Grammar American & British

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Vocabulary tests - Test forty five [ 45 ]

45 - ] Vcabulary Tests 

Test Forty Five .

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages . Write the letter for the best answer to each question on the line provided

After the cold gray winter , spring brings a sense of freshness and renewal . The salutary effect of the new season has been celebrated in festivals and ceremonies for centuries .

1 . Which word could best replace salutary ?  

( A ) demoralizing ( B ) confusing

( C ) religious ( D ) beneficial                                 1 . ---------------------

Perhaps more than anything else , the green sprouts that burst from the soil and gradually elongate upward reflect this annual renewal .

2 .Which word could best replace elongate  ?

( A ) lengthen ( B ) shorten

( C ) retract ( D ) demand                                      2 . ---------------------

After witnessing this phenomenon year after year , one might begin to take this rebirth of plant life for granted .

3 . A phenomenon is a -------------------- .

( A ) noteworthy event ( B ) game

( C ) photograph ( D ) serious crisis                      3.--------------------

A little sunny warmth , some water , soil , and seeds can endow a field with explosions of flowers and a dense green cover in just a few weeks .

4 . Endow means ---------------

( A ) take away ( B ) supply

( C ) discard ( D ) subtract                                      4 . ----------------------

How can a field that was frozen in lifeless ice and snow in February produce such grandeur

in April and May ?

5 . The word grandeur means --------------- .

( A ) ugliness ( B ) magnificence

( C ) confusion ( D ) tallness                                    5 .----------------------

Almost all life on earth is powered by energy imparted by the sun .

6 . Which word could best replace imparted ?  

( A ) given ( B ) removed

( C ) taken away ( D ) concealed                              6 .---------------------

Directly or indirectly , the energy that powers almost all life is derived from the sun .

7. Which word could best replace derived  ?

( A ) predicted ( B ) ignored

( C ) hidden ( D ) received                                        7 . ---------------------

During this phase , water is decomposed , ultimately giving off oxygen and leaving hydrogen iron behind .

8 . Which word or words could best replace decomposed ?

( A ) built ( B ) written down

( C ) broken down ( D ) assembled                           8 . ---------------------

This oxygen is then accessible to you and other living things .

9 . Which word could best replace accessible  ?

( A ) explained ( B ) available

( C ) denied ( D ) unpleasant                                     9 . ---------------------

Photosynthesis is the pivotal chemical reaction of human existence .  

10 . The word pivotal means -----------------

( A ) extremely important ( B ) unnecessary

( C ) sensible ( D ) repulsive                                 10 . ----------------------

Answer Key

1 . D 2 . A 3 . A 4 . B 5 . B 6 . A 7 . D 8 . C 9 . B 10 . A

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages . Write the letter for the best answer to each question on the line provided

It’s a peaceful a summer afternoon in the late 1950s , and sounds of Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly wail from almost-new portable radios . In yards and on street corners , young boys - and maybe a few girls take packs of rubber-banded cards from their pockets . Flipping thin cardboard in regular competitions , they maintain a steadfast hope of winning a Willie Mays or a Mickey Mantle from an unwary friend .

1 . Which word or words could best replace steadfast ?

( A ) halfhearted ( B ) unnecessary

( C ) steady ( D ) disorderly                                   1. -----------------------

2 . Someone who is unwary could best be described as ------------------------ .  

( A ) lacking caution ( B ) forgetful

( C ) careful ( D ) disorganized                              2 . ----------------------

Today , those same boys and girls have grown up , and they plumb attics and basements for the shoeboxes that housed their baseball cards.

3 . Which word or words could best replace plumb ?

( A ) escape from ( B ) measure

( C ) treat thoughtlessly ( D ) examine closely       3 .---------------------

Once the pastime of grade-school kids , collecting baseball cards has become big business , and gleeful hobbyists have been transfigured into serious-minded investors .

4 . Which word or words could best replace transfigured

( A ) changed ( B ) consumed carelessly

( C ) affected negatively ( D ) separated                  4 . -------------------

The publishers’ inchoate notions of what the cards should contain seem rather peculiar today .

5 . If something is inchoate , it can best be described as ---------------- .

( A ) easily irritated ( B ) in an early stage

( C ) geographically close ( D ) random                   5 . ---------------------   

Although the early cards meet the demands of age and rarity , they usually lack an important variable in determining worth - condition .

6 . A variable can best be described as ---------------------- .

