Grammar American & British

Showing posts with label General Grammar Exercises & Tests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General Grammar Exercises & Tests. Show all posts

Saturday, October 16, 2021

General Grammar Exercises & Tests ( 7 )

7 - ] General Grammar Exercise & Tests

( 7 )

Complete the sentence using the GERUND or INFINITIVE (with or without TO)

My sister reminded me --------------- late for the ceremony (NOT BE).

Why does he always avoid ------------------- at me (LOOK)?

I promised ------------------- by tomorrow. (STOP)

You can go. I don't mind ------------------- alone. (BE)

I'm already so tired. I need --------------------- a short break. (TAKE)

After we finished --------------------- our homework we went for a walk. (DO)

When does he expect ---------------------- for Rome? (LEAVE)

His secretary advised us ------------------ until autumn. (NOT WAIT)

My boss expects me ----------------- the report by next Friday. (FINISH)

My dad seems ----------------------- in a very good mood today. (BE)

Mr. Jackson warned the boys ------------------ the wires. (NOT TOUCH)

He advised me against --------------------- that apartment. (RENT)

Would you please stop ----------------------- so much noise. (MAKE)

He doesn't let anyone ------------------- in his new office. (SMOKE)

Complete the sentences using the correct prepositional phrases.

I am writing to you ------------------ the ad you posted in last week's edition.

Last month's temperatures were ------------------ for this part of the country.

She wants to make you jealous --------------------. That's why she's wearing such clothes in order to appear attractive to other men.

Purchases in this shop must be made -----------------------. No credit cards are allowed.

It was a wonderful weekend ------------------------ the bad weather.

Water is brought to the fields ------------------------- electric pumps.

I can't help you with this problem. You're ------------------

Please don't punish me. I must have switched on the light -------------------

The tour guide I bought was -------------------. It was published in 2010.

He started his business career ------------------------- 22, after he had finished college.

You must break the glass ---------------------- there's a fire.

She was, -------------------- , his first friend. He hadn't had a relationship before.

The hall was empty ------------------ some old newspapers on the table.

All trains will be arriving -------------------------, despite the traffic problems in the city.


I am writing to you WITH REGARD TO the ad you posted in last week's edition.

Last month's temperatures were BELOW AVERAGE for this part of the country.

She wants to make you jealous ON PURPOSE. That's why she's wearing such clothes in order to appear attractive to other men.

Purchases in this shop must be made IN CASH. No credit cards are allowed.

It was a wonderful weekend IN SPITE OF the bad weather.

Water is brought to the fields BY MEANS OF electric pumps.

I can't help you with this problem. You're ON YOUR OWN.

Please don't punish me. I must have switched on the light BY MISTAKE.

The tour guide I bought was OUT OF DATE. It was published in 2010.

He started his business career AT THE AGE OF 22, after he had finished college.

You must break the glass IN CASE there's a fire.

She was, IN FACT, his first friend. He hadn't had a relationship before.

The hall was empty EXCEPT FOR some old newspapers on the table.

All trains will be arriving ON TIME, despite the traffic problems in the city.

Choose the correct word or phrase.

1 - ] We have [ several , plenty ]  of things we need to do before the even starts.

2 - ] I'll get back to you in [ few , a few ]  minutes.

3 - ] My sister only had [ little , a few ]  time before her train departed.

4 - ] Can I ask you for [ an , some ]  advice?

5 - ] I have a [ few , little ]  books I don't need any more.

6 - ] I didn't recognize [ no one , anyone ]  on the photo.

7 - ] [ Most , Much ]  people in Switzerland speak at least two languages.

8 - ] My brother watches [ every , each ]  Manchester United match he can.

9 - ]I can't come because I have [ any , some ]  homework to do this afternoon.

10 - ] Jimmy is not old [ too , enough ]  to watch such a movie.

 11 - ] Unfortunately there are [  any , no ]  activities for teenagers,                             

12 - ] Put [ either , both ]  hands on the steering wheel.

13 - ] [ Nobody , None ]  of her relatives has seen her recently.

14 - ] My father has [ little , few ]  work to do, so he's got a lot of free time.

