Grammar American & British

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Composition & Essay Writing [ 108 ] Punctuality , Spring Season

 108 - ] Composition & Essay Writing


                       Punctuality refers to the habit of a human being completing their tasks on time. We can say that punctuality is a great habit which surely results in success. All the leaders have punctuality in common as the habit is such. In other words, when you are on time, you will maintain the discipline and order in your life. It will, in turn, help you achieve your goals faster within a set time period. Moreover, it also makes you a man of habit. This creates a very good impression in front of others. Punctuality is an etiquette which encourages us to complete our work in a timely fashion. It also makes us realize the importance of time. A person who is punctual will always know how to respect their time and others as well.

                  Punctuality is of great importance, it is truly underestimated and must be given utmost importance. When a person becomes punctual, everything else falls into place. You get discipline in life and also earn the respect of the others. Subsequently, a punctual person works on time without any hindrance. The people who are employed in armies and navies are given rigorous training to become disciplined and punctual. They pay no heed to any circumstances be it rain or thunder, they care about their punctuality.

Furthermore, punctuality pushes the person to achieve success at faster rates than others. We must develop this quality in children from an early age which will make it easy for everyone to lead a better life. When a person is punctual, they get utmost respect and admiration by society and reach greater heights than an unpunctual person.

                           We can now safely say that punctuality is definitely the key to success. As we know everything else falls in order when we become punctual, likewise, success will too. When you become successful, you know that you can arrive at your destination easily. This may only happen when a person works on time and achieve their time goals. In addition to punctuality, hard work is also important. If you ask all the successful people of the world, you will see that it is their secret to success as well. Why so? Because a successful person knows very well how to make use of their time and act accordingly. Similarly, everyone must adopt this habit to reach great heights in life. It is correctly said that ‘time and tide wait for none’, thus we must remember it well.

                            We cannot stop time or turn it back, every second is precious. That is why it is important to be punctual in life at all times, so you never miss out on opportunities. Moreover, you will also become happier when you get punctual. Therefore, we see how punctuality plays a major role in anyone’s life. If we are not punctual, we cannot be as successful as others. In addition, this competitive world demands punctuality so that all of us can be successful in life.

                  Punctuality implies to be on time. Punctuality benefits an individual in all aspects of life. It also helps an individual to build up his/her character and creates a positive impression on society. If one is not punctual, then his/her life fills with friction in whatever he/she does. Without being punctual, an individual feels that he/she is wasting time and where and how the time flies, one can never estimate. A punctual person can manage all the household chores and other tasks at the right time.

               It is evident that punctuality is one of the key aspects to attain success in life. One who understands and values time can easily become a punctual individual and in lieu become successful. It helps one to understand the value of time. And as we all know time is the most precious thing in our life. Time once lost, can never come back. We cannot make and get back to the lost time. It is the habit of punctuality which makes us understand and teaches us to respect the value of time. Becoming a successful person in life implies achieving ones’ goals in time with proper planning and dedication, which can again only be attained by being punctual in life. Knowing the value of time-aware an individual to utilize the time in the best way. And to utilize time in the best way is the definition of being punctual.

                       For a student, punctuality is the stepping stone towards discipline and being sincere. It is utmost important for a student to be punctual to attain success during his/her school life. It is the base on which the student’s life during school and afterward shapes up. A student being punctual is considered having one of the noblest virtue. It helps them to cultivate the habit of completing their tasks in due time. Punctuality proves the great saying, “A stitch in time, saves nine” meaning completing ones’ task in due time and avoiding troublesome. It is the virtue of punctuality which makes the students more discipline and responsibility. A sense of responsibility is attained by the virtue of punctuality. Being punctual a student can always be at the right time whether be it in school, in the lab, in class, at home, in the examination hall, at the playground, etc. The teachers and parents of other students highly appreciate the students who are punctual.

                      Punctuality leads to a happy mind. It is a key to happiness and having a healthy mind. Therefore, any person having this quality would always feel comfortable while doing his/her work. He /She wakes up early in the morning and always feel energetic to do more tasks. Punctuality brings positivity in our mind and heart. One is clear about his/her thoughts, plan and activities, which is also an essential element to move forward in life.

                            Punctuality is not being practiced only by human beings but also the nature around us. Every day, the sun rises in the morning, sets in the evening. After the day, comes the night. Each of the seasons follows their timeline. All these natural phenomena encourage us to be punctual in our life to attain a goal and have a peaceful mind. Thus, Punctuality is the essence of life. It is very important for us to develop such quality from a very young age and lead ourselves and our country to a greater high. The rate of growth of the Human Development Index is bettered in a country where everyone knows and understands the value of time by being punctual. It ultimately helps in the growth of the country. Therefore, punctuality is not only a key to success for an individual but also for the entire community, nation, globe.

