Grammar American & British

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 10 ]

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 10 ]

3-] The Importance of Sports .

The importance of sports in life is invaluable . It is said that a healthy mind can be found only in a healthy body . Sports also play a pivotal role in the make up of a young athlete , especially in      school . They develop not only the child’s physical faculty , but also his or her mental faculty .Exercises have to be done regularly for the proper functioning and development of our body .

         Sports also teach us good moral values . We can learn good qualities and attitudes of persons .  A good sportsman can take both victory and defeat alike . He is very patient . He accepts any              decision without grumbling.  He is well disciplined and well mannered . Also he is ready to accept  any challenge at any time . Sports teach us leadership qualities and the feeling of co0peration and work as a team . Sports also instill other values such as responsibility , self-confidence , sacrifice     and accountability . Television which may be the most influential tool in the lives of young adults does not show enough of these qualities nor the internet or radio . Rather it is up to the parents , teachers , sports teams , clubs and after school programs to help mold , develop and instill these qualities into the lives of student athletes .

               There are various kinds of sports whether they are team sports , pair sports or individual sports such as football , volleyball , tennis , swimming , karate , heavy weight lifting , boxing , canoeing , sailing , wrestling , running etc. In the past sports were not given a priority in schools . They were as extra-curricular activities . Now they are an integral part of education . In my        opinion sports must be made compulsory . Children should be encouraged to engage  in sports too . Otherwise our future generation will be weak and lethargic . The first thing we need is a good        core of  coaches that understand the great responsibility that is placed upon their shoulders to help shape and prepare the student athletes not only in sports but in their everyday lives as well . It is  their responsibility to help young student athletes make a smooth transition into society .

                Many governments in many countries have taken several steps to improve sports .There      is a separate Ministry in charge of sports .Sports clubs have been established throughout these countries . The most crucial thing to develop sports is the support that comes from the community and administration .In order to accomplish this , more investment is required . The more the investment , the better the results . I can attest that there is no greater investment than the future of our young student athlete .

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 9 ]

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 9 ]

2-]The Balanced Diet .

Experts worldwide agree that our diet must be balanced to keep healthy . They commonly determined the adequacy of a person’s diet by the amounts of calories and protein it provides , assuming that adequate vitamins and minerals are consumed as well . Protein is one of the chief nutrients found in food .It is needed to build and maintain body cells . Vitamins and minerals are  also nutrients as are carbohydrates [ starches and sugars ] and fats . Calories are units of energy supplied by food .Carbohydrates and fats normally provide most of the calories in the human diet . Protein supplies the rest .

     People who lack sufficient calories in their diet are said to be undernourished . A person whose diet seriously lacks any nutrient one who grossly over-consumes any nutrient is said to be malnourished . Protein deficiency is by far the most common type of malnutrition . Most people    who get insufficient protein in their diet also lack sufficient calories . To make up for a continuing lack of calories , the human body changes more and more protein into energy . As a result less  protein is available to build and maintain body cells .As many as 600 million people worldwide   suffer from protein-energy malnutrition .

         The number of calories a person needs each day depends on the person’s gender , age , body build and degree of physical activity . A husky house painter for example requires far more      calories than a slightly-built office worker .A moderately active adult male of average-built weight [ 66 to 79 ] needs about 2200 calories . Children and young people from 1 to 18 years of age requires an average of 1300 to 3000 calories depending on gender and age .

         Protein is made up of molecules called amino acids – they build and maintain body cells .   People differ in their protein requirements just as they do in their calorie requirements . The       adult males [ 60 – 80 ] need 38 – 60 grams of protein daily if the protein is entirely animal protein  . The extra protein provides added calories . If the calories exceed the amount required ,    the body stores the excess as fat .

         Vitamins and mineral salts are necessary for the vitality of the bod and protection from   diseases . The lack of vitamins leads to diseases such as scurvy .So , man must have balanced food that contains all the elements to keep healthy .

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 8 ]

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 8 ]

Chapter Two .

Writing An Article Or Essay .

An article is a piece of writing on a certain topic . It consists of some paragraphs . Each paragraph must have an idea with a key sentence expounded or explained . The paragraphs must be related to the main topic in an organic unity . The article must be interesting so as to attract the attention of the audience . To achieve interest all the rules of good writing as mentioned in drafting , revising and editing must be regarded .

