Grammar American & British

Friday, October 15, 2021

Vocabulary Tests - Test Thirty Three ( 33 )

Vocabulary Tests

Test Thirty Three

1 . Decide which vocabulary word best completes each passage below from the words in the list between brackets . Then write the word .

( au contraire , coup d’état , élan , esprit de corps , faux pas , laissez faire , nouveau riche ,

par excellence , savoir-faire , téte-ă -téte )

1 . What a master of color and technique she is ! No one else can paint like that ! She is the best , truly an artist -------------------!

2 . Our team has not played together very long . But with time and a lot of hard work we will develop the ------------------needed to win games .

3 . “But these are the faces ! There is just one conclusion to be drawn ,” exclaimed Pedro .

Alma just smiled and said , “---------------- , my friend - I see things a bit differently .”

4 . Look at the huge tip that man wearing the expensive leather coat left me ! I have never been
fond of the ---------------- ,but I can certainly use the money .

5 . The couple would never resolve their problems by screaming at each other in public . I suggest instead that they have a / an -----------------at home .  

6 . The  conspirators were so disorganized that they were soon captured by the president’s security guards . Their feeble attempt at a / an ------------------- failed before it ever got started .

7 . Cesar’s parents decided not to interfere with his decision to let his hair grow .They were confident that their ------------------- approach would work when Cesar realized no one cared about his hair .

8 . The president appointed veteran legislator Amanda Rosen to the post of ambassador . He was sure her -------------------would help overcome the prime minister’s hostility .

9 . First Adam tucked the napkin in the top of his shirt . Then he slurped his soup so loudly that everyone stared at him . He made one ------------------ after another .

10 . The figure skaters demonstrated incredible energy and flair . It was certain that such ------------------ would not go unnoticed by the judges .

Answer Key

1 .par excellence 2 . esprit de corps 3 . Au contraire 4 . nouveau riche 5 . téte-ă -téte

6 . coup d´état , 7 . laissez faire 8 . savoir-faire 9 . faux pas 10 . élan

2 . ] Decide which word in parentheses best completes the sentence . Then write the sentence , adding the missing word

1 . Gloria’s dislike for Enrique was ---------------. She constantly criticized him in front of others and refused to be seen with him .

( dense , overt )

2 . The record-breaking snowfall last winter created an -----------------demand for road salt .

( inextricable ,  unprecedented )

3 . The clerk rechecked his calculations but still could not -------------- the receipts with the money in the cash register .

( emulate , reconcile )

4 . Gold seems to have a certain------------------ value . Throughout history it has been a symbol of wealth and power .

( grotesque , intrinsic

5 . The hostages posed an ------------- problem for the president . Attacking the captors might harm the hostages , giving in to the demands would encourage the taking of more hostages .

( inextricable , overt )

6 . After the disastrous attack on the Confederate entrenchments at Fredericksburg . the battlefield was a / an combination of mangled corpses and desperate cries for help .

( grotesque , intrinsic )

7 . To become a good baseball player , you must overcome the normal --------- of ducking when the ball is hit toward you .

( influx , reflex )

8 . The ceremony requires that worshipers ------------- as they enter the shrine .

( fluctuate , genuflect )

9 . Keep your essay brief and do not include any ----------------- information .

( mellifluous , superfluous )

10 . I knew Tony was stubborn , but I didn’t think he would be so -=------------- about changing his plans .

( inflexible , mellifluous )

11. The Granite Rive has turned a murky brown as a result of the industrial ----------------

that flows into it .

( effluent , fluent )

12 . During the summer , there is a great ------------------- ogf tourists to the tiny island .

( influx , reflux )

Answer Key

1 . overt 2. unprecedented 3 . reconcile 4 . intrinsic 5 . inextricable 6 . grotesque

7 . reflex 8. genuflect 9. superfluous 10 . inflexible 11 . effluent .12 . influx

3- ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . AU CONTRAIRE  ( A ) on the contrary  ( B ) I agree

( C ) please leave ( D ) good-bye                                                     1 . ------------------------

2 . INFLUX ( A ) flexibility  ( B ) doubt

( C )  flow ( D ) insult                                                                       2 . ------------------------

3 . RECONCILE ( A ) understand ( B ) make consistent

( C )  exaggerate ( D ) discover                                                        3 . ------------------------

4 . RAIL ( A )  complain bitterly ( B ) guide

( C )  raid ( D ) inform                                                                      4 . -----------------------  

5 . OVERT ( A ) reversible ( B ) completed  

( C ) bottomless ( D ) obvious                                                           5 . ---------------------