Fill in MAKE , DO , GET or TAKE to form collocations

1 .  --------------lost

2 . ------------------ a shower

3 . ------------------- a fortune

4 . ------------------- ready

5 . ----------------- a picture of someone

6 . ------------------ a suggestion

7 . ---------------- started

 8 . -----------------friends

9 . ---------------- harm

10 . ----------------a break

11 . --------------- the dishes

12 . ----------------- a job

13 . --------------- someone a favour

14 . ----------------- a promotion

15 . --------------- your time

16 . ---------------- an appointment

17 . -----------------advantage of somebody

18 . ------------------ divorced

19 . ------------------ your homework

 20 . --------------------money

General Grammar Exercises & Tests ( 6 )

6  - ] General Grammar Exercises & Tests

( 6 )

Read the news report, choose the correct verb form and write it in the box.

1. Millions of dollars' worth of damage has been caused by a storm which  (swept/was swept) across the north of the United States last night.

2. The River Reiner  (burst/was burst) its banks after heavy rain.

3. Many people  (rescued/were rescued) from the floods by fire-fighters.

4. Firefighters  (received/were received) hundreds of calls for help.

5. Wind speeds  (reached/were reached) ninety miles an hour in some places.

6. Roads  (blocked/were blocked) by fallen trees.

7. Electricity lines  (brought/were brought) down, leaving thousands of homes without electricity.

8. "Everything possible  (is doing/is being done) to get things back to normal," a spokesman said.

9. One young girl  (took/was taken) to hospital after she broke her leg.

10. She has now  (sent/been sent) home.


Question 1 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: swept.

Question 2 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: burst.

Question 3 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: were rescued.

Question 4 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: received.

Question 5 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: reached.

Question 6 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: were blocked.

Question 7 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: were brought.

Question 8 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: is being done.

Question 9 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: was taken.

Question 10 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: been sent.

Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives: use the words in capitals.

1- ] He’s such a ------------ person. He forgets everything when he goes out . (CARE)

2 - ] There’s a pen mark on the sofa but it's not very --------------. (NOTICE)

3 - ] He tried to paint his bedroom, but he wasn't very ---------------. (SUCCESS)

4 - ] Thomas is very-------------- . He usually saves his pocket money. (SENSE)

5 - ] Never use electronic gadgets near water ! – It’s really-------------- ! (DANGER)

6 - ] Sam’s room is --------------- . It’s a real mess. (HORROR)

7 - ] When I’m tired I sometimes feel cross and ---------------- (MOOD).

8 - ] I think watching too much TV can be --------------- for young children (HARM)

9 - ] I'll buy a second-hand computer game. They’re really ----------------. (AFFORD)

10 . ] I never watch thrillers late at night because they’re too -----------------. (SCARE)

11 - ] I have had very ---------------- holidays this year. They were great. (ENJOY)

12 - ] He’ s a ----------------- case. He simply won’t listen to you (HOPE)

Complete the following sentences with a suitable preposition and the gerund of the word in brackets.

1- ] My best friend has always kept me ------------ a silly mistake. (MAKE)

2 - ] She accused him ------------- all the money in the locker room. (STEAL)

3 - ] I apologized ------------- my homework. (FORGET)

4 - ] I really like art but I'm far --------------- that picture on the wall. (UNDERSTAND)

5 - ] Dan was so drunk that he was incapable ---------------- (DRIVE).

6 - ] All my sisters are fond --------------- pizza. (EAT)

7 - ] Dad wanted to plant the trees in the garden himself but I insisted ------------------ him. (HELP)

8 - ] He has always been interested ----------- as much as he can about foreign countries. (LEARN)

9 - ] Look at that mess ! There must be someone responsible ------------- the room. (CLEAN)

10 - ] I'm looking forward ------------- you at the open air concert. (SEE)

11 - ] I'm tired ------------- for my exams. I think I'll take a break. (STUDY)

1`2 - ] He's not used --------------- so much coffee in the morning. (DRINK)

Put the verbs in brackets into their correct forms.

