Grammar American & British

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 75 ] Test Seventy Five

75 - ] Vocabulary Tests


Test Seventy Five

1 - ] Health

Supply the words asked for in the clues . The first one has been done for you .

o . What verb beginning with B means ‘take air into the lungs and put out again’ ?

( 7 letters)                                                                                                        0 . breathe

1 . What noun beginning with C and ending - TION describes the way the blood travels round the body ? (11 letters)                                                                        1 . ----------------

2 . A noun beginning with P and ending with E that describes a substance that forms on the teeth . (6 letters)                                                                                             2. -----------------

3 . What verb beginning with S (5 letters) describes what boiling water does to you if it comes in contact with your skin ?                                                                3 . -----------------

4 . A noun beginning with P (6 letters) that describes an infectious disease borne by rats and common in the Middle Ages .                                                                4 . -----------------

5 . What noun beginning with M describes having a baby too early so that it doesn’t survive ? (11 letters)                                                                                      5 .-------------------

6 .What 6-letter adjective beginning with P means ‘unwell’ ?                 6 . ------------------

7 . A 9-letter verb beginning with S and ending -IZE describes what a dentist does to his instruments to make them germ-free .                                                        7 . ------------------

8. What verb beginning with DIS describes what a nurse does to a wound to make it germ-free ? ( 9 letters)                                                                                             8 .------------------

9 . A 10-letter noun beginning with S that describes a medically qualified person with detailed knowledge about a subject .                                                           9. -----------------

10 .What noun beginning with I describes a tool used for scientific and technical purposes ? (10 letters)                                                                                                      10 . -----------------

11 . What adjective beginning with IM and ending -ILE means ‘completely without movement’ ? (8 letters)                                                                                 11 . -----------------

12 . What 12-letter noun beginning with P describes an order for medicine made by a doctor and supplied by a chemist ?                                                              12 . ----------------

13 . A noun beginning with D that has two meanings : a medicine or a narcotic .

(4 letters)                                                                                                         13 . ---------------

14 . What noun beginning with S is the name of a doctor’s consulting room ? 

(7 letters)                                                                                                          14 . --------------

15 . What two-word noun beginning O and T describes the special room where a surgeon does his / her work ?                                                                                       15 . --------------

16 . A technical , medical noun beginning with PRO that refers to a medicine or injection that prevents disease . (12 letters)                                                                 16 . --------------

17 . What noun beginning with S describes emotional and physical stress that might follow a car accident ? (5 letters)                                                                               17 . ----------------

18 . What 11-letter adjective beginning with H describes a person who suffers from a physical or mental disadvantage ?                                                                 18 . ---------------

19 . A two-word adjective beginning L-S that describes a person who can see things well at a distance .                                                                                                         19 . --------------

20 . What adjective beginning with I often goes in front of ‘pain’ to mean ‘acute’ ?

(7 letters)                                                                                                            20 . --------------

21 . What adjective beginning with G means ‘very serious’ when we use it to describe an illness ? (5 letters )                                                                                            21 . ----------------

Answer Key

1 . circulation 2 . plaque 3 . scald 4 . plague 5 . miscarriage 6 . poorly 7 . sterilize

8 . disinfect 9 . specialist 10 . instrument 11 . immobile 12 . prescription 13 . drug

14 . surgery 15 . operating theater 16 . prophylactic 17 . shock 18 . handicapped

19 . long-sighted 20 . intense 21 . grave      

2 - ] War and Peace

Read these sentences . If you find a mistake in a line , cross it out and suggest an alternative . If there is no mistake , put a tick (√) . The first two have been done for you .

0 . The object of war is to do peace .                                             0 make

0 . The soldier sprang to attention .                                              0 √

1 . The terrorists planned to burst the bridge .                           1. -------------------

2 . After the war , many enemy collaborators were arrested .   2 . -----------------

3 . The Romans carried out the total destroy of Carthage .       3 . ----------------

4 . How will the escaped prisoners get past the guardians ?          4 . ------------------

5 . The military have surrounded the building .                              5 .------------------

6 . Members of the Special Services are highly trained .                 6. ------------------

7 .  Members of the Special Services are highly drilled .                 7. ------------------

8 . The soldiers are drilled every morning on the parade ground . 8 . ----------------

9 . Good war pensions should be paid to all the invalids .                9 . -----------------

10 . Did Alexander the Great set out to defeat the world ?             10 .-----------------

11 . Who commanded the soldiers to fire ?                                      11 . ----------------

12 . A great power should have a large marine .                             12 . ---------------

13 . Every village has its own War Memorial .                                13 . ---------------

14 . The losing side always has to pay reparations .                        14 . ---------------

15 . I’m not a member of the armed powers .                                  15 .----------------

16 . When were you discharged from the army ?                            16 . ----------------

17. Few people oppose the execution of traitors .                             17 .----------------

18 . The army have put a cord round the city .                                18 . ---------------

19 . It is defended for anyone to go out after dark .                         19 . ----------------

Answer Key     

1 . burst / blow up 2 .  3 . destroy / destruction 4 . guardians / guards 5 . √ 6 . √

7 . drilled / trained 8 . √ 9. invalids / war-wounded 10 . defeat / conquer 11 . commanded/

ordered 12 . marine / navy 13 . √ 14 . √ 15 . powers / forces 16 . √ 17. √ 18 . cord / cordon

19 . defended / forbidden

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