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Showing posts with label Grammar Practice Exercises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grammar Practice Exercises. Show all posts

Friday, December 10, 2021

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 23 ] , Upper Intermediate

23 - ] Grammar Practice Intermediate

Upper Intermediate

Gerunds and Infinitives .

Preposition + Gerund

After prepositions , we use the gerund .

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition and the gerund .


1 . Don’t try and discourage me from doing (do) what I want to do .

2 . I’d like to enquire --------------------(enroll) on one of your evening courses .

3 . She seems very excited ------------------(start) that new job .

4 . Are you thinking ----------------------(leave) him ?

5 . I think we’re all in agreement ------------------(cut) our costs .

6 . She lives on her own but she relies ----------------------the neighbors -------------(help) her .

7. She insisted -----------------------(pay) the bill .

8 . I expect he’s very depressed -----------------------(lose) his job .

9 . I think you should apologize -------------------(not tell) me the truth .

10 . I’ve never approved --------------------young people ----------------(stay out) late .

11 . Stop talking and get on --------------------(write) your essays .

12 . Why do you always blame me -------------------(start) the arguments ?

13 . It’s lovely here . It’s a great improvement ----------------(live) in that awful flat .

14 . I warned them --------------------------(buythat car .

15 . They’re planning ------------------(expand) the company .

Complete the sentences with the infinitive or the gerund


1 . She’s hoping to finish (finish) writing her thesis soon .

2 . Are you looking forward to seeing (see) Ali again ?

3 .The government are opposed to ----------------(spend) more money on public transport .

4 . I’ve been waiting to -------------------(see) you for ages .

5 . Ahmad has persuaded me not to -----------------------(do) it .

6 . It’s very difficult for him because he’s not used to -----------------(speak) English .

7 . Have you never wanted to ------------------(get) married ?

8 . In addition to --------------(work) such long hours , she also does all the jobs in the house .

9 . I’ve been thinking about it all night , but I’m no closer to -----------------(find) a solution .

10 . It was very unfortunate that you forgot to --------------------(post) that letter .

11 . The key to ----------------(sleep) soundly is to have regular exercise .

12 . I don’t know why you object to -----------(work) with her . She seems very nice .

13 . When did you decide to ------------------(give up) the course ?

14 . This problem is similar to -------------(have) problems with money : it’s not a problem until you find you haven’t got any .

15 . They’re proposing to -----------------(open) a new airport just outside the town .

Be + Adjective + Infinitive


He is keen to change his job .

It’s good of you to come

This book is very difficult to read .

Rewrite the sentences using be + adjective + to-infinitive .


1 . We’re going to leave . We’re ready .

We’re ready to leave .

2 . He’s afraid of telling her the truth .


3 . I received your letter . I was delighted .


4 . I heard about their divorce . I was surprised .


5 . You shouldn’t interrupt people . It’s rude .


6 . You brought those flowers . It was very kind of you .


7 . Heating this house is very expensive .


8 . I saw you last night . It was lovely .


9 . Having interests outside work is important .


10 . That child learns very quickly .


Grammar Practice Exercises [ 22 ] Upper Intermediate

22 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate

Gerunds and Infinitives .

Verbs of Perception + Object + ing Or The Bare Infinitive

Verbs of perception ( see , hear , feel , listen to , look at , watch , notice ) can be followed by the ing form of the bare infinitive . The verb smell can only be followed by the ing form .

The use of the bare infinitive describes the complete action .


I watched him play tennis . ( I saw the whole game . )

The use of the ing form describes the action in progress .


I watched him playing tennis . ( I saw the game in progress )

The ing form after a verb of perception is a present participle [ verb + ing ] . Verb of perception + present participle is more common than a verb of perception + bare infinitive.

The difference is often very small .


I always hear the birds singing in the mornings .

I always hear the birds sing in the mornings . We use other verbs of perception that cannot be followed by the bare infinitive [ find , discover , catch , leave , keep ]


I found her looking in my desk .

Rewrite the following pairs of sentences as one sentence , using the ing form or a bare infinitive .


1 . I saw you the other day . You were cycling to work .

I saw you cycling to work the other day .

2 . I heard him early this morning . He left the house .

