Grammar American & British

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Vocabulary Tests [ 86 ] Test Eighty Six

86 - ] Vocabulary Tests

Test Eighty Six

1 - ] Countable & Uncountable Nouns

1 - ] All the nouns in the list below are normally uncountable .However , thirteen of the nouns have countable uses , sometimes with a change of meaning , especially when we use them in the plural . Tick the remaining twelve nouns that have countable uses . Write twelve sentences using the plural forms of the nouns you have ticked .


0 . fruit √ Exotic fruits are easily available these days .

advice                                                   jewellery                                            rock   

business                                                knowledge                                          rubbish

capital                                                   laughter                                              scaffolding

china                                                      lightning                                             scenery

cloth                                                       machinery                                          thunder

crime                                                      mud                                                    time

equipment                                             noise                                                   trouble

experience                                              patience                                             underwear

fruit                                                        poetry                                                 veal

fuel                                                          pollution                                             wealth

gossip                                                      progress                                              youth

Answer Key

1 . business

I’ve got two businesses , one in Cairo and the other in Alexandria .

2 . capital

He knows the names of all the countries of the world .

3 . cloth

Where do you keep your clothes for cleaning .

4 . crime

Crimes like robbery have been increasing .

5 . experience

We had a few hair-raising experiences on the kotorway .

6 . fuel

Fossil fuels like coal harm the ozone layer .

7. gossip

You shouldn’t believe what a couple of old gossips tell you .

8 . noise

What’s making those strange noises in the street ?

9 . rock

His boat was wrecked on the rocks near the shore .

10 . time

I’ve tried to ring the passport office eight times .

11 . trouble

Are our troubles ever going to end ?

12 . youth

Five youths were lounging around outside the pub .

2 - ] Are you a hypochondriac ?

Supply the best word or words

1 . Hypochondriacs are healthy people who imagine they are --------------serious illnesses .

(A) suffering from (B) enduring

2 . Do you often visit the doctor’s -----------------?

(A) surgery (B) office

3 . Do you often imagine you will be killed in a ----------- accident ?

(A) mortal (B) fatal

4 . Have you ever experienced ---------------------pain ?

(A) intensive (B) intense

5. Do you think you might suddenly drop dead from a heart --------------------?

(A) insult (B) attack

6 . Do you think you need to see -----------------------?

(A) an expert (B) a specialist

7 . Do you sometimes feel you have a mysterious -------------in the chest ?

(A) ache (B) pain

8 . Do you ever find it difficult to ------------------?

(A) breath (B) breathe

9 . Do you often ---------------of mysterious headaches ?

 (A) protest (B) complain

10 . Are you losing your --------------------?

(A) remembrance (B) memory

11 . Do you constantly feel ----------------?

(A) exhausted (B) exhausting

12 . When you get up in the morning , do you usually feel -----------------?

(A) poorly (B) sickly

13 . Do even the smallest things --------------------?

(A) get on your nerves (B) enervate you

14 . If you have a cough , are you convinced you have a bad case of --------------?

(A) grippe (B) flu

15 . Do you imagine you have ---------------------?

(A) temperature (B) fever

16. If you are in a crowd , are you afraid you will ------------------ a cold ?

(A) pick (B) pick up

17 . Do you wash your hands all the time because you are afraid of -----------------?

(A) microbes (B) germs

18 . Do you only eat things that are --------------------for you ?

(A) hygienic (B) good

19 . Do you think that lack of sleep will -------------------you ?

(A) harm (B) hurt

20 . Do you have bad -------------------?

(A) flesh (B) skin

21 . Do you worry about ---------------------on your face ?

(A) spots (B) specks

22 . Are you convinced that life is a fatal -------------------?

(A) disease (B) decease

Answer Key 

1 . A 2. A 3 . B 4 . B 5. B 6 . B 7 . B 8 . B 9 . B 10 . B 11 . A 12 . A 13 . A 14 . B 15 .