( A ) a pattern of markings ( B ) a member of a group

( C ) something likely to change ( D ) one of a series  6 . ---------------------

Pristine cards are straight-out-of-the-package perfect : sharp corners , crisp edges , and brilliant colors .

7 . Which word or words could best replace Pristine ?  

( A ) Modest ( B ) Incidental

( C ) Remarkable ( D ) unspoiled                                  7 . ---------------------

Even the tiniest defect indelibly labels a card as damaged goods .

8  . Which word or words could best replace  indelibly ?

( A ) privately ( B ) permanently

( C ) without equal ( D ) unfairly                                   8 . --------------------


As collectors and dealers vie for choice merchandise , they speculate on players’ futures . Rookie cards of players who were later elected to the Hall of Fame are thus among the most valuable .

9 . Which word or words could best replace  vie  ?

( A ) live lavishly ( B ) cause to appear greater

( C ) make note of ( D ) strive for superiority                     9 . --------------------

Putting money into baseball cards is akin to speculating on the stock market .

10 . Akin can best be explained as -------------------- .

( A ) having a similar character ( B ) not openly practiced

( C ) winning approval ( D ) excessively sentimental         10 . -----------------

Answer Key

 1. C 2 . A 3 . D 4 . A 5 . B 6 . C 7 . D 8 . B 9 . D 10 . A

3 - ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . COMPULSORY ( A ) required ( B ) optional

( C ) sudden ( D ) simple                                            1 . --------------------

2 . CAPRICIOUS ( A ) clumsy ( B ) unconnected  

( C ) stale ( D ) constant                                              2 . ------------------

3 . IMPLAUSIBLE ( A ) unlikely ( B ) probable

( C ) without pauses ( D ) attractive                          3 . ------------------

4 . MALLEABLE ( A ) rigid portable ( B )

( C ) impossible ( D ) counterfeit                                4 . -----------------

5 . VACILLATE ( A ) awaken ( B ) deny

( C ) remain unchanged ( D ) lubricate                      5 . ---------------

6 . VIABLE ( A ) invisible ( B ) genuine

( C ) unable to survive ( D ) solid                                6 . -----------------

7 . REPELLENT ( A ) attractive ( B ) repeated often

( C ) calm ( D ) sickly appearance                               7. -----------------

8 . IMMUTABLE ( A ) loud ( B ) easily changed

( C ) lovable ( D ) attractive                                         8 . -----------------

9 . SCRUPULOUS ( A ) humorous ( B ) illogical

( C ) honest ( D )  careless                                             9 . ----------------

10 . DESULTORY ( A ) well organized ( B ) complimentary

( C ) pure ( D ) harmful                                                10 . ----------------

11 . MODULATE ( A ) simplify ( B ) proceed without change

( C ) modify ( D ) examine closely                               11 . --------------

12 . EPHEMERAL ( A ) essential  ( B ) plain

( C ) long-lived ( D ) commonplace                              12 . ----------------

13 . PRIMITIVE ( A ) complex ( B ) related to animals

( C ) artistic ( D ) dangerous                                         13 . -----------------

14 . INVETERATE ( A) experienced ( B ) changeable

( C ) confusing ( D ) tending to arouse anger             14 . -----------------

15 . VIVACIOUS ( A ) deceitful ( B ) possessing high moral principles

( C ) easily embarrassed ( D ) dull                               15 . ------------------

Answer Key

1. B 2 . D 3 . B 4 . A 5 . C 6 . C 7 . A 8 . B 9 . D 10 . A 11 . B 12 . C 13 . A 14 . B 15 . D 

Saturday, October 30, 2021

General Grammar Exercises & Tests [ 18 ]

18 - ] General Grammar Exercises & Tests

[ 18 ]

Choose a phrasal verb to complete the sentences. (Answers at the end of the exercise .)

1 .They hope to  _________ _____  a contract and sign it before the end of the week.

(a) set up (b) put up (c) draw up (d) make up

2 . He's very dependable.  You can _________ _____ him in any circumstances.

(a) count for (b) trust in (c) stand for (d) rely on

3 . Many husbands avoid housework. They  manage to  _______ _____ ___ it. 

(a) get safe of (b) go past on (c) stay away of (d) get out of

 4 .  I'm glad you're coming to the meeting.  I  _________ _________ to meeting you.

(a) look ahead (b) look forward (c) see forward (d) think ahead

5 . Leo reads the newspaper every day to _________ _____ _____ the latest events.

(a) stand up to (b) stay on to (c) keep up with (d) get up to

6 . Tom and Bill had a meeting in order to  _________ _____ their difficulties.

