Grammar American & British

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 3 ]

composition & Essay Writing . [ 3 ]

Stages of Writing .

1-] Prewriting .

In this stage you find a topic , establish your purpose and research and plan your writing .

During prewriting you decide what you want to write about by exploring ideas , feelings and memories .

Prewriting is the stage in which you not only decide what your topic is but 1-] you refine ,focus and explore your topic 2-] you gather information about your topic 3-] you make notes about what you want to say about it 4-] you also think about your audience and your  purpose . Your audience is whoever will read your work . Your purpose is what you hope to  accomplish  through your writing .

After you have decided on a topic and explored it , making notes about what you will include , you will need to arrange and organize your ideas . There are many techniques you can use to generate ideas and define and explore your topic .

Once you have chosen a topic , you can explore it by brainstorming , free writing ,                clustering or listing .

We spoke about free writing and brainstorming . Clustering and listing are also helpful techniques for writing as writing is a process with logical steps leading to the final target –     that is the piece or work of writing .

1-]Clustering .

It is a writing technique . Some students use clustering to explore ideas for the memory         book .Write your topic in the middle of a piece of paper . As you think about the topic ,    briefly    write down everything that comes to mind . Each time you write something , draw       a a circle around it and draw lines to connect those circles to the main idea in  the   center . Continue    to think   about the secondary ideas and add off shoots to them . Draw circles  around those related    ideas and connect them to the secondary ideas .

2-] Drafting .

It includes organizing your thoughts and getting an introduction , body and conclusion on paper in rough form .Drafting or writing it down is putting your notes into sentences and paragraphs that work together to make an effective piece of writing .

Organizing Ideas .

Organizing ideas involves several steps – weeding out what does not belong , organizing the remaining ideas in a sensible way and filling in missing details .

Weeding Out What Does Not Belong .

Not all the ideas you gather on a topic belong in your writing . You have to decide what to keep      and what to take out . First think about what you want to say about your topic and  express that central idea in one sentence , Then list details and cross out that do not  belong .

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 2 ]

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 2 ] 

Some Ways To Collect Information .

1-] Asking Questions .

To discover the facts you need to begin by writing a list of questions about your topic . Different questions serve different purposes and knowing what kind of question                  to ask can be as important as knowing how to ask it clearly .

2-] Library Research .

If your topic requires information you do not already have , the library is the best place to find it .

3-] Information Online .

You can get information through e-mail or online .

4-] Interviewing .

Get your information directly from the resources – interview someone . You may choose someone whom you can interview in person or you might investigate the possibility of an interview conducted over the telephone , through e-mail or online .

To conduct a successful interview , come prepared with good open-end questions . Listen         well and take notes carefully . With the interviewee’s permission , you can use a tape  recorder as well . Do not interrupt or rush ahead to the next question . Allow the person             time to answer . Ask follow-up questions . After the interview record your notes and jot  down what you learned .

5-] Observation .

 One good starting point for exploring a topic is imply to observe closely and list the details you see . After you have listed the details , arrange them into categories . The categories you choose depend on the details you observe and your writing goal . For example , you might want to organize your details using spatial order , chronological order or order of importance. 

C-] Free Writing .

It means just what it says : writing freely without worrying about grammar , spelling , logic , punctuation or anything . You just write what comes to your mind . Choose a topic and             a time limit , say ten minutes , then just start writing ideas as they come to you . If you run out of ideas , repeat the same word over and over until a new idea . Do not let the pen  stop moving . If you can not think of anything , keep writing the same , often your best ideas –  or at least  the seed of them will pop out . When the time is up , review what you have written . The ideas  that most interest you are likely to be the ones that will be most worth writing about . You can use your journals as a place for free writing or you can just take a piece of paper and start the process . The important things to allow your mind to follow its own path as you explore a topic . You will be surprised where it might lead you .

D-] Brainstorming .

It is a technique you can use to generate ideas . It is often most effective to brainstorm with      others because ideas can spark new ideas . Start with a keyword or idea and list other          ideas as    they occur to you . Do not worry about the order ; just let your ideas flow freely from one to the next . Do not evaluate the ideas – just accept them . Follow each idea as             far as it goes .