16 . B 17 . B 18 . B 19 . A 20 . B 21 . A 22 . A  

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 37 ] Upper Intermediate

37 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate

 Test Three

1 - ]Put the verbs in brasckets into the correct form

1 .If you -----------------------(finish) your work , you could come with us . It doesn’t look like it’ll be done in time , though .

2 . If it hadn’t rained , the flowers -------------------(die) .

3 . I --------------------(not go) there if I were you .

4 . If this water -----------------------(not be) cleaned up , there’s going to be an accident .

5 . If you -----------------------(go) to the lecture today , please take good notes .

6 . You’ll have to move if you -------------------------(gewt) that promotion .

7 . If the other driver had been looking , he ----------------(not hit) our car .

8 . He ------------------ (not come) to the party if Nasser is invited .

9 . If the house ---------------------(be) warmer , I wouldn’t have to wear a jacket inside .

10 . If you -----------------(be) more careful , you wouldn’t have made so many mistakes .

(10 points)

2 - ] Match the clauses by writing the letter of the second half in the space provided after the first half . No letter will be used twice .

1 . You don’t have to call me --------------    a . if they hadn’t offered me more money .

2 . He wouldn’t have been angry ---------       b . as long as they offer me more money .

3 . I won’t work overtime ---------------                   c . unless she apologizes to me .

5 . I would take that job --------------                       d . if only you hadn’t been so late .

6 . I wouldn’t want to speak to her again ---------- e . on condition that you arew not late .

7 . I will be happy to see er again ------------  f . provided they offered me more money .

8. I won’t go out with her again --------------  g . assuming that you’re not late .

9 . We’ll get there before the film begins-----h . even if they offer me more money .

10 . I will renew my contract for next year ----------i . even if she apologized to me .

                                                                            j . as long as she apologizes to me .

(10 points)

3 - ] Each sentence has one mistake . Rewrite the sentences , correcting the mistake .

1 . I think this umbrella can be Huda’s ; she was carrying one like it yesterday .


2 . After I’ve been studying French for another year , I can speak it more fluently .


3 . We must to leave as soon as she gets here .


4 . You ought write to your parents more often .


5 . He isn’t able to be very bright ; he’s failed the course three times .


6 . I wish I can come to your party .


7 . He must waits until the bank opens .


8 . They’ll have to taking a taxi to get there in time .


9 . My parents say that I am able to stay out until midnight .


10 . May I to use this phone to make a private call ?


(10 points)

4 -] Choose a word from the following to complete each sentence .Each word is used once .

[ mustn’t  - need to - needn’t - should - shouldn’t ]

1 . It’s an airline regulation that you ------------------unfasten your seatbelt until the plane has landed .

2 . If she wants to lose weight , she -------------------eat so many sweets .

3 . You ------------------submit two photos with your application .

4. You -----------------have bought your umbrella : it’s not going to rain .

5 . He -----------------have thought more carefully before he spoke !

(5 points)

5 - ] Underline the correct form of the infinitive or gerund in each sentence .

1 . I hope to be chosen / to be choosing for the lead role in the play .

2 . Please thank her for having done / being done such a fine job .

3 . I deeply regret having lied / to have lied about the matter .

4 . She would like to have completed / to be completing her courses before she gets married.

5 . What do you expect to have been doing / to be doing in five years ?

(5 points)

5 - ] Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech . Use appropriate forms for written reporting .

1 . ‘I am going to resign next month .’

The Councillor said that he --------------------- next month .

2 . ‘I didn’t realize all the problems .’

She explained that she --------------------------all the problems .

3 . ‘There will be a few changes around the office .’

The boss announced that there -------------------a fwew changes around the office .

4 . ‘Heavy rains have caused flooding in the north .’

The weather report mentioned that heavy rains ----------------flooding in the north .

5 . ‘I have been playing the piano for 5 years .’

He told me that he ---------------------the piano for 5 years .

6 . ‘No , he’s not employed .’

His wife explained that he ---------------------employed .

7 . ‘I completely forgot !’

He admitted that he ---------------------------- .

8. ‘We’re having a dinner party this Wednesday .’

They told us that they --------------------this Wednesday .

9 . ‘By this summer , I will have been working there for three years .’