(a) bash out (b) wash out (c) iron out (d) spread out

7 . Tests will be  _________ _____ to determine the causes of the failure.

(a) taken up (b) carried out  (c) looked into  (d) run on

8 . The plans for the new theatre   _________ ______ _______ a lot of criticism.

(a) ran up to (b) faced up with (c) came up against (d) was opposed to

9 . Sophie wants to resign.  We'll must _________ ____ a way to make her stay.

(a) set up (b) turn out (c) figure out (d) stumble on

10 . Anyone can make a mistake but George never  _________ ____  to his errors.

(a) comes on (b) owns up (c) goes forward (d) pays up


  1 (c)   2 (d)   3 (d)   4 (b)   5 (c)   6 (c)   7 (b)   8 (c)   9 (c)   10 (b) 

Complete the following sentences with the correct preposition.


(The answers are at the end of the page.)

1. Mr. Martin is responsible ______ recruitment.

2. I'm sorry but I don't understand the reason ________ the increase ________ price.

3. In this company, salaries depend ________ the level of responsibility.

4. You have to pay ________ the tickets the day you order them.

5. Our new Chairman reminds me ________ my old  history teacher.

6. Do you think the report could be translated ________ English for the meeting tomorrow?

7. Thank you for offering to help.  It's very kind ________ you.

8. Look ________ the woman ________ the picture.  Who is she?

9. The manager didn't take part ________ the discussion.  He didn't want to intervene.

10. It's no use taking him to the Louvre.  He isn't interested _______ art.

11. The food in Japan is very different ________ European food.

12. I don't agree ________ you.    ________  my opinion you're wrong.

13. John was late for the meeting as usual.  That's typical ________ him.

14. We should invite Pete to the party.  He's very good ________ telling jokes.

15.The car crashed ________ a fence ________ the other side of the road.

 Answers :

| 1. for  | 2. for/in  | 3. on  | 4. for  | 5. of  | 6. into  | 7. of  | 8. at/in  |

| 9. in  | 10. in  | 11. from  | 12. with/in  | 13. of  | 14. at  | 15. into/on |

Q1. Punctuate the following sentences.

i like playing with my friends sandy sunny sameer

we went through the smoky mountains, near shimla on our way to leh

my favourite soap is pears and my favourite toothpaste is pepsodent

i’m a catholic and that’s why i go to st.joseph’s school

my friend priya speaks german and she is teaching me some words


General Grammar Exercises & Tests [ 17 ]

17 - ] General Grammar Exercise & Tests

[ 17 ]

Choose a phrasal verb to replace the words in bold. (Answers at the end of the exercise .)

Every morning  I  (stop sleeping)  _________ ____   when I hear the alarm clock.

(a) wake out (b) wake up (c) wake in (d) wake off

On Sundays I can  (leave bed)  _________ ____  later.

(a) get out (b) step off (c) get up (d) step out

We must  (be quick)  _________  ____  or we'll be late for school!

(a) act up (b) fasten on (c) hurry up (d) speed in

John helped the old lady to  (board)  _________ ____   the bus.

(a) mount on (b) get on (c) get up (d) put on

Julie went to the library to  (try to find)  _________ ____   a book.

(a) look out (b) look after (c) look for (d) look out

It's time for the news.  Let's  (start)  _________ ____ the radio.

(a) turn on (b) tune in (c) turn up (d) tune at

"Please come in and  (have a seat)   _________ ____"    said the doctor.

(a) seat up (b) seat down (c) sit up (d) sit down

When Dad arrives home, he  (removes)  _________ ____    his coat.

(a) puts off (b) takes off (c) leaves in (d) takes out

Dad couldn't see very well.   "  (wear)  _________ ____  your glasses" said Mum.

(a) put on (b) put away (c) put in (d) put up

When we arrive at the station, we  (descend from)  _________ ____  the train.

(a) get down (b) stand down (c) get off (d) stand out


  1 (b)   2 (c)   3 (c)   4 (b)   5 (c)   6 (a)   7 (d)   8 (b)   9 (a)   10 (c) 

Choose a phrasal verb to replace the words in bold. (Answers at the end of the exercise .)

When Carla goes to work, a babysitter  (takes care of) _________ ____  the children.

(a) looks at (b) looks up (c) looks for (d) looks after

The babysitter (has a good relationship)   _________  ____  well with the children.

(a) gets out (b) gets on (c) gets up (d) gets in

Peter promises he will (stop)  _________ ____  smoking soon.   

