Grammar American & British

Showing posts with label General Grammar Exercises & Tests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General Grammar Exercises & Tests. Show all posts

Saturday, October 30, 2021

General Grammar Exercise & Tests [ 13 ]

13 - ] General Grammar Exercises & Tests

( 13 )

Complete the sentences below with 'even if' or 'even though'.

(The answers are at the end of the page.)

1.Sam refused the offer __________________ he needed the money.

2.__________________ Mary has a car, she walks to work.

3. James won't sell his car ____________________ you offer him a good price.

4. ____________________ the man was blind, he walked to the station.

5.We go running every day, _________________ the weather is bad.

6.I love my job. I wouldn't change jobs _________________ the salary was higher.

7.She gives money to charity ___________________ she is not rich.

8.I wouldn't buy you a scooter _______________ I had the money.

9. She will refuse to move house _______________ she is offered a more comfortable place.

10.Dad won't allow me to take his car _________________ I promised to drive carefully.

 Answers :

1.even though 2.even though 3.even if 4.even though5.even if 6.even if  7.even though8.even if 9.even if 10.even though

Complete the sentences below with 'for', 'during' or 'while'.

(The answers are at the end of the page.)

1.I have been waiting for the bus _______________ 20 minutes.

2.Tom played golf ______________ Julie went shopping with her friends.

3.The family lived in Japan _______________ three years.

4.Larry called his mother _______________ Caroline was watching television.

5.My mother came to stay with us ______________ the summer __________ 10 days.

6.Yesterday we played tennis ______________ 2 hours.

7. _______________ the holidays we relax, go sightseeing and visit friends.

8.In Europe, meals are different. People stay at the table ____________ a long time.

9.Alex phoned _______________ you were out.

10.We're going to stay in New York ____________ 2 days ______________ our trip.

 Answers :

«1. for 2. while 3.for 4. while  5.during/for 6. for 7. during 8.for 9. while 10.for/during»

Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the verb in brackets:

- the future simple (ex : I will watch)

- the future continuous (ex : I will be watching)

(The answers are at the end of the exercise.)

1. I promise I ______________ (call) you as soon as I have any news.

2.This time tomorrow Tom ________________(fly) over the Atlantic on his way to Boston.

3.Those bags look heavy.  I _________________________ (carry) one of them for you.

4.They are getting married on Saturday.  All the guests _________________ (wear) white.

5.The following week they ______________________ (enjoy) the sun in the West Indies.

6. The sky is a bit cloudy.  __________________ (rain) do you think?

7.If you look at this map you ____________ (see) where the islands are.

8.You should have no problem finding him.  He ___________________ (carry) a guitar.

9.My parents ________________ (call) me from the airport when they arrive.

10.This time tomorrow I _____________________ (attend) a meeting.

 Answers :

1.will call        2.will be flying           3.will carry     4.will be wearing       5.will be enjoying

6.will it            7.will see         8.will be carrying      9.will call        10.will be attending  

General Grammar Exercises & Tests [ 12 ]

12 - ] General Grammar Exercises & Tests 

( 12 )

Complete these sentences with 'already', 'still', 'always' or 'yet'.

(The answers are at the end of the page.)

1 . John moved to London 10 years ago and he ___________ lives there.

2 . Julie ______________ walks to school.

3 . "What time is the accountant coming?"  "He's ____________ here!"

4 . "I ordered a book last week.  Has it arrived ______________?"

5 . "Do you ______________ take milk in your coffee?"

6 . I've been taking lessons  but I __________ haven't made much progress""

7 . Emma moved in last week and she _____________ knows everyone!

8 . I _______________ save my files and turn off the computer before I leave.

9 . Peter sent in an application form two weeks ago but he __________ hasn't received a reply.

10 .The manager resigned yesterday, but his resignation hasn't been officially announced   ________.

 Answers :

«1. still 2. always 3. already 4. yet 5. always 6. still 7. already 8. always 9. still10. yet»

Complete the sentences below with although - despite - in spite of.

(The answers are at the end of the page.)

1._______________ the weather was bad, we enjoyed our trip.