Spring Season

                         Spring refers to the season of the year between winter and summer. Its beginning marks the end of winter season. Also, the end of spring signals the start of the summer season. Furthermore, when it is spring in the Northern Hemisphere, it is autumn in the Southern and vice-versa. Also, during spring season days and nights are probably 12 hours. Spring is certainly a time of happiness and joy. Most noteworthy, in many cultures spring celebrations occur with rites and festivals.

               The axis of the earth increases its tilt relative to the Sun in early spring. Also, the length of the daylight increases for the relevant hemisphere. Furthermore, the hemisphere gets warm which results in new plants to spring forth. Hence, the season is called spring. Another important occurrence is the melting of the snow. Frosts also get less severe. As spring advances, many flowering plants bloom. In some areas of Northern hemisphere, spring begins in February. Furthermore, temperate areas have a dry spring which brings flowering. Also, in sub-arctic regions, spring does not begin until May.

            Spring certainly is the result of warmth. Furthermore, this warmth is due to the changing of earth’s axis relative to the sun. Unstable weather can also occur at spring. This happens when warm air invades from lower latitudes, while cold air pushes from the Polar regions. In spring, flooding is common in the mountainous areas. This is because of the snowmelt acceleration by warm rains. In recent years, a new spring phenomenon known as season creep has been observed. Most noteworthy, due to season creep, signs of spring are now occurring earlier than expected. This trend is prevalent in many regions of the world.

               Spring season certainly brings with itself many health benefits. One important benefit of the spring season is the mental boost. Winter season can cause depression and anxiety in many people. Spring replaces those feelings with fresh and positive energy. People are able to come out of winter hibernation. Most noteworthy, the spring season is a period of rejuvenation and joy.

                            Probably many individuals consume winter comfortable foods during winter season. This certainly results in increased weights for many individuals. Spring is a time for eating diet food. During spring season healthy fresh local food is available. Above all, many vitamin-rich vegetables reach their prime during spring. Some of these vegetables are asparagus, kale, and peas.

                      Spring season is a healthy season. The season certainly helps in making homes healthy. Sunshine and fresh air enter indoor after a long winter season. Most noteworthy, people get to breathe high amount of fresh oxygen during spring season. Furthermore, ample sunshine during spring is good for the skin. This is because; sunlight is an excellent way to get vitamin D.

                    Spring season significantly increases the motivation to do the workout. Furthermore, cold weather is a period of less physical activity. So, when spring comes, people get excited about physical activity. The beautiful warmth of the sun encourages probably everyone to exercise. Hence, spring improves the physical fitness of individuals.

            In conclusion, spring season is certainly the best season anywhere on earth. A lot of activities can be easily carried out in spring season. This is due to the beautiful comfortable weather at this time of the year. Without hesitation, one can call spring as the king of all seasons.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Composition & Essay Writing [ 107 ] Healthy Lifestyle , Respect


107 - ] Composition & Essay Writing 

Healthy Lifestyle

                         It is said that it is easy to learn and maintain bad habits but it is very difficult to switch them back . The issue of a healthy lifestyle is very serious but the people take it very lightly. Often, it is seen that some people take steps to improve their lifestyle but due to lack of determination quit in the midway. Moreover, for a healthy lifestyle is it important that you take small and one-step at a time. Also, do not go overboard with it . Besides, this healthy lifestyle will help you in life in a lot of ways.

                      For keeping your body and mind healthy you have to follow certain rules that will help you achieve your goal . Besides, there are certain measures that will help you to stay healthy. First of all, for being healthy you have to plan and follow a strict diet. This diet should contain all the essential minerals and vitamins required by the body. Also, eat only healthy food and avoid junk and heavily carbohydrate and fatty food. In addition, wake up early in the morning because first of all, it’s a healthy habit. Secondly, waking up early means you can get ready for your work early, spend some quality time with your family. Besides , sleeping early de-stresses body. Doing exercise regularly makes your body more active and it also releases the pent-up stress from the muscles.

                    Avoid the mobile- the biggest drawback of this generation is that they are obsessed with their mobile phones. Moreover, these phones cause many physical and mental problem for them. So, to avoid their negative effects , the usage volume of mobiles should be reduced.

                    There are things that should be avoided for a healthy lifestyle . We know that there are several bad habits that affect our healthy lifestyle. These habits can cause much harm not only to the body but to the society too. In addition, these habits are also the cause of many evils of society. The major healthy lifestyle destroying habits are smoking, drinking, junk food, addiction, meal skipping, and overuse of pills. All these activities severely damage body parts and organs which cannot be replaced easily. Besides, they not only cause physical damage but mental damage too. A healthy lifestyle has many benefits not only for the body but for the mind too. Also, if you follow a healthy lifestyle then you can reduce the risk of having cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and osteoporosis.

                To sum it up, we can say that there are various benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. Also, a healthy lifestyle has many benefits to your social as well as personal life. Besides, it improves the relationships in the family. Most importantly, the person who lives a healthy lifestyle lives longer as compared to those who do not.


