Grammar American & British

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Comprehension , Upper Intermediate , Advanced ( 4 )


4 - ] Upper Intermediate & Advanced 

Read the following , then answer the questions below :

  WANTED : Sports -mad training partner

  for triathlete , preferably female . Chance to

  work with potential Olympic champion .

  Should be extremely keen on distance running

  ( regular 15 km sessions ) , distance swimming

  ( addiction to winter training in cold rivers

  useful ) and distance cycling ( love of 100km

  an advantage ) . Ability to do all three without

  a rest essential

            The triathlon promises to be one of the most popular Olympic sports . Recently it has drawn huge crowds fascinated ( and horrified ) by athletes swimming 1500 m , cycling w0 km , then running 10 km without stopping . Great for those watching , maybe , but what makes the triathletes want to punish their bodies so much ? And what makes an attractive 17-year-old , with excellent academic results , give up everything for the doubtful pleasure it offers ?

          Melanie Sears has not yet learnt those often-repeated phrases about personal satisfaction , mental challenge and higher targets that most athletes automatically use when asked similar questions . ‘You swim for 1500 m , then run out of the water and jump on your bike , still wet . Of course , then you freeze . When the 40 km cycle ride is over , you have to run 10 km , which is a long way when you’re feeling exhausted . But it’s great fun , and all worth it in the end ,’ she says .

            Melanie entered her first triathlon at 14 . ‘I won the junior section - but then I was the only junior taking part . It seemed so easy that I was waving at my team-mates as I went round .’ Full of confidence , she entered the National Championships , and although she had the second fastest swim and the fastest run , she came nowhere . ‘I was following this man and suddenly we came to the sea . We realized then that we had gone wrong . I ended up cycling 20 kilometers too far . I cried all the way through the running .’

            But she did not give up and is determined that she never will. ‘Sometimes I wish I could stop , because then the pain would be over , but I am afraid that if I let myself stop just once , I would be tempted to do it again.’ Such doggedness draws admiration from Steve Trew , the sport’s director of coaching . ‘I’ve just been testing her fitness .’ he says , ‘and she worked so hard on the running machine that it finally threw her off and into a wall . She had given it everything , but whereas most people step off when they realize they can’t go any further , she just kept on .’

            Melanie was top junior in this year’s European Triathlon Championships , finishing 13th . ‘I was almost as good as the top three in swimming and running , but much slower at cycling . That’s why I’m working very hard at it .’ She is trying to talk her long-suffering parents , who will carry the £ 1,300 cost of her trip to New Zealand for this year’s World Championships , into buying a £ 2 ,000 bike (It’s special deal , with £ 1,000 off) so she can try national 25 km and 100 km races later this year .

             But there is another price to pay . Her punishing training sessions have made her a bit of a recluse . ‘I don’t have a social life .’ she says . ‘I’m not a party animal anyway . After two hours’ hard swimming on Friday nights . I just want to go to sleep . But I phone and write to the other girls in the team .’ What does she talk about ? Clothes ? ‘No , what sort of times they are achieving .’  

                    Where will all this single-mindedness end ? Melanie has tried other events . She has had a go at the triathlon ‘sprint’ , for example , where you only have to swim 750 m , cycle 20 km and run 5 km . She wants to enter even tougher events than the triathlon . ‘The big trouble is , I have no one of my age to train with ,’ she says . Funny , that .


1 . What is the purpose of the ‘advertisement’ in the first paragraph ?

( A ) to encourage people to take up the triathlon

( B ) to explain why the triathlon is becoming more popular

( C ) to describe how difficult the triathlon is

( D ) to criticize people who do the triathlon

2 . How does Melanie differ from other athlete , according to the writer ?

( A ) Her personality is not like theirs .

( B ) Her aims are different from theirs .

( C ) She worries less than they do .

( D ) She expresses herself differently .

3 . What upset Melanie during the National Championships ?

( A ) She was tricked by another competitor .

( B ) She realized she couldn’t cycle as fast as she thought .

( C ) She felt that she had let her team-mates down .

( D ) She made a mistake during part of the race .

4 . What is meant by Melanie’s ‘doggedness’ ?

( A ) She continues despite all difficulties .

( B ) She feels less pain than most people .

( C ) She knows her own limits .

( D ) She likes to please her coach .

5 . What is Melanie trying to persuade her parents to do ?

( A ) let her compete in longer races

( B ) buy a special bike for her

( C ) pay for her to go to New Zealand

( D ) give her half the cost of a bike

6 . What does Melanie say about her relationships with her team-mates ?

( A ) She only discusses the triathlon with them .

( B ) She would like to see them more often .

( C ) She dislikes discussing boys or clothes with them .

( D ) She thinks they find her way of life strange .

7 . What does the writer mean by the phrase ‘Funny , that’ at the end of the article ?

( A ) It is strange that more young people do not take up the triathlon .

( B ) It is clear that Melanie enjoys training for tough events .

( C ) It is amusing to hear people’s reactions to the triathlon .

( D ) It is understandable that Melanie does not have a training partner of her own age .

8 . What is the writer’s attitude to Melanie ?

( A ) He is worried that her social life is interesting with her sport .

( B ) He believes that success has come to her too young .

( C ) He thinks that she is an extraordinary teenager .

( D ) He envies her enormous determination to succeed .

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . D 3 . D 4 . A 5 . B 6 . A 7 . D 8 . C   


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