Grammar American & British

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Comprehension [ 14 ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced


14 - ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced 

Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

             Of the eight Hawaiian Islands , Niihau and Kahoolawe are the smallest . These islands are quite unlike the others - they do not have hotels or resorts for tourists . Both islands , for different reasons , have had no tourists at all for many years .

                Niihau is located just 17 miles off the west coast of the island of Kauai . It is very small - 18 miles long and six miles wide . Niihau is owned by one family , the Robinsons , who bought the island in the 1860s from King

Kamehameha IV of Hawaii . They started a large cattle and sheep ranch on the island that still operates today . The Robinsons do not allow any uninvited visitors on the island and so it is often called ‘The Forbidden Island .’

                 About 230 people lived on Niihau - 95 percent of them Hawaiian and 5 percent Japanese . Most of the people live and work on the ranch , where there are no telephones , electricity , or television . The people use two-way radios to communicate and they use horses for transportation . There is an elementary school , but the children must go to Kauai to high school . The official language of the island is Hawaiian .

                   Among this small population , Hawaiian traditions are still strong , stronger than anywhere else .While , on the other islands , Hawaiians have adopted a different , modern lifestyle , life on Niihau has changed little . For this reason , some people want to keep the island the same . But others feel that this is not right . Life is difficult on Niihau , and the people there have few choices about their lives . Many Hawaiians feel that it is not right for one family to own and rule over a whole island .

                     Kahoolawe , the other “mystery island” , does not have anyone on it today . The smallest of the Hawaiian Islands , it is just 11 miles long and six miles wide . It is located seven miles south of the island of Maui .

                     Kahoolawe has not always been so empty . In past centuries , Hawaiians lived there and used the island for religious ceremonies . Then , in 1918 , a Scotsman rented the island to start a cattle and sheep ranch . Before long , however , he and everyone else had to leave . The United States Navy took over the island as a practice ground for bombing and explosives . Navy planes bombed the island regularly .

                     Hawaiians were not happy about this situation . They wanted to return to Kahoolawe , to use it for their religious ceremonies . An organization called “Ohana” worked with the government to make this happen . Now , the island has been returned to the Hawaiian people . It will not be bombed anymore , and all of the old bombs will be removed . It will be , again , a place for special Hawaiian religious and cultural activities .

                    Foe Hawaiians , both Niihau and Kahoolawe raise important questions . Is it right for others to use their islands , giving them no choices at all ? Who should decide about how to use these islands ? And to whom should they really belong .

Circle the best answers to the questions . Do not look back at the passage .

1 . This passage is about

( A ) the people living on Niihau and Kahoolawe .

( B ) the location of Niihau and Kahoolawe .

( C ) how the islands of Niihau and Kahoolawe are used .

( D ) what the Hawaiians believe .

2 . Niihau and Kahoolawe are

( A ) very close together .

( B ) very similar to the other islands .

( C ) overcrowded .

( D ) not visited by tourists .

3 . On the island of Niihau there

( A ) are lots of children .

( B ) is a cattle ranch .

( C ) is a United States Navy base .

( D ) is an organization called Ohana .

4 . Niihau’s people are mostly

( A ) Japanese .

( B ) Scottish .

( C ) Hawaiian .

( D ) Robinsons .

5 . You can infer from this passage that

( A ) on the other islands , life has changed a lot for Hawaiians .

( B ) Hawaiian life is just the same as always .

( C ) Hawaiians like to live with no electricity .

( D ) all the islands are owned by one family .

6 . until recently , the island of Kahoolawe was used mostly for

( A ) cattle ranching .

( B ) religious ceremonies .

( C ) testing bombs and explosives .

( D ) a vacation home .

7 .  You can infer from this passage that

( A ) native Hawaiians made the decisions about Kahoolawe .

( B ) a Scottish farmer made the decisions about Kahoolawe .

( C ) an organization called Ohana made the decisions about Kahoolawe .

( D ) the U.S Navy made the decisions about Kahoolawe .

