Grammar American & British

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 37 ] Upper Intermediate

37 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate

 Test Three

1 - ]Put the verbs in brasckets into the correct form

1 .If you -----------------------(finish) your work , you could come with us . It doesn’t look like it’ll be done in time , though .

2 . If it hadn’t rained , the flowers -------------------(die) .

3 . I --------------------(not go) there if I were you .

4 . If this water -----------------------(not be) cleaned up , there’s going to be an accident .

5 . If you -----------------------(go) to the lecture today , please take good notes .

6 . You’ll have to move if you -------------------------(gewt) that promotion .

7 . If the other driver had been looking , he ----------------(not hit) our car .

8 . He ------------------ (not come) to the party if Nasser is invited .

9 . If the house ---------------------(be) warmer , I wouldn’t have to wear a jacket inside .

10 . If you -----------------(be) more careful , you wouldn’t have made so many mistakes .

(10 points)

2 - ] Match the clauses by writing the letter of the second half in the space provided after the first half . No letter will be used twice .

1 . You don’t have to call me --------------    a . if they hadn’t offered me more money .

2 . He wouldn’t have been angry ---------       b . as long as they offer me more money .

3 . I won’t work overtime ---------------                   c . unless she apologizes to me .

5 . I would take that job --------------                       d . if only you hadn’t been so late .

6 . I wouldn’t want to speak to her again ---------- e . on condition that you arew not late .

7 . I will be happy to see er again ------------  f . provided they offered me more money .

8. I won’t go out with her again --------------  g . assuming that you’re not late .

9 . We’ll get there before the film begins-----h . even if they offer me more money .

10 . I will renew my contract for next year ----------i . even if she apologized to me .

                                                                            j . as long as she apologizes to me .

(10 points)

3 - ] Each sentence has one mistake . Rewrite the sentences , correcting the mistake .

1 . I think this umbrella can be Huda’s ; she was carrying one like it yesterday .


2 . After I’ve been studying French for another year , I can speak it more fluently .


3 . We must to leave as soon as she gets here .


4 . You ought write to your parents more often .


5 . He isn’t able to be very bright ; he’s failed the course three times .


6 . I wish I can come to your party .


7 . He must waits until the bank opens .


8 . They’ll have to taking a taxi to get there in time .


9 . My parents say that I am able to stay out until midnight .


10 . May I to use this phone to make a private call ?


(10 points)

4 -] Choose a word from the following to complete each sentence .Each word is used once .

[ mustn’t  - need to - needn’t - should - shouldn’t ]

1 . It’s an airline regulation that you ------------------unfasten your seatbelt until the plane has landed .

2 . If she wants to lose weight , she -------------------eat so many sweets .

3 . You ------------------submit two photos with your application .

4. You -----------------have bought your umbrella : it’s not going to rain .

5 . He -----------------have thought more carefully before he spoke !

(5 points)

5 - ] Underline the correct form of the infinitive or gerund in each sentence .

1 . I hope to be chosen / to be choosing for the lead role in the play .

2 . Please thank her for having done / being done such a fine job .

3 . I deeply regret having lied / to have lied about the matter .

4 . She would like to have completed / to be completing her courses before she gets married.

5 . What do you expect to have been doing / to be doing in five years ?

(5 points)

5 - ] Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech . Use appropriate forms for written reporting .

1 . ‘I am going to resign next month .’

The Councillor said that he --------------------- next month .

2 . ‘I didn’t realize all the problems .’

She explained that she --------------------------all the problems .

3 . ‘There will be a few changes around the office .’

The boss announced that there -------------------a fwew changes around the office .

4 . ‘Heavy rains have caused flooding in the north .’

The weather report mentioned that heavy rains ----------------flooding in the north .

5 . ‘I have been playing the piano for 5 years .’

He told me that he ---------------------the piano for 5 years .

6 . ‘No , he’s not employed .’

His wife explained that he ---------------------employed .

7 . ‘I completely forgot !’

He admitted that he ---------------------------- .

8. ‘We’re having a dinner party this Wednesday .’

They told us that they --------------------this Wednesday .

9 . ‘By this summer , I will have been working there for three years .’

He told us that by this summer , he ------------------there for three years .

10 . ‘I don’t have enough time to finish .’

The student complained that she -----------------------enough time to finish .