2.The children slept well _______________ the noise.

3.________________ earning a low salary, Linda gave money to her parents.

4.John rarely sees Paul ______________ they live in the same town.

5.Julie failed the exam ____________ of working very hard.

6.______________ it was cold, she didn't put on her coat.

7.Tom went to work _______________ not feeling very well.

8.Anna never learned the language ________________ she lived there for two years.

9.__________________ of the difficulty, they managed to climb to the top of the mountain.

10. I couldn't eat __________________ I was very hungry.

 Answers :

1.although      2.despite/in spite of spite of    4.although spite

6.although      7.despite/in spite of   8.although spite         10.although

Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

(The answers are at the end of the page.)

1.If Peter_____________ (have) more money, he _______________ (buy) a new car.

2.What ______________________(you do) if you ____________ (see) an accident?

3.Where ____________________ (you live) if you _____________ (have) a choice?

4.If Caroline ______________ (arrive) late for work, her boss _____________ (be) angry.

5.If his parents ___________ (come), Sam ______________(bring) them to the theatre.

6.Where _____________(you go) if you ________________ (can take) a week's holiday?

7.If Julie _____________ (speak) better English, she ______________ (find) a better job.

8.If Paul's boss ________________ (invite) him to lunch, he ______________ (accept).

9. If I _____________(lose) my wallet, I ______________ (report) it to the police.

10.What ________________(happen) if you ________________ (miss) your flight?

 Answers :

1.had/would buy        2.would you do/saw   3.would you live/had 4.arrived/would be5.came/would bring 6.would you go/could take    7.spoke/would find    8.invited/would accept          9.lost/would report            10.would happen/missed

General Grammar Exercises & Tests [ 11 ]

11 - ] General Grammar Exercise & Tests

[ 11 ]

Choose a phrasal verb to replace the words in bold. (Answers at the end)

1 . Every morning  I  (stop sleeping)  _________ ____   when I hear the alarm clock.

(a) wake out (b) wake up (c) wake in (d) wake off

2 . On Sundays I can  (leave bed)  _________ ____  later.

(a) get out (b) step off (c) get up (d) step out

3 . We must  (be quick)  _________  ____  or we'll be late for school!

(a) act up (b) fasten on (c) hurry up (d) speed in

4 . John helped the old lady to  (board)  _________ ____   the bus.

(a) mount on (b) get on (c) get up (d) put on

5 . Julie went to the library to  (try to find)  _________ ____   a book.

(a) look out (b) look after (c) look for (d) look out

6 . It's time for the news.  Let's  (start)  _________ ____ the radio.

(a) turn on (b) tune in (c) turn up (d) tune at

7 . "Please come in and  (have a seat)   _________ ____"    said the doctor.

(a) seat up (b) seat down (c) sit up (d) sit down

8 . When Dad arrives home, he  (removes)  _________ ____    his coat.

(a) puts off (b) takes off (c) leaves in (d) takes out

9 . Dad couldn't see very well.   "  (wear)  _________ ____  your glasses" said Mum.

(a) put on (b) put away (c) put in (d) put up

10 . When we arrive at the station, we  (descend from)  _________ ____  the train.

(a) get down (b) stand down (c) get off (d) stand out


  1 (b)   2 (c)   3 (c)   4 (b)   5 (c)   6 (a)   7 (d)   8 (b)   9 (a)   10 (c) 

Complete the following sentences with A, AN or THE:

1 .Danny wanted _____ new bicycle for Christmas.

(a) A (b) AN (c) THE

2 . Jennifer tasted _____ birthday cake her mother had made.

(a) A (b) AN (c) THE

3 . The children have _____ new teacher called Mr. Green.

(a) A (b) AN (c) THE

4 . All pupils must obey _____ rules.

(a) A (b) AN (c) THE

5 . Dad turned on _____ radio to listen to _____ news.

(a) A (b) AN (c) THE

6 . Alex is in Boston studying for _____ MBA.

(a) A (b) AN (c) THE

7 . The teacher read _____ interesting article from the newspaper.