                 Respect is a broad term. Experts interpret it in different ways. Generally speaking, it is a positive feeling or action expressed towards something. Furthermore, it could also refer to something held in high esteem or regard. Showing respect is a sign of ethical behavior. Unfortunately, in the contemporary era, there has been undermining of the value of respect. Most noteworthy, there are two essential aspects of respect. These aspects are self-respect and respect for others.

                Self-respect refers to loving oneself and behaving with honor and dignity. It reflects respect for oneself. An individual who has self-respect would treat himself with honor. Furthermore, lacking self-respect is a matter of disgrace. An individual who does not respect himself, should certainly not expect respect from others. This is because nobody likes to treat such an individual with respect.

                 Self-respect is the foundation of a healthy relationship. In relationships, it is important to respect your partner. Similarly, it is equally important to respect yourself. A self-respecting person accepts himself with his flaws. This changes the way how others perceive the individual. An individual, who honors himself, would prevent others from disrespecting him. This certainly increases the value of the individual in the eyes of their partner.

Lacking self-respect brings negative consequences. An individual who lacks self-respect is treated like a doormat by others. Furthermore, such an individual may engage in bad habits. Also, there is a serious lack of self-confidence in such a person. Such a person is likely to suffer verbal or mental abuse. The lifestyle of such an individual also becomes sloppy and untidy.

                   Self-respect is a reflection of toughness and confidence. Self-respect makes a person accept more responsibility. Furthermore, the character of such a person would be strong. Also, such a person always stands for his rights, values, and opinions. Self-respect improves the morality of the individual. Such an individual has a good ethical nature. Hence, it makes you a better person. Self-respect eliminates the need to make comparisons. This means that individuals don’t need to make comparisons with others. Some people certainly compare themselves with others on various attributes. Most noteworthy, they do this to seek validation of others. Gaining self-respect ends all that.

               Everyone must respect fellow human beings. This is an essential requirement of living in a society. We certainly owe a basic level of respect to others. Furthermore, appropriate respect must be shown to people who impact our lives. This includes our parents, relatives, teachers, friends, fellow workers, authority figures, etc. One of the best ways of showing respect to others is listening. Listening to another person’s point of view is an excellent way of respect. Most noteworthy, we must allow a person to express his views even if we disagree with them. Another important aspect of respecting others is religious/political views. Religious and cultural beliefs of others should be given a lot of consideration. Respecting other people’s religions is certainly a sign of showing mature respect.

            Everyone must respect those who are in authority. Almost everyone deals with people in their lives that hold authority. So, a healthy amount of respect should be given to such people. People of authority can be of various categories. These are boss, police officer, religious leader, teacher, etc.

               In conclusion, respect is a major aspect of human socialization. It is certainly a precious value that must be preserved. Respectful behavior is vital for human survival.

Composition & Essay Writing [ 106 ] Time , Artificial Intelligence


106- ] Composition & Essay Writing


                   Time is very precious and we should not waste it in any way. Likewise, we can earn the money we spent but we cannot get back the time we have lost. So, this makes the time more valuable than money. Hence, we should utilize the time in the most possible way.

                           Time is the most valuable and precious thing in the world. Also, we should use it for our good as well as for the good of others around us. This will help us and the society to progress towards a better tomorrow. Moreover, we should teach our children the importance and value of time. Also, wasting time will only lead you to cause an issue to you and the people around you.

                For effectively utilizing time we must consider some points which will help us in our whole life. This utilization includes setting goals, prepare work lists, prioritize task, and take adequate sleep and various others. For effectively utilizing time set long and short term goals these goals will help you in remaining productive. Moreover, they will prove as a driving force that will keep you motivated. Also, this will give the willingness to achieve something in life. In the beginning, it will feel like a boring task but when you do it regularly then you will realize that it only helps you to increase your productivity. Ultimately, this will force you to achieve more in life.

                     Prioritizing task is a very effective way of managing time. Also, because of it, you will know the importance of various task and jobs. Apart from that, if you go to your club and perform a similar activity this increases your productivity. Hence, it will help you to achieve more in life. Being productive does not mean that you engage yourself in different tasks every time. Taking proper sleep and exercising is also part of being productive. Besides, proper exercise and sleep maintain a balance between body and mind which is very important for being productive and efficient.

                        Although most people do not understand how valuable time is until they lose it. Besides, there are people in the world who prioritize money over time because according to them, time is nothing. But, they do not realize the fact that it is time that has given them the opportunity to earn money. Apart from this, time has given us prosperity and happiness and on the contrary, it has also given us sorrow and grief . In previous times , many kings proclaim themselves as the ruler of their age and all . But, they forget that they have limited time. Time is the only thing in the world that is limitless. Time can make you a king or a beggar in a movement of seconds.

                      In conclusion, we can say that time is the greatest gift of God. Moreover, there is a saying that “if you waste time, time will waste you.” Only this line is enough to justify how important and valuable time is.

Artificial Intelligence

                           Artificial intelligence refers to the intelligence of machines. This is in contrast to the natural intelligence of humans and animals. With artificial intelligence, machines perform functions such as learning, planning, reasoning and problem-solving. Most noteworthy, artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence by machines. It is probably the fastest-growing development in the world of technology and innovation. Furthermore, many experts believe AI could solve major challenges and crisis situations.

