Grammar American & British

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Conversation & Dialogues [ 6 ]

6- ] Conversation & Dialogue .

Telephone Call .

Receptionist : 22564821 . Good afternoon .

Ahmad : Good afternoon . Can I speak to Mr. Khaled , please ?

Receptionist : Certainly , sir . Mr. Khaled . There’s a call for you .

Ahmad : Mr. Khaled . Is that Mr. Khaled ?

Mr Khaled : Yes , this is Mr. Khaled speaking . Who’s that ? Who’s calling ?

Ahmad : It’s Ahmad here .

Mr Khaled : Hello , Ahmad . How are you ?

Ahmad : I’m very well , thank you . And you ?

Mr Khaled : Fine , thanks . Can I come and see you this afternoon or this evening ?

Ahmad : Well , shall I come and see you ?

Mr Khaled : Yes , all right . Come to my hotel this evening .

Ahmad : Where are you staying ?

Mr Khaled : At Hilton Hotel . It’s in Tahrir Square . I’m in room 432 .

Ahmad : Room 432 . Fine . Shall I come at six o’clock ?

Mr Khaled : All right . I’ll see you at six o’clock . Goodbye .

Ahmad : Goodbye .


Woman : Yes , who are you ?

Ahmad : My name’s Ahmad . Is Mr. Khaled there ?

Woman: No , he isn’t . This is my room and my name’s Salma Saad .

Ahmad : But this is room 432 , isn’t it ?

Woman : No , it isn’t . This is room 482 .

Ahmad : Oh , I’m sorry .

Woman : It doesn’t matter .


Secretary :Hello . Haze’s office .

Mr. Saleem : Is Mr. Hazem there , please ?

Secretary : I’m afraid Mr. Hazem is out .

Mr. Saleem : Out ?

Secretary : Yes , he’s out . He’s gone to lunch . He’s gone to a restaurant , I think .

Mr. Saleem : When is he coming back , please ?

Secretary : He’s coming back at two o’clock . Sorry . He isn’t coming back at two . He’s     coming back      at three . Can I take a message for him ?

Mr. Saleem : No , thank you .


Mr. Saleem : Excuse me . I’m looking for Mr. Hazem .

Waiter : Mr. Hazem ? He’s having lunch with some friends . They’re outside .


Plumber : Hello ? Plumbing service .

Woman : Hello , I’ve got a problem with the sink in the kitchen .

Plumber ; What’s wrong with it ?

Woman : I can’t turn the water off . The tap’s leaking .

Plumber : Have you turned the water off at the mains ?

Woman : I’ve tried . But the tap doesn’t work . Can you send someone round to look at it ?

Plumber : I’ll send someone to look at it immediately . What’s the name and address , please ?


Telephone Messages .

Secretary : Good morning , Nasr Industries .

Mr . Shawkat : Hello . May I speak to Mr. Ezzat , please ?

Secretary : I’m sorry . He’s not in . Can I take a message ?

Mr . Shawkat : Yes , please . This is Mr.  Shawkat .

Secretary : Is that Mr.  Shawkat ?

Mr Shawkat : Yes .

Secretary : All right .

Mr Shawkat : Please tell him our meeting is on Friday at 7 .

Secretay :Friday at 7 .

Mr Shawkat : And would you ask him to call me this afternoon ?My number is 01156932490 .

Secretay : 01156932490 . Yes , Mr. .Shawkat . I’ll give Mr.  Ezzat the message .

Mr . Shawkat : Thank you . Goodbye .

Secretary : Goodbye .

Conversation & Dialogue . [ 5 ]

5- ] Conversation & Dialogue .

Meetings .

Mrs. Soad : Good morning . I want to see Mr. Mahmoud , please ?

Mrs. Sabah : Good morning , Mrs. Soad .

Mrs. Soad : Soad . My name’s Soad .

Secretary : Mrs. Soad or Miss. Soad ?

Mrs. Soad : Mrs. Soad .

Secretary : Mrs. Soad to see you Mr. Mahmoud .

Mr. Mahmoud : Good morning , Mrs. Soad . Good morning Mrs. Sabah . Come into my office .  Now , what can I do for you ?


Secretary : Good morning , sir . What can I do for you ?

Salman : Good morning . I want to see Mr. Mahmoud , please .

Secretary : I’m sorry , sir . I’m afraid you can’t see him now . He’s with Mrs. Soad .


Mr. Shaker : I want to speak to Mr. Mahmoud , please ?

Secretary : Can I have your name , please ? Mr. Shaker to see you , Mr. Mahmoud.

What can I do for you ? I’m afraid you can’t see him now . He’s with Mr. Salman .


Conversation & Dialogue [ 4 ]

4-] Conversation & Dialogue 

The Secret Agent .

Police Agent : Ah , ah …Hallo , hallo . This is agent 009 speaking . Are you receiving me ?      Are you receiving me ?

Boss : Yes , yes . We’re receiving you , 009 .

Agent : Oh good .

Boss : Well , where are you ?

Agent : I’m standing in the airport –

Boss : Come on , 009 , you’re a secret agent , not a reporter . Where is the kidnapper ? Are       you following him ?

