Grammar American & British

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 74 ] Test Seventy Four

74 - ] Vocabulary Tests


Test Seventy Four

1- ] Food

1 -] Supply the best words

1 . Tomatoes are very nice -------------------------                  (A) filled           (B) stuffed

2 . A ---------------is a piece of furniture in a dining room . (A) sideboard   (B) buffet

3 . A light meal ---------------                                                   (A) a collation  (B) a snack

4 . We can speak of the con --------------of food .                  (A) summation(B) sumption

5 . The first course is --------------- .                                       (A) an entrée   (B) a starter

6 . A large meal for important guests ---------------- .          (A) a feast        (B) a banquet

7. Weigh it on the kitchen ----------------- .                            (A) scales         (B) balance

8 . Boil the milk in this small -------------------- .                   (A) saucepan   (B) casserole

9 . Food becomes this in a deep freeze ------------------ .       (A) congealed   (B) frozen

10 . ---------------- a little butter in a pan .                              (A) Dissolve     (B) melt

11 . The salad has been dressed ----------------oil .                  (A) in                (B) with

12 . Vegetables should be stored in a -----------------place .     (A) fresh          (B) cool  

13 . I love -----------------salmon .                                               (A) smoked      (B) fumed

14 . I have a very good --------------------for onion soup .         (A) receipt        (B) recipe

15 . Please ----------------- a couple of lemons for me                (A) squeeze      (B) press

16 . I must consult the -----------for the food mixer .                (A) directions  (B) instructions

17 . -------------------some of that pie for me , won’t you ?        (A) Reserve     (B) Save

18 . What shall I do with the ----------------------?                      (A) remainders(B) leftovers

19 . Do you want your food ----------------or not ?                     (A) with sauce  (B) saucy

20 . The toast has been --------------- .                                         (A) scalded        (B) burnt

answer Key

1 . B 2 . A 3 . B 4 . B 5 . B 6 . B 7 . A 8 . A 9 . B 10 . B 11 . B 12 . B 13 . A 14 . B 15 . A

16 . B 17 . B 18 19 . A 20 . B

2 -] Supply the best words

1 . --------------- two egg whites until they’re stiff .                       (A) Hit          (B) Heat

2 . -----------------------some butter on your toast while it’s hot . (A) Spread    (B) Stretch

3 . You can’t stop ----------------coming out of a kettle !              (A) steam       (B) vapor

4 . Here’s a packet of ---------------biscuits .                                 (A) assorted  (B) matching

5 . These apples have ------------- .                                                 (A) gone bad (B) decayed

6 . These peaches are the finest . They’re ---------------- .           (A) extra       (B) best quality

7 . That fruit salad smells ------------------ .                                  (A) delicate  (B) delicious

8 . You should avoid all -----------------foods .                              (A) processed(B)artificial

9 . These peaches need a couple of days to -------------- .            (A) mature   (B) ripen

10 . Get me some -----------steak from the butcher’s .                (A) lean        (B) meagre

11 . Don’t pour --------------sauce over everything .                    (A) hot         (B) piquant

12 . I prefer ----------------grilled fish without sauce .                 (A) plain      (B) simple

13 . This milk has ---------------- .                                                  (A) gone sour(B) soured

14 . You can’t live --------------a diet of nuts .                              (A) with         (B) on

15 . We felt quite --------------after a good meal .                        (A) rejuvenated(B)restored

16 . You’ll rot your teeth ------------sweets !                                (A) licking         (B) sucking  

17 . An excellent meal ! My compliments to the ----------------- (A) chief            (B) chef

18 . Shall we ----------------- a pudding ?                                       (A) order          (B) command

19 . -------------- the dish first before you comment .                   (A) Taste           (B) Probe

20 . --------------------- the dish first before you comment .          (A) Try              (B) Try on

Answer Key

1 . B 2 . A 3. A 4 . A 5 .A 6 . B 7 . B 8. A 9. B 10 . A 11 . A 12 . A 13 . A 14 . B 15 . B

16 . B 17 . B 18 . A 19 . A 20 . A

2 - ] Behavior

3 - ] Choose  the best explanation IN EACH CASE

1 . If you call a person an ass .  

(A) you might be saying that he or she is a silly fool .

(B) you are being extremely offensive and insulting .

(C) you are saying that the person has terrible manners .

2 . If you say that a person is extravagant , you might be suggesting that he or she

(A) spends too much money .

(B) is rather peculiar .

(C) is always extremely wasteful .

3 . If you were to use womanly to refer to a woman , you would be

(A) referring to sexual attractiveness .

(B) distinguishing her as female , compared with male .

(C) referring to her qualities as a woman .

4. If we refer to a person’s temperament , we are

(A) referring to his or her basic nature or character .

(B) suggesting that he or she is normally lively .

(C) saying the person is ‘full of spirit’ .

5. A far-sighted person is one who

(A) is often absent-minded .

(B) needs glasses .

(C) is capable of imagining the future .

6. A sensible person is one who

(A) is quick to feel pain .

(B) has good sense and judgment .

(C) quickly reacts to heat or cold .

7 . A delicate person is one who

(A) gets ill easily .

(B) has good manners .

(C) has fine looks .

8. If we prefer to a person’s high spirits , we are suggesting he or she

(A) has a lot of determination .

(B) has drunk too much alcohol .

(C) is in a very cheerful mood .

9 . If you say that a person has a temper , you are

(A) suggesting he or she is capable of getting very angry .

(B) suggesting he or she often gets depressed .

(C) referring to his or her state of mind which may be good or bad .

Answer Key

1 . A 2. A 3 . C 4 . A 5 . C 6 . B 7 . A 8 . C 9 . A

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