Grammar American & British

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Islamic Terms Dictionary ( 14 )

14- ] Islamic Terms Dictionary 
Islamic Terms Definitions .

Allah’s prescribed waiting period for a woman after divorce or death of her husband after the expiry of which she can remarry another person ..=Edda , العدة

One of the odd last ten nights of Ramadan . A Muslim must perform optional payers and recite the Holy Quran . = Lilat Al-Kadre . ليلة القدر        

An oath which is taken by both the wife and the husband when the husband accuses his wife ofcommitting illegal sexual intercourse .= Al- Lea’an .اللعان

An article or a thing [ a pouch or a purse tied with a string ] found by somebody other than the owner . = Luqata .  اللقطة        

Bridal money given by the husband .   = dowry                                 المهر

Acts connected with pilgrimage .= rites of pilgrimage .مناسك الحج

A sort of gift in the form of a she-camel or a sheep which is given to somebody temporarily so that its milk may be used and then the animal is returned to its owner . = Manehaالمنيحة

The highest place in Paradise granted to the Prophet Mohammad . = Maqam Mahmoud 

المقام المحمود

An animal beaten to death with a stick , a stone or the like without proper slaughtering .

= Moquzah .الموقوذة

A walking stick with a bent handle. = Mehgan . المحجن ( العكاز )

A slave who is promised by his master to be manumitted after the latter’s death .

= Modabar .المدبر بضم الميم وفتح الدال والباء

Quranic verses the contents of which are not abrogated .= Mohkam . المحكم

A Muslim who intends to perform pilgrimage , but can not because of some obstacles such as security    .= Mohsar                المحصربضم الميم وتسكين الحاء وكسرالصاد

A learned man who reads the foot and hand marks .  = Mogazez المجزز بضم الميم وفتح الجيم

A slave who makes an agreement with the master to pay a certain ransom for freedom .

= Mokateb .المكاتب بضم الميم وفتح الكاف

A person who became a Muslim during the Prophet’s lifetime but did not see him .

Moghdram .  مخضرم

Quranic verses which are not clear and are difficult to understand . = Motashabehatمتشابهات

Pious and righteous persons who fear Allah much [ abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which He has forbidden and love Allah much [ perform all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained .                                                           = Motaqeen . المتقين

Slaughtering of the camels only and is done by cutting the carotid artery at the root of the neck .

= Nahr . النحر

A trick of offering a very high price for something without the intention of buying it , but just to allure and cheat somebody else . = Najsh . النجش

Minimum amount of property liable to payment of Zakat . The amount in gold is twenty Mithqal pprox.. 94 grams of pure gold .                                   = Nisab .النصاب

They were stone alters at fixed places or graves etc , whereon sacrifices were offered during fixed periods of occasions and seasons in the name of idols , jinn , angels , pious men , saints in order to honour them or to expect some benefit from them .             = Nosobالنصب

A person who conveys information from someone to another with the intention of causing harm and enmity between them .                                   = Qatat .القتات

Backbiting , sinful , useless talk . = Say and was said .                  Qeel wa qal      قيل وقال 

 Law of equality in punishment for wounds etc in retaliation .            = Qesas .قصاص

Verdicts and judgments given by Islamic religious scholars on the proofs of Quran and Sunnah [  Traditions of the Prophet ].                             = Fekah .الفقه

The unanimously accepted verdict of the Mujtahidun and Qiyas .  Ejmaaالاجماع

The verdict given by a Mujtahid who considered the similar in comparison with a case judged by the Prophet .                                                 = Qiyas .القياس

To give some property or belonging to a creditor as a security for payment of a loan or debt.

                                                    = mortgage , Rahn  الرهن

Stoning to death those married persons who commit the crime of illegal sexual intercourse .=                                                                                                        Rajmالرجم

,A unit of prayer . = Rkaa.الركعة

The fast walking accompanied by the movements of the arms and legs to show one’s physical strength . This is to be observed in the first three rounds of the Tawaf . = Ramlرمل                 

A she-camel which used to be let loose for free pastures in the name of idols , gods and false deities . = Saeba . السائبة

Divine speech recited as a means of curing disease . = Roqya .الرقية

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