Grammar American & British

Friday, December 3, 2021

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 17 ] Upper Intermediate

17 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises 

Upper Intermediate

Mixed Conditionals

It is possible to mix conditionals for example the if’ clause uses a verb form in the first conditional and the main clause uses a verb form in the third conditional . The context defines the meaning . The most common mixed conditional is :

                    3rd                                                   2nd

if   + past perfect                                     would / could / might  + infinitive


                   3rd                                                 2nd

If I had worked harder at university , I would have a degree now .

                    1st                                             2nd

If you come to the party tomorrow , I wouldn’t bring Said with you .

          2nd                             3rd

If she loved him , she would have stayed with him .

Match the clauses with the mixed conditional sentences

1 . If you had told me about this problem earlier,(   )A he probably won’t be at the meeting.

2 . If you were a more sensitive person , (   )           B you could always ring them up .     

3 . If they don’t contact you soon , (   )                     C his wife would never have left him .

4 . If he hadn’t dies so young , (     )                          D you wouldn’t have said that to her .

5 . If he didn’t work so hard all the time , (      )      E I would have had them by now . 

6. If the train hadn’t been delayed , (    )                  F everything would be all right now .

7. If he was feeling ill this morning , (    )          G would you hurry up and get ready ?

8 . If you’re coming with us , (    )                       H you wouldn’t be so busy this month .

9 . If I really wanted to have children (    )         I we would be there by now .

10 . If you had worked harder last month,(     )J I’m sure he’d be a famous musician by now. 


Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate form


1 - ] H and S , a husband and wife , are talking .

H : Shall I make the children something to eat ?

S : I wouldn’t bother . You know much they eat when they visit their grandparents .

H : That’s true . If they 1 have been eating (eat) all afternoon ,they 2------------(not want) anything when they get home .

S : Are we going to pick them up soon ?

H : No , my parents are bringing them over . We agreed that if I 3---------------(take) them there , they 4----------------------( bring) them back .

S : Oh good . Well , if we 5 -----------------------(not collect) them , I 6 -------------------(go back) upstairs and do a bit more work . I’ve nearly finished that report now . If I 7 ----------------(do) another half hour’s work , I 8 ---------------------(finish) it by the time the children get home .

H : Why do you always have to bring work home with you ? If you 9 -------------------( not agree ) to take on that new job , you 10 ------------------(have) much more free time now .

S : Yes , and if I 11 --------------------- (not take on) that job , we 12------------------(not have) much money now .

H : That’s true ,but I don’t like you working so much .

S : Well never mind . We’ve got a week’s holiday soon . Just think ! In two week’s time , we 13 -----------------------(lie) on a warm sunny beach - that’s if I 14 -----------------(can get) the time off work of course .

H : What do you mean , ‘if’ ?

S : Well , everything’s very busy at the moment . And if we 15 -----------------(get) any more orders , I just 16 -------------------(not see) how I can leave the office .

H : What ? But that’s ridiculous .

2 - ] Dear Nadia ,

             Thanks for your letter , it was nice to hear from you . And yes , I would like to come and see you in Cairo .If I 17 --------------------(save up) enough money when the summer holidays start , I 18 ----------------------(try) and come then - if that 19 ----------------(be) O.K. Otherwise , I’ll come over in the autumn because I’m sure I 20 ---------------(save up) enough by October -if I 21 ------------------(not lose) my job by then ! Unfortunately ,lots of people I our company are being made redundant and it could be me next . If I 22 --------------(have) any sense , I 23 ----------------------(leave) this job ages ago . Still it could be worse I suppose .

                    I was delighted to hear about your promotion - it’s great news . If you 24 ---------

( keep on) getting promoted , you 25 -------------------(run) the whole school soon .

                    And it sounds like the weather’s been really good over there . It’s been terrible here . I don’t think it’s been dry once this month . If it 26 ----------------(be) dry , I 27 ----------

(not notice) . Oh well , we’re hoping it’ll get better soon .If it 28 ------------------(still rain) at the weekend , we 29 -----------------(decide) we’ll try and emigrate ! Have you heard from Hanaa by the way ? She said she was going to phone you to tell you that she’s pregnant . If she 30 --------------------------(not phone you up yet) , 31 --------------------(not tell) her that I’ve already told you her news , will you ?

All the best ,


Conditionals Other Than ‘if’

Conditionals can also be introduced by the following conjunctions :

unless - even if - if only - as / so long as / assuming (that) - on (the) condition (that) - provided / providing (that) - suppose /supposing (that) - what if - imagine

Rewrite the sentences replacing if with the most appropriate conjunction


1 . Mr. Khalid says he’ll come and give a talk at the conference if we pay him a reasonable fee .

( supposing that / unless / on condition that )

Mr. Khalid says he’ll come and give a talk at the conference on condition that we pay him a reasonable fee .

2 . I won’t help him if he doesn’t ask me properly .

( provided /unless / as long as )


3 . If I could get a job , life here would be perfect .

( what if / even if / if only )


4 . If you had a lot of money , do you think you would give up work ?

( Supposing that / Providing that / As long as )


5 . If the train arrives on time , they’ll be here in a few minutes .

( What if / Assuming that / On condition that )


6 . If he doesn’t agree to my request , what will I do then ?

( Imagine / What id / Provided that )


7 . You can go out tonight if you get back by midnight .

( as long as /assuming that / supposing that )


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