1 - ] When they arrived the match -----------------------. (ALREADY START)

2 - ] When I first met him he told me he ------------------- architecture . (STUDY)

3 - ] My elder brother ------------------- in bed for over a week. (BE)

4 - ] At the moment the whole team ----------------------- out of work. (BE)

5 - ] Look over there. Someone ------------------- to get on the moving bus. (TRY)

6 - ] She -------------------- to the hospital three times before she was allowed to play again. (BE)

7 - ] When the medical team found her she ---------------------- out of her nose. (BLEED)

8 - ] How long ------------------------- your own office? (YOU HAVE)

9 - ] I'm wondering if you can help me. I ----------------------- for a job for months and someone -----------------me -your phone number, so I ------------------ to ring you up. (LOOK, GIVE, DECIDE)

10 - ]The new community center------------------ for the public next Friday. (OPEN)

11 - ] The teacher told us that --------------------- the time to correct our homework. (NOT HAVE)

12 - ] How ------------------- to work? - Sometimes I ------------------ myself, and in bad weather I usually ------------------- the bus. (YOU USUALLY GET, DRIVE, TAKE)

Monday, October 4, 2021

General Grammar Exercises & Tests ( 5 )

5 - ) General Grammar Exercises & Tests 

 Look at these third conditional sentences. Some of them have errors. Are the Correct or Wrong?

1. The doctors would have called by now if they had finished the operation.



2. I might have be very rich if I'd been born in the USA.



3. I wouldn't have invited Tara to the party if I'd known she was in town.



4. You could've stayed at home if the weather had been worse.



5. I never would have gone to prison if I hadn't stolen that money.



6. I might had won the lottery if you'd remembered to buy me a ticket.



7. She may not have fell ill if she hadn't eaten that seafood.



8. Lilly said she wouldn't have said "no" if Barry had asked her to marry him.




Question 1 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: correct.

Question 2 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: wrong.

Question 3 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: correct.

Question 4 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: correct.

Question 5 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: correct.

Question 6 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: wrong.

Question 7 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: wrong.

Question 8 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: correct.

For each sentence, use the passive with "get" whenever possible.

1. I don't know why this class is always so dirty. It  (clean) every morning.

2. The murder suspect told the police a complicated alibi but it  (believe) by them and he was charged with the murder.

3. "Whose is that computer in the corner of the office?" "I don't know - it  (never use) by anyone."

4. When foreign films are dubbed into English, usually a lot of the original meaning  (lose) in the translation.

5. Humans  (think) to have originated in the east of Africa.

6. If my car  (damage) by you, you will pay for the repairs.

7. Glenn Miller  (kill) in an air crash in England in the 1940s.

8. When I am older, I  (know) as a famous scientist.

9. The films of Charlie Chaplin  (love) all over the world.

10. The new factory will open next July and the company says that over 250 employees  (need) initially.

11. Did you hear that Jane  (promote) to a management position at work! What great news.

12. (pay) for a job you enjoy doing must be the definition of a happy life!

Question 1 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: gets cleaned.

Question 2 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: wasn't believed.

Question 3 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: never gets used.

Question 4 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: gets lost.

Question 5 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: are thought.

Question 6 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: gets damaged.

Question 7 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: got killed.

Question 8 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: will be known.

Question 9 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: are loved.

Question 10 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: are needed.

Question 11 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: got promoted.

Question 12 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: Getting paid.

Fill in the gaps with a form of the passive. The tense could be past, present or future.

1. Many rock stars say the real thrill is that they enjoy  (watch) by thousands of adoring fans.

2. Your car is a death trap. It  (should/send) to the scrap yard years ago!

3. I'm sorry this office is so dirty but it can't  (clean) until tomorrow morning at the earliest.

4. Any teacher who hits a student should  (sack) immediately.

5. John's big dream is that he wants  (discover) by a big time music producer.

6.  (rob) in the street is a terrifying experience indeed.

7. The factory is losing a lot of money every week and  (shut) next Thursday.

8. But it might  (save) if we make an appeal to the local bank.

9. Before  (recycle), glass bottles are thoroughly washed and the labels removed.

10. Jack was fired from the local car wash because, even though he hadn't paid, he let his friend's car  (wash).

Question 1 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: being watched.

Question 2 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: should have been sent.

Question 3 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: be cleaned.

Question 4 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: be sacked.

Question 5 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: to be discovered.

Question 6 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: Being robbed.

Question 7 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: is being shut.

Question 8 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: be saved.

Question 9 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: being recycled.

Question 10 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: be washed.

