Grammar American & British

Friday, July 17, 2020

Conversation & Dialogue [ 12 ]

12- ] Conversation & Dialogue .

At The Bus Station .

Inspector : You want to get to Tahrir Station , sir ?

Citizen : Yes .

Inspector : It’s very easy . There’s a bus every ten minutes from stop number four . The next bus    is at five past nine , and a ticket to Tahrir costs two pounds . It takes one hour to get there .


Woman : May I have my coat , please ?

Attendant : Which one is it , madam ?

Woman : That one . That one’s mine .

Attendant : This one ?

Woman : No . That coat isn’t mine . Mine is the one next to it .

Attendant : Here’s your coat , madam . And is this yours ? This umbrella ?

Woman : No it isn’t .

Attendant : Oh , dear ! Whose is it ?

Woman : Don’t worry . I think it’s my husband’s . Khaled ! Is that your umbrella ?

Husband : Yes , it is .

Woman : It’s all right . It’s his .

                                                              At The Airport .

Customs Officer : Now . What’s your surname ?

Mr. Shaker : Shaker .

Customs Officer : Thank you .I’ll write your surname here . And your first names ?

Mr. Shaker : Ahmad Amr .

Customs Officer : Your first names go there . Ahmad Amr . And you put Mr. , Mrs. or Miss there . Next to your name , Mr. Shaker . Are you married ?

Mr. Shaker : Yes , I’m married .My wife is with me .

Customs officer : You’re married . Now, your nationality , please ?

Mr. Shaker : I’m Egyptian . I’m a businessman .

Customs Officer : Businessman . Thank you , Mr. Shaker . Now .May I see your passport , please. ?


Air Hostess 1: Is the air host , Karim here , yet ?

Air hostess 2 : Yes He’s getting the flight information . When he’s ready , we’ll leave .

Air Hostess 1 : Before e arrives , I’ll telephone one of my friends .

Air Hostess 2 : You’ve only got as minute or so . When he arrives , he’ll expect to find you here .

Air Hostess 1 : Yes , you’re right . OK . I won’t phone my friend till he arrives .

Air Hostess 2 : Sorry , but you know him .

Air Hostess 3 : I must phone too . When we arrive in London , I’ll phone from the airport .



At The Customs In Japan .

Mrs. Green : What’s that . Arthur ? I can’t understand him .

Mr. Green : It’s Japanese . I can’t understand Japanese .

Mrs. Green . Speak English , please .

Customs Officer : English ?

Mr. Green : Yes , English . Can you speak English ?

Customs Officer : Yes I can speak English .

Mrs. Green : Oh good .

Customs Officer : Can you tell me your names , please ?

Mr. Green : Mr. and Mrs. Green .

Customs Officer : Ah , ha . Can I see your passports ?

Mr. Green : Yes .

Customs Officer : Thank you . Where are your cases ?

Mrs. Green : Here . These two .

Customs Officer : Can I see them , please ?

Mr. Green : See them ? Ah .

Customs Officer : Yes . Can you open your cases ?

Mrs. Green : Open them ?

Mr. and Mrs. Green : No , we can’t .

Customs Officer : You can’t what ?

Mr. Green : We can’t open our cases .

Customs Officer : Why not ?

Mrs. Green : We haven’t got the keys .

Mrs. Green : And we can’t open our cases ---

Mrs. Green : If we haven’t got the keys .

Customs Officer : You haven’t got the keys , eh ? Hmm ….I think I can open them . Look !              Ah-ha ! What’s this ?

Mr. Green : Er ….two hundred and fifty three watches .

Customs Officer : Two hundred and fifty three watches !

Mrs. Green : Yes .

Customs Officer : You can’t come into Japan with two hundred and fifty three watches in your      cases .

Mrs. Green : Can’t we ?

Customs Officer : No .

Mr. Green : Why not ?

 Customs Officer : Because you can’t . It’s illegal .

Mrs. Green : Illegal ? Oh … …..sorry . Can we go back to England with them ?

