Grammar American & British

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Vocabulary Tests - Test Seventeen ( 17 )

17 - ) Vocabulary Tests

Test Seventeen

1- ] 1 - ] Write the letter for the best answer to each question

It is difficult to resist dancing , when the hard-driving rhythms  and robust tones of Cajun music throb and pound .

1 . Which word could best replace robust ?

( A) confusing  ( B ) strong

( C ) quiet  ( D ) childish                                           1 . ----------------------

Indigenous to the Louisiana bayous where it developed , this unique Cajun music sound was nourished by the New World .

2 . Which word could best replace indigenous ?

( A ) native  ( B ) baffling

( C ) forgiving  ( D ) unknown                                   2 . ---------------------

Cajun music is a unique synthesis of cultural elements .

3 . A synthesis can best be described as a ---------------------

( A ) denial  ( B ) lesson

( C ) opinion  ( D ) combination                                 3 . ----------------------

Lively and infectious , Cajun music traverses cultural , generational , and language barriers .

4 . Which word or words could best replace traverses ?

( A ) passes across  ( B ) signals

( C ) imposes  ( D ) slows down                                      4 . -------------------------

Although the Acadians declared neutrality in the rivalry between France and England for dominion  of North America , the British demanded loyalty when they claimed the area in 1715 .

5 . Which word could best replace dominion ?

( A ) exploration  ( B ) unification

( C ) control  ( D ) delegation                                            5 . ---------------------

In a mass deportation executed with cold ruthlessness , British soldiers collected thousands of French Canadians , packed them into boats , and shipped them to widely dispersed areas.

6 . Ruthlessness can best be described as ----------------------

( A ) simplicity  ( B ) cruelty

( C ) sacrifice  ( D ) courage                                               6 . ----------------------

When the oil development and road-building programs of World War 1 brought modern America rushing in , however , the Cajun parishes could no longer resist acculturation .

7 . Acculturation is a process that involves -------------------

( A ) monetary gain  ( B ) deportation

( C ) government influence  ( D ) adaptation                      7 . ----------------------

In the headlong attempt to become part of the larger society , the language and music were discouraged , quelled , and all but forgotten .

8 . Which word could best replace quelled ?

( A ) resisted  ( B ) honored

( C ) suppressed  ( D ) tolerated                                             8 . ---------------------

In the mid-1970s , Many Americans became interested in searching for their roots . As part of this heritage movement , Cajun music was rescued and validated as am important folk-music tradition .

9 . Which word could best replace validated ?

( A ) confirmed  ( B ) exported

( C ) reacted to  ( D ) sickened                                                 9 . ------------------------

Having survived centuries of adversity , isolation , and persecution , the music tells plaintive stories about loneliness and lost love .

10 . Plaintive stories are ----------------

( A ) joyous  ( B ) mournful

( C ) repetitious  ( D ) unrelated                                               10 . -------------------------

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . A 3 . D 4 . A 5 . C 6. B 7 . D 8 . C 9 . A 10 . B

2- ] Decide which word in parentheses best completes the sentence . Then write the sentence , adding the missing word .

1 . To report on the conclusions reached by the group , the leader --------------- the opinions and ideas of all the members .

( quelled , synthesized )

2 . In order to prove or disprove hypotheses , scientists must ------------- their test results .

( acculturate , validate )

3 . Hannibal is credited even today with one of the greatest troop movements in history because he led an army of 1000,000 in ---------------the Alps .

( traversing , validating )

4 . Sociologists , interested in the way groups or societies come together and influence one another , study how they --------------------.

( acculturate , traverse )

5 . Tantalus , a king in classical mythology , was punished -----------------by the gods for offending them ; every time he reached for a fruit-laden branch of the tree that was just above his head , the wind blew it out of his reach .

( plaintively , ruthlessly )

6 . The project was seriously behind schedule , so the manager hired a construction specialist to recommend ways to -------------------the work .

( expedite , impede )

7 . Due to a clerical error , the package was dispatched to the wrong location . Before anyone could ----------------- the order , the contents had spoiled .

( countermand , mandate )

8 . Because the coach was on the league committee , he was able to -------------------the schedule so his team played only the weaker team .

( mandate , manipulate )

9 . The Heritage Women’s Club was so exclusive , anyone wishing to join had to trace her

--------------- back to the Revolutionary War .

