B) element 118 , which was announced with great fanfare and afterwards which was retracted amid accusations of scientific fraud , has left

(C) element 118 . announced with great fanfare and then retracted amid accusations of scientific fraud, have left

(D) element 118 was announced with great fanfare and then was retracted amid accusations of scientific fraud , it has left

(E) element 118 . it having been announced with great fanfare and then retracted amidst accusations of scientific fraud , has left

13 . Life on Earth has taken a tremendous range of forms , but all species arise from the same molecular ingredients , these ingredients limit the chemical reactions that can occur within cells and so constrain what life can do . 

(A) ingredients , these ingredients limit the chemical reactions that can occur within cells (B) ingredients , these are ingredients that limit the chemical reactions that can occur within cells

(C) ingredients , these ingredients limit the chemical reactions that  could occur within cells

 (D) ingredients which limit the chemical reactions that can occur within cells

E) ingredients ; but these ingredients limit the chemical reactions that can occur within cells 

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