Grammar American & British

Saturday, September 10, 2022

7 - ] Basic Grammar For Beginners - Some & Any , A Few , Little , Much , Many , A Lot Of

7 - ] Basic Grammar For Beginners 

9 . Some & Any

1 . “Some” is used in positive sentences with countable , plural nouns .

some boys , some pencils , some men

2.  “Some” is also used with uncountable nouns

some cheese , some rice , some butter

3 . “Some” can be used when you offer somebody something ; or for request .


Would you like some more tea ?

Can I have some more rice , please ?

4 . “Any” is used in negative sentences and questions .


She doesn’t have any money .

Do you have any money ?

Exercise 1

Add )some or any) in the following :

1 . There isn’t --------------milk in the fridge .

2 . We haven’t received ---------------e-mails from her for a year .

3 . I’m sorry there isn’t ---------------- more coffee . Will you have ------------tea instead ?

4 . Ask him to bring us ----------------more salt . There isn’t --------------in the kitchen .

5 . Here are --------------more exercises for you to do .

6. I can’t eat --------------more rice , but I should like ------------------meat .

7. Take ------------------------sandwiches with you or you won’t get ------------thing to eat till tonight .

8 . Is there ---------------one here who can speak Italian ?

9 . There were ------------------heavy clouds when we started this morning but there wasn’t

--------- rain while we were out .

10. The milkman promised to bring --------------------more cream tomorrow .

11 . Give those plants ---------------water ; they haven’t had -----------for two days .

12 . There aren’t ----------------------sugar left . I must gout and get ------------------------

13 . Try --------------of these grapes but be careful . Don’t eat ------------unripe ones .

14 . Put -------------------salt in your soup ; it needs ------------------- more .

15 . You must have ----------------- thing to eat before you do --------------more work .

16 . May I have ------------------more coffee , please ?

Exercise 2

Add (a , an , the , some , any or nothing) in the following :

1 . Do you take -----------------sugar in --------------tea ?

2 . ------------------house made of ------------stone can be very pretty .

3 . -----------------children love ---------------chocolates .

4 . -------------------donkeys are said to be ---------------stupid animals .

5 . Take ------------------umbrella with you to -----------------office , it may rain .

6 . I have --------------terrible headache . I’m going to take --------------aspirin and go to ------


7 . Do we need ------------------visa to visit ------------------foreign countries ?

8 . I’m going shopping . I’m going to get ------------------new pair of trousers , ----------shirts and ---------------pyjamas .

9 . Mohammad is --------------doctor . His parents were -----------------doctors too .

10 . ----------------people do a lot of exercise ,others don’t do ------------------at all .

11 . -----------------people living in the flat above have --------------big wild dog .

12 . -----------------water in this glass is dirty .

13 . --------------------climate in Egypt is very nice .

14 . -------------------English language is very easy to learn .

15 . We need ----------------more light in order to study .

16 . We read -------------------long article about ---------------USA .

17 .  -----------------sugar is sweet while -------------lemon is sour .

18 . ----------------health is much more important than --------------gold .

19 . I haven’t got ------------------money . Would you give me ------------, please ?

20 . ---------------------money is the root of all evils .

21 . May I have ----------------beef-burger sandwich and -----------chips , please ?

22 . She gave me -----------------------questions to answer .

23 . It is ------------------most interesting newspaper .

10 . A Few , A little , Much , Many , A Lot Of .

1 . “A few” and “many” are used with countable plural nouns .


He ate a few sandwiches .

He has many books now .

2 . “A little” and “much” are used with uncountable nouns .


I would like to have a little coffee , please .

I didn’t eat much food .

3 . “A lot of” is used with countable and uncountable nouns .


She has a lot of brothers .

He drank a lot of tea .


Add (a few , a little , much or many) to fill the blank spaces .

1. It is winter , but I still have ------------flowers in my garden .

2 . There aren’t -------------people at the bus stop . It must have just left .

3 .He is out of work now and lives on ------------------money left to him by his father .

4 . There isn’t -------------rain in September .

5 . You must do --------------more effort to pass the exam .

6 . She is --------------over seventy but in a very good health .

7 . Our government does not spend ------------------money on education .

8 . Do you know ----------------about Eskimos ?

9 . I don’t have ---------------friends at school .

10 . Only ---------------people attended the meeting . It was very boring .

11 . I did not see --------------friends here .

12 . Is there --------------water left ?

13 . The room was nearly empty ; there were --------------people .

14 . Are there -------------girls in your class ?

15 . She said there was too ------------sugar in her coffee .

16 . There isn’t ------------ink in the bottle .

17 . He is a wild boy . He causes ---------------trouble in class .

18 . I’m afraid we nearly ran out of sugar . We have got very ---------------left .

19 . I saw this film --------------times before but I didn’t understand ----------of it .

20 . I don’t know all my classmates . -------------of them are new comers .

21 . I don’t understand all my lessons . ------------of them are difficult .

22 . Most of my friends come to school by bus , but ---------------of them come on foot .

23 . I’m on a diet . I eat ----------------bread and a ------------of salad .

24 . He can’t come to the party . He has ----------------homework to do . 

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