(a) A (b) AN (c) THE

8 . There was _____ huge crowd of people outside the church.

(a) A (b) AN (c) THE

9 . Julie talked for _____ hour about her school project.

(a) A (b) AN (c) THE

10 . _____ European expert was invited to speak to the committee.

(a) A (b) AN (c) THE


  1 (a)   2 (c)   3 (a)   4 (c)   5 (c)(c)   6 (b)   7 (b)   8 (a)   9 (b)   10 (a) 

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the adjective given.

1.Jeremy is 10 years old. Jenny is 8 years old.

Jeremy is (old) ____________ ______ Jenny.

2.The Alps are (high) _____ _______________ mountains in Europe.

3.An ocean is very large. It is (large) ____________ _______ a sea.

4.A Rolls Royce costs a lot of money. A Toyota costs less.

A Rolls Royce is (expensive) _______ ________________ _____ a Toyota .

5.John's results were bad. Fred's were very poor.

Fred's results were (bad) _________ _____ John's.

6.This exercise is not very difficult. It's ____________ ______ I expected.

7.The weather is not good today. It's raining.

I hope the weather will be (good) _____________ next week.

8.People are not very friendly in big cities.

They are usually (friendly) ________________ in small towns.

9.In a republic, the President is (important) ____ ______ ______________ person.

10. People say that Chinese is (difficult) ______ ____________ to learn than English.

 Answers :

1.older 2.the highest   3.larger than  4.more expensive than          5.worse than

6.easier than  7.better           8.friendlier     9.the most important 10.more difficult

Saturday, October 23, 2021

General Grammar Exercises & Tests [ 10 ]

10 - ] General Grammar Exercises & Tests

( 10 )

Choose the correct word for each blank.

1 . We had a beautiful house where we [ enjoyed , entertained , amused , satisfied ]  many people.

2 . When I was in college I was happy to [ enjoy , satisfy , socialize , entertain ]  with other students.

3 . I'm going up north to Scotland to stay with a few [ company , relationships , relatives , neighbours ]  of mine.

4 . The party yesterday was awful. It was a complete [ failure , succeed , success , failed ] .

5 . I had to get up early the next morning so I [ thanked , apologized , excused , denied ]  myself and left quietly.

6 . Please accept my [ apologizes , forgiving , excuses , refusal ]  for not being at the meeting. My husband was ill.

7 . [ Instead , in person , on behalf , on account ]  of the whole staff, I would like to thank you for coming.

8 . The book has been out of [ print , public , press , publication ]  for many years.

9 . I have just read a wonderful [ plot , storyline , read , story ]  about a man who cares for his ill wife.

10 . She has little in [ common , usual , general , normal ]  with her sister. they're completely different.

11 . At school we had to learn a lot of poems by [ memory ,  heart , mind ,  head ] .

12 . There is an interesting [ news , journal , article , publication ]  about climate change in yesterday's paper.

Choose the correct word for each blank.

1 . The book isn't in [ shop , reserve , store , stock ]  at the moment, but we can have it here in a few days.

2 . I took the dress back to the store but the shop assistant [ refused , disagreed , accused , denied ]  to exchange them.

3 . Please [ give , have , do , make ]  sure that the goods are delivered next week.

4 . If you are not [ convinced , satisfied , favoured , agreed ]  with our product you can give it back within 14 days.

5 . We are [ thinking , watching , noticing , considering ]  your request and will give you an answer soon.

6 . Our shop has a wide [ group , range , series , kind ]  of products.

7 . The jeweller examined the stone and said he couldn't buy it because it was [ priceless , valuable , invaluable , worthless ] .

8 . This sweater was made [ by hand , by hands ,  by the hand , with hands ]  , that is why it's so expensive.

9 . There is a [ shortage , need , requirement , dependent ]  of natural gas at the moment.

10 . We've run [ in through , out of ,  over , off ]  sugar, so please go to the store and get some.

Complete the sentences with MUST, MUSTN'T, HAVE TO, HAS TO, DOESN'T HAVE TO or DON'T HAVE TO

I ---------------- leave early tomorrow morning or else I'll miss the flight to London.

