Grammar American & British

Monday, July 6, 2020

Comprehension - Intermediate [ 11 ]

[ 11 ] Comprehension 

[ 11  ] Intermediate

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                   Every year , more people face poverty and hunger and more of the earth’s resources are ruined . The problems are enormous , but many experts believe that the situation is not hopeless . The solution will require big changes in how we think about agriculture , food and our planet .

                 First of all , farmers everywhere need to develop methods that are less destructive to the environment . The change from single crop farming to mixed crop system would be one important step . The planting of various crops improves the soil and helps prevent erosion . Erosion could further be prevented by planting trees to protect the fields from the wind . Another way , farmers could improve their soil is to stop deep plowing . In fact , only a light plowing is necessary , or sometimes no plowing at all .

                 If the soil were treated better , farmers wouldn’t need to use chemical fertilizers . They could use natural animal and vegetable products instead . With mixed crops , farmers would also not need as much or any chemical insecticides . They could use other biological methods of controlling insects and diseases .

                Farmers could also help save some of the earth’s precious supplies of water and petroleum . To save water , they could plant less “ thirsty” crops , instead of the standard types of wheat or corn . They could also use watering systems that are much less wasteful . To save petroleum , farmers could make use of bio-gas generators for energy to reduce the need for fire wood and so help save forests as well .

                In less-developed countries , the small farmers need help . They need to learn more about crops that are better suited to the local conditions . They need to learn how to limit erosion and make the best of their resources .

A- ] Answer the following questions :

1-] What are the destructive methods to the environment ?


2-] How can farmers use less chemical fertilizers ?


3-] What help do small farmers need ?


4-] Why using bio-gas generators is useful ?


 B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] Deep plowing of the soil

A-] prevents erosion . B-] improves the soil . C-] causes erosion . D-] helps the plants grow .

2-] We can infer from this passage that farmers at present

A-] use very little water on average . B-] are now very careful about their water use. C-] always use too much water . D-] often waste a lot of water .

3-] This passage is about

A-] biological methods of farming . B-] how we can change the way food is produced world wide . C-] how millions of people are facing hunger and poverty . D-] farming around the world .

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Comprehension - Intermediate [ 9 ]

[ 9 ]Comprehension . 

[  9  ] Intermediate

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

             The Hawaiian Islands are a tropical paradise , most of the time . But even there , nature can sometimes show its more violent side . The islands have been hit by numerous natural disasters in the recent past . These disasters have caused deaths and damage .

             Through all of Hawaii’s history volcanoes have played an important part . The islands were formed by the eruption of volcanoes under the ocean . On the big islands of Hawaii , the volcanoes continue to erupt . During an eruption , hot lava pours out of the top of a volcano and down the side . The red hot lava covers everything in its path . The air is filled with smoke and horrible-smelling gas that is sometimes poisonous . Once in 1790 , poisonous gas blew down into a populated valley and killed 80 people . In 1950 , a volcano on Hawaii erupted and lava poured out for 23 days . The lava covered 35 miles and closed off the main coastal road .

           Another kind of natural disaster that has hit Hawaii is the tidal wave , or tsunami . Unlike volcanoes . tsunamis come from far away under the ocean.  When an earthquake occurs under water , it creates huge waves . If these waves hit land , they destroy everything along the coast . Two terrible tsunami have hit the big island of Hawaii in modern times . One enormous wave washed away a whole school with the children and their teachers . Another killed 61 people .

                     Hurricanes have also caused much trouble for Hawaiians recently . When a hurricane passes over an island , the wind may be very strong , over 80 miles an hour . It can blow away windows , roofs and even whole buildings . The shore line may be changed , as the large waves wash over beaches and break up cliffs .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] How does nature show its more violent side ?


2-] What happens during the eruption of a volcano ?


3-] Why are tsunamis different from volcanoes ?


4-] What is the important part of volcanoes in Hawaii’s history ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] The underlined word “it” refers to

A-] volcano      B-] tsunami       C-] hurricane        D-] earthquake

2-] Erupt means

A-] break up    B-] break down     C-] break off     D-] break away

3-] When an earthquake occurs under water , it

A-] closes off the main road .  B-] fills the air with smoke .

C-] creates huge waves .   D-] blows away windows , roofs and buildings .

Comprehension .- Intermediate [ 10 ]

[ 10 ] Comprehension . 

[  10  ] Intermediate 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

              There is nothing new about cutting down trees . In ancient times , Greece , Italy and Great Britain were covered with forests . Over centuries those forests were gradually cut back until now nothing is left .

             Today , however , trees are being cut down far more rapidly . Each year , about 42 million acres of forest area are cut down .That is more than the area of the whole of Great Britain . While there are important reasons for cutting down trees , there are also dangerous consequences for life on earth .