Customs Officer : No

Mr. Green : Can you tell me the time , please ?

Customs Officer : The time ?

Mr. Green : Yes . Can you tell me the time ?

Customs Officer : It’s …..half past two . But –

Mrs. Green : Half past two !

Mr. Green : It’s very late .

Mrs. Green : We can’t stay . Sorry !


Conversation & Dialogue [ 11 ]

11- ] Conversation & Dialogue .

Booking Tickets For The Opera House.

Clerk : Yes , sir .

Customer : Er ….the Opera House concerts . Are there any tickets left for tomorrow night’s concert ?

Clerk : Sorry , sir . Sold out .

Customer : Sold out ? Really ?

Clerk : I’m afraid so .

Customer : Oh ! I really wanted to go to that concert .

Clerk : A limited number of tickets are available on the day of the performance .

Customer : Where from ?

Clerk : From the box office at the concert hall . It opens at ten o’clock in the morning .

Customer : Will we have to queue ?

Clerk : The concerts are very popular . I really think you should try to get there early …as early as possible .

[ On the next day . ]

Man : Are you waiting for tickets ?

Customer : Yes .

Man : I have some thirty- five pound tickets for only fifty pounds .

Customer : Do you have two seats together ?

Man : Of course .

[ At the music hall in the evening . ]

Customer : Why is that door closed ?Excuse me . May we get to our seats ?

Attendant : Latecomers will not be admitted until interval .

Customer : Latecomers ! It’s only a quarter past seven . We’re not late .

Attendant : The concert began at seven o’clock . It was in the paper .

Customer : The paper ! I don’t read the paper .


Thursday, July 16, 2020

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 35 ]

35- ] Composition & Essay Writing .

37-] Feasts & Festivals .

                 A festival is an event usually and ordinarily staged by a local community which centers on some unique aspect of that community . In religion a feast or festival is a set of celebrations in honor of God or gods [ especially in ancient times as in the case of ancient Egyptians ,Persians ,Romans and Greeks ].A feast and a festival are historically interchangeable . However , when the term “ feast “ is used in the meaning of a festival most often refers to a religious festival rather than for example , a film or art festival .

             There are numerous types of festivals in the world . Though many have religious origins , others involve seasonal change or have some cultural significance . Seasonal festivals are determined by the solar and the lunar calendars and by the cycle of seasons . The changing of season was celebrated because of its effect on food supply . Ancient Egyptians celebrated spring as a season of harvest . Now the feast of spring is called“ Sham El-Nasim “ and celebrated in Egypt every year with certain traditions . Egyptians spend the day in the open air .They go to parks     and to the banks of the River Nile and the sea resorts They sail in cruises across the Nile . They  eat certain foods such as salted fish , colored eggs and green onion .

In the Alps in autumn the return of the cattle from the mountain pastures to the stables in the valley is celebrated as “Almabtieb" . A recognized winter festival , the Chinese New Year is set by the lunar calendar and celebrated from the day of the second new moon after the winter solstice .

          In the Christian liturgical calendar there are two principal feasts – Christmas and Easter . In Islam there are two feasts – The Feast of Sacrifice [ Al-Adha ] and The Feast of Fast Breaking    [ El-Fitr ]. The Feast of Sacrifice occurs on the last day of the annual pilgrimage to Mecca .    Animals such as sheep cattle and camels are sacrificed to commemorate Prophet Abraham or Ibraheem in Arabic whose faithfulness to God prevented the sacrifice of his son Ismael . The joyous Feast of Fast Breaking is held on the first day after Ramadan .Muslims wear new clothes and pray in the open . They visit each others and give alms or Zakat to the poor and tips to children . They eat cakes and sweets . There is a kind of family reunion where all the family members gather to celebrate the feast together .