                  First of all, the categorization of artificial intelligence is into four types. Arend Hintze came up with this categorization. The categories are as follows: Type 1: Reactive machines – These machines can react to situations. A famous example can be Deep Blue, the IBM chess program. Most noteworthy, the chess program won against Garry Kasparov, the popular chess legend. Furthermore, such machines lack memory. These machines certainly cannot use past experiences to inform future ones. It analyses all possible alternatives and chooses the best one.

                   Type 2: Limited memory – These AI systems are capable of using past experiences to inform future ones. A good example can be self-driving cars. Such cars have decision making systems. The car makes actions like changing lanes. Most noteworthy, these actions come from observations. There is no permanent storage of these observations.

                   Type 3: Theory of mind – This refers to understanding others. Above all, this means to understand that others have their beliefs, intentions, desires, and opinions. However, this type of AI does not exist yet.

                   Type 4: Self-awareness – This is the highest and most sophisticated level of artificial intelligence. Such systems have a sense of self. Furthermore, they have awareness, consciousness, and emotions. Obviously, such type of technology does not yet exist. This technology would certainly be a revolution.              First of all, AI has significant use in healthcare. Companies are trying to develop technologies for quick diagnosis. Artificial intelligence would efficiently operate on patients without human supervision. Such technological surgeries are already taking place. Another excellent healthcare technology is IBM Watson.

                   Artificial intelligence in business would significantly save time and effort. There is an application of robotic automation to human business tasks. Furthermore, machine learning algorithms help in better serving customers. Chatbots provide immediate response and service to customers.

            Artificial intelligence can certainly make education more efficient. Artificial intelligence technology can discover the needs of students. Then it can adapt according to their needs. Artificial intelligence tutors provide study help to students. Also, artificial intelligence can automate grading which results in saving a lot of time.

                Artificial intelligence can greatly increase the rate of work in manufacturing. Manufacture of a huge number of products can take place with artificial intelligence . Furthermore, the entire production process can take place without human intervention. Hence, a lot of time and effort is saved.

                Artificial intelligence has applications in various other fields. These fields can be military, law, video games, government, finance, automotive, audit, art, etc. Hence, it’s clear that artificial intelligence has a massive amount of different applications.

                To sum it up, artificial intelligence looks all set to be the future of the world. Experts believe artificial intelligence would certainly become a part and parcel of human life soon. It would completely change the way we view our world. With it , the future seems intriguing and exciting.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Composition & Essay Writing [ 105 ] Memories of Childhood , Holiday

 105 - ] Composition & Essay Writing 

Memories of Childhood

                         Childhood is the most fun and memorable time in anyone’s life. It’s the first stage of life which we enjoy in whatever way we like. Besides, this is the time that shapes up the future. The parents love and care for their children and the children to the same too. According to me, the most important characteristics of a child is his innocence and helpful nature. Moreover, it’s the golden period of life in which we can teach children everything. It is the best time of life because the memories that we make in our childhood always brings a smile on our face. Also, it is the time when the character of the child is shaped. Besides, it also is the best time to understand life and gain knowledge.

                  The memories of childhood ultimately become the life-long memory which always brings a smile on our faces. Only the grownups know the real value of childhood because the children do not understand these things. Moreover, Children’s have no worries, no stress, and they are free from the filth of worldly life. Also, when an individual collects memories of his/her childhood they give a delighted feeling. Besides, bad memories haunt the person his entire life. Apart from this, as we grow we feel more attachment to our childhood and we want to get back those days but we can’t. That’s why many people say ‘time is neither a friend nor a foe’. Because the time which is gone can’t come back and neither do our childhood. It is a time which many poets and writer praises in their creations.

                  For children, it has no importance but if you ask an adult it is very important. Moreover, it a time when the moral and social character of the children develop. In this stage of life, we can easily remodel the mindset of someone. Also, it is very important to understand that the mindset of children can be easily altered in this time. So, we have to keep a close eye on our children.

                        In childhood, one should need to enjoy his/her life without any worry. It is a time in which one should have to take care of his diet, his health, and immunity. Besides, the children should be taught to be neat and clean, to eat, read, sleep, play, and to do exercise regularly and these things should be in the habits of the child. Moreover, we should try to influence children to start productive habits such as reading, writing that should help them in later life. But the books they read and what they write should be carefully checked by the parents.

                   Children are like buds, they care for everyone equally without any discrimination. Also, they are of helpful nature and help everyone around them. Moreover, they teach everyone the lesson of humanity that they have forgotten in this hectic lifestyle of this world. Besides, these children are the future of the country and if they do not grow properly then in future how can they help in the growth of the nation.

                         In conclusion, we can say that childhood is the time that makes our adulthood special. Also, children’s are like pottery vessels whom you can shape in any way you like. Besides, this their innocence and helpful nature gives everyone the message of humanity.