( pedestal , pedigree )

10 . The blisters became so infected and painful that I finally had to consult a ---------------

( podiatrist , podium )

Answer Key

1 . synthesized 2 . validate 3 . traversing 4 . acculturate 5 . ruthlessly 6 . expedite

7 . countermand 8 . manipulate 9 . pedigree 10 . podiatrist

3 - ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by four words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters . Consider all choices before deciding on your answer . Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . COVET ( A ) expose  ( B ) hide

( C ) dislike  ( D ) crave                                                    1 . -------------------------

2 . DISSENSION  ( A ) cooperation  ( B ) arrangewment

( C ) declaration  ( D ) confrontation                              2 . -------------------------

3 . COMPOSITE ( A ) without parts  ( B ) compouind

( C ) decomposed  ( D ) argument                                   3 . --------------------------

4 . EXTRINSIC ( A ) additional  ( B ) relaxed

( C ) imported  ( D ) essential                                           4 . -------------------------

5 . OSTRACIZE ( A ) ignore  ( B ) care for

( C ) include  ( D ) crush violently                                    5 . ------------------------

6 . SUPPOSITION ( A ) invitation  ( B ) proven fact

 (  C ) interruption  ( D ) assumption                               6 . -----------------------

7 . PROFOUND ( A ) withdraw  ( B ) release

( C ) vigorously defend  ( D ) lighten                                7 . -----------------------

8 . VERSATILE ( A ) uninformed  ( B ) useful

( C ) rigid  ( D ) imaginary                                                 8 .------------------------

9 . PUGNACIOUS ( A ) generous  ( B ) smooth

( C ) logical  ( D ) peaceful                                                 9 . -----------------------

10 . ANTAGONISM  ( A ) hostility  ( B ) faith

( C ) harmony   ( D ) strong desire                                       10 . ----------------------

11 . LEGITIMATE  (A ) not valid  ( B ) despised

( C ) theoretical  ( D ) ordinary                                            11 . ----------------------

12 . AFFRONT  (A ) background   ( B ) escape

( C ) compliment  ( D ) diminish                                           12 . ---------------------

13 . STAUNCH  ( A ) firm  ( B ) frail

( C ) starched  ( D )  humorous                                              13 . ---------------------

14 . HALLOWED  ( A ) completely filled  ( B ) silent

( C ) blessed  ( D ) condemned                                                14 . ---------------------

15 . GRATUITOUS  ( A ) ungrateful  ( B ) essential

( C ) alarming  ( D ) lovable

Answer  Key

1 . C 2 . A 3 . A 4 . D 5 . C 6 . B 7 . A 8 . C 9 . D 10 . C 11 . A 12 . C 13 . B 14 . D 15 . B 


Vocabulary Tests - Test Sixteen ( 16 )

Vocabulary Tests ( 16 )

Test Sixteen

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word

It was their fear of sedition that prompted the authorities to ban all opposition newspapers and radio stations . In addition , all suspected agitators were confined to jail indefinitely .

1 . ( A ) unfair elections ( B ) conduct likely to incite rebellion

( C ) popular support ( C ) gossip and rumors                                1. -----------------------

The once popular ruler began to ignore the well-being of the citizens , and since no one questioned his authority , he gradually turned into a despot .

( A ) a fair and effective ruler  ( B ) democratically elected officeholder

( C ) military officer ( D ) a tyrant with absolute authority             2 . -------------------

The residents of the island expelled the foreign ministers and proclaimed their autonomy . Never again would they bow to another country’s flag .

3 . ( A ) freedom and independence ( B ) desire for peace ( C ) dependence on the protection of another nation ( D ) connection with a political party                   3 . ----------------------

The president complained that the proposed law would usurp his authority as commander-in-chief of the military . The constitution clearly stated that only the president could order an attack .

4 . ( A ) enlarge  ( B ) illegally take away

( C ) confuse  ( D ) drain or exhaust                                                        4 . ----------------------

The government plan to offer tuition assistance to deserving students in poor neighborhoods made sense . But by the time applications worked their way through the bureaucracy many deserving students got tired of waiting and dropped out of the program. 5 . ( A ) local elected officials ( B ) democratic process

( C ) inefficient system of offices and rules ( C ) postal system               5 . ---------------------

The proposed reforms in the welfare and health care system had little chance of passing . The expected reactionary attitudes began to surface among those quite happy with the way things were .