He told us that by this summer , he ------------------there for three years .

10 . ‘I don’t have enough time to finish .’

The student complained that she -----------------------enough time to finish .

(10 points)      

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 36 ] Upper Intermediate

36 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises 

Upper Intermediate


Test Two

1 - ] Underline the correct verb forms to complete the sentences .

1 . By this summer , I will have been working / will be working here for 5 years .

2 . I will have to finish / will have had to finish washing the car before I can go out .

3 . You are not to speak / not to be speaking during the test .

4 . Will you wait / Will you be waiting for me when I return ?

5 . They don’t intend to marry / don’t intend to marrying until after they graduate .

6 . Don’t bother cleaning up ; I will do / will have done it later .

7 . She wishes her husband doesn’t come / didn’t come home so late every night .

8 . I wish he writes / wrote to me more often .

9 . If only he knew / had known the truth before he spoke to her .

10 . I wish you would stop / stopped making that awful noise while I’m studying .

(10 points)

2 - ] Put the verbs in brackets into the passive where possible .

A report (1) ----------------------(just come in) that the warehouse (2)----------------(break into) last Friday night . The gate (3) ------------------(force) open and two of the back windows (4)

--------------------(shatter) . Someone , probably a tall male , (5) ---------------------(leave) muddy footprints in the back hall . The owners (6) -----------------(tell) reporters that nothing terribly valuable (7) ------------------ (take) ; however , there is a lot of damage (8)

------------------(repair) . Police (9) -----------------------(work) on the case now , and expect an arrest (10) -----------------(make) within a week .

(10 points)

3 - ] Answer the following questions by using one of the phrasal verbs from the following . Use the appropriate verb tense , and use pronouns in your answer where possible . Not all the phrasal verbs will be used

1 . A : Did you accept that job offer ?

B : No , I ------------------------------ .

2 . A : Does the baby look like his father ?

B : No , actually , I think he ---------------------his mother .

3 . A : Have you had any good ideas for the project yet ?

B : Yes , I’ve just ---------------------something wonderful .

4 . A : I didn’t know you smoked .

B : Well , I -----------------------for a few years , but then I started again .

5 . A : What’s the matter ? Have we -------------------petrol ?

B : No , the engine’s overheating .

(5 point)

4 - ] Use a gerund or infinitive form of the verbs in brackets to complete the letter .

Dear Ms. Hazem ,

I am writing (1) --------------------(express) my interest in the secretarial position at CRS advertised in the newspaper last week . I am proficient at (2) -------------------(type) , and know how (3) --------------------(use) most word-processing packages . I enjoy (4) ------------

(work) with people , know how (5) ------------------(meet) a challenge , and don’t mind (6) ----

(work) overtime . As you can see from the enclosed letters of reference , my previous employers considered me (7) -------------------(be) a skilled secretary . I would be pleased (8) -------------------(further) my career by (9) ----------------(work) for a prestigious company like CRS. I look forward to (10) -------------------(hear) from you .

Yours sincerely

Huda Hassan

(10 points)

5 - ] Rewrite the sentences below , using a present participle or a perfect participle . Where there are two sentences , join them to form one , using a participle .

1 . He wore himself out . He hiked all day .


2 . After we heard the news , we came over as quickly as possible .


3 . She had worked hard all day . She wanted to go out for dinner .


4 . Soon after he moved up north , he regretted his decision .


5. While I sympathized with your point of view , I cannot totally agree with you .


(5 points)

6- ] Combine the two sentences into one , using a relative pronoun or a conjunction , and making any necessary changes .

1 . That’s the woman . Her dog bit me .


2 . Can you tell me about the town ? You were born there .


3 . I found the book . It was taken from the library .


4 . I can’t remember the time . I first heard that song .


5 . The woman married my best friend . The woman is my cousin .


(5 points)

7 - ] Add a tag question to each sentence .

1 . You haven’t seen my bag anywhere , ----------------?

2 . Noura couldn’t have spoken to him this morning , ---------------------?

3 . So , you went into my room when I was away , ----------------------?

4 . The meeting went quite well , -------------------------?

