Grammar American & British

Sunday, June 19, 2022

24- ] Model SAT Tests - Test Twenty Four

24 - ] Model SAT Tests

Test Twenty Four

Select the best answer to each of the following questions : then blacken the appropriate space on your answer sheet .

1 . Although in his seventies at the time of the interview , Picasso proved alert and insightful , his faculties ----------- despite the inevitable toll of the years .

(A) atrophied (B) diminished  (C) intact (D) useless (E) impaired

2 .While the 1940s are most noted for the development of black modern dance , they are also ------ because they were the last gasp for tap dancing .

(A) irrelevant (B) unfounded (C) significant (D) speculative (E) contemporary

3 . People who take megadoses of vitamins and minerals should take care : though beneficial in small quantities , in large amounts these substances may have ---------effects .

(A) admirable (B) redundant (C) intangible (D) toxic (E) minor

4 . The number of black hawks has -----------because the encroachments of humans on their territory have caused them to --------- their customary breeding places .

(A) multiplied ------endure

(B) extrapolated ------alter

(C) increased ----- locate

(D) diminished ---------accept

(E) dwindled ------- shun

5 . Although Britain’s film makers often produce fine films , they are studiously --------and rarely aim at a mass market .

(A) commercial (B) viable  (C) derivative (D) elitist (E) collaborative

6 . MacDougall’s former editors remember him as a -------- man whose ------and exhaustive

reporting was worth the trouble .

(A) domineering…. wearisome

(B) congenial …. pretentious

(C) popular …. supercilious

(D) fastidious …. garbled

(E) cantankerous …. meticulous

7 . The opossum is …. the venom of snakes in the rattlesnake subfamily and thus views the reptiles not as …. enemies but as a food source .

(A) vulnerable to …. natural

(B) conscious of …. mortal

(C) impervious to …. lethal

(D) sensitive to …. deadly

(E) defenseless against …. potential

8. Breaking with established musical conventions , Stravinsky was …. composer whose heterodox works infuriated the traditionalists of his day .  

(A) a derivative (B) an iconoclastic (C) an controversial (D) a venerated (E) a trite

9 . A code of ethics governing the behavior of physicians during epidemics did not exist until 1846 when it was …. by the American Medical Association .

(A) rescinded (B) promulgated (C) presupposed (D) depreciated (E) implied

10 . Unlike the highly …. Romantic poets of the previous century , Arnold and his fellow Victorian poets were ….  and interested in moralizing .

(A) rhapsodic …. lyrical

(B) frenetic …. distraught

(C) emotional …. didactic

(D) sensitive …. strange

(E) dramatic …. warped

11 . The critics were distressed that an essayist of such glowing ….. could descend to writing such dull , uninteresting prose .

(A) obscurity (B) ill-repute (C) shallowness (D) promise (E) amiability

12 . Famous in her time and then forgotten , the seventeenth century Dutch painter Judith Leyster was …. obscurity when , in 1993 , the Worcester Art Museum organized the first retrospective exhibition of her work .

(A) resigned to (B) rewarded with (C) rescued from (D) indifferent to (E) worthy of

13 . The testimony of eyewitnesses is notoriously …. emotion and excitement all too often cause our minds to distort what we see .

(A) judicious (B) interdependent (C) credible (D) unreliable (E) gratifying

14 . Although Henry was not in general a sentimental man , occasionally he would feel a touch of …. for the old days and would contemplate making a brief excursion to Boston to revisit his childhood friends .

(A) exasperation (B) chagrin (C) nostalgia (D) lethargy (E) anxiety

15 . We had not realized how much people …. the library’s old borrowing policy until we received complaints once it had been ….

(A) enjoyed …. continued

(B) disliked …. administrated

(C) respected …. imitated

(D) ignored …. lauded

(E) appreciated …. superseded

16 . During the Dark Ages , hermits and other religious ….. fled the world to devote themselves to silent contemplation .

(A) renegades  (B) skeptics (C) altruists (D) recluses (E) convictions

17 . No real-life hero of ancient or modern days can surpass James Bond with his nonchalant …. of death and the …. with which he bears torture .

(A) contempt …. distress

(B) disregard …. fortitude

(C) veneration …. guile

(D) concept …. terror

(E) ignorance …. fickleness

18 . Even though the basic organization of the brain does not change after birth , details of its structure and function remain …. for some time , particularly in the cerebral cortex .

(A) plastic (B) immutable (C) essential (D) unavoidable (E) static

19 . Lavish in visual beauty , the film Lawrence of Arabia also boasts …. of style : it knows how much can be shown in a shot , how can be said in a few words .

(A) extravagance (B) economy (C) autonomy (D) frivolity (E) arrogance 


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