8 . Hawaiians started an organization called Ohana to

( A ) get electricity on all the islands .

( B ) be able to return to Kahoolawe .

( C ) stop the Robinsons’ cattle and sheep ranch .

( D ) welcome tourists to Niihau and Kahoolawe .

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . D 3 . B 4 . C 5 . A 6 . C 7 . D 8 . B

Comprehension Upper Intermediate & Advanced [ 13 ]


13- ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

                  If you enjoy water sports , Hawaii is that place for you ! You can go swimming all year round in the warm water . You can go sport fishing from the shore or from a boat . If you like boats , you can go sailing , canoeing , or windsurfing . Or , you can also try some other water sports that are especially popular in Hawaii : surfing , snorkeling and scuba diving .

                     Surfing is a sport which started in Hawaii many years ago . The Hawaiians called it “he’enalu” which means to “to slide on a wave” . Long before the arrival of the Europeans , the Hawaiians would ride on the waves on long , narrow wooden boards . When the first Europeans came to the islands , they were amazed by these surfing Hawaiians . Since that time , surfing has become a very popular sport on the California coast and in Australia , among other places .

                       If you want to try surfing , you need , first of all , to be a good swimmer . You also have to have an excellent sense of balance . You must swim out from the beach with your surfboard under your arm . When you get to where the waves begin to break , you wait for a calm moment . Then you try to stand up on the board . The wave will begin to rise under you . You must try to steer the board with your feet so you stay on top of the wave . The important thing is to keep your balance and not fall down . If you can manage this , you will have an exciting ride all the way in to the shore .  

                             Scuba diving and snorkeling are two ways to get a close look at the beauty lying below the surface of the ocean . The waters off the Hawaiian Islands are clean , clear , and warm . They contain hundreds of kinds of colorful fish . The undersea world is made even more colorful by the coral reefs of red , gold , white , and light purple . Among these reefs there may be larger fish or sea turtles .

                            Scuba diving allows you to see the most interesting undersea sights . “SCBA” means ‘ Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus” , that is , equipment for breathing and swimming around far under watyer . In Hawaii , you can take special courses to learn how to scuba dive . After the courses , you can get a certificate that will allow you to dive alone . Since it can be dangerous , proper instruction and great care are always necessary when you are scuba diving .

                             If you are less adventurous , you might try snorkeling instead of scuba diving . Less equipment is needed , just a face mask , a breathing tube ( snorkel ) , and flippers for your feet . It only takes a few minutes to learn how to snorkel . Although you cannot dive deep into the water , you can swim with your face below the surface . Breathing through the tube , you float on the surface and keep yourself moving with your flippers . Even from the surface like this , there will be plenty of color and beauty to see .

Circle the best answer . Do not look back at the passage .

1. This passage is about

( A ) water sports around the world .

( B ) surfing .

( C ) tourist activities in Hawaii .

( D ) water sports in Hawaii .

2. You can infer from this passage that

( A ) water sports are all expensive .

( B ) you need to take a course for all water sports .

( C ) everyone can find a way to enjoy sports on the water .

( D ) swimming in Hawaii can be dangerous .

3 . You can go deep under water when you are

( A ) snorkeling .

( B ) scuba diving .

( C ) swimming .

( D ) surfing .

4 . Surfing

( A ) began as a sport in 1943 .

( B ) was invented by the native Hawaiians .

( C ) requires expensive equipment .

( D ) is very dangerous .

5 . If you want to try surfing , you  

( A ) need to be a good swimmer .

( B ) should not go out into deep water .

( C ) need to wait for a windy day .

( D ) should go to Australia .

6 . The water around the Hawaiian Islands is

( A ) often quite cold .

( B )  full of colorful things to see .

( C ) usually very dark .

( D ) full of dangerous fish .

7 . Scuba diving

( A ) is an ancient Hawaiian water sport .

( B ) requires special equipment and training .

( C ) is the only way to see the fish underwater .

( D ) requires good balance .

8 . Snorkeling  

( A ) requires more expensive equipment than scuba diving .

