Grammar American & British

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Composition & Essay Writing [ 13 ]

Composition & Essay Writing [ 13 ]


6-] Hobbies .

                 Hobbies are practiced for interest and enjoyment . Engaging in a hobby can lead to acquiring substantial skill , knowledge and experience . However , personal fulfilment is the aim . Generally speaking the person who does something for fun , not remuneration is called an amateur [ or hobbyist ] as distinct from a professional . While some hobbies strike many people as trivial or boring , hobbyists may find something compelling and entertaining about them .

                There are various types of hobbies , but they include collecting , games , outdoor recreation , performing arts , creative hobbies , scale modeling , cooking , gardening and reading .

                The hobby of collecting consists of acquiring specific items based on a particular interest of the collector . These collections of things are often highly organized , carefully cataloged and attractively displayed . Since collecting depends on the interests of the individual collector , it may deal with almost any subject . The depth and breadth of the collection may also vary .

                  Some collectors choose to focus on a specific subtopic with their area of general interest for example postage stamps , coins , labels of certain products etc. Others prefer to keep a more general collection accumulating stamps from all countries of the world . There are also individuals who take up collections of coins [ numismatics ] or autographs [ philography ] as their hobby . There are some limitations on collecting , however . Someone who has the financial means to collect stamps might not be able to collect sport-cars  for example . One alternative to collecting physical objects is collecting experiences of a particular kind such as collecting through observation or photography , bird watching and systematically visiting continents , countries etc. 

                  A game is a structured or semi-structured recreation activity usually undertaken for enjoyment . Age , understanding [ of the game ] , intelligence level and personality are factors that determine what games a person enjoys . Games generally involve mental and / or physical skills and serve as exercise or perform an educational , simulational / or psychological rule and also roaming .

                Outdoor recreation or pursuits can be loosely considered to be the group of sports and activities which are dependent on the great outdoors incorporating such things as hill walking , hiking , backpacking , canoeing , kayaking , climbing , caving and arguably broader groups such as water-sports and snow sports . Outdoor sports most of ten include nature in the sport .

                Many hobbies of performing arts involve singing , acting , juggling , dancing , magic , painting etc. But creative arts are those which result in an end product of sorts . Examples of this are woodworking , photography , moviemaking , jewelry making , creating models etc.  While these may be for the enjoyment of the hobbyist , they sometimes have potential to be a small business . Replicas of real things in a smaller scale go all the way back to prehistoric times as small clay  [ dolls ] . Scale modeling as we know it today became popular shortly after World War 11 . With the advent of modern plastics , it became easier for people of all ages to begin assembling replicas in varying scales such as airplanes , boats , cars , tanks etc. 

                      Gardening includes residential gardening or the place in or around a residence referred to as the garden . It may also be located in a roof , an atrium , a balcony , a window box , a patio or vivarium .It also includes indoor gardening which is concerned with the growing of house plants within a building , in a conservatory or in a greenhouse .

                   Reading such as of books , magazines , comics or newspapers is common and dates back many hundreds of years . Hobbies are innumerable , but all converge at enjoyment and pleasure of the hobbyists .


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why don't you make it longer ?

236- ] English Literature , George Bernard Shaw

236- ] English Literature  George Bernard Shaw  List of works by George Bernard Shaw The following is a list of works by George Bernard Sh...