6 . ELAN ( A ) courage ( B ) vigor

( C ) inspiration ( D ) awkward behavior                                        6 . ---------------------

7 . GROTESQUE ( A ) admirable  ( B ) enlarged

( C ) strange and ugly ( D ) highly prized                                        7 . --------------------

8 . COUP D’ ETAT ( A ) sudden overthrow of authority  ( B ) diplomatic mission

( C ) container for important papers ( D ) senseless violence       8 . --------------------

9 . GENUFLECT( A ) raise up ( B ) verify as true

( C ) touch one knee to the floor ( D ) deflect                                  9 . --------------------

10 . EFFLUENT ( A ) great wealth  ( B ) ability to speak well

( C ) effective argument  ( D ) something that flows out               10 . ------------------

11 . ASPIRE ( A )  to have ambition ( B ) to dismiss casually

( C ) to promote vigorously  ( D ) to die                                          11 . ------------------

12 . LAISSEZ FAIRE ( A )  laziness ( B ) policy of noninterference

( C ) possessing great beauty  ( D ) ability to settle matters fairly 12 . ------------------

13 . CONFLUENCE ( A ) person with important influence ( B ) convincing argument ( C ) point where two streams flow together ( D ) legal action against a government official

                                                                                                             13 .---------------------

14 . MELLIFLUOUS ( A ) flowing sweetly and smoothly ( B ) superstitious

( C ) easily melted ( D ) able to speak many languages                   14 . -------------------

15 . INTRINSIC ( A ) essential ( B ) visible

( C ) hostile ( D ) oddly shaped                                                           15 .--------------------

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . C 3 . B 4 . A 5 . D 6 . B 7 . C 8 . A 9 . C 10. D 11 . A 12 . B 13 . C 14 . A 15 . A 

Vocabulary Tests - Test Thirty Two

Vocabulary Tests 


Test Thirty Two

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages . Write the letter for the best answer to each question on the line provided

In designing a building , he architect must reconcile his or her personal sense of art not with the client’s artistic sense , but with the client’s practical needs .

1 . Reconcile means -----------------

( A ) argue vigorously ( B ) compare

( C ) make consistent ( D ) eliminate                      1 . ----------------------

Perhaps because of this client-artist bond , architecture seems inextricably linked to the values and ideas of the culture that produced it .

2 . Which word could best replace inextricably ?

( A ) inescapably ( B ) invisibly

( C ) slightly ( D ) foolishly                                        2. -----------------------

The ancient Greek emphasis on discipline and harmony is clearly visible in the balance and symmetry of the stately columns that have been emulated in so many of our courthouses and government buildings .

3 . Which word could best replace emulated  ?

( A ) ridiculed ( B ) imitated

( C ) ignored ( D ) reversed                                     3 . -----------------------

Great architectural achievements have been historically associated with the huge and impressive structures in the midst of large , densely populated cities .

4 . Which word could best replace densely  ?

( A ) thickly ( B ) sparsely

( C ) happily ( D ) beautifully                                   4 .----------------------

Frank Lloyd Wright made his mark on the architectural world in the prairies of the Midwest . In fact , Wright railed against the urban architectural environment .

5 . Which word could best replace railed ?

( A ) leaned ( B ) contrasted

( C ) borrowed ( D ) complained bitterly ?              5 .----------------------

In the late 800s there could have been no better place for an aspiring architect than Chicago .

6 .Which word could best replace aspiring ?

( A ) ambitious ( B ) untalented

( C ) aging ( D ) unimaginative                                   6. -----------------------

The great Chicago Fire of 1871 afforded architects the opportunity to rebuild a city and they were doing it with unprecedented creativity and ingenuity .

7 . If something is unprecedented , it is ------------------

( A ) unable to be understood ( B ) unacceptable

( C ) without previous examples ( D ) commonplace        7 . ---------------------

This strong sense of the intrinsic relationship among form , function , and environment can be seem in all the houses Wright designed .

8 . An intrinsic relationship is one that is --------------------------

( A ) confusing ( B ) essential

( C ) embarrassing ( D ) amusing                                     8 . -----------------------

The sense of natural harmony found overt expression in Wright’s use of earth colors and wood .

9 . Which word could best replace overt  ?

( A ) open ( B ) hidden

( C ) peculiar ( D ) unappreciated                                     9 . --------------------

The Guggenheim Museum in New York City has been both criticized as a grotesque insult to the city and praised as one of the most remarkable feats of modern architecture .