General Grammar Exercises & Tests ( 4 )

4 - ] General Grammar Exercises & Tests

Look at each situation and decide if it describes a past or a present situation. Then write a sentence using "wish".

1. I am not very tall.

----------------------------------------  taller.

2. I didn't learn English when I was younger.

--------------------------------when I was younger.

3. I can't speak perfect English.

----------------------------------perfect English.

4. My hair isn't blonde.


5. My tennis serve is useless.


6. I didn't sleep very well last night.

--------------------------------------------well last night.

7. I got really badly sunburnt on the beach yesterday because I forgot my sun-cream.

-------------------------------------------------  my sun-cream yesterday.

8. My nose is too big.


9. I'm not the best student in the class.

--------------------------------------------------------student in my class.

10. I didn't go out with my friends to the disco-bar last night.

-------------------------------------------- with my friends to the disco-bar last night.

11. My neighborhood is terribly noisy at night.

 -------------------------------------------------------- at night.

12. I have to get up early every day.



Question 1 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish I was.

Question 2 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish I had learned English.

Question 3 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish I could speak.

Question 4 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish I had blonde

Question 5 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish my tennis serve wasn't useless.

Question 6 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish I had slept.

Question 7 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish I hadn't forgotten.

Question 8 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish my nose wasn't so big.

Question 9 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish I was the best.

Question 10 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish I had gone out.

Question 11 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish my neighborhood wasn't terribly noisy.

Question 12 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wish I didn't have to get up early every day.

For each question, read the situation and choose the best sentence using the third conditional.

1. I wasn't thirsty. I didn't drink the lemonade.

    If I was thirsty, I would drink the lemonade

    If I had been thirsty, I would've drunk the lemonade

    If I would have been thirsty, I drank the lemonade

2. I didn't know Kirsty was in town. I didn't call her.

    If I had known Kirsty was in town, I would have called her

    I had called Kirsty if I had know she was in town

    I would had called Kirsty if I have known she was in town

3. I didn't know watching this documentary was important for our exam. I didn't watch it.

    If I knew this documentary was important, I had watched it

    If I would have known this documentary was important, I had watched it

    If I had known this documentary was important, I would've watched it

4. I walked home from the disco. My friend was too drunk to drive.

    I hadn't walked home from the disco if my friend wasn't too drunk to drive

    I wouldn't have walked home from the disco if my friend hadn't been too drunk to drive

    I wouldn't had walked home from the disco if my friend hadn't been too drunk to drive

5. I didn't go to the store. I thought it closed at 5pm. It closed at 6pm.

    If I had known the store had closed at 6pm, I would've gone

    If I knew the store would have closed at 6pm, I would've gone

    I would've gone to the store if I know it had closed at 6pm

6. I ate the yoghurt in the fridge. I thought it was mine, not yours.

    If I would have known the yoghurt was yours, I wouldn't have eaten it

    If I had known the yoghurt was yours, I wouldn't have eaten it

    I hadn't eaten the yoghurt if I knew it was yours

7. I am really hungry now. I didn't have any breakfast.

    If I had some breakfast, I wouldn't be hungry now.

    If I would had had some breakfast, I wouldn't be hungry now.

    If I had had some breakfast, I wouldn't be hungry now

8. I didn't see Tony at the party. I wanted to speak to him about his vacation in France.

    If I saw Tom at the party, I would've spoken to him

    If I had seen Tom at the party, I would've spoken to him

    If I would have seen Tom at the party, I would've spoken to him


Question 1 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: If I had been thirsty, I would've drunk the lemonade.

Question 2 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: If I had known Kirsty was in town, I would have called her.

Question 3 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: If I had known this documentary was important, I would've watched it.

Question 4 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I wouldn't have walked home from the disco if my friend hadn't been too drunk to drive.

Question 5 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: If I had known the store had closed at 6pm, I would've gone.

Question 6 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: If I had known the yoghurt was yours, I wouldn't have eaten it.

Question 7 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: If I had had some breakfast, I wouldn't be hungry now.

Question 8 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: If I had seen Tom at the party, I would've spoken to him. 

150-] English Literature

150-] English Literature Letitia Elizabeth Landon     List of works In addition to the works listed below, Landon was responsible for nume...