 I heard him leave the house early this morning .

3 . She stood there and watched him . He drove away .


4 . Did you notice me ? I was crying .


5 . I’ve often seen you . You’ve been walking along the beach with your dog .


6 . Have you ever heard him ? He plays the saxophone .


7 . I expect to find you when I get back . You’ll be working hard .


8 . Did you hear me ? I arrived .


9 . I looked at the child and felt very sad . She was smiling up at me .


10 . We heard them . They were arguing all night .


11 . I can feel my hands . They’re shaking .


12 . I watched you and then I felt . You went to sleep .


13 . I never really noticed your hair . It was going grey .


14 . I can smell smoke . It’s coming in through the windows .


15 . He watches me every weekend . I play football .


Verbs Followed By the to-infinitive Or The Gerund

Complete the following texts putting the verbs into the gerund or the to-infinitive .

1 . Thoryia and Samir , two friends , are talking .


T : Would you like (1) to go out (go out) for a meal tonight .

S : Yes , that would be nice . I just need (2) ------------------(wash) my hair first .

T : Shall we go to Ali’s ?

S : I’d prefer (3) -------------------------(go) somewhere else . Don’t you remember (4) ----------

(send) the food back last time we went there ? It was terrible .

T : Oh yes , I’d forgotten . We decided to stop (5) -----------------(go) there , didn’t we ?

S : Yes , we did . So I’ve got another suggestion . Samia recommended (6) -----------------

(try) that new French restaurant . She said it was very good . We’ll go there , shall we ?

T : OK .That’s a good idea .

2 .

Dear Mr. Waleed ,  

Thank you for your application for the diploma in tourism but I regret (7) -----------------

(inform) you that this course is now full . Should you wish to take the course elsewhere , I would advise you (8) ----------------(apply) to Cairo University. They started (9) ---------------

(run) a course in tourism a year ago and I would recommend you (10) -------------(consider)

(11) --------------------(enroll) on that course rather than (12) ------------------(wait) another year to do a course here . If you would prefer (13) -----------------(wait) for this course , then I would encourage you (14) ---------------------(try) (15) --------------------(find) some work related to tourism so that you can start (16) -----------------(acquire) some relevant experience .

3 . Galal and Fadi , two friends , are talking .

G : Did you remember (17) ------------------(book) the tickets for that concert ?

F : Yes , I did , but the problem now is (18) -------------------(get) THERE . My mother says I’m not allowed (19) -------------------------(borrow) the car this weekend , so I don’t know what to do . What about your old motorbike ?

G : No , I’m afraid it needs (20) ----------------(repair) . I could try (21) ----------------(ask) my brother if we can have his car . You never know - he might agree .

F : I doubt it . And the tickets were so expensive . I regret(22) ----------------(buy) them now . I’m sure we’ve just wasted the money .

G : I’m sure we haven’t . We just need (23) -----------------(give) the problem some thought .

F : Actually , I remember {24) -------------------(walk) there one night . Mind you , it took about two hours , and we did get a lift home .

G : OK , so we could walk if necessary . Just stop (25) ---------------(worry) and start (26)

------------------(think) .  

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 21 ] Upper Intermediate

21 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate

 13 .] Gerunds and Infinitives .

Verb + Infinitive / Verb + Gerund

Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive or the gerund .


1 . He has promised to deliver (deliver) it to me this afternoon .

2 . I’ve invited Maher and Zenab ------------------------(stay) for the weekend .

3 .I don’t mind ----------------(stay) at home to look after the children .

4 . Has she decided ----------------------(take) that job ?

5 . He’s always complaining about ---------------------------(work) too hard .

6 . He claims ------------------------(be) her brother but I think he's lying .

7 . Why are you blaming me for --------------------(get) lost ? You’ve got the map .

8 . We don’t believe in ----------------------------( buy) each other big presents .

9 . I know you don’t approve of --------------------------(smoke) so I won’t smoke in here .

10 . The doctor told me --------------------(stay) in bed but it’s so boring .

11 . Don’t keep on ---------------------------(talk) about it . It’s upsetting me .

12 . It’s raining outside . Would you prefer ---------------------(stay in) ?