                   Holidays are very important parts of everyone’s life, be it a student or a working person. Everyone deserves to take a break from the monotony to rejuvenate and maintain their health. Holidays help us do exactly that.

Other than that, a holiday allows us to complete all our pending work. Nowhere will you find a person who dislikes holidays. From a school going toddler to your house help, everyone looks forward to holidays and see them as a great opportunity to relax and enjoy.

                              When one thinks about what a holiday means for students, we notice how important it is for the kids. It is a time when they finally get the chance to take a break from studies and pursue their hobbies. They can join courses which give them special training to specialize in it. They can get expert in arts, craft, pottery, candle making and more. Furthermore, they also make new friends there who have the same interests. In addition, students get to visit new places on holiday. Like during summer or winter holidays, they go with their families to different cities and countries. Through holidays, they get new experiences and memories which they remember for a lifetime. Furthermore, it also gives them time to relax with their families. Other cousins also visit each other’s places and spend time there. They play games and go out with each other. Moreover, students also get plenty of time to complete their homework and revise the syllabus.

                     Holidays for working people are somewhat similar to what they mean for students. In fact, they carry more importance to them than students. Though they are adults, they also yearn for the holidays. Why so? They do not get as many holidays as students do. Most importantly, the holiday no matter how little it gives them a great chance to relax. More so because they work tirelessly for so many hours a day without a break. Some even work when they get home. This makes their schedule very hectic and gives them little time to rest. A holiday fills the gap for this rest. Similarly, due to such a hectic schedule working people get less time to spend with their family. They get distanced from them. Holidays are the perfect chance to strengthen their bonds and make amends. In other words, a working person needs holidays for the smooth functioning of life. Without holidays they will face pressure and won’t be able to be productive when they work non-stop. After all, when a person earns, they must spend it on something recreational from time to time so they also remain happy and work happily. Thus, we see how holidays play an important role in maintaining a great balance between our work and play. We must try to make the most of the holidays and spend them wisely so we do not waste time. Never waste a holiday as they are very few in number where you can actually, rest or utilize it properly.

Composition & Essay Writing [ 104 ] Honesty , Teamwork

 104- ] Composition & Essay Writing


                    Honesty implies being truthful. Honesty means to develop a practice of speaking truth throughout life. A person who practices Honesty in his/her life, possess strong moral character. An Honest person shows good behavior, always follows rules and regulations, maintain discipline, speak the truth, and is punctual. An honest person is trustworthy as he always tends to speak the truth.

                       A major component for developing moral character is Honesty. Honesty helps in developing good attributes like kindness, discipline, truthfulness, moral integrity and more. Lying, cheating, lack of trust, steal, greed and other immoral attributes have no part in Honesty. Honest people are sincere, trustworthy and loyal, throughout their life. Honesty is valuable and it is the habit of utmost importance. There are famous quotes, said by a great personality like “Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom”. It holds good due to its ability to build, shape and motivate integral values in one’s life.

                       Honesty is always admirable in the family, civil society, friends and across the globe. A person with honesty is respected by all. For one to build the character of Honesty entirely depends on his/her family values and ethics and his/her surrounding environment. Parents showing honest behavior and character in front of their children create an impact on the children and we say “Honesty lies in their genes”. Honesty can also be developed practically which requires proper guidance, encouragement, patience, and dedication.

                          An honest person is always known for his/her honesty just like a sun is known for its eternal light and unlimited energy. It is a quality which helps a person to succeed in life and get much respect. It gives identification to the moral character of a person. Dishonest people may easily get trust and respect from other people. However, they lose that forever whenever they get caught.


                Being dishonest is a sin in all the religions, however, people practice it for their short time benefits and selfishness. They never become morally strong and their life becomes miserable. An honest person moves freely in society and spread his/her fragrance in all directions. Being honest is never mean to bear the bad habits of others or bear ill-treated activities. Everyone has rights to reveal and take action against what is going wrong with him.

                  Honesty plays an important role in everyone’s life and it is a character which is visible with open eyes like an open book. Having considered as an honest person, by society is one of the best compliment one can dream of in his/her entire life. It is the real character a person earns in life by being sincere and dedicated towards it. Lack of honesty in society is doom. It is due to the lack of proper interpersonal relationship between parents-children and students-teachers. Honesty is a practice which is built slowly and patiently, firstly at home and then school. Hence home and school are the best places for a child to develop Honesty since his/her growing times. Home and school are the places where a child learns moral ethics. Thus, the education system should ensure to include some essential habits and practices to keep a child close to morality. Children must be instructed right from the beginning and their childhood to practice honesty. Youths of any country are the future of that country so they should give better opportunities to develop moral character so that they can lead their country in a better way.

                   For all human problems, honesty is the ultimate solution. Corruption and various problems are everywhere in society. It is because of the decreasing number of honest people. In today’s fast and competitive world, we have forgotten about moral and integral ethics. It is very important and necessary for us to rethink and remodel, that we bring the honesty back in society so that everything goes in a natural manner.