Writing Process -Composition & Essay Writing , [ 1 ]

Composition and Essay Writing [ 1 ]

Chapter One .

The Writing Process.

Writing is a process done in different stages . They include 1-]Prewriting

2-] Drafting 3-] Revising 4-] Editing – Proofreading 5-] Publishing / presenting.

These stages are recursive ; that is they do not necessarily follow one another in order ,  you can go back and forth among steps , repeating those that you need to end up with the result you want .

Some ways to help you to develop your writing .

A-] Keeping Journal .

   Many ideas come to us as we go about our daily lives . A journal or log can help you record your thoughts from day to day . You can then refer to this record when you are searching for a writing topic . Every day you can write in your journal , your experiences , observations , thoughts , feelings and opinions . Keep newspaper and magazine dippings , photos , poems and anything else that catches your interest . They might latter suggest questions that lead to writing topics . Try to add to your journal every day . Use your imagination . Be creative and do not worry about grammar , spelling or punctuation . This is your own personal record . It is your benefit only and no one else will read it .

B-] Collecting Information .

Writers start with what they know , but they often need more information to help them shape their ideas . Whether you are deciding on your topic or exploring a topic , you have already chosen , you need to discover as many facts as possible about your topic or possible topic . To find and gather facts and details , writers tap a wide range of sources such as books , magazines and newspapers . Sometimes the best sources are people with special knowledge of the topic .


Friday, July 3, 2020

Islamic Terms Dictionary 10 ]

10- ] Islamic Terms Dictionary 

Islamic Terms Definitions .

We are aware of the fact that the translation of the meaning of the Glorious Qur’an , however accurate it may be , must fall short of conveying the wealth of meaning that the miraculous text of the original conveys and that the meaning conveyed by translation is only the sum total of what the translator has understood from the text of the Glorious Book of Allah , and that it can not escape the defects and drawbacks that are inherent in every human endavors . We , therefore , request every reader of this translation to furnish the Complex with any mistakes , omission or addition that he may find in it so that they may be eliminated in subsequent editions .

It is Allah Who bestows success and guidance to the Straight Path .

انا لندرك أن ترجمة معانى القرآن الكريم مهما بلغت دقتها فانها ستكون قاصرة عن أداء المعانى العظيمة التى يحويها النص القرآنى المعجز ، وأن المعانى التى تؤديها الترجمة انما هى حصيلة ما بلغه علم المترجم فى فهم كتاب الله الكريم ، وأنه يعتريها ما يعترى عمل البشر كله من خطأ ونقص ، ومن ثم نرجو كل قارىء لهذه الترجمة أن يوافى المجمع بما قد يجده فيها من خطأ أو نقص أو زيادة للاستفادة من هذه الملاحظات فى الطبعة القادمة ، والله هو الموفق والهادى الى سواء السبيل .

The call maker is Muhammad “ P.P. B. U . H “ . والداعى هو محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم .

I am the nearest of all the people to Isa [ Jesus ] .أنا أولى الناس بعيسى .

There has come to you from Allah a Light and a plain Book .قد جاءكم من الله نور وكتاب مبين .

By Him in Whose Hand Muhammad’s soul is .والذى نفس محمد بيده .

The Only Owner of the Day of Recompense .ما لك يوم الدين .

The way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace not of those who earned Your Anger norof those who went astray .صراط الذين أنعمت عليهم غير المغضوب عليهم ولا الضالين .

O Allah ! I make You my witness that I am on the religion of Abraham [ Islamic Monotheism                اللهم انى أشهدك أنى على دين ابراهيم ( الحنيفية السمحة / التوحيد الاسلامى ) .

“ Whoever does not recite Surat Al-Fatihah in his prayer , his prayer is invalid .

من لم يقرأ الفاتحة فى صلاته فان صلاته باطلة ( لاصلاة لمن لم يقرأ الفاتحة ) .

