Grammar American & British

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 30 ] Test Thirty

30 - ] Vocabulary Tests

 Test Thirty

1- ] Read the sentences or short passages below . Write the letter for the correct definition of the underlined vocabulary word . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

It was Robert Boyle’s work with gases around 1660 that augured the science of chemistry some two hundred years later .

1 . Which word could best replace augured ?

( A ) confused ( B ) replaced

( C ) foreshadowed  ( D ) demanded                                         1. -------------------

In the early 1800s John Dalton , an English chemist , used the work of Boyle , Charles , and a bevy of others to propose a theory that all matter is made up of atoms and molecules .  

2 . Which word or words could best replace bevy  ?

( A ) group ( B ) misunderstanding

( C ) ancestor ( D ) military unit                                                  2 . --------------------

In the atmosphere the two oxygen atoms are linked one behind the other as a tandem molecule , symbolized by the formula O2 .

3 . Tandem means ---------------------

( A ) two together ( B ) bitter

( C ) lightly colored ( D ) invisible                                                 3 . -----------------------

Evidence that gases are free-moving molecules , careening around us , becomes apparent whenever something spicy is cooked , as odor is the most common method for detecting many gases .

4 . Which word could best replace careening

( A ) fighting ( B ) whistling

( C ) crawling ( D ) lurching                                                             4 . ----------------------

Because gases tend to move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration , the odor spreads like a gossamer fog .

5 . Gossamer means --------------------

( A ) surprising ( B ) light and filmy

( C ) demanding ( D ) heavenly                                                         5 . ----------------------- 

Before long , the entire neighborhood knows that a palatable treat is being prepared in your kitchen .

6 . Which word could best replace palatable  ?

( A ) awful  ( B ) friendly

( C ) tasty ( D ) sour                                                                             6 . -------------------

While advertising your choice of cuisine may not appeal to you , several industries depend on the property of the spread of gases .

7 . Cuisine means ----------------

( A ) relatives ( B ) pleasure

( C ) type of food ( D ) travel plans                                                     7 . -------------------

The effectiveness of perfume or air fresheners in combating noxious odors depends on these wandering gas molecules .

8 . Noxious means --------------

( A ) distasteful ( B ) beautiful

( C ) noisy ( D ) warm                                                                            8 . -------------------

Travel down any main street after dark and your eyes are assaulted by numerous , iridescent signs . These colorful displays are the result of a gas , usually neon , being energized by an electrical current .

9 . Assaulted means --------------------

( A ) destroyed ( B ) deceived

( C ) reversed ( D ) attacked                                                            9 . ----------------  

Which word could best replace iridescent ?

( A ) dull ( B ) rainbow-colored

( C ) simple ( D ) confusing                                                              10 . ---------------

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . A 3 . A 4 . D 5 . B 6 . C 7 . C 8 . A 9 . D 10. B

2- ] Each question below include a word in capital letters , followed by five words or phrases . Choose the word or phrase that is most nearly opposite  in meaning to the word in capital letters. Write the letter for your answer on the line provided .

1. JUDICIOUS ( A ) legal ( B ) pious

( C ) foolish ( D ) complicated                                                            1 . -------------------

2 . SURMOUNT ( A ) overcome ( B ) surrender

( C ) trample ( D ) betray                                                                    2 . -------------------

3 . INCREDULOUS ( A ) convinced ( B ) incredible

( C ) ordinary ( D ) hateful                                                                  3 . ------------------

4 . COVERT ( A ) silent ( B ) covered

( C ) unnecessary ( D ) obvious                                                           4 . -------------------

5 . ARCANE ( A ) well-known ( B ) old-fashioned

( C ) modern ( D ) useless                                                                     5 . ------------------

6 . CONCILIATORY ( A ) pleasant ( B ) hostile

 ( C ) individual ( D ) forgotten                                                            6. ------------------

7 .  ENTENTE ( A ) intentional  ( B ) narrow

( C ) argument ( D ) exit                                                                       7 . -----------------

8 . ABJURER ( A ) judge ( B ) discard

( C ) delay ( D ) accept                                                                          8 . -----------------

9 . CIRCUMSCRIBE ( A ) erase completely ( B ) mark permanently  

( C ) remove limitations ( D ) record                                                   9 . ------------------

10 . CONJURE ( A ) trick ( B ) suppress

( C ) act illegally ( D ) soothe                                                               10 . ----------------

11 . PROPITIOUS ( A ) unfortunate ( B ) obvious

( C ) thrifty ( D ) dishonored                                                                11 . ---------------

12 . ENDEMIC ( A ) easily understood ( B ) universal

( C ) serious ( D ) pleasant                                                                    12 . ---------------

13 . APPEASE ( A ) satisfy ( B ) embrace

( C ) misbehave ( D ) anger                                                                   13 . -------------

14 . FACILITY ( A ) dishonesty ( B ) excitement

( C ) lack of ability ( D ) ease                                                                 14 . ---------------

15 . HONE ( A ) cast out ( B ) plead

( C ) blunt ( D ) resign                                                                            15 . ---------------

Answer Key

1 . C 2 . B 3 . A 4 . D 5 . A 6 . B 7 . C 8 . D 9 . C 10 . B 11 . A 12 .B 13 . D 14 . C 15 . C  

3 - ] Match the definition in Column B with the word in Column A . Write the letter for your choice on the answer line .

   Column A                   Column B

1 . archives                     a . to lie under oath                               1. ------------------

2 . protocol                     b . to settle in court                                2 . ----------------

3 . jurisdiction               c . the etiquette of diplomacy                 3 . ---------------

4 . attaché                       d . made of many languages                  4 . -----------------

5 . perjure                       e . substitute                                           5 . ---------------

6 . dispatch                      f . range of authority                             6 . ---------------

7 . polyglot                       g . type of diplomat                                7 . ---------------

8 . adjudicate                   h . to calm                                               8 . ---------------

9 . placate                         i . place for storing historic papers      9 . --------------

10 . proxy                         j . official message or report                 10 . -------------

Answer Key

1 . i 2 . c 3 . f 4 . g 5 . a 6 . j 7 . d 8 . b 9 . h 10 . e   

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