                     Moral ethics of a person is known through Honesty. In a society, if all the people seriously practice getting honest, then society will become an ideal society and free of all the corruptions and evils. There will be huge changes in the day-to-day life of everyone. It can happen very easily if all the parents and teachers understand their responsibilities towards the nation and teach their children and students about moral ethics. People should realize the value of honesty in order to manage social and economic balance. Honesty is an essential requirement in modern time. It is one of the best habits which encourages an individual and make capable enough to solve and handle any difficult situation in his/her life. Honesty acts as a catalyst in strengthening our will power to face and fight any odds in life.


                         Teamwork is working together of people to achieve a certain goal. Teamwork is the basic need for an organization to function. Furthermore, every organization has a division of several teams to perform specific tasks. Without teamwork nothing is possible. Moreover, if any organization lacks teamwork. Then it will hamper its success rate. Thus the organization will fall. Also, it will affect the environment the people are working in. Furthermore, the organization has a different hierarchy of teamwork. So that the workload gets divided. And each team has an expert who guides different team members with his prior experience

                  The organization has a division of three teams – Top Level, Middle Level, Lower Level . 1- ] The Top Level: This team of the organization decides the goals of the company. Furthermore, they understand the need for different sectors of society. And makes policies to maximize the profit of the company. Moreover, it also works on the development of the company and its employees. Every company has a certain goal in mind before making any policy. This part of the organization analyzes the goal. So that the company should be certain whether the approaching of this goal is profitable or not. For instance, this part of the organization consists of the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officers Etc.

          2- ] The Middle Level: The middle level consists of the manager and the Supervisors. This team of workers focuses on the implementation of the policies made by the Top-level. Furthermore, the team assigns various tasks to the employee sector, so that they may work towards the goals of the company. Moreover, the Middle level inspects and keeps a regular check on their work. In short, they bridge the gap between the top level and the middle level. In order to be a part of this team, a person should be qualified enough. Because this ensures that the person is having the knowledge of all the work he is assigning to the employees. Only then the person would be capable enough to guide the lower level. Above all the main work is to meet the demands of the employee, so that the organization can work in a better way.

                   3- ] The Lower level: The Lower Level consists of the employees. They work on the tasks assigned to them by the Middle Level. The coordination of teamwork is much needed in the employment sector. As the need to submit each task within a period of time, so that the organization may run smoothly. The base of the organization is the employment sector. As without them, the application of policies isn’t possible.

                       Teamwork has the greatest importance in any part of the world. Whether it be an organization or a small business. Teamwork is the key to success. In our schools, we play many sports that enlist teamwork. Thus from our childhood only we knew about teamwork. Because our mentors understood the importance of teamwork. That is the reason they always guided us on the right path. At last, the teamwork team generates a relationship between two people. As we all know that human is a social being, so it is beneficial for the environment of a person. Teamwork enlists a level of enthusiasm in a person. Moreover it essential to save time, as groups of people work on specific tasks. Which as a whole saves time to a higher extent. Also, it boosts the confidence of a person working in any organization.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

9- ) الدعاء ، الاستغفار والتوبة

9- ) الدعاء


الاستغفار والتوبة

1 - ) اللهم أنت ربى لا اله الا أنت ، خلقتنى وأنا عبدك ، وأنا على عهدك ووعدك ما استطعت ، أعوذ بك من شر ما صنعت ، أبوء لك بنعمتك على ، وأبوء لك بذنبى ، فاغفر لى ، فانه لا يغفر الذنوب الا أنت . البخارى
2 - ) اللهم اغفر لى ذنبى . مسلم

3 - ) اللهم اغفر لى وارحمنى ، وألحقنى بالرفيق الأعلى . مالك

4 - ) اللهم اغفر لى ذنبى كله ، دقه وجله ، وأوله وآخره ، وعلانيته وسره . مسلم

5 - ) اللهم اغفر لى ذنبى ، ووسع لى فى دارى ، وبارك لى فيما رزقتنى . الترمذى

6- ) اللهم اغفر لى واهدنى ، وارزقنى وعافنى ، أعوذ بالله من ضيق المقام يوم القيامة . النسائى

7- ) اللهم اغفر لى وارحمنى ، وعافنى وارزقنى . ابن ماجه

8- ) اللهم اغفر لى وارحمنى وتب على ، انك أنت التواب الرحيم . أحمد

9- ) اللهم انى استغفرك لما قدمت وما أخرت ، وما أسررت وما أعلنت ، انك أنت المقدم وأنت المؤخر ، وأنت على كل شىء قدير . أحمد

10- ) اللهم انى أسألك صحة ايمان ، وايمانا فى خلق حسن ، ونجاحا يتبعه فلاح ، ورحمة منك وعافية ، ومغفرة منك ورضوانا . أحمد  

11- ) اللهم انى ظلمت نفسى ظلما كثيرا ، ولا يغفر الذنوب الا أنت فاغفر لى مغفرة من عندك وارحمنى انك أنت الغفور الرحيم . الترمذى