Agent : Yes , I am , I can see him .

Boss : What’s he wearing ?

Agent : He’s wearing a blue jacket .

Boss : Jacket , yes .

Agent : And blue trousers .

Boss : Trousers , yes . And what’s he doing ?

Agent : He’s ….er ….er ……reading a book .

Boss : Book , yes .

Agent : And he’s smoking a cigarette .

Boss ; Is He carrying a bag ?

Agent : A bag ? Er , yes , yes , he is . A black bag .

Boss : Black bag , yes .

Agent : Now he’s standing up –

Boss : Yes ?

Agent : And he’s coming over to ---- Now he’s walking . Hallo , hallo , this is 009 . Ah hallo !           Are you receiving me ?

Boss : Yes , yes , 009 . Where are you now ?

Agent : I’m in the street .

Boss : He’s in the street !

Agent : Yes , in the main street .

Boss : And where is the kidnapper ? Are you still following him ?

Agent : Yes , I am . I can see him .

Boss : What’s he doing ?

Agent : He’s ….he’s …….he’s walking ----

Boss : Yes , yes . Is he still carrying the bag ?

Agent : Er , no , he isn’t . Now he’s running , so I’m running .


Woman : Constable . Help ! Help !

Police Constable : Yes , madam . May I be of assistance ?

Woman : My handbag . It’s gone . It’s been stolen .

Police Constable : Oh dear ! Er , well , yes …. When ? Ans where ?

Woman : Just now . At the bus stop . I put it down for a moment , and when I turned round ---

Police Constable : Can you describe it in detail ?

Woman : It’s gone . Oh ! What shall I do ?

Police Constable : Now , now madam . Calm down . Everything will be all right . Now , er . Your handbag . What was it like ?

Woman : Brown . Er , brown leather . With a long strap . And a zip .

Police Constable : A zip . Anything else ?

Woman : And it had writing on it in white .

Police Constable : And , er , what was in it ? Can you describe the contents ?

Woman : Well , there was my passport , all my money , my driving license – everything.

Police Constable : Mm . Would you like to accompany me to the station ? I think we should report it . But don’t worry , madam . Don’t worry …

[ At the police station ]

Police Constable : Well , somebody handed the bag in . Nothing was stolen . Just a mistake . You can have your bag back .

Woman : Thank you , sir .


Conversation & Dialogue [ 3 ]

3- ] Conversation & Dialogue .

At The Police Station .

Sergeant :His name is Shams Hamdan . He was born in this town and he went to the local school around the corner . He was there from September until October 2004 . But he didn’t like the school .

Citizen : No ?

Sergeant : No . And there isn’t a school there now . There was a fire , you see . In October     2004 . A big fire , and no more school .

Sergeant : Do you think he is married ?

Citizen : I don’t know , sergeant .


Citizen : He said his name was Antar Shadeed . And he said he used to live in Kalubia.

He lives in Cairo , now really . He’s a student at the university . He told me that he took      exams last week .

Sergeant : He old you all that ?

Citizen : Yes .

Sergeant : So , he said he was a student a Cairo University .

Citizen : That’s right . And I’m sure he is , sergeant . He’s very nice .


Sergeant : What do they want o know ?

 Detective : It says , “Person taking course , please give full name ….”

Sergeant : Full name . Yes .

Detective : “Address and telephone number .”

Sergeant : Yes .

Detective : They want to know if the person is married or single , male or female .

Sergeant : Right . I’ve got that .

Detective : And they want to know the date and place of birth .

Sergeant : OK .

Detective : Now , what’s this ? Oh , yes . They want to know if you’ve done any courses before .


Wife : This is our stop , isn’t it ?

Husband : Yes , yes , it is . Hurry up or we’ll have to stay until the next one .

[ They got off the bus ]

Now , where’s that museum ? Do you have the map ?

Wife : My bag ! It’s on the bus . I’ve left it on the bus .

Husband : Well , we can’t do anything now .

Wife : Where’s the Lost Property Office ?

Husband : At the station . I think I saw it there .

Wife : Our passports are in that bag . And our money .

Husband : Is that all ? Nothing important . Only money and passports ?

Wife : I’m sorry . But what about the passports ? Should we report the bag to the police ?

Husband : Not yet .

Wife : Well , we should let our consulate know .

Husband : Not yet . We’ll go to the Lost Property Office first , and then see .

[ At the Lost Property Office ]

Wife : Good morning . Has a brown leather bag been handed in ?

Clerk : Do you have any identification ?

Husband : Our passports .

Wife : But they’re in the bag .

Clerk : A lost property claims will be considered only after identity has been established .

Wife : This is ridiculous .

Husband : Absolutely ridiculous . Look , our passports are in the bag . And how can we—

Clerk : Do you have anything else ?

Husband : Nothing .

Clerk : Hmm . When exactly did you lose it ?

Husband : Exactly ? I don’t know exactly . Why ?

Clerk : Well , articles must be reclaimed within seven days of the loss .

Wife : Oh , well , we only lost it yesterday .

Clerk : And which bus were you on ?

Husband : The 12…Hey , there it is ! There . You see ?