                 Feasts or festivals of many types serve to meet specific needs as well as to provide entertainment . These times of celebration offer a sense of belonging for religious , social or geographical groups . Modern festivals that focus on cultural of ethnic topics seek to inform members of their traditions . In past times festivals were times when the elderly shared stories   and transferred certain knowledge to the next generation .Historic feasts often provided a     means for unity among families and for people to find mates . Select anniversaries have annual festivals to commemorate previous significant occurrences .


38-] Mass Media .

           Mass media play a crucial role in forming and reflecting public opinion connecting the world to individuals and reproducing the self-image of society . The consequences and ramifications of the mass media relate not merely to the way newsworthy events are perceived    but also to a multitude of cultural influences that operate through the media .

                Although a sizable portion of mas media offerings particularly news , commentaries , documentaries and other informational programs deal with highly controversial subjects , the major portion of mass media offerings are designed to serve an entertainment function . These programs tend to avoid controversial issues and reflect beliefs and values sanctified by mass audience . This course is followed by television networks whose investment and production costs are high .

            In the 1960s Marshall McLuhan said that mas media were increasingly creating a global village . For example ,there is evidence that Western media influence in Asia is the driving force behind rapid social change “ it is as if the 1960s and the 1990s were compressed together . This raises questions of cultural imperialism –the de facto imposition through economic and political power and through the media of Western [ in particular US ] culture .

                 The media have a strong social and cultural impact upon society . This is predicated upon their ability to reach a wide audience with a strong and influential message .It is through    the persuasiveness of media such as television , radio and print media that messages reach their target audiences . These have been influential media as they have been Largely responsible for structuring people’s daily lives and routines .Television broadcasting has a large amount of   control over the content society watches and the times in which it is viewed .The internet      creates a space for more diverse political opinions , social and cultural view points and a heightened level of consumer participation .

            Supporters of effects theory contend that commercials , advertising and voter campaigns prove that media influence behavior .For example ,in the 20th century aggressive media       attention and negative coverage of trials involving celebrities like Michael Jackson or Mike    Tyson have influenced the general public opinion before the rivals effectively started .

                 Critics of effects see no connection between exposure to media violence and real life violence because humans are not copycats and can realize what is wrong and what is right . Although some research claims that heavy exposure to media violence can lead to more    aggressive behavior , it has been suggested that exposure alone does not cause a child to commit crimes .

              Certain groups tend to argue for media effects in an effort to promote a political cause . They argue that certain obscene material had simple and identifiable effects on children and     thus should be banned or labeled . In a mass society leisure is  constantly used to include the appropriate values and motives in the public .The modern media train the young for    consumption .

              Theorists have emphasized the importance of mass media as instruments of social control. In the 21st century with the rise of the internet , the two-way relationship between mass media  and public opinion is beginning to change with the advent of new technologies such as blogging .

Composition & Essay Writing [ 34 ]

34- ] Composition & Essay Writing .

35-] Fashion .

Fashion refers to the styles and customs prevalent at a give time . In its most usage fashion “ exemplifies the appearance of clothing , but the term encompasses more . Many fashions are popular in many cultures at any given time .The course of design and fashion change more   rapidly than culture as a whole .The terms “fashionable" and “unfashionable" are employed to describe whether someone or something fits in with the current or even not so current popular mode of expression .The term “fashion" is frequently used in positive sense as a synonym for glamour , beauty and style . In this sense fashions are a sort of communal art through which a culture examines its notions of beauty and goodness . The term “ fashion “ is also sometimes used in a negative sense as a synonym for fads and trends and materialism .

                    Fashion as a social phenomena is common . The rise and fall of fashion has been especially documented and examined in many fields such as architecture ,art and crafts , clothing and costume , dance and music , entertainment etc. Of these fields “ costume “ especially has become so linked in the public eye with the term “ fashion “ that the more general term costume has mostly been relegated to only mean fancy dress or masquerade wear while the term “ fashion “ means clothing generally and the study of it.