(a) give in (b) give over (c) give up (d) give out

They (continue) _________ ____  talking when the teacher arrives.

(a) carry on (b) get on (c) break out (d) remain on

The fire fighters came and  (extinguish)  _________ ____  the fire.

(a) put off (b) let away (c) put out (d) let out

I'll call the shop to  (discover) _________ ____  the price.

(a) find out (b) bring out (c) turn up (d) call up

You never forget where  you  (spend your childhood)  _________ ____ .

(a) bring up (b) raise up (c) grow up (d) rise up

If your car (ceases to function) _________ ____  , you should call a garage.

(a) stops off (b) breaks down (c) turns off (d) breaks out

It's hard for a plane to (leave the ground) _________ ____  when there is snow.

(a) takes off (b) start up (c) lift off (d) rise up

You must  (return) _________ ____   the books that I lend you.

(a) hand in (b) take back (c) give back (d) pay for


  1 (d)   2 (b)   3 (c)   4 (a)   5 (c)   6 (a)   7 (c)   8 (b)   9 (a)   10 (c) 

Choose a phrasal verb to complete the sentences. (Answers at the end of the exercise.)

The meeting had to be  _________ _____  (postponed to a later date).

(a) set off (b) put off (c) laid off (d) set to

The films begins at 8.30.  I'll _________  you  _____  at 8.15.

(a) pick/up (b) take/out (c) collect/up (d) run/up

Tom is depressed.  He's finding it difficult to   _________ _____   his divorce.    

(a) get over (b) get past (c) go after (d) give away

There is no more sugar.  Never mind - we can to  _______ _______ it!

(a) dispense of (b) make up (c) take off (d) do without

Teaching is not easy. Sometimes they have to  __________ _____  aggressive children.

(a) handle to (b) deal with (c) cope on (d) work out

Alan met Julie by accident.  He  _________ _____  her at the supermarket.

(a) walked into (b) crashed into (c) bumped into (d) banged into

The boss wants to know how we can   _________ _____  the decrease in sales.

(a) make up (b) break down (c) add up (d) account for

 If we   _________ _____  of petrol on this isolated road, we'll be in trouble!  

(a) lack in (b) run out (c) stay out (d) roll out

Sometimes fighting  _________ _____  among supporters at football matches.

(a) takes off (b) starts up (c) breaks out (d) rises up

There will be no press conference tomorrow.  It has been  _________ _____ .

(a) called off (b) taken back (c) put away (d) set off


  1 (b)   2 (a)   3 (a)   4 (d)   5 (b)   6 (c)   7 (d)   8 (b)   9 (c)   10 (a)  

General Grammar Exercises & Tests [ 16 ]

16 - ] General Grammar Exercises & Tests


[ 16 ]

Complete the following sentences with 'must' or 'have to'.

(The answers are at the end of the exercises .)

1.My boss needs this report urgently.  I _____________ finish it now.

2."You _________ arrive on time every morning" said the shopkeeper to the new trainee.

3.Julie __________ go to work on foot.  The buses are on strike.

4.Secretaries ________ answer the phone.  That's part of their job.

5."You ________ do your homework"  said the teacher.

6."We__________ invite our neighbours for dinner one day" said my husband.

7.David ________ leave home at 7..30 a.m.  in order to get to the office at 9 a.m.

8."I ________ leave for the airport straight away or I'll miss my flight!"

9.Employees ___________ attend all personnel meetings - it's written in their contracts.

10."I ________ call my mother - it's her birthday today."

 Answers :

«1. have to 2. must3.  has to 4. have to5. must 6. must7. has to 8. must 9. have to 10. must»

Change the form of the following sentences from active to passive:

Example: People buy food at the market →Food is bought at the market.

He has fed the animals. → The animals have been fed.

1. Active :   They take the child to school by car.

Passive : The child ...

2. Active :    I saw two armed men in front of the jewellery shop.      

Passive : Two armed men ...

3. Active :    The reporter is announcing the results on the radio right now.

Passive : The results ...

4. Active :    Emma had done the housework before the guests arrived.

Passive : The housework ...

5. Active :    The doctor was treating the patient when the ambulance arrived.

Passive : The patient ...

6. Active :    The ambulance will take the patient to the nearest hospital.

Passive : The patient ...

7. Active :    The teacher had announced the results to the students.

Passive : The results ...

8. Active :    Tom will have calculated the cost before the end of the day.

Passive : The cost ...


Passive : The child is taken to school by car.

Passive : Two armed men were seen in front of the jewellery shop.