10 . Which word could best replace grotesque ?

( A ) strange and ugly ( B ) modern and stylish

( C ) historic ( D ) sensational                                                10 . ---------------------

Answer Key

1 .C 2. A 3 . B 4. A 5 . D 6 . A 7 . C 8 . B 9 . A 10 . A

2- ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . SEMBLANCE (A ) musical group ( B ) appearance

( C )  familiar surroundings ( D ) argument                                          1 .-------------------

2 .  ASPIRANT (A ) someone seeking a goal ( B ) type of medicine

( C )  foolish person ( D ) evil plot                                                           2 . -----------------

3.  PROSECUTE (A ) pursue  ( B ) hurt repeatedly

( C )  take legal action ( D ) delay                                                            3 . -----------------

4. AUGUR (A ) drill ( B ) forecast

( C ) argue ( D ) mythical beast                                                                4 . ----------------

5. FOUNDER  (A ) stagger ( B ) type of fish

( C ) sink  ( D ) pioneer                                                                              5 . -----------------

6.  SIMULATE (A )  excite ( B ) rearrange

( C ) exaggerate ( D ) imitate                                                                      6 .-----------------

7. PRECEDE (A ) go before  ( B ) continue

( C ) overcome ( D ) anticipate                                                                    7 . ----------------

8 . INGENUOUS (A )  brilliant ( B ) unsophisticated

( C )  counterfeit ( D ) easily injured                                                           8 .-----------------

9 .  BEVY (A ) shelter ( B ) vigorous denial

( C ) group ( D ) bewitched                                                                          9 . ----------------

10 .  PALATABLE (A ) portable  ( B ) agreeable to the taste

( C ) suitable for a palace ( D ) permissible                                                10 . --------------

11.  SIMILE (A ) comparison ( B ) friendly gesture

( C ) duplicate ( D ) simple                                                                           11 .----------------

12 . CUISINE (A )  foreign diplomat ( B ) curiosity

( C )  type of food ( D ) pleasing aroma                                                 12 . ------------------

13 .  VERISIMILITUDE (A ) high altitude ( B ) appearance of being real

( C ) very similar in appearance ( D ) peculiar                                     13 .-------------------

14. GOSSAMER (A ) device used in manufacturing ( B ) type of bird

( C ) loud noises ( D ) light , filmy                                                           14 .-------------------

15 .  AVERSE (A ) having a strong dislike ( B ) change direction

( C ) greedy ( D ) absent                                                                            15 .-----------------

Answer Key

1 . B 2. A 3. C 4 . B 5 . C 6 . D 7 . A 8 . B 9 . C 10 . B 11 . A 12 . C 13 . B 14 . D 15 . A

3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1 .  noxious                     a . absorb , take in                                      1 . ------------------                                

2.  flounder                    b . good idea or impulse                             2 .------------------

3 . persecute                   c . come to pass , occur                              3 . -----------------

4. iridescent                    d . mistreat                                                 4 . -----------------

5 . careen                         e . foul or harmful                                     5 . ----------------

6 . assimilate                    f . clever                                                     6 .---------------

7 . transpire                     g . lurch out of control                              7 . ---------------

8. proceed                        h . move clumsily                                       8 . ----------------

9. inspiration                   i . continue , carry on                                9 .-----------------

10 . ingenious                  j . lustrous , rainbow-colored                   10 . ---------------

Answer Key

1 . e 2 . h 3 . d 4 . j 5 . g 6 . a 7 . c 8 . i 9 . b 10 . f

Vocabulary Tests - Test Thirty One

Vocabulary Tests 

Test  Thirty One .

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

1 . Several eager , young aspirants tried out for the leading role in the film . Each wanted desperately to become a Hollywood star .

( A ) immigrants ( B ) people trying to achieve a position or goal

( C ) distant relatives ( D ) converts to a particular religion       1 . -------------------

2 . Because of its location between North American and the Far East , Hawaii has had to assimilate many different cultures .

( A ) reject , discard ( B ) absorb , make similar

( C ) examine ( D ) ignore                                                               2 . -------------------

3 . In addition to her fashionable new dress , her ensemble included a red leather belt , a matching pair of boots , and a wide-brimmed hat with a red band .

( A ) something , made up of harmonious parts ( B ) hostile or proud attitude

( C ) social position ( D ) useless or cheap possessions                3 . -------------------

4 . Unfortunately , the accident occurred after the expiration of the insurance policy . As a result , Beth must pay for the damage to the automobile .