(10 points)      

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 36 ] Upper Intermediate

36 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises 

Upper Intermediate


Test Two

1 - ] Underline the correct verb forms to complete the sentences .

1 . By this summer , I will have been working / will be working here for 5 years .

2 . I will have to finish / will have had to finish washing the car before I can go out .

3 . You are not to speak / not to be speaking during the test .

4 . Will you wait / Will you be waiting for me when I return ?

5 . They don’t intend to marry / don’t intend to marrying until after they graduate .

6 . Don’t bother cleaning up ; I will do / will have done it later .

7 . She wishes her husband doesn’t come / didn’t come home so late every night .

8 . I wish he writes / wrote to me more often .

9 . If only he knew / had known the truth before he spoke to her .

10 . I wish you would stop / stopped making that awful noise while I’m studying .

(10 points)

2 - ] Put the verbs in brackets into the passive where possible .

A report (1) ----------------------(just come in) that the warehouse (2)----------------(break into) last Friday night . The gate (3) ------------------(force) open and two of the back windows (4)

--------------------(shatter) . Someone , probably a tall male , (5) ---------------------(leave) muddy footprints in the back hall . The owners (6) -----------------(tell) reporters that nothing terribly valuable (7) ------------------ (take) ; however , there is a lot of damage (8)

------------------(repair) . Police (9) -----------------------(work) on the case now , and expect an arrest (10) -----------------(make) within a week .

(10 points)

3 - ] Answer the following questions by using one of the phrasal verbs from the following . Use the appropriate verb tense , and use pronouns in your answer where possible . Not all the phrasal verbs will be used

1 . A : Did you accept that job offer ?

B : No , I ------------------------------ .

2 . A : Does the baby look like his father ?

B : No , actually , I think he ---------------------his mother .

3 . A : Have you had any good ideas for the project yet ?

B : Yes , I’ve just ---------------------something wonderful .

4 . A : I didn’t know you smoked .

B : Well , I -----------------------for a few years , but then I started again .

5 . A : What’s the matter ? Have we -------------------petrol ?

B : No , the engine’s overheating .

(5 point)

4 - ] Use a gerund or infinitive form of the verbs in brackets to complete the letter .

Dear Ms. Hazem ,

I am writing (1) --------------------(express) my interest in the secretarial position at CRS advertised in the newspaper last week . I am proficient at (2) -------------------(type) , and know how (3) --------------------(use) most word-processing packages . I enjoy (4) ------------

(work) with people , know how (5) ------------------(meet) a challenge , and don’t mind (6) ----

(work) overtime . As you can see from the enclosed letters of reference , my previous employers considered me (7) -------------------(be) a skilled secretary . I would be pleased (8) -------------------(further) my career by (9) ----------------(work) for a prestigious company like CRS. I look forward to (10) -------------------(hear) from you .

Yours sincerely

Huda Hassan

(10 points)

5 - ] Rewrite the sentences below , using a present participle or a perfect participle . Where there are two sentences , join them to form one , using a participle .

1 . He wore himself out . He hiked all day .


2 . After we heard the news , we came over as quickly as possible .


3 . She had worked hard all day . She wanted to go out for dinner .


4 . Soon after he moved up north , he regretted his decision .


5. While I sympathized with your point of view , I cannot totally agree with you .


(5 points)

6- ] Combine the two sentences into one , using a relative pronoun or a conjunction , and making any necessary changes .

1 . That’s the woman . Her dog bit me .


2 . Can you tell me about the town ? You were born there .


3 . I found the book . It was taken from the library .


4 . I can’t remember the time . I first heard that song .


5 . The woman married my best friend . The woman is my cousin .


(5 points)

7 - ] Add a tag question to each sentence .

1 . You haven’t seen my bag anywhere , ----------------?

2 . Noura couldn’t have spoken to him this morning , ---------------------?

3 . So , you went into my room when I was away , ----------------------?

4 . The meeting went quite well , -------------------------?

5 . Nobody is coming tonight ,-------------------?

(5 points)

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 35 ] Upper Intermediate

35 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate

                                          Test One

1-] Fill in the gaps with ‘a’ ‘an’ ‘the’ or no article

Dear Ahmad ,

Hello from (1) ---------------Aswan ! I’m staying at (2) ------------------beautiful hotel in (3) ----

center of (4)-----------------city . This (5) ----------------morning I had (6) -------------breakfast  in (7) -----------------hotel garden . Tomorrow I’m going to rent (8) --------------car and drive to (9) -----------------------mountains . I hope (10) ------------------- weather will be fine .