Passive : The results are being announced on the radio right now.

Passive : The housework had been done (by Emma) before the guests arrived.

Passive : The patient was being treated (by the doctor) when the ambulance arrived.

Passive : The patient will be taken (by ambulance) to the nearest hospital.

Passive : The results had been announced to the students (by the teacher).

Passive : The cost will have been calculated (by Tom) before the end of the day.

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets

(past perfect simple or continuous).

(The answers are at the end of the page.)

1. When their mother arrived, the children ___________________ (finish) their homework.

2. Sam _____________________ (search) for a long time before he found what he needed.

3. Julie didn't watch the film because she ______________ (see) it before.

4. Chloe was tired when she got home because she ____________________(work) all day.

5. The mechanic  ________________(repair) her car when Mary arrived at the garage.

6. Hugo was playing tennis.  When Eva arrived, he ___________________(play) for 2 hours.

7. When the dessert arrived, Anne wasn't hungry;  she _________________(eat) too much.

8. It was my first flight.  I __________________________   (never fly) before.

9. Tom was annoyed because Andy ______________________ (forget) to call him back.

10.Joe was ready for the exam.  He ________________________ (revise) for weeks.

 Answers :

1.had finished            2.had been searching 3.had seen      4.had been working  5.had repaired 6.had been playing            7.had eaten     8.had never flown     9.had forgotten          10.had been revising

General Grammar Exercises & Tests [ 15 ]

15 - ] General Grammar Exercise & Tests

( 15 )

Complete the following sentences with 'like' or 'as'.

(The answers are at the end of the exercise .)

1.My sister is very artistic. She is not athletic __________ me.

2.I've had my hair cut and styled, _________ you can see.

3.Tom has joined a telephone company _________ product manager.

4.Some people say that my friend Carla looks __________ Madonna.

5.When James was a student, he worked every summer ________ a waiter.

6.Tom qualified ________ an engineer before attending a business school.

7.Julie is completely overworked.  She works _______ a slave!

8.Today is Friday, so today, _________ on every Friday, we wear casual wear.

9.Strong leaders, _________Winston Churchill, are few and far between.

10.He's a very good swimmer.  He can swim ________ a fish!

 Answers :

1. like  2. as     3. as     4. like  5. as  6. as 7. like 8. as 9. like 10. like

Make one sentence from the two below, using the word(s) in brackets.

Example: It was raining. We played golf. (even though)

→ Even though it was raining, we played golf.

1.She wasn't very rich.  She gave money to the beggar. (although)

2.He left early.  He wanted to arrive on time. (so that)

3.You can go out tonight.  You must tell us where you are going. (provided)

4.I don't earn a big salary.  But if I did, I wouldn't buy a car.  (even if)

5.Take a sandwich.  There might be no restaurant. (in case)

6.There was a lot of noise.  He managed to sleep. (despite)

7.Sue likes Opera.  Joe prefers jazz. (They have different tastes.)  (whereas)

8.The weather was bad.  They enjoyed the trip. (even though)

9.He had the 'flu.  He went to work. (in spite of)

10.You have to put the alarm on.  If not, it won't work. (unless)


   → Although she wasn't very rich, she gave money to the beggar.

  →  He left early so that he would arrive on time.

  → You can go out tonight provided you tell us where you are going.

  →Even if I earned a big salary I wouldn't buy a car.

  → Take a sandwich in case there's no restaurant.

  →Despite the noise, he managed to sleep. / He managed to sleep despite the noise.

  →Sophie likes Opera whereas Joe prefers Jazz.

  →Even though the weather was bad they enjoyed the trip.

  →In spite of having the 'flu he went to work.

  →Unless you set the alarm it won't work.

Complete the following sentences with 'make' or 'do' (in the correct tense).

(The answers are at the end of the page.)

1.If you set up a business, it's generally to _______ money.

2.I can't give the answer right away.  I'll have to ______ some research.

3.I'm very pleased with the result.  You ______ a great job!

4. When I ________ a mistake, my teacher corrects me and explains why.

5.What are you studying?  I'm __________ a degree in history.

6.You'll have to work hard if you want to ________ progress.

7.Stop ________ fun of my accent - it's not my fault!

8.It doesn't have to be perfect - just ______ your best.

9.I've got a toothache.  I'm going to ring the dentist to ___________ an appointment.

10.It's not easy to _________ business with people of different nationalities.

 Answers :

«1. make 3. did 4.make 5. doing 6. make 7. making 8. do 9. make 10.  do» 

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...