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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Islamic Terms Dictionary . [ 15 ]

15- ] Islamic Terms Dictionary 
Islamic Terms Definitions .

Taking illegal interest on lent money as a kind of usury . = Reba Al-naseeah . ربا النسيئة

Taking a superior thing for an inferior thing as a kind of usury .        Reba Al- fadl ربا الفضل

Anything given in charity . = Sadaka . الصدقة                                                                          

Psalms of the Sabiun . = Az- zabur  الزبور             

In case of forgetting to do something one should perform two prostrations .             = Sahw السهو

Tranquility , calmness , peace and reassurance . = Sakeena السكينة                                                     Takings of a deceased warrior killed in a battle .                              = Al-salb .السلب

A kind of mash made of powdered roasted wheat or barely grain with sugar and dates .

= Saweek .السويق

Testimony of Faith . = To testify that . = Shehada .الشهادة

The lote tree of the utmost boundary . = Sedrat – Al – montaha .سدرة المنتهى

The bridge that will be laid across Hell-fire for the people to pass over on the Day of Judgment , sharper than a sword and thinner than a hair with hooks over it to snatch the people . = Surat . الصراط An object like a pillar , a wall or a stick , a spear etc. – the height of which should not be less than a foot and it should be in front of a person offering prayer to act as a symbolical barrier between him and the others . = Sutrah . السترة                      

One who has met or accompanied any companion of the Prophet .  = Tabe’ee.تابعى

The word covers a wide range of meanings : it means anything worshipped other than the Real God [ Allah ] , i . e. all the false deities . It may be Satan , devils , idols , stones , sun , stars , angels , human beings e.g. Messengers of Allah who were falsely worshipped and taken as Taghuit . Likewise , saints , graves , rulers , leaders falsely worshipped and wrongly followed .

 = Taghuit .الطاغوت

Night optional prayer offered at any time . = Tahajud التهجد   

It is the Islamic customary process of biting a date and putting a part of its juice in the child’s mouth and pronouncing Adhan in child’s ears . = Tahneek, التحنيك

Putting coloured garlands around the necks of animals for sacrifice . = Takleed .التقليد

Optional prayers offered after the evening prayers on the nights of Ramadan . These may be performed individually or in congregation .  Traweeh . التراويح

On finishing the prayer , one turns one’s face to the right and then to the left saying [ Peace and Mercy of Allah be on you ] . = Tasleem .التسليم

To believe that there is only one Lord for all the universe and He is its Creator , Organizer, Planner , Sustainer and the worshipped Allah .Oneness of the Lordship of Allahتوحيد الربوبية

To believe that none has the right to be worshipped [ e. g. praying , invoking , asking for help , swearing , slaughtering sacrifices , giving charity , fasting , pilgrimage etc. 

= Oneness of the worship of Allah . توحيد الألوهية 

It implies ascribing partners to Allah or ascribing divine attributes to others besides Allah .=                                                                                    Polytheism .الشرك بالله

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