                    Wearing stylish yet clean-cut tailored clothes can cause others to take you more seriously in the office . Dressing conservatively in a court of law shows respect . Men tend to be liked more by women when they are well groomed . Having a personal style that is unique yet fashionable can give a person more confidence . Trendily dressed people tend to attract more positive attention .Dressing age appropriately causes people to respect you more . People who are not dressed age appropriately tend to attract scorn and ridicule . Dressing in certain ways can    give a woman a more flattering silhouette . Those who enjoy fashion consider it a form of art .

                      Fashion may vary considerably within a society according to age , social class , generation , occupation and geography as well as time . If for example , an older person dresses according to the fashion of young people , he or she may look ridiculous in the eyes of both young and older people .

                     Fashion by description changes constantly .For some modern fast-paced changes in fashion embody many of the negative aspects of capitalism : it results in waste and encourages people qua [ as ] consumers to buy things unnecessarily . Fashion can consume money and resources that could be put to uses that help society more .

                    Other people enjoy the diversity that changing fashion can apparently provide seeing the constant change as a way to satisfy their desire to experience new and interesting things .

                  Fashion houses and their associated fashion designers as well as high-status consumers appear to have some role in determining the rates and directions of fashion change . The impact   of this influence depends on many things like economic status .

                      An important part of fashion is fashion journalism . Editorial critique and commentary can be found in magazines , newspapers , on television , fashion web sites , social networks and in fashion blogs .At the beginning of the 20th century fashion magazines began to include photographs and became even more influential than in the past . Television coverage  began in the 1950s with small fashion features . In the 1960s and 1970s , fashion segments on various entertainment show became more frequent and by 1980s dedicated fashion shows started to appear .

                Media , social , political and cultural influences have a significant effect on how fashion   is viewed . The political and cultural popularity of an individual can play a role equal or greater than artistic factors in how their sense of fashion is viewed by the media .


36-] Pets .

                  A pet is an animal kept for companionship and enjoyment or a household animal as opposed to livestock , laboratory animals , working animals or sport animals which are kept for economic reasons . The most popular pets are noted for their loyal or playful characteristics , for their attractive appearance or for their song .

                 Pets are divided into 1-] small animals such as dogs , cats and tortoises 2-] large animals especially such as horses , sheep and cattle 3-] exotic include birds , squirrels and reptiles .

                 Around 63 % of all US households [ 71.1 million ] are pet owners . The most popular pets in most countries have been cats and dogs . It is estimated that there are 7.9 million cats and 5.9 million dogs in Canada .

                Keeping pets has been shown to help relieve stress to those who like having animals around . Walking a dog ca provide both the owner and the dog with exercise , fresh air and social interaction . Pets have the ability to stimulate their care-givers in particular the elderly , giving people someone o take care of , someone to exercise with and someone to help them heal from a physically or psychologically troubled past . Having a pet may help people achieve health goals such as lowered blood pressure or mental goals such as decreased stressed . There appears to be strong evidence that having a pet can help a person lead a longer , healthier life . A recent study concluded that owning a pet can reduce the risk of a heart attack by 2% and that pets are better than medication in reducing blood pressure .

                     Keeping animals such as pets may become detrimental to their health if certain requirements are not kept . An important issue is the inappropriate feeding which may produce clinical effects [ like consumption of chocolate by dogs ] . Passive smoking is another recurring problem which could damage the pet’s health .

The health risks associated with pets include 1-] Aggravation of allergies and asthma caused by dander and fur or feathers . 2-] Injuries and mauling and sometimes deaths caused by pet bites and attacks .3-] Diseases

and / or parasites due to animal hygiene problems or lack of appropriate treatment [ feces and urine ] . 4-] Stress caused by behavior of animals .  5-] Fear or distress from animal presence or behavior .

To conclude pets are nice and amusing to keep , but there must be appropriate conditions to keep them .


Composition & Essay Writing . [ 33 ]

33- ] Composition & Essay Writing .

33-] Women And Their Place In Society .

