Grammar American & British

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Business Writing - Art of Writing [ 6 ]

6- ] Art of Writing .
Business Writing .
Writing a Business Letter .
A business letter is a formal communication tool that you can adapt to meet many specific purposes. You often write business letters to people you do not know . Your writing makes a first impression for you . A well-organized succinct letter encourages a prompt and positive response.
A business letter is a formal letter written either to communicate information or to request action . Business letters provide a direct and effective means of communicating on a wide range of topics . Knowing how to write a business letter is a skill you find useful throughout your life .
Use the business letter format wherever you want to inquire , make a request , complain  order a product or make an order adjustment , apply for employment or explain your views on a subject .
 When you write a business letter , always keep your specific goal or purpose clearly in mind . Business letters are not necessarily about business , but they mean business , so do not let them wander off the subject . Because the tone of the business letter is formal , avoid slang , contractions and clichés . Do not use excessively wordy expressions . “ Thank you” for example is preferable to “ I wish to express my gratitude.” Remember to be courteous and polite , regardless of your purpose . Always edit business letters very carefully . Errors in spelling , punctuation or typing may undermine the effectiveness of your message .
Types Of Business Letters .
1-] Inquiry or Order Letter .
You should 1-] Be brief . 2-]State request clearly . 3-] Give reasons to your request . 4-] Make your request specific and reasonable . 5 -] Include your phone number or a self-addressed , stamped return envelope .
2-] Complaint Letter .
You should 1-] Identify exact product or service . 2-] Accurately describe the problem . 3-] Request a specific solution . 4-] Be polite . 5-] Keep a copy of your letter until your complaint has been addressed .

3-] Opinion Letter .
You should 1-] Identify and summarize the issue . 2-] State your opinion and support it with reasons and facts . 3-] Summarize your main points and if possible offer a solution .
Format a Business Letter .
Business letters are usually written in one of two forms : the modified block form or the full block form .In the modified block form , the heading , closing and signature are aligned on the right . All other elements are aligned along the left margin . Paragraphs are indented .
In letters using the full block form , all elements are aligned along the left margin . Paragraphs are not indented [ without space left at the beginning ].
In letters using full block form , all elements are aligned along the left margin . Paragraphs are not indented .
Both full block and modified block forms allow extra space between paragraphs and each element of the letter . In both formats , letters should be single spaced . Leave extra space for your signature between the closing and your typed name .
The Modified Block Form .
[ The inside address : The name of                 [ Heading : Your address and the date ]
  the person to whom you are writing ,
   the business name and the address ]
    Mahmoud Hassan ,                                           15 Tahrir St. ,
    Sharq Co.                                                           Cairo.
   17 Mostafa Kamil St ,                                       Mach 24th , 2015 .  
    Alexandria .
                           [ Salutation ]
    [ indented ]     I am ……….
                  [ The core of your letter ]
……. [ Closing ] Thank you for your consideration . I look forward to meeting you and learning more about your company .
[ Mention the final words of your letter , such              Respectfully ,
  As “ Sincerely ,” followed by a comma ]                       Ali Hassan
[ Signature: Your name followed by your name typed] Ali Hassan