See you soon ,


( 10 points )

2 - ] Put the words in these sentences in the correct order

1- ] She bought a silk / new / lovely / blouse .


2 - ] The shop sells old / expensive / handmade objects .


3 - ] seldom / gets to work / 9.00 / she / before .


4 - ] I’ll / see him / probably / when I come to work / in the morning / early .


5 - ] He left the house / after his phone call / suddenly / quite .


(5 points)

3- ] Use the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives and adverbs in brackets

A : Do you like your new job ?

B : Oh , yes , it’s much (1) ----------------(interesting) than my old position . Of course , I have to work (2) ---------------------(hard) , too .

A : Are the working conditions (3) ------------------(good) , too ?

B : My office is (4) ---------------(spacious) , and it’s (5) -------------------(quiet) . But the people in my old office were (6) ----------------(friendly) . My new boss seems (7----------------

(difficult) to please , too .

A : Well , you’re (8) ---------------(new) person , so I guess you’ll have to prove yourself .

B : I’m certainly working much (9) ----------------(hard) than anyone else in the office ! It’s a real challenge , but every day it gets (10) ------------------(easy) .

(10 points)

4 - ] Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present or past form ( present ; past ; present perfect ; past perfect ) . You may use both simple and continuous aspects .  

A : How long (1) -------------------------(you / work) there ?

B : For three years . I (2) ----------------------- (leave) last year .

A : (3) ------------------------(you / meet) Sarah ?

B : Oh , yes , I (4) ------------------(know) her for several months . She (5) ----------------(be)

in my dance class . We (6) -----------------------(go) to the same class every Tuesday since January .

A : (7)--------------------------(the phone / rings ?)

B : Yes , but I (8) ------------------(cook) dinner , so I (9) --------------------(not / answer) it .

A : Why didn’t you give him the news ?

B : By the time I found out , he (10) --------------------(already / leave) .

(10 points)

5 - ] Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense (going to ; will  ; present form) .

A : Do you have any plans for tomorrow ?  

B : We (1) ------------------(take) the children to the park .

A : I heard on the radio that it (2) ------------------------(rain) .

B : Oh . If it rains , then I guess we (3) -------------------(stay) home . If we (4) -----------------

(stay) home , I (5) -----------------(call) you and invite you over to watch a video with us .

(5 point)

6 - ] Combine each phrase in Column A with a suitable phrase from columan B . Not all phrases in column B will be used .

                  A                                                             B

1 . He got the job despite                                        kind and thoughtful .

 2 . She was quite nervous , so                               he had so much experience .

3 . He seems well-educated ; however ,                I don’t like her .

4 . I hired him because                                          she didn’t do very well .

5 . She is not only beautiful and intelligent but   not having much experience .

                                                                                  he’s not very bright .

                                                                                   not very interesting .

(5 points)

7 - ] Choose a preposition from the following to fill the gaps . Not all prepositions will be used .

[ about - after - at - beyond - during - in - onto - out - to until ]

Today was definitely not my lucky day ! First , when I got (1) ------------------- the bust , I bumped my head . When I got (2) -------------work , my boss yelled at me . (3) ------------------

a hone call , I spilled coffee on some important papers ; (4) ----------------that , I accidentally deleted some important files on my computer . My bad luck continued (5) ----------------I went home . I hope tomorrow is a better day .

(5 points) 

Friday, December 24, 2021

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 34 ] , Upper Intermediate

34 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises 

Upper Intermediate

 19 - ] Common Prepositions Of Time .

at , on , in , by , before , after , since , for , during , until / till , from a time to / until / till

We use at with festivals and religious celebrations : at Easter

Complete the gaps with a suitable preposition of time .

Basma and Gamila are friends .


B : Gamila , how would you like to come round for a meal (1) on  Saturday ?

G : Yes , that sounds a good idea . (2) --------------the evening , do you mean ?

B : Yes . (3) --------------------about 8 o’clock if that’s O.K.

G : Sure , that would be fine . The only thing is , I’ll have to leave (4) ------------about midnight because I’ve got to get up early (5) -----------Sunday morning .