 There are some jobs which are better done by women like an obstetrician , a pediatrician or a nurse and everything concerning women’s affairs and others better done by men like a miner , a soldier , an undertaker , a builder and every hard work physically . We cannot change this because it is a part of psyche . Woman has its physical nature and her role must cope with this not exceed it . There must be a balance in society in the role of woman and the role of man – all must be a part of a whole . There must be conformity not conflict , cooperation not dispute and social peace not disruption .

                  The Western civilization under the pretext of the emancipation of woman committed serious mistakes that have led to sexual promiscuity[the girlfriend and the boyfriend ,the lesbians , the gays etc. ] , spread of pornography as a trade [ films , advertisements , night clubs etc. ] ‘ the rise of divorce rates and crime and the disruption of family life and families .

                       Women have a serious role to play that men can not fulfil : that is the good upbringing of the generation in the first place , then come the other roles that contribute to building society and the whole nation .The West exchanges this role for babysitters , servants at home and nurseries ,as women go to work and leave their babies for many hours .There must be laws that permit women to care for their babies duly even at the stage of pregnancy . During pregnancy women need a leave that must be extended after birth for suckling their babies .The absence of the role of woman in upbringing has led to the lack of good upbringing of children .

                     Women have the  right of education as women represent about two thirds of the world’s one billion uneducated adults , although primary school employment for girls now generally equals that of boys .We need educated women not ignorant or illiterate whether at    home or at work .

             There are many jobs as we said above that require women that conform to the woman’s psyche such as pediatrician , gynecologist ,police woman [ to deal with women ], hairdresser ,  nurse , dealings relevant to women in all the fields of life that require privacy . Women can have their own small businesses at home to raise the standard of living and solve the problem of unemployment .We cannot ignore the role of women in society but we must regulate this role for the sake of society .

                  We must wage campaigns against women abuse in the lewd activities such as white slavery [ sex trade ] , prostitution or as cheap workers at low pay . Society must provide women with their material needs and respect their psyche and entity . We must ensure their good treatment and combat violence against them .Women are our mothers ,grandmothers ,daughters  , wives and sisters . They are a part of us not aliens .

                    Women must have the right to vote to share in decision making and have their representatives to ensure their rights in society . They represent a half of the society and are responsible of the upbringing of the whole society not as they say half of it .


34-]Plastic Surgery , Advantages And Disadvantages .

                        Every year , thousands of people , male and female try the latest techniques in plastic surgery in a quest for perfection . The rewards such as beauty , youth and vigor are hard to ignore .

                     Nearly 11.7 million cosmetic surgical and nonsurgical procedures were performed in the US in 2007 . The most frequently performed procedure was Botox injections and the most popular surgical procedure was liposuction according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery . Women had 91 % of cosmetic procedures . Since 1997 surgical procedures increased 142 % while non-surgical procedures have increased 743 % . Americans spent just $ 13 billion on cosmetic procedures.

Firstly , cosmetic surgery can help improve the areas that we find unattractive or undesirable . As a result our self-esteem increases and we feel more comfortable in the company of others . In addition , an improved appearance often helps us succeed in personal life and work , for instance our chances on finding a partner or an attractive job may increase . What is more it is often the only way of eliminating barriers that prevent the patient from leading a normal life such as serious damage caused by accidents or illness .

                      Yet cosmetic surgery presents significant risk that cannot be ignored . It is an invasive procedure which sometimes results in undesirable side effects such as nerve damage , scarring , chronic pain or infection . Moreover , for some procedures the recovery period may be lengthy . Another drawback is that the surgery might not produce the look one was seeking . Consequently , instead of making the patient happier , it may lead to depression and misery . One important thing is the prior knowledge of your surgeon about whether he is certified and qualified for such a type of surgery , has a proper knowledge of what you want from him has been certified by the government and the board of health of the concerned country .

                      The factors or reasons which may affect you if you undergo the surgery must not at all be overlooked . For example , just to enhance your outwardly appearance , to get mental pleasure may not be fulfilled by this as beauty comes from deep in the skin and there is also a saying which is “ Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder “.