If one’s utterance of Amin coincides with that of the angels , then his past sins will be forgiven .من صادف تأمينه تأمين الملائكة غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه .The pious believers of Islamic Monotheism who fear Allah [ abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which He has forbidden ] and love Allah much [ perform all kinds of good deeds in which He has ordained ] .

ان المؤمنين بالحنيفية الذين يخشون الله ( ويتجنبون كل أنواع الذنوب والآثام التى حرمها ) ويحبون الله كثيرا ( ويؤدون كل الصالحات التى أمر بها ) .

And how excellent these companions are !وحسن أولئك رفيقا

Islamic Terms Dictionary [ 9 ]

9- ] Islamic Terms Dictionary 

 flood released from Ma’arib Dam    سيل العرم    calmness and tranquility  السكينة
the female buried alive shall be requested         واذا الموءودة سئلت
the caller will call to a terrible thing             شىء نكر يدعو الداعى الى
the heaven will shake with a dreadful shaking        ترجف السماء رجفة واحدة
heaven is split asunder / heaven cleft asunder     يوم تشقق السماء / وتنشق السماء
heaven shall be rent asunder with clouds          يوم تشقق السماء بالغمام
the King may Allah guard him          الملك حفظه الله  behalf of   بالنيابة عن
in view of the firm faith of …in the importance of             بأهمية ......     …وايمانامن.....
in fulfillment of the injunction of the Prophet “ Convey my message even if it be one singe ayah    قول الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم " بلغوا عنى ولو آية المأمور به فىتحقيقا للبلاغ 
We praise Allah for His favour to us in completing this great work
ونحمد الله أن وفقنا لانجاز هذا العمل العظيم
Praying Him to accept this as a sincere service for His sake and for the benefit of the Muslims     لوجهه الكريم وأن ينفع به المسلمين الذى نرجو أن يكون خالصا
It is a confirmation of which was before it .       بين يديه ولكن تصديق الذى
Divine Pre-ordainment     القدر        grieve          يحزنون
rainstorm from the sky                 السماء     من كصيب               The All-Wiseالحكيم ( الله )
Elephant Army                             أصحاب الفيل                         blood-moneyالدية
prostration places in Quran                   مواضع السجدة فى القرآن     Dhul-Kifl        ذو الكفل       
Enoch , Edrees            ادريس  Elias       الياس                                 Barrier        البرزخ
booty        غنيمة الحرب / الفىء Allah commands “ Be !and it is .        انما أمره كن فيكون .
violent destructive westerly wind       ريحا صرصرا عاتية    legal status     الأحكام
Islamic law     الشريعة     forbidden    محرم     compulsory      واجب
desirable      مستحب        disliked      المكروه  Allah is the Most Great      الله أكبر
the duties which Allah has ordained               فرضها اللهالواجبات التى
Allah accept our innovation !         اللهم تقبل دعاءنا . / آمين !
companions of the Prophet .  أصحاب النبى entertained the Muslim emigrants
استضافوا المهاجرين
The four compilers of the Prophets tradition        الأربعة .أئمة الأحاديث
The compilers of the prophetic Ahadith on Islamic jurisprudence    أصحاب السنن
infidels of Quraish , pagans of Quraish  كفار قريشunlawful cohabitation   الظهار
enjoined duty   الفريضة  ejaculation of semen      القذف ( اخراج المنى )
arrows used to seek good luck or a decision  الأزلامsanctuary of Makhah  الحرم المكى
The Byzantines   بنو الأصفر ( البيزنطيون )innovated practice     البدعة
two-year-old she-camel    بنت لبون one-yea-old she-camel    بنت مخاض
The Ascent of the Prophet to the heavens      المعراج الى السماء
Pseudo Messiah, Antichrist     المسيح الدجالThe woman with two belts ذات النطاقين
 أسماء بنت أبى بكررضىالله عنهما ى
relatives in the maternal side   ذوو الأرحامprohibited transactions                     معاملات محرمة
The Prophet’s migration      هجرة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم
private pasture     الحمى  seclusion in a mosque      الاعتكاف فى المسجد
a four-year-old  she-camel    الجذعةwine , alcohol , intoxicant   خمر ، مسكر
inconspicuous polytheism    الشرك الخفىGlorified is Allah !    سبحان الله !
the statements of the Prophet   أحاديث النبىpre-emption       الشفعة
narrow-headed vessel    قمقمheretics          كفار هراطقة
heresy   هرطقة / كفر    Negus    النجاشىidolaters     الوثنيون idolatry   وثنية
oneness of Allah   وحدانية اللهa person who conveys evil talk  المتفحش
manumitted slave    عبد معتقthe highest place in Paradise   المكان المحمود
a bad smelling gum      المغافير    silk cushions    المياثر
throwing pebbles        رمى الجمرات