B : That’s all right . I don’t like staying up much (6) -----------midnight anyway .

G : No , neither do I . I stayed up (7) ---------------three o’clock last Saturday and I felt terrible (8)---------------Sunday morning .

B : So what were you doing (9) ---------------------three o’clock ?

G : Oh , Kamilia came down (10) ----------------the weekend . We actually got home (11)

----------------about half past twelve (12) ---------------Saturday night but then we stayed up talking (13) -------------another two and a half hours .

B : Oh , how is Kamilia ? I haven’t seen her (14) --------------------your party last year .

G : Oh she’s a bit fed up . She’s just split up with her husband (15) --------------four years together .

B : Oh , poor Mamilia .

G : Yes , and they split up just (16) -------------------her exams started too . In fact , I think she had her first exam the next day . Isn’t that awful ? Anyway , I’ll tell you about it (17) ---

Saturday .

B : O.K. I’ll see you then .

20 ] Common Prepositions Of Position And Movement


- We usually use on rather than onto  . We use onto when we want to emphasize the movement from one place onto another .


I drove onto the motorway . ( I drove off another road onto the motorway .)

I drove on the motorway . ( That’s where I drove . / That’s how I got there . )

- in as an adverb : When does the train get in ?

- on a train , bus , plane

- in a car

Complete the gaps with a preposition ( or adverb ) of position or movement .

Two friends , Badria and Mariam , are talking .


B : I didn’t see you (1) at the club last night . Where were you ? Did you stay (2)-------home?

M : Yes , I thought it was time to stay (3) -----------for a change and , besides , I didn’t feel very well . I just lay (4) ---------------bath reading for ages . I decided I wasn’t going to get (5) ---------------the bath until I’d finished the book . But then Rashida turned up (6) ----------

the doorstep so I had to get (7) --------------to see her .

B : So are you feeling well enough to come out later on ?

M : I think so .

B : Well , I’m going round (8) -------------Huda’s at 5.00 and we’re going to take the train (9) ------------------Qusia ---------------Assiut . So we should get (11) ------------nice café(14) ----

the riverbank . And if we see Hassan there , he might invite us (15) ------------his boat .

M : Oh , that would be nice .

B : Did he tell you about Khalid pushing him (16) --------------last week ?

M : No . So he fell (17) ----------------the boat , did he ?

B : Yes , and straight (18) ---------------------the river . He was soaked , and pretty cold too .

Complete the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverb of time or place .


It was 8 o’clock (1) on a cold morning (2) -------------January . She was still asleep . She usually stayed (3) --------------bed (4) ----------------about 9 o’clock (5) ---------------- the winter . Suddenly she was woken up by a knocking at the door . She got (6) ---------------bed and went (7)---------------the door . There was a man (8) ----------------the doorstep . She thought she recognized him . ‘Hello Rania,’ he said . ‘It’s Tamer . Can I come (9) ----------?’

And then she knew who it was but she didn’t quite believe it . She hadn’t seen him (10) -----

thirty years , not (11) --------------the summer of 1990 when she’d said goodbye to him the night (12) -----------------his final departure . That was when he went off(13) ----------war.

It was two years (14) ------------that when she received the letter (15) --------------- the War Office which said that Tamer had been missing (16) -------------some time and was now presumed dead . She kept on hoping that they were wrong right up (17) -----------the end of the war . But then she gave up . (18) ----------------then , she’d continued to think of Tamer every day . (19) ----------------his birthday , she always stayed (20) ----------------home all day because she couldn’t bear to meet anybody . She’s met Tamer (21) ---------------the age of sixteen and they’s had a wonderful time together (22) ------------the start of the war . She was nineteen when war broke out and they’d been together (23) -----------three years . They were going to get married (24) --------------the war .

She looked at his face . It was still the same face but with quite a few lines (25) ---------------it and there was a bit less hair (26) --------------his head . He put his hand(27) ----------his pocket and took out a small photograph . It was one she’s sent him just (28) ---------------his disappearance . It was a picture of her (29) ---------------a teenager (30) -------------the war . She held it (31) ------------her hand and remembered back to those times . She felt rather hot and dizzy and thought that she might fall (32) -------------the floor at any moment . She asked him to come (33) -----------------the living-room and they sat down together to tell their stories . 

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...