                     Although cosmetic surgery can do miracles and improve one’s appearance , the procedure is very risky . Before plunging into it , it is worthwhile weighing both the benefits and any risks to make the right decision .

Composition & Essat Writing [ 32 ]

32- ] Composition & Essay Writing .
31-] Life In The Past And Life Now .
                            Over the last century , there have been many significant changes in the way we live , Obviously , it is hard to compare the life of ancient people and the life of the 21st century because so many changes have occurred . However , even the changes that have taken place in the last decades are amazing .
                          To start with , people were not able to travel such long distances in such short time . Planes were not popular because they were very expensive . Nowadays we have become very mobile i.e. we have fast and comfortable means of transport and more and more people travel by plane . Besides , in the past people had to work much harder as they did not have tools or equipment which could make their work easier . Today most of the difficult , dangerous and dirty work is done by computers , robots and machines .
                        In the past conditions of living were not as comfortable as they are now . There were not luxurious bathrooms , running water supply , electricity supply or gas supply , besides many people could not afford having household appliances like fridges , televisions , cookers , vacuum cleaners , washing machines etc. because they used to be luxurious goods .
                      Another difference between living in the past and now is the fact that nowadays he access to education is much easier . In the past there were fewer schools and the quality of education they provided was much poorer . Besides , nowadays it is much easier to find educational materials that you need thanks to the internet . Another difference is that in the past there were not many sources of entertainment . Therefore people used to spend more time with their families and friends .
                      All things considered , it is an obvious conclusion that life has changed significantly nowadays .Life is definitely much easier now , however , it is not easy to decide whether it is better . Scientific achievements and technological progress are amazing . We still have new inventions which facilitate our life . However , life now is much faster and busier than it used to be in the past . Moreover , it has also become more dangerous , polluted and stressful . The standard of living has definitely improved , but it is doubtful whether the quality of our lives is also better.
32-] The Rights of Child .
                            In 1989 world leaders decided that children needed a special convention just for them because people under 18 years old often needed special care and protection . The leaders also wanted to make sure that the world recognized that children have human rights too . So the Convention On The Rights Of Child was issued . It is the first legally binding international instrument to incorporate the full range of human rights – civil , cultural , economic , political and social rights . The Convention sets out these rights in 54 articles and two Optional Protocols .
It spells out the basic human rights . Children everywhere have : the right to survival , to develop to the fullest , to protection from harmful influences , abuse and exploitation and to participate fully in family cultural and social life . The four core principles of the Convention are non-discrimination , devotion to the best interests of child , the right to life , survival and development and respect for the views of child . Every right is inherent to the human dignity and harmonious development of every child . The Convention protects children’s rights by setting standards in health care , education and legal , civil and social services .
                        By agreeing to undertake the obligations of the Convention [ by ratifying or acceding it ] national governments have committed themselves to protecting and ensuring children’s rights and they have agreed to hold themselves accountable for this commitment before the international community . States parties to the Convention are obliged to develop and undertake all actions and policies in the light of the best interests of the child . UNICEF ‘s mission is to advocate for the protection of children’s rights to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential . UNICEF is guides in doing this by the provisions and principles of the Convention on the Rights of Child .
                        Islam deals with the rights of children in every field of life starting from the right to live , their right to be brought up well , their right to parental love and tenderness as well as their right to own property and inherit property from their parents . Parents have the obligation to cherish , sustain , nurture , educate and train their children to be responsible good individuals .These duties begin even before the child is born . The mother has to take care of her baby . The father should choose his good mother , give him / her a good name and teach him / her Quran and other skills like swimming , archery , horse-riding etc. In brief , our children are our extension of life and the future generation of their country .

Composition & Essay Writing [ 31 ]

31- ] Composition & Essay Writing .