Islamic Terms Dictionary [ 8 ]

8- ] Islamic Terms Dictionary .

Uzair [ Ezra ]       العزير                                      flesh of fowls     لحم طير

spending in Allah’s cause    الانفاق فى سبيل الله    weight and measure       الميزان والمكيال

slanderers           المرجفون                                 Solomon and the hoopoe   سليمان والهدهد

adopted son       الابن المتبنى                               running spring   عين جارية

Pharaoh / transgressed beyond bounds أكثروا فيها الفساد / طغوا  The Deluge         الطوفان

guardian of orphan         الوصى                        monotheism      التوحيد

suckling الارضاع                                                foster mother    امرأة الأب

prosperity and wealth X calamities    الرخاء / الشدة  supreme success        نجاح مبين

Talut [ Saul ]       طالوت                                     The Sustainer    الرزاق ( الله )

every nation has its appointed term  لكل أمة أجل هم بالغوه  excites enmity and hatred            والبغضاءيثير العداوة

has no power over believers       ليس له سلطان على المؤمنين          Scripture              الكتاب 

People of the Scripture  أهل الكتاب                       among them who are on the right course                 أولئك على الطريق المستقيم

sects and divisions           طوائف وفرق                                    signs of Allah      آيات الله

if greater sins are avoided , small sins are remitted       الكبائر تفر الصغائر اذا اجتنبت            whoever earns a sin , he earns it only against himself  ومن يقترف اثما فانما يقترفه عن نفسه       whoever earns a sin and then throws it on to someone innocent   ويرمى به بريئا من يقترف اثما 

Allah forgives not setting up partners in worship with Him , but forgives whom He pleases other sins than that                                                                         ان الله لا يغفر أن يشرك به ويغفر ما دون ذلك لمن يشاء

those who commit sins , will get due recompense                                              ومن يقترف سيئة يجزى بها   

  their ears , eyes and skins will testify against them                    يوم تشهد عليهم أسماعهم وأبصارهم وجلودهم

Sirat [ bridge ]    الصراط                                                    dwellers of the Paradise أصحاب الجنة / أهل الجنة

shin shall be laid bare     يوم يكشف عن ساق                           Paradise shall be brought near   وأزلفت الجنة

Hell-Fire shall be stripped off / kindled to fierce ablaze              وسعرت الجحيم للغاوين / واذا الجحيم سعرت   

 There has come to you from Allah a Light and a plain Book      نور وكتاب مبين من اللهجاءكم  

   a Guidance and Mercy   هدى ورحمة                abrogated or forgotten verse     ماننسخ من آية أو ننسها

Allah rewards those who do good with what is best       ان الله يجازى الذين أحسنوا بالحسنى      

 for good , no reward other than good                             هل جزاء الاحسان الا الاحسان

a single shout    زجرة / صيحة واحدة                                                       near torment     عذابا قريبا

retaliation by way of charity will be an expiation             ان الحسنات يذهبن السيئات     

 right guidance is the Guidance of Allah                 ان الهدى هدى الله

dwellers of the Rocky Tract أصحاب الحجر         the heaven , protected roof  محفوظا سقفا السماء 

 ask you about soul  [spirit ]          يسألونك عن الروح   

charity concealing is better than showing                       الصدقات )  وان تخفوها فهو خير لكم      

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...