Here are expounded examples of articles on different topics in various fields of life such as economic , medical , scientific , social , environmental or ecological etc. The student or the learner must study these essays well to benefit from them to enrich his / her knowledge , vocabulary , techniques of writing .

1-] How To Keep Fit And Healthy .

 Keeping healthy and fit is interrelated – what you do to be healthy keeps you fit at the same time .Doing simple , cost effective things to stay healthy  today will keep you from spending more       money and allow you to enjoy your life . The cost of treating chronic diseases can be debilitating enough to cause job loss ; it is cited as one of the top reasons why people go bankrupt . Plus you      can do this without having to spend too much on a gym membership , trainers or expensive nutritionists .

There are several important affordable ways to good health and fitness . The first and easiest step towards being fit is maintaining a good diet – a balanced diet . A diet that ensures you consume      more of fruits and vegetables and less meats and fatty food stuffs . Cut down on your caffeine and sugar intake . These food items cause diseases such as diabetes , high blood pressure and heart diseases . Drinking a lot of water and fresh fruit juices is highly recommended .

     Exercise and at the very least just walk is an important factor for good health and fitness . You need to move to burn calories to keep body just fine. Even a brisk walk is considered quite healthy , so if you can manage to a regular exercise regimen comprised of sustained activity of 30 minutes a day , you are in good shape . Exercise your body every day . Go for a swim or walk or jog or just   play a game of football or tennis . Your body needs a regular workout .

     Sleeping earlier and well is also a necessary factor to keep healthy and fit .When you are asleep , your body does its work , so let it do what it has to . Your body heals and repairs itself and does its regulatory job while you are snoozing . So, give it the rest it deserves to keep you chugging along   well the next day .

Trying your best no to get stressed out is part and parcel to the process of keeping healthy and fit . Stress has the same effects on your body as toxin would . Do away with your filthy vices such as smoking and drug addiction . Remember to keep washing , especially your hands , that protects     you from flu or an infection . In brief you must follow the rules of cleanliness . To conclude health   is better than wealth .

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 7 ]

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 7 ]

Paragraph Writing .

A paragraph is a group of sentences that tell about one main idea . The first line is indented or          set in from the margin . A paragraph topic is what the paragraph is about .

The main idea is what the author wants to say about the topic . Every sentence is related to              the main idea . A paragraph that expresses a writer’s thoughts or feelings is an opinion paragraph . Its main idea is the writer’s opinion . Supporting sentences usually follow the opinion statement       in an opinion paragraph . They support the opinion with reasons , answering the questions “ Why ?” about the writer’s opinion . The reasons in turn are supported by details such as facts and         examples .

Ordering Details : Reasons in an opinion paragraph are usually arranged from  most important to least important or from least important to most important . Transitional words and phrases such      as   “ first of all , moreover , furthermore , for example , finally and most important connect the supporting details .

The Concluding Sentences : It can restate the writer’s opinion in a new and interesting way or          make  a final comment or observation .

 To write a descriptive paragraph you should :

1-] decide what mood you want to create in the paragraph . 2-] write a strong topic sentence . 3-] orient the reader by presenting details in a logical order . 4-] select precise transition words .

To write an effective dialogue you should :

1-] let the characters speak for themselves 2-] use dialogue for a purpose

 3-] use language that sounds real and appropriate to the character 4-] use quotation marks appropriately .

Kinds of Writing :

1-] An article or an essay 2-] A short story 3-] A letter- personal [ friendly ] , business , application . 4-] An e-mail 5-] A memo.

What is mentioned before is necessary for the process of writing as a whole in all its kinds , but       every kind has some particular characteristics . So light will be shed again on some points of some kinds of writing .

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 6 ]

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 6 ]

4-] Editing / Proofreading : Fine-tuning Your Work .

During the editing stage , the goal is to get your writing ready to share with others . You want your finished product to be as nearly perfect as possible .


Checking Your Sentences For Errors .

Your first step is editing your sentences . Read them over carefully to check word choice and to identify any sentence fragments or run-on sentences .

Proofreading For Mechanics and Grammar .

After editing for sentence structure proofread for errors in mechanics – spelling , capitalization     and punctuation and grammar .

Once you proofread your draft , prepare a clean legible final copy. Read your work over one more time . If you find a small mistake , correct it neatly.

To edit your paper you should 1-] Check your paper word by word to see that you followed the conventions of written language – correct spelling , grammar , usage and punctuation . 2-] Look        for one kind of error at a time . 3-] Use proofreading symbols to mark your paper .

