Grammar American & British

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Conversation & Dialogue [ 22 ]

22- ] Conversation & Dialogue .
Spending Time & Free Time .

Man : What do you do in your free time ?
Woman : Oh , I go dancing and I go to the cinema . What do you do ?
Man : I play football and I go swimming .
Woman : You like sport ?
Man : Yes .
Woman : And what work do you do ?
Man : I work in a bank .

Boss : What are you going to do next week , Sherifa ?
Sherifa : Oh , nothing much . There’s a concert at The Opera House on Wednesday . I’m going to that with my sister . And there’s a film I want to see , so I’m going to the cinema one evening . There are my evening classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays , and there’s a television program I want to see on Monday . It’s going to be a quiet week .
Aida : How do you spend your time , Aisha ?
Aisha : Well , on weekdays I get up around ten . Then I read the paper for an hour and have lunch at about noon .
Aida : Really ? What time do you go to work ?
Aisha : I start work at three .
Aida : And when do get home at night ?
Aisha : I get home pretty late , around midnight .
Aida : So what do you do , exactly ?
Aisha : I’m a TV announcer . Don’t you recognize me ? I do the weather report !
Aida : Gee , I’m sorry . I don’t watch TV .

Helmy : You’re really fit . Do you exercise very much ?
Hany : Well , I almost always get up very early , and I lift weights for an hour .
Helmy : You’re funny !
Hany : No . And then I often do gymnastics .
Helmy : Wow ! How often do you exercise ?
Hany : About five times a week . What about you ?
Helmy : Oh , I hardly ever exercise . I usually just watch TV in my free time . I guess I’m a real couch potato !

Helmy : You’re really fit . Do you exercise very much ?
Hany : Well , I almost always get up very early , and I lift weights for an hour .
Helmy : You’re funny !
Hany : No . And then I often do gymnastics .
Helmy : Wow ! How often do you exercise ?
Hany : About five times a week . What about you ?
Helmy : Oh , I hardly ever exercise . I usually just watch TV in my free time . I guess I’m a real couch potato !
Waleed : So , what did you do this weekend ?
Wael : Oh , Khaled and I went for a drive in the country on Saturday .
Waleed : That sounds nice . Where did you go ?
Wael  : We drive to the lake and had a picnic . We had a great time ! How about you ? Did you do anything special ?
Waleed : Not really . I just worked on my car all day .
Wael : That old thing ! Why don’t you just buy a new one ?
Waleed : But then what would I do every weekend ?

Saleh : You’re in great shape . Do you work out at a gym ?
Sabri : Yeah , I do . I guess I’m a real fitness freak .
Saleh : So , how often do you work out ?
Sabri : Well , I do aerobics every day after work . And then I play tennis .
Saleh : Say , I like tennis , too .
Sabri : Oh , do you want to play sometimes ?
Saleh : Uh , ….how well do you play ?
Sabri :Pretty well , I guess .
Saleh : Well , all right . But I’m not very good .
Sabri : No problem . I won’t play too hard .
Shukri : So , how was your weekend ?
Muneer : Oh , really good . I went to see the magician .
Shukri : The magician ?
Muneer : That’s right . Have you ever seen him ?
Shukri  : Yes , I have . I saw his show last year . He’s terrific .
Muneer : Yea . He does some incredible things .
Shukri : Have you ever been to the magician theatre ?
Muneer: No . I’ve never been there .
Shukri : You should go sometime . It’s an interesting theatre , and the show is wonderful .
Ibrahim : I’m so excited ! We have two weeks off !
Ismael : I’m not sure . I guess I’ll just stay home . Maybe I’ll catch up on my reading . What about you ? Any plans ?
Ibrahim : Well , my parents have rented a condominium . I’m going to take a long walks along the beach every day and do lots of swimming .
Ismael : Sounds great !
Ibrahim : Say , why don’t you come with us ? We have plenty of room .
Ismael : Do you mean it ? I’d love to !
Kareem : Mansour ?
Mansour : Mmm ?
Kareem : What do you want to do tonight ?
Mansour : Oh , I don’t know . Nothing special .
Kareem : Is there anything on at the cinema ?
Mansour : Here’s the paper . Page two .
Kareem : Thanks . There’s a new film by [ so and so ] .
Mansour : Who’s that person ?
Kareem : A film director , of course .
Mansour : Well I didn’t know . What’s it called ?
Kareem : “The Dream” .
Mansour : What kind of film is it ?
Kareem : I don’t know , but I’d like to see it .
Mansour : All right . How long’s it been running ?
Kareem : Why ?
Mansour : Well , if it’s a new film , it’ll be difficult to get a seat .
Kareem : No , it says [ the paper ] : “Now in its tenth week . Continues performances .”
Mansour : So it doesn’t matter when we go .
Kareem : Well , I’d like to go now . Come on  !
[ At the door of the cinema ]
Mansour : Look ! “House Full . Standing only .”
Kareem : I don’t want to stand for three hours .

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