5 . Nobody is coming tonight ,-------------------?

(5 points)

Grammar Practice Exercises [ 35 ] Upper Intermediate

35 - ] Grammar Practice Exercises

Upper Intermediate

                                          Test One

1-] Fill in the gaps with ‘a’ ‘an’ ‘the’ or no article

Dear Ahmad ,

Hello from (1) ---------------Aswan ! I’m staying at (2) ------------------beautiful hotel in (3) ----

center of (4)-----------------city . This (5) ----------------morning I had (6) -------------breakfast  in (7) -----------------hotel garden . Tomorrow I’m going to rent (8) --------------car and drive to (9) -----------------------mountains . I hope (10) ------------------- weather will be fine .

See you soon ,


( 10 points )

2 - ] Put the words in these sentences in the correct order

1- ] She bought a silk / new / lovely / blouse .


2 - ] The shop sells old / expensive / handmade objects .


3 - ] seldom / gets to work / 9.00 / she / before .


4 - ] I’ll / see him / probably / when I come to work / in the morning / early .


5 - ] He left the house / after his phone call / suddenly / quite .


(5 points)

3- ] Use the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives and adverbs in brackets

A : Do you like your new job ?

B : Oh , yes , it’s much (1) ----------------(interesting) than my old position . Of course , I have to work (2) ---------------------(hard) , too .

A : Are the working conditions (3) ------------------(good) , too ?

B : My office is (4) ---------------(spacious) , and it’s (5) -------------------(quiet) . But the people in my old office were (6) ----------------(friendly) . My new boss seems (7----------------

(difficult) to please , too .

A : Well , you’re (8) ---------------(new) person , so I guess you’ll have to prove yourself .

B : I’m certainly working much (9) ----------------(hard) than anyone else in the office ! It’s a real challenge , but every day it gets (10) ------------------(easy) .

(10 points)

4 - ] Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present or past form ( present ; past ; present perfect ; past perfect ) . You may use both simple and continuous aspects .  

A : How long (1) -------------------------(you / work) there ?

B : For three years . I (2) ----------------------- (leave) last year .

A : (3) ------------------------(you / meet) Sarah ?

B : Oh , yes , I (4) ------------------(know) her for several months . She (5) ----------------(be)

in my dance class . We (6) -----------------------(go) to the same class every Tuesday since January .

A : (7)--------------------------(the phone / rings ?)

B : Yes , but I (8) ------------------(cook) dinner , so I (9) --------------------(not / answer) it .

A : Why didn’t you give him the news ?

B : By the time I found out , he (10) --------------------(already / leave) .

(10 points)

5 - ] Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense (going to ; will  ; present form) .

A : Do you have any plans for tomorrow ?  

B : We (1) ------------------(take) the children to the park .

A : I heard on the radio that it (2) ------------------------(rain) .

B : Oh . If it rains , then I guess we (3) -------------------(stay) home . If we (4) -----------------

(stay) home , I (5) -----------------(call) you and invite you over to watch a video with us .

(5 point)

6 - ] Combine each phrase in Column A with a suitable phrase from columan B . Not all phrases in column B will be used .

                  A                                                             B

1 . He got the job despite                                        kind and thoughtful .

 2 . She was quite nervous , so                               he had so much experience .

3 . He seems well-educated ; however ,                I don’t like her .

4 . I hired him because                                          she didn’t do very well .

5 . She is not only beautiful and intelligent but   not having much experience .

                                                                                  he’s not very bright .

                                                                                   not very interesting .

(5 points)

7 - ] Choose a preposition from the following to fill the gaps . Not all prepositions will be used .

[ about - after - at - beyond - during - in - onto - out - to until ]

Today was definitely not my lucky day ! First , when I got (1) ------------------- the bust , I bumped my head . When I got (2) -------------work , my boss yelled at me . (3) ------------------

a hone call , I spilled coffee on some important papers ; (4) ----------------that , I accidentally deleted some important files on my computer . My bad luck continued (5) ----------------I went home . I hope tomorrow is a better day .

(5 points) 

184- ] English Literature

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