Grammar American & British

Saturday, September 10, 2022

8 - ] Basic Grammar For Beginners - Simple Present Tense

8 - ] Basic Grammar For Beginners 


11 . The Present Simple Tense





I , You ,We , hey (inf.)

I , You , We , They (do)

I , You , We , They (do not)

We play football .

I usually go to school .

Do you like fish ?

Do they play football ?

We do not smoke .

They do not swim .

He , She , It (s ,es , ies)

He , She , It (does)

He , She , It (does not)

He plays football.

She usually goes to school .

Does he sleep much ?

Does she go to school ?

Does it eat meat ?

He does not smoke .

She does not swim .

It does not eat meat .

1 . Verbs ending in the letters (ch , sh , ss , x , and o) , add (es) not (s)


brush - brushes / guess - guesses / wash - washes / go - goes / fix - fixes

He teaches English .

She brushes her teeth twice a day .

2 . Verbs ending in (y) following consonant , change (y) into (ies)


carry - carries / dry - dries / try - tries /  hurry - hurries / cry -cries /

She fries fish .

He carries his bag .

It tries to escape .

3 . Verbs ending in (y) following a vowel ( a, e, i, o, u ) follow the usual rule and add (s) .


play - plays / stay - stays / pray - prays / say - says / employ - employs /

He plays football well .

They usually pray .

4 . This tense is often used with adverbs and adverbial phrases of frequency such as : often , never , always , every , usually , sometimes , (once , twice , three ,four etc. times a year , a day , a month etc.


We go to the beach every summer .

He usually goes to the club .

She visits her parents twice a week .

5 . This tense is used to express facts .


The earth goes round the moon .

The sun rises in the morning .

6 . This tense is used also to express a habit .


He gets up early every day .

I usually go to school

Exercise 1

Correct the verbs between brackets :

1 . He always ----------------(play) football on Friday .

2 . She often ---------------(visit) her grandmother on Sunday .

3 . ------------he ---------------(come) to school on foot ?

4 . He --------------(go) to school every day .

5 . We --------------------9not usually eat) dinner at home ,

6 . Where -----------------your father -------------(work) ?

7 . They -------------(not go) to the cinema every night .

8 . He usually -----------------(go) to school on his bike .

9 . What time ------------the lesson ------------------(begin) ?

10. A doctor ------------------(study) medicine .

11 . It never ------------------- (rain) in summer .

12 . Father ------------------(go) to work in the morning .

13 . ---------------you(speak) English in class every day ?

14 . She ----------------(not help) her mother with the house work .

15 . He -----------------(not brush) his teeth every morning .

16 . She --------------------(walk) to school with her friend every day .

17 . Sally always ----------------(sit) in that seat .

18 . The students --------------------(write) many exercises every day .

19 . He ---------------------(read) the newspaper every morning .

20 . Adam ---------------(go) to the zoo very often .

21 . The cat always ----------------------(chase) the mouse .

22. Edward usually ---------------------(drink) tea for breakfast .

23 . She often --------------------(get) up early in the morning .

24 . Harry sometimes -------------------(spend) the week-end at home .

25 . -------------you ------------------(walk) to work every day ?

26 . He -------------(want) to be a doctor when he ---------------(grow) up .

27 . He ---------------(take) his car to work every day .

28 . Mary always ---------------9arrive) at the lesson on time .

29 . -------------it ------------(rain) very often during the month of January ?

30 . -----------------you always -------------(come) to work late ?

31 . How well -----------------he --------------(speak) English ?

32 . When ---------------the next train --------------------(arrive) ?

33 . How often -------------it (snow) in Egypt ?

Exercise 2

1 . Change the following into negative .

1 . She walks to school every morning .


2 . They watch television in the evening .


3 . He helps his father on the farm .


4 . It rains in summer in Egypt .


5 . She has many friends .


6 . Mary teaches in a primary school .


7 . Sarah has many English books .


8 . William plays the guitar well .


9 . It is hot in London .


10 . A doctor works in a school .


11 . Firemen work hard .


12 . Policemen catch good people .


13 . Postmen carry radios .


14 . A teacher flies a plane .


15 . A farmer helps sick people .


16 . The sun rises in the west .


17 . A policeman controls traffic lights .


18 . Wild animals live in cages .


19 . Elephants are useful to man .


Exercise 3

Change the following into questions :

1 . She speaks French well .


2. She eats with a fork and a knife .


3 .We make many mistakes in class .


4 . The baby cries too much .


5. She goes to bed early .


6. Nasser watches television every night .


7 . Mary helps her mother in the kitchen .


8 . A typist works in an office .


9 . The teacher comes to school on foot .


10 . Sandra sweeps the floor every day .


11 . The girls make much noise .


12 . Elephants eat grass .


13 . Elephants live in the forest .


14 . Birds feed on cereals .


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