The Full Block Form .
Everything on the left .
Paragraphs are not indented .
144 Farag St.,
Alexandria .
May 15th , 2015
General Manager
Sharq Co.
15 Saad Zaghlul St.,
Tahrir ,
Dear Manager
I think there should be certain time for meals ………
Ali Hassan
Ali Hassan
Writing a Cover Letter .
 Often the first contact you have with a potential employer is the cover letter you include with your résumé . Many employers read the cove letter before they look at the résumé . It is important , therefore , that you make a good impression in the cover letter . One way to do this is to make sure your letter is completely free of errors . The tone of your letter should be more personal than that of the résumé . However , keep your letter clear and direct because most employers do not have time to read long , rambling letters .
A résum  describes your background concisely and somewhat impersonally.
A cover letter allows you to add details about your background in a more relaxed and personal way . Each time you submit a résumé you should include a cover letter .
Résumés are written for specific positions , but not often for specific employers . A cover letter , on the other hand , allows you an asset to a specific employer’s company . Altogether you might send a copy of the same résumé to several potential employers , each cover letter should be unique , written especially for that company .
Cover letters must include all the parts of a business letter : the heading , inside address , salutation , body , closing , your signature and your typed name .
Gathering Information
Before you start writing a cover letter , find out as much as you can about the employer and the position you are seeking . If possible , you also need to find the name of the person at the company who will review your résumé r . You should address your cover letter to this person .
If you can not find out this person’s name and title , call the company or use clues from the advertisement to write a salutation similar to one of these .
Dear / Human Resources Department
         / Supervisor
        / Manager of Support Services .
       / Hiring Coordinator
Organizing Your Letter .
Your cover letter should include about four paragraphs . In thr first paragraph , state the specific job you are seeking and how you found out about it .
The next two paragraphs are the heart of your letter . Here you will explain how you meet the requirements in the newspaper’s advertisement or Internet listing and why you are the person to hire .
Explain how you meet the job requirements
Study the position requirements carefully . Think about how your background and knowledge match those requirements . Your cover letter is an opportunity to sell or market yourself , so ass details to show why you are  qualified for this special job . For example , if the job opening calls for an
“articulate” person , describe your experience .
Emphasize ways you can contribute to the position , not what you expect tp gain from the job . You must not focus on what the company can do for you than on what you can offer for the company .
Do not apologize for being unable to meet a requirement in an advertisement . Describe only the relevant experience , training or abilities you have . The requirements listed in advertisements describe ideal candidates for the job , but many companies are willing to be flexible if you can meet most of their needs .
Show you are the person for the job .
You might also be a valuable employee because of special courses you have taken , your volunteer work , or your natural abilities . Use your cover letter to show that you are familiar with the employer and have these unique qualifications , but be careful not to overstate your abilities . Employers are not eager to hire inexperienced applicants who believe they know everything.
In the last paragraph of your cover letter ask for an interview and explain when you would be available for it . Then , repeat your phone number , making it easy for the employer to call you .
Cover Letter Essentials .
- Write to a specific person .
- Name the title or number of the job you want .
- Explain how you meet the job requirements .
- Show why you are the person to hire .
- Ask for an interview .
Another Kind of Cover Letter .
Many job openings are advertised , but most are not . Unadvertised jobs are called the “ hidden job market .” You find out about these openings through friends , family members , neighbors and staffs . Just explain what type of position you want ; then ask them to let you know if they hear about an opening that might suit you .
Your cover letter will change somewhat if you are seeking an unadvertised position . You may have to convince the reader to create a job for you or with some luck your qualifications may fit a job position that is vacant but has not yet been advertised .

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Memos , E-mail , Applications - At of Writing [ 5 ]