6 . ( A ) opposed to change  ( B ) soft-spoken

( C ) humorous  ( D ) medical                                                                        6 . --------------------

The candidate’s imperious manner may have lost him the election . In a democracy , people have a right to elected officials to be their servants , and not the other way around .

7 . ( A ) humble and soft spoken  ( B ) arrogant and dictatorial

( C ) hard and resistant  ( D ) appealing                                                        7 . -------------------

After decades of passing numerous laws and regulations , it was essential that the government attempt to codify its work . It had reached the point where judges had difficulty understanding what the law required .

8 . ( A ) translate  ( B ) repeal

( C ) arrange and systematize ( D ) legalize                                                     8 . -------------------

Before the United States could come into being , the individual states had to surrender some of their sovereign rights .

( A ) having authority to govern (B ) financial

( C ) unconstitutional ( D ) illegal                                                                      9 . ------------------

After overthrowing the elected officials , the military commander installed a totalitarian

government . From that time one , even the simplest action required his approval .

10 . ( A ) reformed and improved ( B ) efficient and orderly ( C ) emphasizing personal concern for its citizens ( D ) exercising absolute control                             10 . ------------------

Answer Key

1 . B 2. D 3. A 4 . B 5 . C 6 . A 7 . B 8 . C 9 . A 10 D

2- ] Each question below include a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . amnesty ( A ) accusation  ( B ) forgiveness

( C ) decoration ( D ) agreement                                    1 . --------------------

2 . CULPRIT ( A ) fake  ( B ) enemy

( C ) murderer  ( D ) lawbreaker                                    2 . --------------------

3 - OMISSION ( A ) something left out  ( B ) religious trip

( C ) message  ( D ) representative                                   3 . -------------------

4 . FELONY  ( A ) legal document  ( B ) serious crime

( C ) argument  ( D ) companion                                      4 . ------------------

5 . CHARLATAN ( A )  faker  ( B ) court officer

( C ) healer  ( D ) diplomat                                                5 . --------------------

6 . WIELD ( A ) drive  ( B ) join together

( C ) handle  ( D ) destroy                                                  6 . --------------------

7 . ILLUSTRIOUS ( A ) sensible (B ) illustrated

( C ) unknown ( D ) famous                                            7 . ---------------------

8 . EMIT ( A ) discard  ( B ) give off

( C ) catch  ( D ) explain                                                    8 . -----------------------

9 . MANUMIT ( A ) legal document  ( small crime

( C ) clever trick  ( D ) release                                          9 . ----------------------

10 . REFINE ( A ) perfect  ( B ) punish

( C ) ruin  ( D ) refer                                                         10 . ---------------------

11 . REPROBATE ( A ) refund  ( B ) threat

( C ) scoundrel  ( D ) court officer                                   11 . --------------------

12 . AEGIS ( A ) label  (B ) sponsorship

( C ) quarrel  ( D ) exit                                                       12 . --------------------

13 . CULPABLE ( A ) deserving blame  (B ) portable

( C ) rare ( D ) unable to be reformed                              13 . -------------------

14 . INTERMITTENT ( A ) broken  (B ) starting and stopping

( C ) seldom used  ( D ) secret message                            14 . -------------------

15 . RAVAGE ( A ) uncivilized person  ( B ) compliment

( C ) remarkable  ( D ) ruin                                                 15 . ------------------

Answer Key

1 . B 2. D 3. A 4 . B 5 . A 6 . C 7 . D 8 . B 9 . D 10 . A  11 . C 12 . B 13 . A 14 . B 15 . D

3 . ] Decide which word in parentheses best completes the sentence . Then write the sentence , adding the missing word

1 . Joseph Smith , the founder of the Mormon religion , was killed because of the ------------- of a mob that wanted to see his church destroyed .

( acerbity , antagonism )

2 . Although she denied that she was bitter , we could hear the ------------ in Denise’s voice when she talked about not being invited to the banquet .

( dissention , rancor )

3 . The minor accident on the parkway resulted in an ----------------- between the two drivers , both of whom jumped out of their cars shouting and waving their fists .

( affront , altercation )

4 . Because he had reported the students who had vandalized the computer lab , Dwight was ------------------ by some of his classmates .

( affronted , ostracized )

5 . Many who caused --------------in the Soviet Union were sent to Siberia as their punishment .

( dissention , retribution )

Answer Key

1 . antagonism 2 . rancor 3 . altercation 4 . ostracized 5 . dissention

4 - ] Write each sentence below . In the space write a form of the word in parentheses . The form of the word in parentheses may be correct .