13 . My boss told me -------------------------(not leave) the office before five .

14 . It’s very nice here but I miss ------------------(see0 my friends .

15 . I don’t recommend --------------------------(study) on your own .

16 . I’ve always dreamed of ----------------------(live) in a cottage in the country .

17 . Sometimes I think you enjoy ------------------------(upset) me .

18 . I regret ------------------------(not keep) in touch with my old friends .

19 . I’m not expecting him ------------------------(phone) me tonight but I hope he does .

20 . Don’t forget --------------------(lockup) when you go to bed . 

The Bare Infinitive

Infinitive Without to

Underline all the infinitives and add to where it is required

Two friends , Ahmad and Mohammad , are talking .


A : Mohammad , where were you last night ? I tried to find you but I couldn’t see you anywhere . Gamal says he didn’t see you come in to the party .

M : Yes Ahmad , that’s right . I’m sorry . My parents wouldn’t let me come out last night . I wanted see you - honestly I did .

A :Why did your parents make you stay in ? They usually allow you go out in the evenings , don’t they ?

M : Yes , but I hadn’t finished doing my homework . And they refused let me go out until I had .

A : Oh dear , poor you . Oh well , never mind . Let’s do something tonight instead .

M : OK . Actually , I’d like see that new film

A : Would you ? I suppose it might be quite good but I’d rather just go out to the café . I was hoping have a chance talk to you properly .

M : Well , why not do both ? We could go to the early showing of the film and then go to the café .

A : I’m not sure I can afford go to the cinema .

M : That’s all right . I’ve got some money .

A : So what time would you like meet , then ?

M : Six o’clock I suppose - in the cinema . I’ll try get there a bit earlier and buy the tickets . 

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 20 ] Upper Intermediate

20 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate

Modal Auxiliaries [ Verbs ] , Modals

Offers , Requests , Permission , Suggestions

Can , Could / May , Might / Would / Must / Shall / Would You Mind 

Write what to say using can , could , may ,might,shall , must , would ,would you like , would you mind . There may be several possible answers .


1 . Offer to open the door for a stranger .

Shall I open the door for you ?

2 .Ask someone to answer the phone for you .

Would you answer the phone for me , please ?

3 . Invite a friend to go for a swim this morning .


4 . Offer to make someone a sandwich .


5. Request an appointment to see your bank manager .


6 . Give someone permission to use your phone .


7 . Suggest going for a picnic this afternoon .


8 . Ask someone to wait here for you .


9. Give your son permission to go out but tell him to be back before dark .


10 . You are in a train . Ask another passenger if you can open the window .


11 . You a re the teacher . Give your students permission to work outside today but tell them not to talk too much .


12 . Offer to answer the phone .


13 . Ask a friend for a pen .



Would and Used to

When we use would to talk about a past habit ,it is necessary to use a past time reference . Used to can be used with or without a past time reference .


Before I got this job , I used to / would go out a lot .

I used to go out a lot . [ Not / I would go out a lot ]

Complete the sentences with would or used to . Where either form is possible , write them both . Where there is a word in brackets , put it in the correct position .


1 . I used to have lots of free time before I started working here .

2 . In the long summer holidays , we used to / would go out somewhere with a picnic everyday .

3 . When I was a newly-trained teacher , I -----------------work till late every night preparing lessons .

4 . They-----------------be happy together but they’re not now .

5 . When they came to Cairo , they -------------------(never) travel anywhere on the tube .

6 . When I had a car , I ----------------------drive everywhere , but now I’m much fitter because I always walk or cycle .

7 . During my last year at university , I --------------------go to the library to start work at 9 o’clock every morning .

8 . When we shared a flat together , we --------------------(often) stay up talking late into the night .

9 . When Nadia was a baby, people -----------------(often) come up to me and tell me how beautiful she was .

10 . He -----------------------be very overweight but he’s much slimmer now .

11 . When I was at school , I -----------------------(never) do my weekend homework until Sunday evening .

12 . I --------------------work in the same department as your brother .

13 . When I was a teenager , I -------------------(often) spend the whole evening just listening to music .

14 . She ----------------------have a lot of friends when she was younger .

15 . He ------------------------go for a run every day .  

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