5- ] Art of Writing .
Memos , E-mail And Applications .
For most workers , memos and e-mail messages are far more common in business life than letters . Applications are a form of communicational most – everyone will come across sooner or later .
A memo [ short for memorandum ] is a letter that is written and distributed within a school , a business or an organization . It shares many of the characteristics of the business letter but is less formal .
The memo is designed for maximum efficiency . Typically , it is one page or less in length and all text aligns flush with the left margin . The heading is double-spaced and indicates to whom the memo was sent , who wrote it , the date it was sent , and what it is about . The body of the memo is single-          -spaced with a line space between paragraphs . The content is direct and to the point . Because the writer has already been identified in the heading , there is no closing or signature .
One of the advantages of the memo format is that the recipient can write a response on the memo itself before returning it . If you choose you can end the memo with the word “Response “ or “ Comment “ to make clear that you expect only a quick hand written reply .Memos may be sent to an individual or a group .
An example :
To : All French Club Members .
From : Beth Jones .
Date : March 15 , 2015  .
Re : French Club meetings .
The French Club has decided to change the date of its regular meeting from the first Tuesday of every month to the first Thursday . Many members had scheduling conflicts on Tuesday . Our meeting’s location will not change .
                                                                                         Thanks .
Because the memo begins with a subject line , there is no need to repeat the subject at the beginning of the letter . You can deliver your message immediately and directly .
There is no closing or signature , but the writer can initial his or her name in writing on the form line .
To Write an Effective Memo , you should :
1-] use the correct format 2-] convey the message clearly and concisely .3 -] include all necessary information . 4-] proofread for errors in spelling , grammar and information that includes dates , times or addresses .
E-mail .
Of all the forms of business communication , e-mail by far the most informal. E-mail often reads like the transcript of a conversation .
          Writers of e-mail need to analyze their audiences . Sentence fragments , colloquial language and abbreviations may e fine notes to friends , but they are not appropriate for many business exchanges .
For many other than a close friend , an e-mail message should be similar to a memo in format and style . The subject line is very important because many readers use it to decide whether to open the message immediately . When answering an e-mail , repeat enough of the original message to remind its writer of the context so that he / she does not have to guess what you are replying to .
Because you can not always format one an e-mail message as you can a letter , communications that must be somewhat formal should be written in a word processing program and e-mailed as attachments . Sending an attachment in most e-mail programs requires that you click on the “Attachment button “ , type in the path and file name and click on OK .
Applications .
In your life time , you will complete many application forms . You may apply for library cads , credit , a driver’s license , a marriage license , bank accounts , a social security card , memberships in organizations and various jobs . There may also be forms to fill out for attending camps , colleges and trade schools and for renting or buying a place to live .
It is important that an application form be completed accurately and neatly. A form that is incomplete or that contains incorrect information can cause problems and delays .In the hiring process , many employers use the application form as an indicator of a person’s aptitude for a job . If the application form is incomplete or looks sloppy , the person may not be considered for the position . It is a good idea to ask for more than one copy of any application form that you are going to complete . You can fill out one copy in pencil , making changes until you are sur all the information is correct and in the right place . Then , you can transfer the information in ink into the copy that you will submit .
          There are four important things to remember when filling out an application form :
1-] Read the instructions , if any , and the entire form carefully before writing anything .
2-] Use your best printing or handwriting . Neatness counts .
3-] Fill in all the blank . If the information asked for does not apply to you , write n/a [ not applicable ] in the blank . Leaving the blank empty suggests that you have something to hide or that you did not read the form carefully.
4-] Complete the form in ink , preferably blue or black .
To prepare an application form properly , you should :
1-] read the instructions and the entire form before you begin writing . 2-] use a duplicate form as your draft version . 3-] answer every question , leave no blanks . 4-] place information on the form correctly . 5-] print                   [ preferably ] or write neatly and legibly . 6-] proofread for spelling and punctuation errors .  7-] transfer the revised information in blue or black ink to the final form .
Sample Application .
Name ………………………….        Date ………………………………..
Address …………………………………………………………………….
Phone :………………………….     Mobile ………………………………
Identity Card ……………………   Military Service ……………………
Previous Experience ………………………………………………………
Qualifications ……………………………………………………………..
Signature …………………………….

A Movie Review -Art of Writing [ 4 ]

  4- ] Art of Writing .
Chapter Four .
Other Kinds Of Writing .
Writing A Movie Review .
A movie review is one person’s evaluation of a film . Although critics may differ in their opinions , most critics go through a similar process in writing their reviews .
The Elements Of a Movie .
1-] Meaning : What to write .
2-] Plot : What happens in the film . Does it hold your interest ? Does it seem plausible or contrived ?
3-] Theme :  The main idea or message that the film conveys . Is the movie’s theme significant ? Does the film develop the theme , or does it over-
-simplify a complex subject ?
4-] Characterization :   The way the characters are developed by the script writer and the director . Do the characters seem real ? Believable ? Are their motivations and actions true to their backgrounds and personalities ?
5-] Acting .  The way the actors portray their characters . Do the actors create believable characters ? Do they evoke the intended responses in the audience laughter , fear sorrow etc. ?
6-] Special Effects :   Techniques used to create illusions . Do special effects create the desired illusions ? Do they enhance or overpower the story?
7-] Sound Track : The music that accompanies the visuals . Is the music appropriate to the scene in which it is used ? What is the quality of the music? Is the sound track well recorded ? Clear ?
To Write An Effective Movie Review You Should :
1-] provide background information . 2-] discuss whether special effects enhance or overpower the movie 3-]explain whether the special effects create the desired illusions . Compare the special effects to those in another movie . Explain the audience’s response to the movie .

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...