Grammar American & British

Friday, November 26, 2021

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 12 ] , Upper Intermediate

12 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate

Future Perfect Simple and Continuous

Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple , future simple , future perfect simple or future perfect continuous


1 . I think she will have heard (hear) all about it by the time I see (see) her .

2 . I reckon I ---------------(finish) this book by the weekend and then I ----------------(give) it to you .

3 . The children --------------------- (be) hungry when they ------------------(get in) because they

-----------------(run around) all afternoon .

4 . This government -----------------------(be) in power for eight years soon but I don’t think they ---------------(win) the next election .

5. ---------------------(you / eat) when you ------------------(get) here ? If not , I ---------------(make) you something .

6 . Don’t phone them now . They ----------------(not get) home yet . They ----------------(probably get back) at about half-past eight .

7 . I think they --------------------(finish) building the house by the time the winter --------------(come) and then we --------------------(move in) in the New Year .

8 . I expect they -------------------(be) tired when you --------------------(see) them because they

--------------------(work) all day .

9 . If I ------------------------(come) and see the film with you on Saturday , I -------------(see) it six times . But it is my favorite film of all time : I think you ----------------(love) it .

10 . Why don’t you come round at 9 o’clock ? The children -------------(go) to bed then so it

(be) nice and peaceful .

Other Ways of Referring to the Future

1- ] Be to ( am / is / are / was / were + to -infinitive )

The factory is to close for three weeks for repairs .

2 - ] Be due to , about to , on the point of

3 - ] Certain verbs + to -infinitive / gerund

They hope to build a new shopping center .

They intend to build -------------

They intend building ---------------

Rewrite the sentences using be (not) to , due to , about to , on the point of , plan / intend / propose /hope / agree /promise (not) to .

You may use a verb or expression more than once .        


1 . I’m sorry I can’t talk to you now . I’m going to work in a minute .

I’m sorry I can’t talk to you now . I’m about to go to work .

2 . The Council have decided what they would like to do one day . They are going to close the old swimming pool .

The Council intend to close the old swimming pool .

3 .They are making plans now . They are going to have a big wedding in the summer .


4 . The train will depart at 8.25 .


5 . The company have had discussions with staff representatives and they have reached an agreement on work clothes . They are going to provide free work clothes to all employees .


6 . You must not enter the building without signing your name in the register .


7 . The government have made a promise . They will not increase taxes during the next year .


8 . The economy will collapse in the very near future ; it will happen at any time now .


9 . The ministry has made a proposal . It is probably to cut unemployment benefit .


10 . My grandfather is going to die soon .


11. I hope I’ll find a new job before the end of the year .


12 . Do you promise that you won’t tell anyone about this ?


13 . What are the two leaders’ intentions ? When are they going to meet ?


14 . They are making plans . They are going to move abroad .


15 . You will arrive at the hotel at 7.30 in the evening .



Grammar Practice Exercises [ 11 ] Upper Intermediate

11 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises 

Upper Intermediate

Present Simple as Future

Where possible , put the verbs in brackets into the present simple . Where this is not possible , use the will future .

A teacher is giving some students the details of a forthcoming trip .


The coach leaves (leave) here at 9.00 a.m. , and we --------------------(arrive) at the field study center before lunch . When we ---------------(get) there , you -----------------(be shown) to your rooms and -----------------(be give) time to unpack . Lunch -----------------(be served) in the dining-room at 12.30 precisely so make sure you ---------------------(not get) there late . When lunch -----------------(finish) , it ----------------------------------(be) time to get ready for our first activity , a walk down to the beach to look at the rock pools . Nets ,magnifying glasses and containers -----------------(be provided) by the center . If the weather -------------(be) fine , we

---------------------(stay) on the beach for the whole of the afternoon . Otherwise , we -----------(go back) to the center after an hour or two and watch a video on seashore life . You ---------

(be expected) to keep a written record of everything that you --------------(find) and we-------

(look) at all the records when we -----------------(get back) to school at the end of the week . Mr. Hassan , the field study supervisor , is very knowledgeable and I’m sure that he ---------

(help) you to identify anything that (be served) at 6.00 and at 8.00 there --------------(be) an evening activity . On the first night , Mr. Hassan -------------(plan) to go on a moonlight walk with us to look for bats . It is important that you ---------------(stay) together on this walk . Please don’t wander off . It ----------------(not be) easy for us to find you if you ---------

(get lost) in the dark . Behave sensibly and I’m sure you --------------------(all have) a wonderful time .