12- ) اللهم انى أسألك فعل الخيرات ، وترك المنكرات ، وحب المساكين ، وأن تغفر لى وترحمنى ، واذا أردت فتنة قوم فتوفنى غير مفتون ، أسألك حبك ، وحب من يحبك ، وحب عمل يقرب الى حبك . الترمذى

13- ) اللهم اغفر لنا وارحمنا ، وارض عنا وتقبل منا ، وأدخلنا الجنة ونجنا من النار ، وأصلح لنا شأننا كله . ابن ماجه

14- ) اللهم انا نعوذ بك من أن نشرك بك شيئا نعلمه ، ونستغفرك لما لا نعلم . أحمد

15- ) اللهم اغفر لى وارحمنى ، واهدنى وارزقنى . أحمد

16- ) اللهم اغفر لى ما قدمت وما أخرت ، وما أسررت وما أعلنت ، واسرافى ، وما أنت أعلم به منى ، أنت المقدم وأنت المؤخر ، لا اله الا أنت . أحمد

17- ) اللهم رب محمد النبى ، اغفر لى ذنبى ، وأذهب غيظ قلبى ، وأجرنى من مضلات الفتن ما أحييتنا . أحمد

18- ) اللهم لك الحمد أنت نور السموات والأرض ومن فيهن ، ولك الحمد أنت قيام السموات والأرض ومن فيهن ، ولك الحمد أنت ملك السموات والأرض ومن فيهن ، ولك الحمد أنت حق ، ووعدك حق ، والجنة حق ، والنار حق ، والساعة حق ، والنبيون حق ، ومحمد حق ، لك أسلمت ، وعليك توكلت ، وبك آمنت ، وبك خاصمت ، واليك حاكمت ، اغفر لى ما قدمت وما أخرت وما أعلنت ، أنت المقدم ، وأنت المؤخر ، لا اله الا أنت ، ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله . النسائى

19- ) اللهم انى أسالك الثبات فى الأمر ، والعزيمة على الرشد ، وأسالك شكر نعمتك ، وحسن عبادتك ، وأسالك قلبا سليما ، ولسانا صادقا ، وأسالك من خير ما تعلم ، وأعوذ بك من شر ما تعلم ، وأستغفرك لما تعلم . النسائى

20- ) اللهم اغفر لقومى ، فانهم لا يعلمون . البخارى

21- ) رب اغفر لى وتب على ، انك أنت التواب الرحيم . مائة مرة فى المجلس الواحد . أبو داود

22- ) رب اغفر لى وتب على ، انك أنت التواب الغفور . مائة مرة فى المجلس الواحد . الترمذى

23- ) رب اغفر لى ذنوبى ، انه لا يغفر الذنوب غيرك . الترمذى

24- ) رب اغفر لى خطيئتى وجهلى واسرافى فى أمرى كله ، وما أنت أعلم به منى ، اللهم اغفر لى خطاياى وعمدى ، وجهلى وهزلى ، وكل ذلك عندى ، اللهم اغفر لى ما قدمت وما أخرت ، وما أسررت وما أعلنت ، أنت المقدم وأنت المؤخر ، وأنت على كل شىء قدير . البخارى

 25- ) رب اغفر لى خطيئتى يوم الدين . مسلم

26- ) رب اغفر لى وارحمنى واجبرنى وارزقنى وارفعنى  . ابن ماجه

27- ) رب اغفر وارحم ، واهدنى السبيل الأقوم . أحمد

28- ) أستغفر الله العظيم الذى لا اله الا هو الحى القيوم وأتوب اليه . ثلاث مرات . الترمذى

29- ) أستغفر الله وأتوب اليه . مائة مرة . ابن ماجه

30 - ) لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له ، له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شىء قدير ، الحمد لله ، وسبحان الله ، ولا اله الا الله، والله أكبر ، ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله ، اللهم اغفر لى . البخارى

31- ) لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له ، الله أكبر كبيرا ، والحمد لله كثيرا ، سبحان الله رب العالمين ، لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العزيز الحكيم ، اللهم اغفر وارحمنى واهدنى وارزقنى . مسلم

32- ) لا اله الا أنت سبحانك ، اللهم أستغفرك لذنبى ، وأسالك رحمتك ، اللهم زدنى علما ، ولا تزغ قلبى بعد اذ هديتنى ، وهب لى من لدنك رحمة ، انك أنت الوهاب . أبوداود

33- ) سبحانك اللهم ربنا وبحمدك ، اللهم اغفر لى . البخارى

34- ) سبحان الله وبحمده ، أستغفر الله وأتوب اليه . مسلم

35- ) سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك ، أستغف رك وأتوب اليك . النسائى فى الكبرى