( B ) can be dangerous .

( C ) is an easy way to see the underwater life .

( D ) was invented in ancient times .

Answer Key

1 . D 2 . C 3 . B 4. B 5 . A 6 . B 7 . B 8 . C 

Comprehension , Upper Intermediate & Advanced [ 12 ]

Vocabulary Tests 

12 - ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced

 Read the following passage , then answer the questions below . Do not look back at the passage . Compare your answers to the Answer Key . Check any incorrect answers by reading the passage .

                The Hawaiian Islands are a tropical paradise most of the time . But even there , nature can sometimes show its more violent side . The islands have been hit by numerous natural disasters in the recent past . These disasters have caused deaths and great damage .

                   Through all of Hawaii’s history , volcanoes have played an important part . The islands were formed by the eruption of volcanoes under the ocean . On the big island of Hawaii , the volcanoes continue to erupt . During an eruption , hot lava pours out of the top of a volcano and down the side . The red , hot lava covers everything in its path . The air is filled with smoke and horrible-smelling gas that is sometimes poisonous . Once , in 1790 , poisonous gas below down into a populated valley and killed 80 people . In 1950 , a volcano on Hawaii erupted and lava poured out for 23 days . The lava covered 35 miles and closed off the main coastal road .

                     Native Hawaiians believe that volcanoes are a natural part of life . In their traditional religion , volcanoes are ruled by the goddess , Pele . When Pele is angry , the volcanoes erupt . Before an eruption she takes a human form . If you meet her and are kind to her , you will not be hurt by the lava . Today , Hawaiians  have forgotten most of the ancient gods , but not Pele . They continue to honor her and her volcanoes .

                     Another kind of natural disaster that has hit Hawaii is the tidal wave , or tsunami . Unlike volcanoes , tsunamis come from far away under the ocean . When an earthquake occurs underwater , it creates huge waves . If these waves hit land , they destroy everything along the coast . Two terrible tsunamis have hit the big island of Hawaii in modern times . One enormous wave washed away a whole school with the children and their teacher . Another killed 61 people .

                     These days , all of the Hawaiian Islands have special signals to warn of tsunamis . When the signal sounds , everyone who stays near the coast will be washed away , along with cars , trees , and houses .

                     Hurricanes have also caused much trouble for Hawaiians recently. When a hurricane passes over an island , the wind may be very strong , over 80 miles an hour . It can blow away windows , roofs , and even whole building . The shore line may be changed ,as the large waves wash over beaches and break up cliffs .

                       In the past , people in Hawaii did not worry about these storms . They rarely occurred in that area . Scientists believed that the water around the islands was too warm for hurricanes . However , that has changed , for some reason . Dangerous hurricanes have hit the island of Kauai twice in the past ten years . In 1982 , Hurricane Iwa caused $ 200 million dollars worth of damage . The people of the island rebuilt their homes . New hotels and vacation resorts were built . And then ,in 1992 , they ere hit by Hurricane Iniki , which caused even more damage !


Circle the best answers to the following questions . Do not look back at the passage .

1 . This passage is about

( A ) three types of natural disasters in Hawaii .

( B ) Hawaii’s volcanoes .
( C ) the damage caused by natural disasters .

( D ) Hawaii’s natural history .

2 . Volcanoes were the cause of

( A ) the formation of the Hawaiian Islands .

( B ) the warm climate of the islands .
( C ) many tsunami in the Pacific Ocean .

( D ) Hawaii’s recent hurricanes .

3 .  During a volcanic eruption

( A ) the goddess Pele is angry .

( B ) the air is full of hot smoke and terrible smells .
( C ) houses and cars are safe from the lava .

( D )  only small areas of the island are in danger .

4 . You can infer from this that most Hawaiians today

( A ) follow their traditional religion .

( B ) do not follow their traditional religion .
( C ) do not understand volcanoes .

( D ) do not worry about storms .

5 . Tsunamis are caused by

( A ) volcanic eruptions .

( B ) strong winds far out at sea .
( C ) rain storms in the Pacific Ocean .