            A major cause of the present destruction is the world wide demand for wood . In industrialized countries people are using more and more wood for paper  , furniture and houses . Wood companies , therefore , have begun taking wood from the forests of Asia , Africa , South America and even Siberia.

                           Wood is also in great demand as fire wood in developing countries .  In Brazil and Central America ,large landowners want to raise lots of cattle for export .

                The destruction of forests affects first the people who used to live there . However , it also has other effects far away . For example , on the mountain sides , trees help to absorb heavy rains . When the trees are cut down , the rain pours all at once into the rivers and there are terrible floods downstream . This has happened to the Ganges , the Mekong and other major rivers in Asia .

But finally , the loss of forests may have an effect on the climate of our planet . Together with increasing pollution , it could cause temperatures to rise and the climate to change around the world . No one knows exactly what effects this would have on our lives . For many people , however , the effects would probably be destructive .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] What are the reasons for cutting down the trees ?


2-] Why is cutting down the trees destructive ?


3-] How does cutting down the trees affect the climate ?


4-] What do you think would happen , if trees were not cut down ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] The underlined word “ That” refers to

A-] cutting down trees . B-] great demand for wood . C-] the major cause of cutting down the trees . D-] the climate .

2-] In Brazil and Central America

A-]landowners use forests for hunting . B-] landowners destroy forests for hunting . C-] landowners worry about the effects of cutting down the trees .

D-] landowners use a lot of wood to build their houses .

3-] Consequences means

A-] reasons   B-] results  C-] temperatures   D-] losses

Comprehension - Intermediate [ 8 ]

[ 8 ] Comprehension . 

[  8  ] Intermediate

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

              By 1984 , NASA , the United States space program had carried out many successful flights of the space shuttle . In fact , Americans were beginning to take the whole NASA program for granted . Then , the president announced that the next shuttle would carry a school teacher into space . Hundreds of teachers from all parts of the country applied for the job . They all wanted to be “ the first teacher in space”. During the next year , these adventurous educators were tested , examined and trained . At last , the choice was announced . A teacher from New Hampshire , Christa MacAuliffe , would be the first teacher – astronaut .

             Many months of preparation and training followed the announcement.

First , Christa went through intensive physical training . She had to be in top condition for the flight . Then , she learned how to operate some of the delicate instruments on the Challenger space shuttle .Christa planned special lessons which she would teach from space . Finally , she trained with the other astronauts , so they could work as a team in space .

            Everyone knows what happened on the terrible day in January , 1986 . Early in the morning , the Challenger crew had a good breakfast and discussed their plans . They made sure they understood all of the work they would be doing during the flight . Later , they boarded a special van which carried them to the shuttle . The weather was rather cold , and some NASA officials wondered if they should put off the flight . After some discussion , they decided to go ahead . The Challenger too over the Atlantic Ocean in Florida . Minutes later , it exploded in the air . All of the crew members died in the crash .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] What happened when Christa was chosen ?


2-] Why did the Challenger explode ?


3-] Who do you think NASA  officials decided to go ahead ?


4-] What did Christa intend to do ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] The teacher-astronaut who was announced was

A-] lucky        B-] unlucky     C-] untrained        D-] delicate

2-] Delicate means

A-] gentle         B-] fine         C-] sophisticated          D-] special

3-] Christa was trained with other astronauts , so

A-] she would teach from space . B-] they could work as a team .

C-] she could board on a special van .  D-] she could operate the Challenger .


Comprehension - Intermediate [ 7 ]

[ 7 ] Comprehension 

[  7  ] Intermediate

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

         Shopping malls have produced a revolution in United States shopping and living habits in just 45 years . Before 1950 , there were no malls , but now almost every city or region has at least one . In fact , shopping malls have become a part of daily life . Many people even think of them as social centers . In a way , malls have taken the place on Main Street . Shops and services which were once spread over several city blocks are now in one place at the mall . Busy householders can save time by doing their shopping at the mall . People young and old , with time on their hands , often say , “ Let’s go to the mall !”

              While shopping malls have changed American life , not all of their effects have been positive . Most of  the shops and services found in malls are parts of large corporations . These businesses have taken away customers from smaller shops in the area and forced them to close . That  has meant fewer individually owned businesses and less local control over jobs . In addition , malls are harmful to the environment . They have sometimes been built on land that is important for the survival of birds and wild animals . Wherever they are built , they cover large areas with buildings and parking lots – instead of trees or grass . Thus , they contribute to the general loss of nature . Finally , malls are usually far from any town center , so people must use cars to get there . This results in increased air pollution and heavy traffic on the roads near the mall .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] How have shopping malls changed life in US ?