5-] Publishing / Presenting / Hearing Your Writing .

When you finish your writing , You will want to share it . Who will want to read it ? What is the    best way to present it to them ? Some of the best audiences are at school . You can submit a piece      to the school newspaper . Write the text for a bulletin-board display or create a poster to promote    an activity . Some people exchange letters and e-mails with others in other countries .

To present your finished work , you should :

1-] Prepare your work in the format that is best for your audience and purpose . 2-] Make your  paper as neat and attractive as you can .

Purpose of Writing .

The tools of a writer are words .The words must be chosen to suit the writer’s purpose and audience. When writers know who their readers are they can tailor their writing to their readers .

Purpose For Writing :

The writer in his writing must penpoint exactly the purpose of it whether : 1-] To describe 2-] To narrate 3-]To inform 4-]To persuade .So he must decide on his purpose whether to give information , narrate ,  tell a story to describe or to persuade . Then , he must brainstorm for topic ideas . He also must identify the audience for each of his topic ideas .

Composition & Essay Writing [ 5 ]

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 5 ]

Questions For Revising .

1-] Is my writing clear ?Does it make sense ? 2-] What is my purpose and do I accomplish it ? 

 3-] Have I chosen the best , most precise words to meet the needs of my audience ? 4-] Do I say enough about my idea ?5-] Have I maintained a consistent focus on my central idea ? 6-] Where     can I elaborate , adding details that will make my ideas clearer ?

To revise your draft you should .

1-] put yourself in the place of your audience and read over your draft using the above questions     2-] Have a writing conference . 3-] Make changes to your paper .

Revising Stage : Writing Unified Paragraphs .

As a writer you want to make sure that each paragraph has a single , clear focus and that the sentences work together . So you check for unity .

Checking For Unity .

A paragraph is unified if all its sentences work together to express one main idea . That main idea     is usually expressed in a topic sentence which may appear at the beginning or the end or even in     the middle of the paragraph . In revising , decide whether the main idea would be clearer , if you added or revised a topic sentence . Make sure that all the details support the main idea .

Revising Stage : Creating Sentence Fluency .

A good writer tries to produce a pleasing rhythm or fluency in his sentences.  Varying the length           and the structure of sentences gives writing this rhythm .

A-] Varying Sentence Structure .

One way to give your writing a pleasing rhythm is to vary your sentence structure . Instead of always beginning with a subject , start some sentences with an adverb , a prepositional phrase , a participial phrase or a subordinate clause .

B-] Varying Sentence Length .

Good writers avoid monotony . They do not string long sentences together . They avoid choppiness that results rom too many short sentences in a row .

To revise your draft for sentence fluency check 1-] a mixture of long and short sentences .                  2-] variety in the order of words and phrases 3-] sentences that can be combined to express ideas more clearly .

Composition & Essay Writing [ 4 ]

Composition & Essay Writing [ 4 ]

To organize your ideas you should 1-] State your central idea in a topic sentence 2-] Circle supporting ideas in your prewriting notes .3-] Add any new ideas you       have . 4-] Plan how you will organize your writing .

Start YourDraft .

One place to begin drafting is at the beginning , with an introduction . Leads or openings             are important . A writer must create interest and make readers want to keep reading . Try         out  some techniques that professionals use in writing leads . You can ask a question ,              present an unusual detail or use a dramatic quotation . Be sure to state the central idea      clearly and explain what will follow . Not all writers begin at the beginning . Some start on a part that seems easier to write . Others tackle their conclusions first . Drafting means  trying options and taking chances .You may get stuck .To get unstuck try one of such these           strategies . -] Draw a picture about your topic 2-] Have a healthful snack . 3-] Free write in your journal . 4-] Take a walk or ride your bike .

To create a draft you should 1-] decide where to start with the lead or in the middle  2-] let   your ideas flow .

3-]Revising / Editing .[ Taking a fresh look].

It aims at improving content , structure and flow of your writing .When you revise , you       take a fresh look at your writing and refine it . After you finish your first draft , put it aside   for a time – at least a day , if possible . When you read your draft again , you will have              a better idea about how your writing will sound to readers .

Revise For Clarity and Sense .

Begin by reading aloud . Ask yourself “ Is this clear ? Does it make sense ? Have I chosen          the right words ?

The revising stage is a good time to consider whether you used the best words . You can            use a thesaurus in book form or on a computer to find words that say exactly what you          mean .

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...