Grammar American & British

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Islamic Terms Dictionary [ 12 ]

12- ] Islamic Terms Dictionary 
Islamic Terms Definitions .

Polytheism .الشرك 

There are three types of polytheism , namely major , minor and inconspicuous . The inconspicuous polytheism implies being inwardly dissatisfied with the inevitable condition that has been ordained for you by Allah , conscientiously lamenting that had you done or not done such and such or had you approached such and such , you would have had a better status . The Noble Prophet Muhammad [ P.P.B.U.H ] said , “ The inconspicuous polytheism in the Muslim nation is more inconspicuous than the creeping of a black ant on a black rock in the pitch-darkness of the night .” It is expiated by saying thrice every day ,

“ O Allah ! I take Your refuge from that I should ascribe any thing as partner in You worship , being conscious of that and I beg Your pardon for that sin which I am not aware of “ .

Disbelief .الكفر 

Disbelief is basically disbelief in any of the articles of Faith in Islam . The major disbelief excludes one completely from the fold of Islam . There are five types of disbelief 1-) Takdhib التكذيب  This implies disbelieving in the divine truth or denying of any of the articles of Faith . 2-) The rejection and arrogance to submit to Allah’s commandments after conviction of their truth . 3-) Doubting or lacking of conviction in the six articles of Faith [ Allah , His angels , His Books , His Messengers , His Pre-determination , The Unseen [ such as the Hereafter life ] .4-) Turning away from the truth knowingly or deviating from the obvious signs which Allah has revealed . 5-) Hypocritical disbelief . The minor disbelief does not exclude one from the fold of Islam . It is also termed “ disbelief in Allah’s grace . كفر النعمة This implies disbelief manifesting itself in ungratefulness for Allah’s Blessings or Favors .

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