2-] What are the disadvantages  of malls ?


3-] Why have malls affected nature ?


4-] In what way have malls increased pollution ?


B-] Choose the correct answers :

1-] Take the place means

A-] replace     B-] occupy     C-] spread      D-] control

2-] The underlined word “ That” refers to

A-] the existence of malls          B-] the existence of large corporations

C-] heavy traffic                         D-] increased air pollution

3-] ……………….think of malls as social centers .

A-] Many people  B-] Some people  C-] Most people  D-] A few people

Comprehension .- Intermediate [ 6 ]

[ 6 ] Comprehension . 

[  6  ] Intermediate

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                 In many parts of the world , people take naps in the middle of the day . A nap is a short , daytime period of sleep .This is especially the case in warmer climates , where the heat makes work difficult in early afternoon . Researchers are now saying that naps are good for every one in any climate . First of all a daily nap means a more rested body and mind and many health benefits . In countries where naps are traditional , people tend to suffer less from stress and stress-related problems such as heart disease .

                 Another benefit of taking naps is improved job performance . In jobs where public safety is involved a nap can make an important difference . Studies have found for example , that airplane pilots make fewer mistakes if they take regular naps .

              Many working people , unfortunately have no time to take naps . Though doctors may recommend taking naps employers do not allow it ! If you have the possibility , however , here are a few tips about making the most of your nap . Remember that the best time to take a nap is about eight hours after you get up . A nap too late in the day only make you feel more tired and sleepy afterwards . This can also happen if you sleep for too long . A nap that lasts too long may also make it difficult for you to sleep at night . If time is a problem , try a short nap – even ten minutes of sleep can be helpful . Some people , in fact , find that they do not need to sleep at all . They feel rested and more awake after lying down for a while .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] What is a nap ?


2-] Why is a nap important ?


3-] How long may be a nap ?



4-] What do you advise for taking a nap ?


B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] Airplane  pilots make fewer mistakes , if they

A-] take  long naps  . B-] take a short naps . C-] take regular naps . d-] D o not need to sleep at all .

2-] Stress means

A-] pressure of life   B-] air pressure    C-] relief    D-] water pressure

3-] The best title for the passage is

A-] Taking naps is beneficial . B-] Taking naps must be a part of our life ,

C-]Taking naps is a part of warmer climates . D-] Doctors recommend taking naps .


Comprehension - Intermediate [ 5 ]

[ 5 ] Comprehension . 

[  5  ] Intermediate 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

                  The day before a long flight you are frantically doing last-minute chores and errands , packing , and reading guide books . Then , on the phone , you have several drinks with dinner and stay up late watching the movie . After a brief nap , it is time for breakfast and a morning arrival in , let’s say Paris or Rome . Adrenaline flowing , you spend the entire day sightseeing and taking pictures . By evening , exhaustion has set in , and the next morning , you can hardly wake up before noon . Jet lag has taken hold .

                Most people who travel by air across multiple time zones fall victim in this affliction of modern air travel . They may suffer from any of a number of unpleasant  symptoms , including insomnia , fatigue , nausea , sleeplessness and lethargy .

                 According to Dr. Harriet Minsky , professor of psychology at Montreal University , the symptoms of jet lag vary from person to person and vary according to how far a traveler has flown . Recovery from jet lag varies , with some sufferers feeling better gradually and others experiencing alternative days of feeling better or worse .

               Dr. Minsky points out that there are three primary causes of jet lag , and of these , two are avoidable . First people often wear themselves out getting ready for a trip , so they are already exhausted when they get on the plane . Second , long-distance  travelers often have a couple of drinks to pass the time . The alcohol can cause stomach distress  and interfere with getting a good night’s sleep . The third and unavoidable cause of jet lag is the fact that long distance air travel upsets your internal biological clock . Dr. Alvin Lacy , chief of general medicine at Northern Medical College  explains that out inner clock  controls  our cycle of sleeping and waking .

A-] Answer the following questions :

1-] What causes jet lag  ?


2-] Why is a day before a long flight is troublesome ?


3-] What are the sympotoms most people who travel across multiple time zones suffer from ?


4-] How do the symptoms of jet lag very according to Dr Harriet ?




B-] Choose the correct answer :

1-] Chores means

A-] travels           B-] tasks            Ca-] trips         D- ] lags

2-] Our inner clock controls our

A-] jet lag  B-] cycles of sleeping and waking C-] insomnia  D-] nausea

3-] The underlined word “ these” refers to

A] causes of jet lag B- ] symptoms of jet lag C-] sufferers of jet lag D-] errands 

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...