The pupils ---------------------- hand in their homework by Friday.

John doesn't know anything about his birthday party. You ----------------- tell him anything about it.

Jack ---------------- get up early tomorrow . It's his day off.

If you're in New York you really ------------------ go and see the Guggenheim Museum.

All visitors ------------------- wear an ID card, otherwise they won't be able to enter.

We --------------------- be late for the meeting. The director doesn't like people who are not on time.

The car is making a lot of noise. I -------------------- take it to the garage next week.

I'm glad I ---------------------- write my application in English. My spelling is awful.

My dad -------------------- be at the airport by 5. The plane leaves at 6.30.

Mike -------------------- come with me. I can do the job on my own.

If you really want to get a good seat, you'll ----------------- get their early. 

Friday, October 22, 2021

General Grammar Exercises & Tests ( 9 )

9 - ] General Grammar Exercises & Tests


( 9 )

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs in the box.


1 . In the end he ------------- and allowed the chairman to prepare the document.

2 . I ---------------- paying for this meal. You paid for the last one.

3 .The Prime Minister --------------- that it was a historic day for the country.

4 . My friend always------------------ me ------------- smoking a cigarette with him, but I don't want to.

5 . I'm sorry I ---------------- the meeting. But it wasn't all my fault.

6 . It took the teacher a few minutes to get the class -------------------.

7 . I ------------------------ him for help after the incident had happened.

8 . They worked for a few hours on the problem but simple weren't able to -----------------what had happened.

9 . He always--------------- me ----------------- a person I met at high school many years ago.

10 . The doctor told me to ------------------- and not get hysterical. It was only a minor injury I had.

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the passive voice in the correct tense!

The war -------------- next week (DECLARE).

Your homework ----------------- by tomorrow afternoon. (MUST FINISH)

That house ------------------ since I was a child. (NOT PAINT)

Smoking ------------------ in this hotel (NOT ALLOW)

After all the flights ------------------- the tourists checked in at the airport hotel.(CANCEL)

The car ------------------ for over a week (NOT WASH).

He --------------- a new contract last year (GIVE)

This song ------------------- by the Beatles in 1967. (WRITE)

The earth -------------------- if we try hard enough to do something (CAN SAVE)

The new bridge -------------------- at the moment. (BUILD)

Complete the sentences using gerund or infinitive (with or without "TO").

Dad suggested --------------- the car here and walking the rest of the way. (LEAVE)

I am getting used ----------------- from home. (WORK)

Are you interested in ------------------ the whole story (HEAR)?

I'd rather ------------------- for a walk than do my homework. (GO)

It's not much use ------------------- a smartphone if you don't know how to use it (HAVE).

My suit needs -----------------. Look at how dirty it is (CLEAN)

The boy hoped ----------------- the exam, but he wasn't sure about it (PASS)

The policeman advised us -------------------------- into that neighbourhood. (NOT GO)

A lot of husbands expect their wives --------------------- for them every day. (COOK)

After -------------------- to his story I decided ------------------ him (LISTEN, NOT BELIEVE)

Do you remember ------------------ me about the lost pen ? (ASK)

Remind me ------------------------ my mother in the afternoon (CALL)

The man offered ----------------------- after the car while we were outside. (LOOK)

The firemen were the first ----------------------- at the danger zone. (ARRIVE)

I used ------------------- an instrument but I haven't had any practice recently. (PLAY)

Choose the correct word for each blank.

I had to stand in [ order , queue , tail , line ]  for an hour to get tickets.

2 . The post office is open [ day , daytime , daily , a day ]  from 9 to 4.

3 . Many animal species today are [ danger , in danger , in risk , endangered ] .

4 . He { appeared , arrived , emerged , entered ]  on stage only in the first scene

5 . We [ agreed  , acting , view , rehearse  ]  to meet in the corridor in front of the office.

6 . Are there any tickets left for tonight's [ performance , fame , pride , regard ] ?

7 . He soon made a [ fame , pride , reputation , regard ]  for himself on stage.

8 . There is a bomb in the garden. It can [ break out , explode , erupt , crash ]  at any moment.