( D ) underwater earthquakes .

6 . If you hear a tsunami signal , you should

( A ) close all your windows .

( B ) stay away from trees .
( C ) go down to the beach .

( D ) burry away from the seashore .

7 . You can infer from this passage that hurricanes

( A ) have caused the most damage on Kauai .

( B ) are very common on all of the islands .
( C ) are caused by warm ocean water .

( D ) can be predicted .

8 . Volcanoes , tsunamis , and hurricanes

( A ) can all be prevented by careful planning .

( B ) are caused by the forces of nature .
( C ) are controlled by Hawaiian gods of nature .

( D ) have caused little damage in Hawaii .

Answer Key

1 . A 2. A 3 . B 4 . B 5 . D 6 . D 7 . A 8 . B

Vocabulary Tests [ 40 ] Test Forty

40 - ] Vocabulary Tests


Test Forty

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

Captain Ahab was obsessed with killing the white whale Moby Dick . He abandoned all other interests in this blind pursuit that eventually cost many lives .

1 . ( A ) excessively preoccupied ( B ) mildly interested

( C ) disgusted ( D ) entertained                                             1 . --------------------

Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness tells of the unchecked rapacity of European ivory traders in Africa . Traders who originally entered the jungle with good intentions ended up enslaving or murdering the native population for the sake of stealing more and more ivory .

2 . ( A ) humanity ( B ) religious feelings ( C ) willingness to take what one wants by force

( D ) tendency to commit mall injustices .                                    2. --------------------

First Sean shoved an entire sandwich in his mouth . Then he washed it down with a quart of milk and a pint of ice-cream . Such gluttonous behavior might be acceptable for someone who has not eaten for days , but Sean had eaten breakfast just an hour before .

3 . ( A ) lovable ( B ) greedy about food and drink

( C ) childish ( D ) dangerous                                                          3 . ---------------------

After the radio station offered free rock-concert tickets to the first one hundred callers , the switchboard was inundated with calls . Even after the station announced that all the tickets were gone , the calls continued for hours .

4 . ( A ) annoyed ( B ) deceived

( C )  embarrassed ( D ) flooded                                                        4. ---------------------

When the owner’s profligate son took over the business , he bought a new office building , put all his friends on the payroll , hired a chauffeur to drive him around in a limousine , and took several long vacations . The business went bankrupt in six months .

5 . ( A ) recklessly wasteful ( B ) clever

( C )  excessively careful ( D ) popular                                                5 . -----------------

The landlord , motivated by pure avarice in dealing with tenants , constantly raised the rents and absolutely refused to make any repairs on the shabby apartments .      

6 . ( A ) strict morality ( B ) secret desires  

( C ) strong desire for wealth ( D ) concern for the less fortunate    6 . -----------------

In Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol , Mr. Scrooge is portrayed as the embodiment of parsimony . He pays his employees as little as possible and resents giving them time off , even for Christmas . 

7 . ( A ) generosity ( B ) holiday spirit

( C ) ignorance about money matters ( D ) stinginess                        7 . ---------------- 

From a distance the swamp looked quiet enough , but in reality it was replete with mosquitoes , alligators , and every imaginable kind of snake .     

8 . ( A ) filled to abundance ( B ) decorated

( C ) designed ( D ) enlarged                                                                  8 . ----------------

Jake regretted the intemperate words he had spoken to his mother that morning . There was simply no excuse for yelling such things at someone who was only trying to help .

9 . ( A ) confusing ( B ) strong and unrestrained

( C ) kind and gentle  ( D ) wise and intelligent                                     9 . ----------------

The remorse of a prodigal child is a favorite theme in literature . In such stories , a parent welcomes home a long-lost son or daughter who has spent his or her inheritance foolishly . Meanwhile , the other children , who have faithfully remained at home , feel they are being slighted .