36- ) نستغفر الله حياء من الله ، نستغفر الله رجوعا الى الله ، نستغفر الله فرارا من غضب الله الى رضاء الله ، نستغفر الله فرارا من سخط الله الى عفو الله ، ونستغفر الله من التقصير فى الدعاء وفى الصلاة ، ونستغفر الله من غفلتنا وعدم حضور قلوبنا فى معظم الأوقات ، ونستغفر الله من قطيعة الأرحام ، ونستغفر الله مك اكتساب الآثام ، ونستغفر الله من حب الجاه والمال والكبر والرياء ، ونستغفر الله من نهر السائل وقهر اليتيم ، ونستغفر الله من اتباع الهوى ، وهجر التقوى ، والميل الى زخارف الدنيا ، ونستغفر الله من جميع ما يكره ربنا ظاهرا وباطنا ، ونستغفر الله من الغيبة والنميمة والكذب والبهتان ، ونستغفر الله من كل ذنب يصرفنا عن رحمته ، أويحل بنا نقمته ، أو نحرم به منكرامته ونعمته ، ونستغفر الله من كل ذنب يعقبه الحسرة ، ويورث الندامة ، ويضيق به الرزق ، ويرد لأجله الدعاء ، ونستغفر الله منكل ذنب يسميت القلب ، ويشغل الفكر ، ويرضى الشيطان ، ويغضب الرحمن ، ونستغفرك من كل ذنب يزيل النعم ، ويطيل السقم ، ويعجل الألم ، ونستغفرك من كل ذنب خطونا اليه بأقدامنا ، أو مددنا اليه أيدينا ، أو وقفت عليه أبصارنا ، أو أصغت اليه آذاننا ، أو نطقت به ألسنتنا ، ونستغفرك من جهلنا ، فقد سألناك الزيادة فلم تحرمنا ، وعصيناك فلم تفضحنا ، وما زلت عائدا علينا بحلمك واحسانك ، نستغفرك يا ربنا من كل ذنب يورث النسيان لذكرك ، أو يعقبه الغفلة عنطاعتك ، ونستغفرك يا الهنا منكل ذنب لا ينال به عهدك ، ولا يؤمن معه من غضبك ، ولا تنزل به رحمتك ، ولا تدوم معه نعمتك ، ولك الحمد أولا وآخرا وظاهرا وباطنا ، نستغفر الله ، ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله .

من أدعية الصوم

هذه بعض الدعوات التى كان يقولها النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم عند فطره وأثناء صومه

1- ) عن ابن عمر رضى الله عنهما قال " كان النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم اذا أفطر قال " ذهب الظمأ وابتلت العروق ، وثبت الأجر ان شاء الله " رواه أبو داودوالنسائى

2- ) وقال الامام النووى عن معاذ بن زهرة أنه بلغه أن النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم كان اذا أفطر يقول " اللهم لك صمت وعلى رزقك أفطرت "

3- ) وعن ابن عباس رضى الله عنهما قال " كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم اذا أفطر قال " اللهم لك صمنا وعلى رزقك أفطرنا ، فتقبل منا انك أنت السميع العليم "

4- ) وكان اذا أفطر عند قوم دعا لهم فعن أنس أن النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم جاء الى سعد بن عبادة فجاءه بخبز وزيت فأكل ثم قال " أفطر عندكم الصائمون ، وأكل طعامكم الأبرار ، وصلت عليكم الملائكة " .

دعاء ليلة القدر

اللهم انك تحب العفو فاعف عنى . أحمد

الدعاء عند الوضوء وبعده

1- ) عن أبى موسى الأشعرى رضى الله عنه قال : أتيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو يتوضأ فسمعته يقول " اللهم اغفر لى ذنبى ، ووسع لى فى دارى ، وبارك فى رزقى ، فقلت : يا نبى الله لقد سمعتك تدعو بكذا وكذا ؟ قال : وهل تراهن تركن من شىء ؟ " ( المراد أن هذه الدعوات قدجمعت خيرى الدنيا والآخرة وما بينهما ) رواه النسائى وابن السنى

2- ) وعن عمر بن الخطاب رضى الله عنه قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم " من توضأ فأحسن الوضوء ثم قال : أشهد أن لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له ، وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله ، اللهم اجعلنى من التوابين واجعلنى من المتطهرين ، فتحت له أبواب الجنة الثمانية يدخل من أيها شاء " رواه مسلم والترمذى

3 - ) وعن أبى سعيد الخدرى رضى الله عنه قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم " من توضأ فقال : سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا اله الا أنت أستغفرك وأتوب اليك كتب فى رق ثم جعل فى طابع فلم يكسر الى يوم القيامة " ( المراد أن هذا القول يسجل لصاحبه فى كتاب حسناته فيثاب عليه يوم القيامة ) رواه الطبرانى فى الأوسط

الدعاء بين الأذان والاقامة

عنجابر رضى الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال " من قال حين يسمع النداء : اللهم رب هذه الدعوة التامة ،والصلاة القائمة ، آت محمدا الوسيلة والفضيلة وابعثه مقاما محمودا الذى وعدته ، حلت له شفاعتى يوم القيامة " رواه البخارى وأصحاب السنن .


184- ] English Literature

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