Future Continuous

Contrast : Future Continuous Versus ‘will’ Future

Put the verbs in the brackets into the ‘will’ future or the future continuous . Complete any short answers with will or won’t .


1 . A : Would you like to come over for lunch on Saturday ?

B : Well unfortunately , I’ll be working (work) all day Saturday .

A : Oh , that’s a shame . Well , you --------------------(have to come over) another day . I ------

(talk) to Adel about it and I -----------------(phone) you on Sunday . ----------------------- (you / be) in then ?

B : Yes definitely . I -----------------------(recover) from my week’s work .

2 - ] A : ----------------------(you / go) to the meeting tonight ? If so , I ----------------(give) you a lift there .

B : Oh yes please , that would be helpful . I ------------------(play) tennis until 7 o’clock but I

--------------------(be) back shortly after that .

A : O.K. I ------------------(pick you up) at about 7.30. ----------------(you / be) ready by then ?

 B : Yes . Don’t worry . I ---------------------(wait) for you when you get here .

3 - ] A : Do you ever think about what you -----------------(do) in ten years’ time ?

B : Oh yes . I sometimes imagine that I --------------------(do) a very important job and earning lots of money and that I ----------------(live) in a beautiful big house . But to be honest , I think I --------------------(still work) here and I -------------(probably do) the same job .

A : No , you ---------------------- .You -------------------(get) a better job soon , I’m sure you -----

B : And so ---------------------------you .

A : And then we --------------------------(go) on wonderful foreign holidays and we --------------

(learn) to speak different languages .

B : Perhaps .

4 - ] A : Oh dear , I’ve run out of stamps . I ----------------------(not be able to post) these letters now .

B : Well , I -----------------(go) to the post office later on . I --------------(take) the letters and post them for you .

A : Oh thank you . I --------------------(give) you the money for the stamps .

5 - ] A : So I ----------------------------(wait) for you when you get to the station . I --------------(not come) into the platform but I ----------------------(see) you by the ticket office .

B : O.K. , that’s fine . I -------------------(carry) a heavy suitcase so I think we ----------------(have to get) a taxi from the station .

Contrast : Future Continuous versus Present Continuous as Future

Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous or the future continuous. It is often the case that either tense is correct . Choose the tense that you think is the most appropriate .


1 - ] A : Will you be seeing (you / see) Tamer at work tomorrow ?

B : Yes , I will .

A : Do you think you could give him a message for me ?

 2 - ] A : Have you read the notes for the meeting ?

B : No , not yet , but I ----------------------(sit) on the train for three hours tomorrow so I can do it then .

4 - ] A : Can you post this letter for me on your way to work ?

B : I’m sorry but I ----------------(not walk) past the post box this morning because my brother -------------------(give) me a lift to work . I’ll post it for you later on though .

5 - ] What ----------------------(you / go round) to Amira’s with us ?

B : No , I don’t think so . I ---------------------(see) quite a lot of her at our play rehearsal next week .

6 - ] A : I must collect my new glasses from the optician .

B : Do you want me to collect them ? I ------------------------(go) past there later on anyway .

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 10 ] Upper Intermediate

10 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate 

6 - ] Future Forms

The ‘be going to’ Future and the Present and the Present Continuous as Future .

Rewrite the dialogue , substituting the verbs in the ‘be going to’ future with the present continuous as future where this is possible

A : 1Are you going to come to the meeting tomorrow about the proposed staff cuts ?

