Grammar American & British

Friday, December 10, 2021

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 21 ] Upper Intermediate

21 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate

 13 .] Gerunds and Infinitives .

Verb + Infinitive / Verb + Gerund

Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive or the gerund .


1 . He has promised to deliver (deliver) it to me this afternoon .

2 . I’ve invited Maher and Zenab ------------------------(stay) for the weekend .

3 .I don’t mind ----------------(stay) at home to look after the children .

4 . Has she decided ----------------------(take) that job ?

5 . He’s always complaining about ---------------------------(work) too hard .

6 . He claims ------------------------(be) her brother but I think he's lying .

7 . Why are you blaming me for --------------------(get) lost ? You’ve got the map .

8 . We don’t believe in ----------------------------( buy) each other big presents .

9 . I know you don’t approve of --------------------------(smoke) so I won’t smoke in here .

10 . The doctor told me --------------------(stay) in bed but it’s so boring .

11 . Don’t keep on ---------------------------(talk) about it . It’s upsetting me .

12 . It’s raining outside . Would you prefer ---------------------(stay in) ?

13 . My boss told me -------------------------(not leave) the office before five .

14 . It’s very nice here but I miss ------------------(see0 my friends .

15 . I don’t recommend --------------------------(study) on your own .

16 . I’ve always dreamed of ----------------------(live) in a cottage in the country .

17 . Sometimes I think you enjoy ------------------------(upset) me .

18 . I regret ------------------------(not keep) in touch with my old friends .

19 . I’m not expecting him ------------------------(phone) me tonight but I hope he does .

20 . Don’t forget --------------------(lockup) when you go to bed . 

The Bare Infinitive

Infinitive Without to

Underline all the infinitives and add to where it is required

Two friends , Ahmad and Mohammad , are talking .


A : Mohammad , where were you last night ? I tried to find you but I couldn’t see you anywhere . Gamal says he didn’t see you come in to the party .

M : Yes Ahmad , that’s right . I’m sorry . My parents wouldn’t let me come out last night . I wanted see you - honestly I did .

A :Why did your parents make you stay in ? They usually allow you go out in the evenings , don’t they ?

M : Yes , but I hadn’t finished doing my homework . And they refused let me go out until I had .

A : Oh dear , poor you . Oh well , never mind . Let’s do something tonight instead .

M : OK . Actually , I’d like see that new film

A : Would you ? I suppose it might be quite good but I’d rather just go out to the café . I was hoping have a chance talk to you properly .

M : Well , why not do both ? We could go to the early showing of the film and then go to the café .

A : I’m not sure I can afford go to the cinema .

M : That’s all right . I’ve got some money .

A : So what time would you like meet , then ?

M : Six o’clock I suppose - in the cinema . I’ll try get there a bit earlier and buy the tickets . 

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