1 . Tomas de Torquemada , the first inquisitor-general of the Spanish Inquisition , was feared for the severity of his punishments as well as his ----------------personality. (acerbity)

2 . The ------------------ between Caligula and the Roman senators came to a head when he appointed his horse to the senate in order to humiliate them . ( contentious )

3 . Mr. Jack sued the tabloid newspaper as ----------------- for the damage done to his reputation . 

( retribution )

4 . The mother grizzly bear disturbed during feeding , rose on her hind legs and

roared ----------------- . ( pugnacious )

5 . The diners ----------------- the waiter by leaving a tiny tip . ( affront )

Answer Key

1 . acerbic 2 . contention , contentiousness 3 . retribution 4 . pugnaciously , 5 . affronted 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

General Grammar Exercises & Tests ( 1 )

1 - ) General Grammar Exercises & Tests

1. I am slow to _____.

( A ) express my opinion ( B )  express my viewing ( C )   make my views ( D ) make my opinion

 2. I have to have this report finished _____.

( A )  by Friday ( B )  until Friday ( C )  Friday before ( D)  Friday beginning

 3. We were fortunate enough to visit the Grand Canyon. It has _____.

 ( A ) beautiful scenery that is much ( B )  many beautiful landscapes ( C )  many beautiful scenery ( D )  much beautiful sceneries

 4. The car was parked directly _____ the diner.

( A ) before ( B )  ahead of ( C )  in front of ( D )  preceding

 5. The ski resorts are usually crowded. There are many people _____ skiing.

( A ) enjoy ( B )  that enjoying ( C )  who enjoy ( D )  who enjoying

 6. It is already 3 o'clock. Can you _____ time to catch the bus?

( A ) have enough ( B )  have it in ( C )  make in ( D )  make it in

 7. I went to have my glasses _____.

( A ) fit ( B )  fitted ( C )  fit on ( D )  fitted on

 8. Mary's house is _____ the hair salon. Do you think you can find it?

 ( A ) along ( B )  near to ( C )  against ( D )  next to

 9. The burning stick was very hot. He let _____ just in time.

 ( A ) alone it ( B )  go alone it ( C )  go it ( D ) go of it

 10. Do we have _____ money to last us the week?

 ( A ) a lot of ( B )  plentiful ( C )  plenty of ( D )  enough

 11. John decided _____ golf on weekends.

( A )  to begin ( B )  to commence ( C )  to take up ( D )  to start up

 12. It _____ to me whether we meet them or not.

( A ) makes no difference ( B )  makes not a difference ( C ) is indifferent ( D )  is not a difference

 13. We were  _____ after all the hard work.

 ( A ) wear out ( B )  outworn ( C )  weary out ( D )  worn out

 14. We saw _____ wild animals while on vacation.

 ( A ) quite a few ( B )  quite much ( C )  quite many ( D )  quite some

 15. They are late as usual. I don't think we should _____ them.

 ( A ) await for ( B )  wait for ( C )  await on ( D )  wait on

16. Are you _____ the competition?

 ( A ) enter ( B )  going entering ( C )  go to enter ( D )  going to enter

 17. You had better _____ the tourist information office.

 ( A ) inquire at ( B)  inquiring at ( C )  inquire to ( D )  inquiring at

 18. Ireland was part of the UK, _____?

 ( A ) didn't it ( B )  wasn't it ( C )  hasn't it ( D )  weren't it

 19. They will be _____ at the party.

 ( A ) present ( B )  presents ( C ) presenting ( D )  at present

 20. Will they go _____ this summer?

( A ) swim ( B )  to swim ( C )  swimming ( D )  to swimming

 21. The New York police were very anxious _____ about the crime.

 ( A ) more learn ( B )  learn more ( C )  to more learn ( D )  to learn more

 22. Many excited women could _____ at the department store sale.

( A )  seen ( B )  be seen ( C )  be seeing ( D )  be see

 23. The sink in the locker room  tends to _____ .

 ( A ) low ( B )  overflow ( C )  flow over ( D )  over flowing

 24. How long did the baseball game _____?

 ( A ) last ( B )  endure ( C )  survive ( D )  continue

 25. We must _____ the annual board meeting tomorrow.

 ( A ) attend ( B ) attend to ( C )  attend in ( D )  attending 

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...