B : Oh yes , definitely .

A : Have you read the report about the cuts ?

B : No , not yet . 2  I’m going to read it tonight . What does it say ?

A : Well , 3 there are going to be quite a few cuts in this department .

B : Oh no . I wonder 4 who’s going to lose their job .

A : I don’t know . I think 5 they’re going to ask people if they want to take voluntary redundancy .

B : Well , I certainly don’t want that . 6 ‘We’re going to move into a new flat next month and the rent’s quite high . I don’t know 7 what’s going to happen if I lose my job .

A : Oh , don’t worry about it too much . I’m sure 8 everything’s going to be all right . Look , why don’t we go out for drink after work .

B : I can’t . 9 I’m going to meet some friends for a meal and then 10 we’re going to go to the cinema .

A : Well what about tomorrow night ? 11 Are you going to go out then ?

B : No , 12 I’m not going to do anything .

A : So let’s go out after the meeting .

B : OK . Good idea . 


1 - ] Are you coming    

Future with ‘will’

Complete the following sentences with ‘will/ll and a verb from the following

[ offer - make - tell - have - buy - drop - wash - announce - receive - be sentenced - phone

- carry - be - invite - go ]

1 . I’m sorry about losing that book . I’ll buy you another one next week .

2 . I -------------------------one of those cases for you .

3 . The temperature -------------------significantly during the aftewrnoon .

4 . ------------------------------you ------------------me when you get the news ? You’ve got my number haven’t you ?

5 . The Prime Minister -------------------------the details of the budget at 10 o’clock tomorrow. 6 . ----------------------------------we ------------------------her the truth about what happened ?

7 . I expect they ---------------------her soon .

8 . You ---------------------------your exam results by post during the first few days of August .

9 . I ------------------------not -----------------------them here again , whatever you say .

10 . If he is found guilty , he -----------------------to life imprisonment .

11 . I ---------------------never ---------------------the same mistake again .

12 . ---------------------we ------------------for a swim this afternoon ?

13 . They definitely ---------------------not -------------------me the job : I had a terrible interview .

14 . -----------------------------I ------------------------these plates ?

15 . I’m determined that he -----------------------everything he wants .

Contrast : be going to versus will

Put the verbs into the ‘be going to’ future or the will/future . If both tenses are possible , choose the one that is most appropriate for the context . With the verbs ‘to go’ or ‘to come’ usr the present continuous as future instead of the ‘be going to’ future .

Two friends , Jack and David , are talking .


J : Have you decided what you are going to do  (do) this weekend ?

D : Yes , we --------------------------(have) a quiet day on Saturday and then on Sunday we

---------------------(take) a bus up into the mountains and do some walking . And we -----------

(probably book into) a hotel there for the night . What about you ? --------------------(you/do)

lots of work as usual ?

J : Well , no . Mark phoned last night about coming down this weekend .

D : Really ?

J : Yes , he --------------------(come) on Friday .

D : Oh , I’d like to see him . I think I ---------------------(phone him up) tonight and arrange something .

J : Well , we’re planning to spend the day on the beach on Saturday . We -------------(do) some swimming and sunbathing . I just hope the weather ---------------(be) warm enough . And then on Saturday night we ------------------(see) that new film with Tom Cruise .

D : Well , as I’ve got nothing planned , I ---------------------- (join) you at the beach on Saturday then , if that’s O.K .

J : Of course , it is . I --------------------------(pick you up) from your flat some time after breakfast .

D : Oh thanks . -------------------------------(I / bring) a picnic ?

J : Yes . Why not ? I tell you what : Mark and I ----------------(make) some sandwiches and

-------------------------(you / bring) some salad and fruit ?

D : Yes , fine . I ---------------------------(do) that . Good . That --------------------(save) us all the cost of eating out . And what about the film ? What time ------------------(you / see) that ?

J : We -----------------------(see) the early showing at 6.00 and then we ----------------(try out)

that new disco in town .