29-]What Would You Most Like To See When Visiting London  ?                       I think that London is one of the most interesting cities in Europe . During holidays many tourists from all over the world come to London which is situated on the River Thames . It was founded by the Romans in 43AD .When I visit London , I will see Big Ben. This famous bell was installed in 1859 . Big Ben took its name from Sir Benjamin Hall who was            responsible for its construction . Big Ben is not only huge [ weighs 14 tons ] but also very precise . Twice a day some officials from the Greenwich Observatory make sure that the clock is right .

                     Other attraction of London is The Buckingham Palace . It was built in 1703 by the Duke of Backingham in the center of London . It is a family house and a place where presidents , kings and politicians meet the Queen .It is like a small town with a police station two post offices , a hospital , a bar two sportive clubs , a cinema , a swimming pool etc. There are 600 rooms and 3 miles of red carpet .Two men work full-time to look after the 300 clocks. About 700 people work   in the palace .

                        There is also the Tower of London which was built in the 11th century by William The Conqueror . It was a prison , zoo and arsenal .It was also the Royal Residence until the 17th century .We can see there [Crown Jewels ] in the Jewels House .One of the most popular bridges in the world is Tower Bridge which is situated on River Thames .It was built between 1886 – 1894    by Sir Horace Jones . It has two impressive Gothic towers.

                       I’d like to see the impressive ancient medieval and oriental collection of the British Museum or have some fun at Madame Tussaud’s Museum where I can see wax figures of politicians , film stars  , queens and other famous people . In the evening I can go to one of the many theaters and especially see a play of Shakespeare .

                       In London I can travel on the double-deckers , THE Underground or taxi to get to different places around it . London has 3 main airports ; Heathrow , the largest , Gatwich and Steinsted .

                 There are many other places in London worthy of visiting . In my opinion discovering London may be really a fascinating experience .


30-] Advantages And Disadvantages Of Living In a City And In The Countryside .

                    There are people who like to live in the countryside and others who prefer living in the city . I would like to start with the advantages and disadvantages of the big city life . Living in a big city has a lot of advantages . There is a big offer how to spend free time . There are many ways and places of entertainment such as theaters , cinemas , concerts , museums , parks etc. There is always a lot to do and visit . There are lots of possibilities of shopping . In various shopping centers and galleries you can buy whatever you want . What is more , there are a lot of working places in a city . Many big international companies have their locations or branches in cities . So it is much easier to find a job in a big city . Moreover , public transport is developed quite well , so commuting to work is not a problem .

                      On the other hand , there are some disadvantages of living in a big city . Cities are very crowded . Everywhere there are crowds on the pavements , streets and means of transport . What is more , traffic is heavy and the city’s car parks are always very full . Sometimes it is very difficult to get from a given place to another . It may take hours . Moreover , there is much pollution in the city . The lack of safety and accidents is another problem . There are big crime rates in cities . So you have to be very careful when you leave your home . Life in the city is more expensive and stressful than in the countryside . In the countryside there are not so many people and they usually know each others well . The possibility of robbery or other crimes is relatively lower . Life in the countryside is more peaceful and slower . It is less stressful . There is not any time pressure and traffic conditions are better . You may reach a lot of places on foot . On the other hand , in the countryside there are a lot of breath taking sceneries , space and other amazing places such as lakes , farms , fields mountains , rivers , and canals . In addition people in the countryside are quite different from people living in the city . They are relaxed , friendly and family-oriented , contrary to people in the city who are like ants ; they are always in a hurry , busy and out of time . In the countryside people enjoy their lives and take pleasure in their daily activities .

                            As a disadvantage of living in the countryside we may consider commuting problems . People who live in the countryside often have to work in the nearest cities , so it may take a lot of time to get to it . However , living costs in the countryside are much lower – the variety of products in shops is smaller .

                           To sum up I would like to say that both the countryside and the city have some advantages and disadvantages . Both may be a good place to live in . However , I will live in the city till I retire . Then I would like to move to the countryside to have rest and enjoy relaxation , landscape and peace . I think that everyone of us has to put into consideration all aspects before deciding to move to the countryside .

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...