( A ) destruction ( B ) evaluation ( C ) beginning or start of something ( D ) close or end of something                                                                                    4 . --------------------

5 . The athlete’s ability to overcome her physical limitations served as an inspiration  to the children in the physical therapy group .

( A ) humorous entertainment ( B ) sense of hopelessness ( C ) source of strong feelings or desires .

( D ) temporary change of daily activity                 5 . ------------------

6 . The graduating seniors threw their caps wildly into the air and cheered loudly after every announcement . Meanwhile , on the stage , the speaker tried to maintain some semblance of order by reading his speech in a serious tone of voice .

( A ) ability to withstand punishment ( B ) outward appearance ( C ) impossible assignment or mission ( D ) loving and caring attitude                       6 . ------------------

7 . The writer’s work is full of tired , old similes . It does not take a genius to come up with the expressions “ crazy like a fox ” and “ smooth as silk . ” 

( A ) comparisons using the words like or as . ( B ) punctuation marks . ( C ) animal characters that speak and act like humans ( D ) simple rhymes and rhythms 7 . -------------

8 . In order to simulate the feeling of weightlessness they would experience in space , the astronauts practiced performing their activities underwater .

( A ) overcome through repeated efforts ( B ) trick or deceive

( C ) arouse ( D ) imitate                                                    8 . -----------------

9 . Because we had left for the evening , we knew nothing of what had transpired in our living room , but it appeared that our cats had had a fierce disagreement .

( A ) put in rigid order ( B ) occurred ( C ) became transparent ( D ) sought comfort and refreshment                                                                      9 . -----------------

10. Some students find Shakespeare’s plays difficult because the dialogue lacks verisimilitude . Real people do not go around saying “hark” and “ forsooth” .

( A ) appearance of being genuine or real ( B ) attractive appearance

( C ) ruthless tactics ( D ) religious value .                    10 . ---------------- 

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . B 3 . A 4 . D 5 . C 6 . B 7 . A 8 . D 9. B 10 . A

2 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1 . impede                      a . practical , workable                         1. ------------------

2 . viable                        b . honesty and integrity                       2 . -----------------

3 . volatile                      c . polite in behavior and manner        3 . ----------------

4 . desultory                   d . block                                                  4 . ----------------

5 . apogee                        e . genuine                                              5 . ----------------

6 . urbane                        f . farthest or highest point                   6 . ---------------

7 . bona fide                    g . safeguard                                           7 . ---------------

8 . probity                       h . lacking order or organization          8 . ----------------

9 . immutable                  i given to sudden changes                     9 . ----------------

10 . bulwark                    j not subject to change                          10 . --------------

Answer Key

1 . d 2 . a 3 . i 4 . h 5 . f 6 . c 7 . e 8 . b 9 . j 10 . g 

3 . ] Decide which word in parentheses best completes the sentence . Then write the sentence , adding the missing word

1 . The architect is known for his ----------------skyscrapers . His recent work features colorful windows scattered throughout each floor .

( ingenious b, ingenuous )

2 . The noisy party in the next apartment created an -------------------environment for completing my mathematics homework .

( adverse , averse )

3 . Tradition requires that cabinet officers ---------------diplomats when entering the legislative chambers .

( precede , proceed )

4 . Thanks to a system of pumps and waterlight chambers , the designer insisted tat the ship could not possibly -----------------regardless of the damage a collision might cause .

( flounder , founder )

5 . Since the exam was scheduled for early the next morning . I was ------------ to staying up late in order to watch television .

( adverse , averse )

6 . As an outspoken critic of the mayor , Ms. Inez felt she was being --------------- when her car was ticketed , her property taxes were raised , and her street was left unrepaired .

( persecuted , prosecuted )

7 . With sand underfoot and a heavy load on his back , the soldier ------------- across the island in search of his regiment .

( floundered , foundered )

8 . Jeff may have appeared foolish when he asked the head waiter to bring him a hot dog , but there was something about his ------------- nature that made everyone like him .

( ingenious , ingenuous )

9 . At the border the customs agent searched our automobile and luggage . After a few minutes , he told us to ---------------

( precede , proceed )

10 . The newspaper’s editorial urged the attorney general to ------------- anyone involved in the demonstration . The editorial claimed that the entire event was just an excuse for vandalism .

( persecute , prosecute )

Answer Key

1 . ingenious 2 . adverse 3 . precede 4 . founder 5. averse 

6 . persecuted 7 . floundered 8 . ingenuous 9 . proceed 10 . prosecute

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