D : Right . Well , I think I ---------------------(spend) the evening at home with Sarah .

J : O.K. So I --------------------(see) you on Saturday morning , probably at around 10 o’clock .

D : Fine .

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 9 ] Upper Intermediate

9 -] Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate

Past Perfect Simple

1- ]Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past perfect simple


1 - ] A : I’m sorry we’re late . We missed (miss) the train .

B : How ----------------------( that / happened)?

A : Well , I ------------------(get) the times wrong and when we -----------------(arrive) at the station , the train ---------------(just leave) .

2 - ] A : -----------------------(you/have) a good meal at Hilary’s ?

B : Well no , it ------------------(be) very embarrassing . When we ------------------(arrive) , we

----------------(know) immediately that she -----------------(forget) about the whole thing .

A : So what ---------------------(she / do) ?

B : Well , she -----------------------(pretend) that she -----------------(not forget) and --------------

(say) that the meal -----------------------(not be) ready because she ----------------(get) home from work very late .

A : Oh no , how awful !

3 . It ---------------------(be) a beautiful morning . It -------------------(rain) in the night and so the ground --------------------(be) fresh and clean and it -----------------(smell) wonderful . None of the Taylor family -----------------------(be) awake though . They ----------------(all go)

to bed very late the night before . Their Australian cousin --------------(arrive) unexpectedly that evening and they ---------------(sit up) talking most of the night . Although it -------------

(be) now 8 o’clock in the morning , they ----------------(only be) in bed for about two hours .

Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past perfect simple


James sat (sit) outside the office waiting for the interview . He -----------------(feel) so nervous that he --------------------( not know) what to do with himself . The person who -------

(go in) before him ------------------(be) in there for nearly an hour . And she ---------------(look) so confident when she -------------------(go) in . Not like James . He -----------------(feel) sure that she ---------------------(already get) the job . The problem -------------------(be) that he ----------------(want) this job so much . It ---------------------(mean) everything to him . He

------------------------------(think) about it such a lot before the day of the interview and being offered the job immediately . But now here he ----------------------------(be) feeling terrible . He ------------------------(cannot remember) all those things he -------------------(plan) to say . At that moment , he -------------------(almost decide) to get up and leave . But no - he ----------

(have to do) this . He ----------------(spend) so much time thinking about it that he -------------

(cannot give up) like that . His hands --------------------(be) hot and sticky and his mouth

-----------------(feel) dry . Finally the door of the office --------------------(open) . The woman who --------------------(go in) an hour earlier -----------------------(come out) looking very pleased with herself . She --------------------------(smile) sympathetically at James . At that moment James ------------------------(hate) her . The managing director then ------------

(appear) at the office door ‘Would you like to come in now , Mr. Davis ? I’m sorry to have kept you waiting .’ James -----------------(suddenly wish) that he ----------------(go) home after all . He ------------------(get up) ,legs shaking and forehead sweating and --------------(wonder) whether he -----------------(look) as terrified as he ------------------(feel) .

Past Perfect Continuous

Rewrite the following passage to change it into the past , making all the necessary tense changes .

It’s 10 o’clock at night . The offices of the ‘The Daily News’ are buzzing with excitement . The deadline for the paper is in half an hour and they are frantically trying to finish the front page . Everyone has been working all evening without a break . Some of the journalists have been at the office since early morning . They have all been trying to get an exclusive story , to find out something that no other journalist has discovered . The main story is a big one . The Prime Minister has resigned . Everyone knows that his government has had lots of problems in the last year but his resignation is nonetheless a big surprise .

Rumors have been going round all day about the real reasons for the announcement . Some say that he has been involved in some financial scandal . Others say that he has been seeing another woman . All the papers have been working all day to get the best story . And they’ve been doing their best to find out what the other papers have said . The whole day has been very tense . Suddenly the editor asks everyone to be quiet . There is a telephone call from the Prime Minister’s office .


It was 10 o’clock at night . The offices of ‘The Daily News’ were buzzing with excitement .

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