9 . The soldiers had  [ marched , hiked , run , wandered ]  for two days until they finally reached the village.

10 . Why are you in such a bad [ glad , desire , mood , feeling ] . It's a lovely day today.

11 . That's a nice dress you're wearing. It [ wears , goes , suits , matches ]  you perfectly.

12 . Our school offers a wide [ group , list , choice , range ]  of subjects.

General Grammar Exercises & Tests [ 8 ]

8 - ] General Grammar Exercises & Tests 

( 8 )

Choose the correct article or leave blank !

                    [ a , an  , the ]

1 . I plan to be ------------ candidate for --------------- Parliament at ----------- next election.

2 . We took -------------- trip around London and stopped at ----------- Westminster Abbey.

When I left ------------ station I had to wait for ---------------- taxi for a long time.

At ---------- moment, the club is steering towards ------------------ uncertain future.

When we looked out of ---------------- window we saw the mountains covered with --------snow.

---------- most of the main roads in --------- country were built ---------- long time ago.

If I had time I would like to take up ----------- photography.

There is going to be ---------- fog and ------------ bad weather for most of next week.

Jack doesn't like ----------- bread from ------------ local bakery.

It's been -------------- long time since I met someone like you.

Inflation has increased for ---------- third time in ----------- row.

Have you got ----------- latest album by ------------ Rolling Stones?

We spent a wonderful evening having ------------- drinks at one of -------- best pubs in -------- neighbourhood.

 Danube River flows right through ------------- centre of -------------- city.

Confusing words : Choose the correct answer.

1 . ( Steel , Steal ) workers have been on strike for the better part of the month.

2 . He never [ lends , borrows ]  his camera to anyone but me.

3 . The toys were hidden [ under , below ]  the mattress

4 . If you have kept your [ recipe , receipt ]  you can go to the store and exchange your dress.

5 . I don't [ hope , expect ]  him to change his mind. He's so stubborn.

6 . ] It's not [ save , safe ]  for you to go outside during a thunderstorm

7 . On Sundays I stay in bed and just [ hear , listen to ]  the radio.

8 . The country has been in a very bad [ economic , economical ]  situation for over a decade.

9 . Punishing him will have no [ effect , affect ]  on his future behaviour.

10 . The [ mayor , major ]  has told the residents of the town to stay at home.

11 . It was [ passed , past ]  four when he finally arrived with the groceries.

12 . There are a few [ peaces , pieces ]  missing.

13 . She ate the [ hole , whole ]  pizza and left nothing for the others.

14 . I am not going to [ dye , die ]  my hair because it makes me look younger.

15 . We sold more newspapers [ then , than ]  we did last year.

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs in the box.


1 . When we went to high school we used to ----------------- on weekends in a nearby park.

2 . When I retire I'll --------------- some new hobbies like fishing or playing golf.

3 . Mum ---------------- at the local fitness center twice a week.

4 . When we looked through the old albums we ------------- a photo of my aunt.

5 . He tried really hard and ran as fast as he could but simply couldn't ---------------- with the best runners.

6 . We waited for over an hour but they simply didn't -------------. Something might have happened to them.

7 . I am going home anyway so I can --------------- you ------------ wherever you want.

8 . We decided to ----------- the south because the weather was much better there.

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs in the box.


1 . When I was a child I ------------ Father Christmas, but that was a long time ago.

2 . She always keeps ------------------ about how much money she has and all the things she can buy.

3 . He is such an arrogant colleague. I don't want to ----------------- his behaviour any longer.

4 . The book I read didn't ----------------- my expectations, but maybe I was influenced by too many people.

5 . The mayor offered his version of the plan but local residents-------------------- it at once.

6 . After 8 hours of meetings, the trade talks finally -------------- without an agreement.

7 . After our quarrel we decided to go for a meal and -------------------

8 .They happened to be in the city for a short holiday so they just ------------------ without calling in advance.

150-] English Literature

150-] English Literature Letitia Elizabeth Landon     List of works In addition to the works listed below, Landon was responsible for nume...