10 . ( A ) industrious ( B ) curious

( C ) elderly  ( D ) recklessly extravagant                                               10 . ----------------

Answer Key

1 . A 2 . C 3 . B 4 . D 5 . A 6 . C 7 . D 8 . A 9 . B 10 . D

2- ] Each question below includes a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1 . MORBID ( A ) unhappy ( B )

( C ) calm ( D ) unhealthy                                                1 . ------------------

2 . INUNDATE ( A ) imitate ( B ) mark permanently

( C ) flood ( D ) undated                                                   2 .------------------

3 . AVARICE ( A ) greed ( B ) good advice

( C ) generosity ( D ) patience                                           3 . ----------------

4 . INCHOATE ( A ) physically weak ( B ) in an early stage

( C ) easily digested ( D ) interesting                                 4 . ---------------- 

5 .  POSTMORTEM ( A ) sturdy ( B ) shocking

( C ) delayed ( D ) done after death                                   5 . ---------------

6 . INTEMPRATE ( A ) temporary ( B ) excessive

( C ) calm and relaxed ( D ) greatly reduced                     6 . ---------------

7 . IMMORTALIZE ( A ) make unforgettable ( B ) protect

( C ) cut in equal parts ( D ) push under                            7 . ---------------

8 . STEADFAT ( A ) without nourishment ( B ) unable to be replaced

( C ) loyal and steady ( D ) doubtful                                    8 . -----------------

9  . MORDANT ( A ) bitingly painful ( B ) ignorant

( C ) morally corrupt ( D ) magical                                       9 . ----------------

10 . VARIABLE ( A ) listless ( B ) concealed

( C ) changeable ( D ) admirable                                          10 . ---------------

11 . VIE ( A ) deceive ( B ) observe from a distance

( C ) secretly destroy ( D ) compete for superiority            11 . ----------------

12 . MORTIFY ( A ) set in concrete ( B ) cause shock or humiliation

( C ) use as security for a loan ( D ) commit a serious sin  12 . ----------------

13 . RAPACITY ( A ) willingness to take by force  ( B ) remarkable speed

( C ) nischievous rascal ( D ) desire to learn                         13 . -----------------

14 . OBSESS( A ) reverse the direction ( B ) preoccupy one’s mind

( C ) infect ( D ) injure wrongfully                                          14 . ---------------

15 . MORBUND ( A ) delicious ( B ) memorable

( C ) plentiful ( D ) near death                                                  15 . --------------

16 . REPLETE ( A ) repeated regularly ( B ) overflowing  

( C ) lacking ( D ) dangerous                                                      16 . --------------

17 . PROFLIGATE ( A ) wasteful ( B ) profitable  

( C ) wealthy ( D ) insecure                                                          17 . ---------------

18. MORTUARY ( A ) type of sculpture ( B ) place to keep dead bodies

( C ) moneylender ( D ) monument                                              18 . ----------------

19 . UNWARY ( A ) unused ( B ) straight

( C ) inspired ( D ) careless                                                            19 . -----------------

20 . INDELIBLE ( A ) unproven ( B ) easily bent

( C ) permanent ( D ) unintentional                                              20 . ----------------

21 . REMORSE ( A ) sorrow  ( B ) serious crime

( C ) joy ( D ) doubt                                                                         21 . ---------------

22 . AMORTIZE ( A ) destroy ( B ) deceive

( C ) pay a debt in installments ( D ) purify with heat                  22 . ----------------

23 . PLUMB ( A ) drain ( B ) examine closely

( C ) throw into place ( D ) type of fruit                                          23 . ----------------

24 . PRISTINE ( A ) prison system ( B ) pure

( C ) private ( D ) corrupt                                                                     24 .-----------------

25 . PARSIMONY ( A ) religious belief ( B ) marriage

( C ) stinginess ( D ) official residence                                                  25 . ----------------

Answer Key

1 .D 2 . C 3 . A 4 . B 5 . D 6 . B 7 . A 8 . C 9 . A 10 . C 11 . D 12 . B 13 . A 14 . B

15 . D 16 . B 17 . A 18 . B 19 . D 20 . C 21 . A 22 . C 23 . B 24 . B 25 . C

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...