Wife : Yes , it’s that one . The brown one .

Clerk : This one ?

Wife : Yes .

Clerk : Now , can you tell me what was in it ?

Wife : Passports , money , maps , handkerchiefs , make-up , pens ….


Monday, July 13, 2020

Composition & Essay Writing . [ 30 ]

30- ] Composition & Essay Writing .

27-] Wars .

                           Many things can cause a war like race , religion , domination and even simple idea rejections . All civilized and non-civilized governments , whatever may be their professions act on the principle that extension of territory and the absorption of adjacent or remote lands , so as to increase both the extend of country and the population over which they have away is a good in itself , quite irrespective of the consent of the peoples so absorbed and governed and even when the peoples are alien in race , in language and religion . They declare that such conquest and absorption is necessary for the national safety , for the increase of trade and for many other reasons .

                      The conditions which almost inevitably lead to war are the existence of specialized ruling and military classes to whom the possession of power and the excitements and rewards of successful war are the great interests of life . So long as the people permit these distinct and independent classes to exist and more than this continue to look up to them as superiors and as necessary for the proper government of the country and for the effective protection of individual and national freedom so long will these rules continue to make wars .

                           Almost without exception every war of modern times has been a dynastic war – a war conceived and carried out in the interests of the governing classes , but having no relation whatever to the well-being of the people who have been forced to fight each other . In every case the people suffer the loss or disablement of sons , husbands and fathers by the destruction of crops , houses and other property and by increased taxation due to the increase of armaments . Hence , the material and moral interests of the mass of the people of every country are wholly opposed to war , except in the one case of defending their country against invasion and conquest . Except in very rare cases a plebiscite fairly taken would decide against any other than a defensive war .

                            The casualties in World WAR 1 were about 11 million and the World War 11 were about 59 million . The financial cost of the World War 1 adjusted for 1990 dollar values was 196.0 billion dollars and the World War 11 2.093 billion dollars . The cost of Iraq war only up till 2009 was about 800 billion dollars .

                           God created Adam and Eve and their descendants to construct the Earth not to destroy it . To achieve that they must cooperate and live in love and peace not hatred , greed and war .


28-] Tourism .

Tourism nowadays is one of the most popular ways of spending free time . From educational point of view travelling lets people see the world , other peoples , cultures and traditions .

                           Travel and tourism take many different forms , from a trip only a few hours away from home to long distance travel overseas . In most countries the domestic tourism market is larger than the inbound market . Whether tourism is domestic or international , it involves visiting a destination away from the area in which one lives and using the services available in that destination .

                      What makes tourism special is that many of the different products and services in the field of tourism and travel are often supplied by different operators usually small or medium sized businesses in local ownership . This makes tourism a highly fragmented and diverse industry and so coordinated , industry-wide action is difficult to achieve .

                     Travel and tourism are the world’s largest industry and creator of jobs across national and regional economics . Jobs generated by travel and tourism are spread across the economy in retail , construction , manufacturing and telecommunications as well as directly in travel and tourism companies .To a greater degree than most activities travel and tourism depend on a wide range of infrastructure services  - airports , air navigation , roads , railways and ports as well as basic infrastructure services required by hotels , restaurants , shops and recreation facilities .

                   Travel and tourism create besides jobs wealth and have tremendous potential to contribute to economically , environmentally and socially sustainable development in both developed countries and emerging nations . They have a comparative advantage in that their start up and running costs can be less compared to many other forms of industry development .

                      Tourism is a labor intensive industry and creates many job opportunities , especially for young people and part-time and full-time workers . In the tourism and hospitality and recreation industries alone , there are 50 categories of employment and approximately 200 classifications of occupations . Tourism can provide diversification making the local economy less reliant on a traditional base – e. g. agriculture and mining . Tourism creates opportunities for the establishment of new products , facilities and services and expansion of existing businesses .

                     The economical aspects also play a huge role in domestic market economy . Lots of people work in the tourist sector . What is more there are some countries like Malta where tourism is the basis for all its revenue . The World Tourism Council estimates that travel and tourism provides employment for more than 100 million people worldwide [ that is one in 16 workers ] and is responsible for over 7 % of the worldwide capital investment .

                        If travel and tourism are managed badly , they can have detrimental effect – fragile environments can be damaged and local cultures can be destroyed for example , the beaches of the Mediterranean Sea during summer and the monumental sites . These places require protective measures . But there are numerous good examples of where travel and tourism are acting as a catalyst for conservation and improvement of the environment and maintenance of local diversity and culture . There is a new kind of tourism friendly to the environment called eco-tourism – it preserves and maintain the environment .

                       Despite the difficulties caused by fragmentation and lengthy supply chains , there has been a steady growth in environmental good practice across the industry in recent years . There are examples of airlines and airports reducing pollution and noise impacts , cruise liners practicing marine conservation , hotels implementing energy consumption and waste disposal programs . There are excellent initiatives to improve the environmental management of travel and tourism businesses .

184- ] English Literature

184- ] English Literature Jane Austen  Austen’s novels: an overview Jane Austen’s three early novels form a distinct group in which a stro...